JULY 17 5:32 P.M. EDT

Garin was proceeding north on I-95 toward Washington after disconnecting with Olivia, but the rush-hour traffic was at its usual crawl. He placed a call to information using the SUV’s hands-free feature and requested the general number for the Hart Senate Office Building. Within moments, he was connected and an operator cheerfully answered, “Hart Senate Office Building. How may I direct your call?”

“Julian Day.”

“One moment, please.”

A few seconds later: “Office of Chief Counsel.”

“May I speak with Mr. Day, please?” Garin asked.

“I’m sorry. Mr. Day has left for the day. Can I take a message or send you to his voice mail?”

“No, thank you. Do you know if I can reach Mr. Day at home?”

“I’m sorry, sir, I can’t provide you with that information.”

“I understand,” Garin said. “This is Dan Dwyer.”

“Yes, Mr. Dwyer. How are you?”

“Fine, thank you. Mr. Day asked me to get in touch with him immediately if I heard from a man by the name of Mike Garin.”


“Well, I was just in contact with him regarding a matter of some urgency. I need to contact Mr. Day at once.”

“Of course, Mr. Dwyer. I’m sure Mr. Day will want to speak with you right away. He’s at home. I can connect you to his cell or home number.

“Mr. Dwyer?”
