"You know Jenny Mape?"

Jack was still stroking his cock meat. Clint had unfastened the chains that had held Susan prisoner for so long. Now on the floor, the sobbing woman brushed her full blonde hair from her eyes, staring wildly at the two teens before her.


Susan's mind was still not functioning properly. The beating, the fucking, everything that had happened to her this evening had sadly disrupted her normally orderly mind.

"Mape," Jack finished. "She's a little redhead with big tits. Always runnin' around with all the answers. She's got a Goddamned good set of tits and legs, though. Always wanted to fuck that little bitch."

"Me too. Thought about drivin' my cock right into her mouth. That pretty little ruby rosebud mouth," Clint said, rubbing his cock with one hand. "Yeah, it's gonna stretch real nice around my cock after I get through fuckin' her mouth with it."


Susan shook her head, unable to fully understand what they were saying or implying.

"We want you to get that little bitch over her somehow in a couple of days. I don't care how you do it," Jack said, sneering at her. "But you're gonna have her here. Then we'll have a nice party – just the four of us."

"No. Doing things… things with me is one thing," Susan said haltingly. "But not with her. I can't have you take her into something like… like this!"

Jack smirked at her.

"You don't understand, do you? You ain't got much of a choice. We got you here and we're gonna make sure you do what we say."

"No, not that. Never!"

"Never, bitch?"

Jack slapped her hard, the blow knocking Susan back. Her body snapped against the floor, Jack's fingers burning into her cheek. Let them do what they would to her. Never, never would she let herself sink to the level of bringing one of her students here so Jack and Clint could rape her! Never!

Another blow, this one stunning the blonde. Susan rolled to her right side, one hand raised above her head.

"You fucked her in the ass. Now I'm gonna fuck her in the pussy – but the hard way."

Susan half-heard his words. Then suddenly she felt the two teens pulling her up under her arms. Shaking off the forced stupor, Susan began kicking and biting, writhing in their grip. God only knows where all this was going to lead her. They were going to use her as a kind, of pimp. No, no, she would never go that way.

"Nooo, lemme go!"

They dragged her across the floor, knocking her head against a supporting concrete pillar. She felt her knees scraping over the uneven floor as they finally pulled her to the water heater. Clint and Jack let go, leaving her sprawled in front of the tall warm cylinder. She stretched out one hand, curling her fingers around the warm iron support stand. It some [missing text].

"Get the rope," Jack said.

Clint moved around, pulling out some half-inch clothesline from a small box. Susan felt them pulling her hands back, feeling the rope wrapped in a figure-eight fashion around the chafed areas of her wrists.

"Can never tell about his one. She's gonna try to bolt if we let 'em?"

"Man, she's still hot." Jack said, running one hand down around her ass to touch her asshole. "Damn!"

"What you gonna do?"

Jack grinned, pulling out a pack of crushed cigarettes and tapping one out. He fished out some matches, then struck one, lighting the tobacco. Susan coughed, the acrid smell of the blue smoke choking her. What were they doing back there?

"You gonna change your mind about Jenny? Gonna cooperate and get the little bitch over here when we say?"

"No! I told you I wouldn't and I meant it," Susan reported.

"Then we're gonna have to convince you, I guess."

Jack inhaled sharply, the tip of his cigarette glowing bright red as be bent forward over her. Susan coughed again, her heart starting to pound furiously. She instinctively knew what he was going to do. Tensing, she could feel the heat of that cigarette burning into her back.

"You got real nice skin. Too bad you don't wanna take care of it."

Jack pulled the cigarette from his mouth, flicking off the bot ash next to her, then puffed some mote. The blue smoke began gathering around Susan's bead, choking her. How she loathed cigarette smoke! And now she couldn't get away from it.

Jack brought the burning cigarette down to her ass, dropping it so close she could feel the burning embers against her flesh. Susan trembled, her flesh dampening with sweat. Her nipples began to stiffen once more as Jack moved the cigarette to her left thigh, letting it fall down until the blackened red ash touched her bulging tendon.


Susan closed her eyes, certain he was going to burn her to death. Jack drew the ash down, down along her thigh, then back up the other one until he was moving it close to her cunt. The woman cried out, her eyes rounding, opening, staring wildly ahead of her.


Jack pushed the cigarette up to her cuntal hairs. He watched with some delight as the blonde curls blackened under the intense heat curling down to her goose-fleshed cuntmeat.

Susan trembled, her ass cheeks flexing while her knees dragged against the concrete floor. Jack moved the cigarette up a little more, this time the glowing ember nearly touching her pussy. Susan whimpered, her nostrils burning with the oxygen she sucked in.


The young man moved the cigarette away for an instant, then brought it back, touching her right nipple with the glowing tip.


The pain was tremendous and immediate. Susan wrenched her head around, snapping her body forward. The resulting movement drove her hard against the water heater and Susan thought she would surely faint from the pain. Her howls filled the room as the woman desperately tried jerking her tits away from the hurting, burning thing.

"That's only a sample."

The cigarette was drawn away. Susan slumped down against the floor, her ass high in the air. She would have surely slipped into a stupor of pain if it hadn't been for the terror knifing through her heart. The cigarette was back at her pussy. He was burning her cuntal hairs, then moving the burning tip around until it was centered right above her winking cunthole.

"Oh, don't do this to me! You're going to hurt me," Susan waited, waggling her ass from side to side.

More beads of cold perspiration trickled down from her forehead as she felt the heat increasing. The woman tensed her body, breathing in long, heavy breaths. Jack laughed a short, cruel snort, then dropped the cigarette against the muscle just below her clit.


Susan thought the world had exploded around her. She screamed like a wild woman, hearing the cigarette hiss out from her flowing juices. Again the teacher bucked forward, slamming her head against the water heater. Sweat had made her naked ass glisten. The young woman screamed and screamed, that burning agony in her cunt seeming to go on forever.

"Man, you think she came with that?" Clint asked.

"Naw. But she's close, real close," Jack observed, swatting Susan on the ass with his right hand.

Finally Susan's cries died to moans and sobs of fear. She had never felt pain like that in her life. Never! And now they had her crouched down here in front of the water heater, her hands roped together.

"Lemme warm 'er up again, then fuck her. Looks like she needs somethin' back up her cunt or she's gonna go clean outta her mind."

Susan the hiss of leather being scraped along the fabric of his trousers. Jack had pushed the belt back into his Levi's earlier and now he was taking it out again, doubling it, getting ready to beat her with it. Susan cried, chewing down on her lower lip until she tasted blood.


The leather hissed in the air, slicing through the darkening shadows. In a second it came down, the doubled edge slapping hard against her naked flesh. Susan wailed, her asscheeks jiggling from the force of that hard blow. It jarred her head, forcing her to buck forward and strike her forehead yet again against the water heater.

"This one's for all the Goddamned homework you give and expect us to do."

The belt came down with a resounding thwack right between her full ass cheeks. The woman cried out, tears spurting to her eyes while her lips twisted open to cunt a pained howl. Jack kept on bring the doubled belt down, more and more careful from now on to make the leather kiss the flesh close to her pussy.


Susan couldn't believe the amount of pleasure her pussy was drawing from his beating.

Every time that awful belt sliced into her flesh, the woman felt sparks of hot delight showering into her cunt, making her clit feel so hot, so achingly good!

"And this one's for bein' such a Goddamned Clint about letin' us have some fun around the school. Christ, you're nothin' but a bitch on that!"

Susan tightened her ass. Gooseflesh erupted again, puckering her white, whip-striped flesh. Susan could feel her cunt snapping and her clit tingling. She was waiting anxiously for the next blow.


It came with a vengeance, slicing into her flesh and grooving a long red mark across her ass. Susan let out another sharp cry. Swirls of light exploded again and again behind her eyes while her cunt dampened with more juice.

Susan discovered that by opening her legs then closing them, she could start jerking herself off while Jack was beating her. Up and down, up and down the woman started moving her ass, feeling that sexy rub of her cunt lips against one another. Relaxing her hips, the woman let the next blow ripple over her ass.


The blow made her snap her head back, the leather slapping against both ass cheeks. Her spine was straight, her head tilted back at a sharp angle. It was as if the belt were a hammer, pounding her into the cellar floor. She couldn't stand it with one part of her mind and she couldn't get enough of it with the other.

"Now gonna go in. Yeah, she's all wet down there, just like you said before," Jack said, feeling her up and down with one hand.

Her body was striped with red from the heavy belting she had received. And now they were going to humiliate her further by this fuck. Susan hung her head down, shaking it from side to side as Jack hunkered like an animal behind her, holding her thighs as Clint had.

"No ass-fuck… no!" Susan groaned, tensing her thigh muscles.

"Not into that, baby, especially when I got pussy as good as yours right here."

Susan felt the blind stabs of his fat cock against her cuntlips. She ground her teeth together, not believing the hot tension she felt exploding around her clit. He was going to fuck her and how she wanted it. Teasing her now, Jack finally centered his prickhead over her cunthole, rubbing the tip against her clit. Susan let out muffled grunting sounds, wagging her ass high hi the air as if she were a dog. Jack stretched his hands forward, cupping her tits, squeezing them so hard she let out another cry. Then, with a greasy, slippery slide, the head of his cock popped past the tense, eager ring of her cuntal mouth.

"Yaghhhhh… ohhhh nooooo!"

It was like gorging on a cockmeat feast! Susan felt herself melting with sensuality. Good, so very, very good. All that mattered now was that his cock was inside her, ramming down farther.

Jack pulled back a little, tugging at her cunt lips. Then he shifted gears and started squeezing his cock meat back into her cunt hole. Helping, Susan contracted her cunt muscles, milking lightly at him without moving her hips. She heard Jack moan appreciatively.

"Man she's hotter 'n I thought she'd be," Jack groaned. "This one's gonna try up my cock. Christ, she's juicin' like crazy!"

"Oh, oh ohhhhh…"

"C'mon, baby. I wanna hear you beg for it. Come on, I wanna get high and hear you beg for my cock. You want it had and you know it," Jack taunted.

He rubbed his fingers over her nipples until Susan thought she would pass out from the high sensations racing through her body. But no, she couldn't sink that low, tellin' her students that, she wanted that cock.

"No, no!"

"Oh yeah, you wanna say it, wanna say it real bad."

Jack leaned forward, pressing his cock hard against her clit while rolling both nipples around between his fingers. Susan bounced and pranced her ass around and around in the air, sobbing out her frustration and her delight while rubbing her forehead against the white porcelain surface of the water heater.

"Can't… oh, don't you see? Oh God, God," Susan moaned.

"Fuck it out, baby, fuck."

The rising heat in her cunt was taking over everything in her mind. What Jack was telling her sank in deeper, took over all her thoughts. She opened her mouth and could only say what she was instructed to.

"Fuck… oh yes, fuck me! Oh, it's so good, so very good having you fuck me," Susan admitted.

"C'mon, Clint, get a good picture of this… me fuckin' the teach doggie-style and her roped up and all. This is gonna make 'em feel real nice about their teacher at the PTA," Jack leered.

There was another blinding shot, followed by that familiar whirring sound of the developing film easing from the camera. Susan didn't care about that any longer, however. AR that counted now was Jack's cock. He was pulling his prick outward now until the ridge around the knob tugged at her outer cunt muscles. Then back in, his belly slapping against her ass, his cock drilling into her with a loud squishing sound. In and out, in and out, faster and faster until Susan felt the mass of sexual tension swelling like a balloon in her belly. She let out a whooshing sound, wagging her ass, then shoving it back against Jack's flat, muscled belly.

"Man, can't get enough of my prick, eh? It's real hot and hard. She likes it that way."

Susan felt him digging his fingernails into her whipped ass. He spread the cheeks wide apart, moving one finger down to her cum smeared asshole. When he wiped away some of his buddy's jizz, Jack slipped his right forefinger all the way into her ass. Susan let out a sharp cry, nearly jerking her cunt off his prick.


"You didn't mind my ol' buddy over there fuckin' your ass before. Just a finger now."

Jack moved his finger around like a screw, his nail scraping her cum-slicked asshole lining. Mound and around he moved it, each downward thrust shoving her forward, knocking the wind from her lungs.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck…"

Susan's mind whirled around like a merry-go-round now as she tossed her hips around in wild abandon. Her tits ached from the squeezing tension while her nipples were nearly torn off by Jack's frantic fingering. The woman felt the simmering heat in her pussy climb toward her brain. It rose steadily like the red mercury in an overheated thermometer. As it drove up toward her head, she started holding her breath. She could feel the cum starting to make all her muscles tense like springs being over wound, ready to cut loose with incredible energy!

"Man, oh man, gonna fuck it out… gonna cum my brains out with this broad!" Jack panted, slapping her ass.

A wild, angry fire started at the mouth of her cunthole. A gathering rush of wild excitement began at the same time, burning through her, making her body shiver and shudder with a lust she had never known.


Susan exploded, her body and mind blasting into a million brightly colored pieces. The hard, heavy jolt of her cum blasted through her again and again. Somewhere behind her she could hear Jack shouting like a maniac. His cock had stopped chugging through her pussy, his balls no longer slapping wetly against her ass. He was yelling his head off, shouting something about his jizz. Then she left his cum splattering against her cuntal wall and Susan yelped and cried, her cunt clenching down at his prick knob.

"Oh, ohhhhhhh…"

Susan milked at the bucking cock rod, bouncing up and down against the floor. She gasped for the breath that never came.

"Man… fuck, she's gobblin' up my cock… and shit, it's fan-fuckin'-tastic!"

"Go for it! Gonna take another shot," Clint said.

Susan snapped her head back, the furious blasts of her orgasm knocking all the will from her. Her cum went on and on and on. It was incredible. Never had she experienced anything like this in her life. And still the roaring climax cut through her like the blade of a rusty saw. Jack finally withdrew, his fat cockhead slipping from her pussy hole with a shivery pop.


The last thing she knew was that she was fucked by the biggest cock ever, and that she had to get one of her students to her house in a few days or face the kind of exposure that would surely end her teaching days forever!
