Jack and Clint had lost no time in getting the women to the garage. The teens had turned the building into a kind of bondage playroom and, when Susan first stumbled in, she drew in a sharp breath, taking in the various odd devices. She felt her flesh crawling with horror. Jenny was completely at sea, staring wide-eyed at Susan, then at this horrid building.

"She's gonna have to have some training to make her a little more friendly," Clint suggested, removing Jenny's gag.

A lock of terror shadowed Jenny's face, she began backing away. Jack grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her forward. Clint unbound Susan's wrists, reaching around and pulling the gag from her mouth.


Susan moved her tongue against the insides of her cheeks, trying to wash away the terrible taste of the latex ball. She felt him unbuttoning her dress.

"No, not here… not in front of her," Susan whispered.

"Gettin' too fuckin' modest now you got one of the kids here? Well, too bad."

There were tearing sounds and Susan screamed as Clint tore her dress in two. She bent slightly at the waist, her tits jiggling in the confines of her tight-fitting bra.

Susan watched Jenny being spun around, her blouse and skirt also being ripped from her body. The screeching redhead tried kicking at Jack and but the dark-haired stud only laughed at her wild attempts, slapping her twice before hooking one hand around her bra and snapping it from her body.

"Noooo!" Jenny cried, her eyes wide, her upper arms hugging inward to hide her tits.

Jack slapped her arms apart, knocking them to either side of her body. Jenny staggered back, fighting off the young man, unable to protect herself. Susan felt Clint pulling her panties down at the same time that Jack finished stripping the sobbing teen. She saw Jenny's full, plump ass jiggling as her body pitched backward. The bright golden-red cunt hairs surrounding Jenny's pussy glistened in the over head light as she again tried to protect her cunt and nipples from public view.

"Man, she's nice… just about like I thought she'd be," Jack said, glancing over at the howling girl.

"Yeah, and when we get through with her, fuckin' her good 'n proper; she's gonna be screamin' for more cockmeat – just like teach over there," Clint observed.

"Stop it!" Susan cried, clapping her hands over her cars.

"Too bad. We must've said something to offend the bitch," Jack said mockingly.

"Let's get this one hung up on the pyramids. That'll cool the slut down."

"And we're gonna make sure you don't run around and do something stupid," Jack said to Susan, backing her up.

The woman shuffled backward. Again she looked around her, staring at the whips, riding crops, and other devices hanging from the wooden walls. Finally she felt her naked ass pressing against the wall behind her. Jack grinned at her, raising one hand up to her face. Susan flinched,, certain he was going to strike her.

But instead be hooked on a metal collar device which screwed into the rotting wood to one side of her throat. He tightened it across her windpipe until she could hardly breathe or swallow. She couldn't take a single step forward or to either side and Susan stared at Jenny, who was struggling with Clint near-by.

The teen was fingering her pussy, sliding his hands all around her cunt and grinning while the hapless girl jerked in his arms. Her tits slapped against one another while her thighs jiggled and shivered. With a cruel laugh Clint reached around and grabbed her ass hard, squeezing until Jenny yelped, her legs kicking out in front of her.


"Get 'er up," Jack said.

Susan watched in shocked fascination as the teens began Jenny's ordeal. Clint shoved her forward, still holding tightly onto one of her hands. Jenny kept her head lowered, shamed beyond belief at having been stripped naked in front of all these people. She cast a baleful look at Susan before being told to stand directly under what appeared to be an overhead pulley device.

"Okay, bitch, now you're gonna get a taste of real discipline – not that shit ol' teach over there hands our in class," Jack growled.


"Susan over there… your Miss Evans… is gonna have fun watchin' you. It's gonna be a real education for her – teacher gettin' an education. I like it," Clint said, reaching up and turning a small winch.

The pulleys groaned, a rope with a broad, lined cuff descended until it was about four feet from the floor. Jack took Jenny's right hand and stretched it up and out, attaching the cuff to her wrist. The girl shuddered, looking up at the pulley with frightened eyes.

"Nothin' to worry about, baby. Nothin' to worry about," Jack assured her.

Weeping, the teen trembled as Clint moved to the winch and began turning it. The groans filled the room and Jenny gasped, her arms rising higher and higher until the muscles and tendons were strained. She cried out, begging them to stop. Still Clint turned the winch. Her head snapped back, her wails bouncing off the walls. Her fingers curled around the rope as if her nails could somehow cut through the hemp and stop this terrible pressure.


"Stop it… oh God, you're hurting her… you're really hurting her!" Susan wailed. Jack and Clint only laughed, Clint still turning the winch, Susan gasped, seeing the girl's feet start to leave the floor. Jenny's face paled, then turned beet red her cheeks puffing out with agony. She cried out again, tears streaming down her flushed face.


Susan watched the strapped girl rise higher and higher until she was nearly eighteen inches from the floor. Susan now understood why the wristband was so broad. Rope alone surely would have cut through the skin.

"Oh God," Susan gasped, watching as Jenny swung out from her bonds.

"No, oh, oh, oh!" the girl gasped.

"Christ, but I like hearin' her shout now," Clint said.

"Come on. Let's finish this up and have a beer while she thinks about what's gain on with her," Jack said, pulling out several lengths of rope from a scratched, dented gray metal box.

"No, no!"

Protesting all the way, Jenny struggled vainly against the two teens. But the more she moved her body, the more pulling agony she was causing to herself. In the end she surrendered, sagging in defeat. Susan turned her head from the scene blinking away tears of guilt while her student suffered horribly at the hands of those sadists.

Clint did most of the work. First he attached an anklet around Jenny's right ankle, then another around her left, wrist. The girl moaned. Jack helped in lifting and bending back their victim's leg, fastening the two hands together with a single strand of rope. Now the weeping girl hung from one wrist, her other wrist and its opposite ankle joined just below her lower back. Her left foot hung down without support, dangling and jerking. Jenny's face reflected her pain and Susan cried out in sympathy.

"Oh, this is terrible! How can you do something like this?"

Jack said nothing, moving around behind the gray metal box and producing an old pyramid of wood approximately eighteen inches in height. Its broad base tapered to a rounded point of about two inches in diameter.

"Don't like seein' somebody hangin' up like that," Jack said, kicking the pyramid under Jenny's dangling foot. "This way you'll have something to take the weight off… if you want. But it's gonna be pretty fuckin' painful after a while standin' on that thing. Just a friendly warnin'."


Jenny's leg moved around, her foot searching wildly for the to rest weight on the pyramid might well be more painful than to hang by the wrist without support. She wondered if Jack's warning was sinking into Jenny's confused brain or not. The woman knew the choice would be a cruelly tantalizing alternative through the night, or however long the teens decided to leave the girl dangling from the ceiling.

Jack stepped back, surveying his work approvingly. He laughed.

"I'm gonna get the fuck out of here now, babe. You've got sometime to think about what the hell's gonna happen to you once we take you down. This is just the start, baby, just the start."

Both teens lumbered out the garage, slamming the side door behind them so hard that the painted-over windows rattled in their frames. In a moment the only sounds in the room were Jenny's heavy breathing punctuated by her moans. At times she tried jerking her bound arm, attempting to break the rope holding her to the overhead device. But it was impossible.

Then she moved her foot around to the pyramid, sighing with relief as she rook much of the weight from her wrist and shoulder off. But then the pressure of that rounded tip against her arch grew incredibly painful. With another gasp the teen kicked herself free, bouncing with increasing agony from the overhead pulley.

"Oh God, Jenny, I'm so sorry. They made me do it. I didn't have any choice!" Susan cried, feeling she had to say something to her tortured student: "Oh God, Miss Evans, it hurts so much! Oh, oh, I don't think I can take it!"

"You have to, Jenny. There's no alternative. You have to. No matter what they do to you, just think about surviving. This can't last all night," Susan said encouragingly, not believing her own words.

"Oh, oh!"

Jenny twisted around on the rope, not saying much more to her teacher. There were times when her heart-rending cries made Susan tremble in her bonds. Finally the woman couldn't take it any more.

"Scream if it helps, Jenny. It's sure to make you feel better."

"Oh, ohhhhh… aghghghhh!"

Susan tore at her chains. Jack had been shrewd in his punishment. Even though she herself was suffering no pain she watched helplessly while this innocent girl twisted and writhed in agony. Susan swallowed that lump of guilt.

"Oh, Jenny, does it hurt very much?" she finally asked after Jenny sank once more to the pyramid.

"Oh yes, yes! My shoulder's on fire and my arm hurts, Miss Evans. I think I could stand it for a few more minutes. But if they leave me like this all night… oh God, I'm going to lose my arm. I know it. I can't take this any more!"

Jenny's cries were becoming more desperate, driving Susan half mad with horror. At times they tried to talk but what was there to say?

The woman stood there feeling more and more miserable, the metal collar cutting into her throat, reminding her of her bondage. She began, to twist and writhe as Jenny's cries became more and more frenzied. In the end Susan herself started to scream, her shouts joining Jenny's. In a moment Clint came in, a beer can in one hand. Jack stepped in right behind him, slamming the side door shut.

"Jesus Christ! You're gonna wake up the dead with all this screetchin'," Clint said, looking up at the hapless Jenny.

"Take her down. It's unfair to leave her like this. For God's sake, take her down!" Susan cried as she looked with tear-blurred eyes at the student.

"You wanna take her place? You wanna hang up there instead of her?"

Susan swallowed again. She remembered having hung from the rafters – that feeling of helplessness, of complete vulnerability. They could whip her again, peeling the flesh off her bones as they nearly had the other night. She had seen Jenny's look of surprised horror when the teens had stripped her. All those whip-stripes still marred her assflesh and back. Could she endure something like that again?

"I… yes, she can't take something like this much longer. I can," Susan said.

"Noble," Jack commented.

"Yeah, but that ain't the plan. Let's put a box under the little bitch while we work with this one," Clint said, nodding at Jenny.

The redhead teen sighed with some relief when Jack pushed a small overturned wooden box in place of the pyramid. At least she was able to stand on her tip-toes and bring considerable relief to her arm. Jack then moved up to Susan, removing the collar that had held her pinned to the wall.

"Over here."

The woman shuffled past Jenny, marveling at the way the teens had trussed her. Jack stopped her by a workbench. Clint was moving that gray metal box up to them.

"Think you can fuck her in the ass while she hangs up like that?"

Jenny overheard the suggestion and began wailing like a mad woman. "No, no, don't touch me like that! I'm not like Miss Evans! Don't touch me!" Susan reddened.

"Some pupil, eh Miss Evans?" Jack chuckled.

Clint moved to the screaming girl, patting her ass, then moving around behind her and holding her ass cheeks apart. Jenny threw back her head and kept on shouting at him, begging him to leave her alone while she dangled there helplessly. Clint shoved his face in her ass, licking, tunneling with his tongue, laughing as the teen reddened and gasped at the feel of his mouth on her asshole.

"Don't worry about her. You're gonna have enough problems of your own," Jack advised.

"What?" Susan gasped.

"Get on the table."

Susan did as she was told, swinging her long, naked legs onto the splintery surface.

She rubbed her heels over the top, watching as Jack bent down and pulled out a weird assortment of objects. They were all about three inches long or in diameter and had screws on them. She wrinkled her forehead, glancing at the still-shouting Jenny, then moving her eyes back to Jack. He had picked up one clamp-like object and was opening it.

"What… what are they?" Susan asked, her mind reeling at the possibilities those horrid things suggested.

"Things to make you feel good," Jack said, climbing half onto the table.

He pushed her back until her head struck the table. Susan lay there like a victim undergoing some hideous operation. He was tugging her thighs wide apart, smoothing his fingers over her flesh, watching her face reflect the uncertainty and horror at what was going on. Looking over her jutting, hard-nippled tits Susan watched as her student took one earring-like object and brought it down to her pussy. She shivered, jerking her ass off the table while curling her toes until they cramped. The metal was cold against her pussy lips and she was about to protest but then thought better of it.


"That's it, baby, that's it, just take it easy. It ain't gonna be hard for you to take it. You've been through a lot more."

He was screwing one of those things onto her cuntlips, letting it fall to one side. He had her cunt labe trapped in a screw and was pulling it to one side.


It was such a weird feeling being opened that way. She shifted her ass against the wooden table top, feeling the splinters knifing into her white, goose-fleshed skin. That prickling sensation added to her own delight. She groaned, rubbing the backs of her legs against the wood behind her, Jenny was still creaming and Susan could hear the wet, smacking sounds of Clint's mouth against the girl's asshole.


"That's good, real good."

Jack smiled as the woman gritted her teeth in pain and odd delight. That pulling sensation was doing strange things to her. Susan feared the screw might tear into her flesh. But at the same time the feeling of pressure and pulling against her cunt was sending streams of pleasure into her brain. How odd the two opposite feelings, pleasure and pain, were vying for attention.

"Now for the next one."

Jack attached another ring to her other cunt lip, letting it fall gently to the other thigh.

Susan groaned, arching her spine slightly from the table top. She was spread wide open, feeling the cool air blowing gently against her warm cuntal mouth. How horrible! And there was more to come!
