chapter ten
I WAS STTTING IN my office thinking about Susan. I had left the door ajar to encourage impulse buyers, and to keep an eye on Lila the receptionist in the interior design showroom across the hall. I had no carnal interest in Lila, but I liked to keep track of her costumes. Today she was wearing a white turtleneck and farmer overalls and high-heeled sneakers. She had stopped spiking her hair a while ago, though she still kept the metallic streaks, and it now lay waveless and long, below her shoulders.
My view of Lila was obliterated by a tall fat man who came through the open door of my office followed by a short thick man with a small head. The fat man was wearing a shiny leather jacket, necessarily unzipped, with a white shirt under. The collar points of his shirt were carefully folded out over the jacket collar. He was clean shaven and his black hair was slicked back. He had a freshly washed pink moist look to his face, like he'd just come from a steam bath. The short guy was very thick. His neck was wider than his head, and his lats were so swollen that his arms made an A line out from his body. He had on a white dress shirt buttoned to the neck.
"You Spenser?" the fat man said. His voice was raspy and high.
"Yes I am," I said.
The fat man closed the door behind him and the short thick guy leaned on it with his arms folded. Don't they all.
"We got a business arrangement to discuss with you," the fat man said.
I nodded toward one of my client chairs. The fat man ignored me. Probably wouldn't have fit in it anyway.
"You're working on a thing," the fat man said. "And we want you to stop."
"Which thing you have in mind?" I said.
"Thing with ah, Sterling, thing about the sexual harassing."
"You want me to stop looking into that?"
"What's in it for me?"
"I been authorized to pay you for your time," the fat man said. He pronounced it autorized. "And also, like, a bonus."
"Sort of an outplacement package," I said.
"Whatever," the fat man said.
"How much you authorized to pay?" I said.
"A week's work at your standard rate, and a grand bonus."
"Who do you represent?" I said.
"I ain't authorized to tell you that."
"And what if I decline?"
"What if I tell you to buzz off?"
"You get a bad beating."
I nodded thoughtfully.
"Buzz off," I said.
The fat guy looked startled. His buddy with the undersized head didn't look anything.
"You think we're fooling around?"
"I think you can't pull it off," I said.
"'The two of us against you?" the fat guy said.
"Doesn't seem fair," I said, "does it. Maybe if I kept one hand in my pocket."
"Fun-ny," the fat man said. "Is he a funny guy, Bullet?"
Bullet didn't comment on whether I was funny or not.
"Last chance," the fat man said. "Take the deal or the beating."
I stood up behind my desk. "Buzz off," I said.
"Bullet," the fat man said.
Bullet left the door and walked toward me. He seemed to be walking on the balls of his feet. He moved lightly for a guy as wide as he was. As he came around the desk after me, I moved to my left, keeping the desk between us. The fat man stood back a little. Probably didn't want my blood splattering all over his white shirt. Now Bullet was behind my desk and I was in front of it. The fat man took another half step back to stay out of the way. He was amused at the ring around that I was playing with Bullet. I did a sharp half turn with my upper body and hit the fat man with my elbow on his right cheek and turned back toward Bullet who came in a rush angling to cut me off before I got the desk between us again, but I didn't try to get the desk between us. I kicked him in the groin instead and turned back toward the fat man and hit him a left, right combination and the fat man went back against the wall and slid slowly down it to slump on the floor with his legs splayed out in front of him as I spun back again to Bullet. He was down, so I took my gun off my hip and went and sat on the edge of my desk. The fat guy was sitting against the wall beside the door staring at nothing, waiting for his head to clear. There was a red mouse under his right eye that would darken and enlarge over the next few days. Bullet lay silently on his side. I knew what he was doing. He was waiting for the waves of crampy pain to stop. But he showed no sign that he was in pain. He showed no sign of anything. He simply lay motionless on his side with his knees bent. I sat on the edge of my desk and held my gun without pointing it and waited and didn't say anything.
"Okay," the fat man said after a while. "Okay."
I nodded helpfully.
"You sucker punched me," he said.
His right eye was beginning to narrow as the mouse under it continued to expand.
"Yes," I said. "I did."
He nodded his head slowly. His eyes were still dull as he looked at me.
"Okay," he said. "So you get the beating another day."
"I like optimism," I said.
"Oh, you'll get it," the fat guy said. "Bullet and me maybe misjudged you a little. Nobody told us you'd be a hard case. But next time we'll know that, won't we, Bullet?"
Bullet had recovered enough to sit up with his back to me. He didn't say anything. The fat guy nodded as if Bullet had answered.
"Yeah. We'll come at it a little different," he said. "Next time."
"Might want to bring more people," I said. "Even the odds up a little."
"We can bring more people, we need to," the fat man said. "We got some people we could bring, huh, Bullet?"
Bullet got himself slowly onto his feet and walked flatfooted now, and much less lightly over to the fat man and put down a hand and pulled the fat man to his feet.
"You've bought yourself a lotta trouble, pal," the fat man said.
"All part of the service," I said.
"You sure you don't want to think about this," the fat guy said. "A week's pay plus a grand?"
"Buzz off," I said.
Again the fat man shrugged.
"Okay by me," he said. "Bullet 'n me would just as soon beat the crap out of you anyway. Which we will do at another time. Right, Bullet?"
Bullet stood silently holding the door. His eyes were very small and they were very close to his nose.
"See you around," the fat man said and walked out. Bullet followed him. Neither of them was moving very briskly. Their footsteps receded and paused. I heard the elevator. I heard the elevator doors open and shut. I got up and walked to the door and checked the corridor. They had, in fact, buzzed off.
I walked back to my desk and put the Smith & Wesson on my blotter and sat down with my feet up and thought about their offer.