Clint Laws turned his big Suburban into the parking lot of Garin’s hotel and stopped at the entrance.
“Where you headed from here?” Garin asked.
“A little R and R at Kings Canyon, then back to the Ranch.”
“Any last words of wisdom?”
“Plenty, but your peanut brain couldn’t remember them all.”
“Then give me the condensed version.”
“You should expect that they’re coming after Omega, Chief.”
“Don’t know.”
“Why Omega?”
“Looks like someone’s compromising tier-one operations. If that’s the case, Omega’s the grand prize. So keep your eyes open. Take nothing for granted. Make sure your team’s on alert, but don’t communicate in any way that can be monitored or intercepted. I’ll try to find out as much as I can when I get back to the Ranch. In the meantime, keep your eyes open.”
“You said that already.”
“Make sure you remember it.”
Garin opened the car door. “Talk to you later.”
As Garin entered the hotel, Laws drove out of the lot. Even if he had kept his own counsel, he would not have noticed the black 2009 Ford Taurus, Arizona tags RG53588, parked with its lights off in the darkened lot across the street.