Nick Eastwood
Teacher_s hot wet panties


Miss Jean Walker's history class was meeting for the first time, the last class of the day at Oakdale High School. Miss Walker was new at the school, and in some ways she was a pleasant surprise to the students. Nobody had expected her to be so sexy looking.

"Jesus!" Wylie Brown exclaimed. "That's a teacher?"

Jean Walker was in her late twenties, a tall statuesque brunette with great legs, pretty face, and large thrusting tits. She looked like she belonged in a centerfold, not a classroom. Wylie and the other boys couldn't take their eyes off her, and the girls envied her terrific figure.

But the class soon discovered that Miss Walker's personality wasn't as pleasant as her appearance. As Wylie whispered a wisecrack to the guy sitting next to him, the beautiful schoolteacher snapped: "No talking in class! That will cost you half an hour after school, young man."

Wylie stared at her, open-mouthed. Oakdale was a pretty easy-going school, and the guys weren't used to strict teachers.

But as the hour moved on, they learned that Miss Walker meant business. She demanded perfect behavior from her students, and she didn't hesitate to hand out penalties. Wylie and the others quickly concluded that the class was going to be a colossal pain in the ass.

Jean Walker could see the hostility in the students' faces, and she realized she'd gotten off to a poor start with them. But she'd never taught in public school before, and she didn't know the ropes. Up to now, she'd taught only in all-girl schools. She didn't like being around males and never had.

Men, her widowed mother had warned her over and over again, wanted only one thing – and that thing was something that nice girls didn't even discuss.

Now Jean could barely conceal her distaste as she studied the boys in her class. For some reason her eyes kept moving to their crotches, to those mysterious cock-bulges. Of course, she'd read all about sex and knew what a cock was, but she'd never seen a real live cock. Not that she wanted to. Sex and men didn't interest her at all.

Still, she had to fight that maddening urge to stare at the boys' cock-bulges. She couldn't understand what was the matter with her. She'd just never been around males very much, so maybe it was natural curiosity. Long ago, when she was just a little girl, Jean had vowed never to marry, never to even let a man touch her.

One of the boys in the class, Wylie, was especially disturbing to her. He kept brazenly looking her over, his gaze traveling up and down her body. Jean felt like he was stripping her naked, and she reddened whenever he caught her eye. He was a tall, lean guy with a thin mustache, somehow menacing-looking. She didn't like him at all.

The feeling was mutual. As the class went on, Wylie got more and more pissed off at the gorgeous but stem new teacher.

At last, he leaned close to his buddy, Terry, and whispered: "This bitch needs to be put in her place."

Terry, who'd also been given half an hour's detention for talking, nodded grimly. "Got any ideas?" he whispered back.

Wylie grinned. "Yeah," he replied, "I'd like to screw her in front of the whole class."

Another buddy, Vince, was listening, and the three of them broke into snickers.

Blushing with anger, Jean whirled on them and announced: "All right, you boys, that'll be a whole hour after school for each of you. You're going to learn not to talk in class."

"Yes, teacher," Wylie snickered.

Jean was glad to see the class coming to an end. It was clear that she wasn't going to win any popularity contests at Oakdale High. She wished now that she hadn't taken the job. But the girls' schools didn't, pay much, and she needed more money, or so she'd thought at the time. Now she wondered if that little bit of extra money was going to be worth the hassle.

"Class dismissed," she sighed at last.

"Just a minute, everybody," Wylie said, standing up. "My buddies and I wanta entertain you, and Miss Walker is gonna be part of our act. You're gonna love this, I promise. Vince, lock the door."

"Now, wait!" Jean sputtered. "Just what is going on here? I said the class is dismissed."

Nobody moved, and nobody answered her. All eyes were focused on the pretty brunette, and some of the guys were starting to grin. They knew something Jean didn't know. Suddenly she felt alarmed. Vince locked the classroom door, and then he and Terry and Wylie started toward her, grinning like maniacs.

Jean started walking towards the door, her only thought being to get away from those menacing-looking teenaged boys. But she didn't get very far. Wylie sprang forward and caught her wrist, holding it painfully tight. She couldn't move without it hurting. Suddenly Jean knew she was in real trouble.

"Let go of me, Wylie," she hissed. "You'll be sorry for this."

"Aw, I don't think so, teacher," he said, leering. "You're the one that's gonna be sorry. We don't like your snooty ways, so you're gonna get punished. Get over here, in front of your desk."

He dragged her to her desk at the front of the room. Now every guy in the class was grinning and eager. Jean realized just how much she'd alienated them with her strictness. Now she was going to pay, but now? She hated to think what mortifying scheme Wylie and his buddies had concocted.

"Okay, teacher – strip," Wylie ordered.

The guys clapped and cheered, while Jean turned red as a beet.

"You're insane!" she exclaimed. "No way in the world am I going to do that."

"Okay, then we'll do it for you," Wylie growled. "Hold her, you guys."

Vince and Terry moved in to restrain her by the arms. Jean struggled violently, but even though she was a tall girl and in good shape, she was no match for the husky teenaged males. They held her in place while Wylie started unbuttoning her blouse. The guys were on the edge of their seats as they watched.

"Oh, no, please," Jean moaned. "Don't do this to me, Wylie."

"Quit begging, bitch," he spat. "It ain't gonna help you any. It's too late for that. You're gonna find put what we do to teachers we don't like."

Jean went on blushing furiously as he opened her blouse and drew it off. She was dressed modestly, as always, wearing a plain white silky slip under her blouse and tweed skirt. The skirt went next, and then Wylie reached up under her slip and tugged down her pantyhose. Jean wanted to fall through the floor.

"Please don't," she moaned. "I know I got off on the wrong foot with all of you, but that can change."

"You better believe it's gonna change, bitch!" Wylie spat. "You're gonna be a different person when we get through with you."

He reached for the hem of her slip and raised the garment off over her head. She stood before the entire leering class in just her lacy bra and panties, and she wanted to die of embarrassment. Nobody had ever seen her like that before. She'd been raised so modestly and primly that she didn't even undress in front of her mother. Now the students' whistles and cheers were mortifying to her.

Her large firm tits looked ready to overflow her little bra. The panties weren't her usual style, but a bikini cut that she'd grabbed off a sales table when she was in a hurry. They were revealingly skimpy. Wylie stood back to look her over, his dark eyes moving hungrily up and down her body.

"Nice," he breathed, "real nice. You may be a bitch, Miss Walker, but you're sure built."

"Wylie, you're going to be expelled from school for this," Jean said grimly. "You and the entire class. You'd better stop right now. If you do, I won't say anything."

"Why, that's real generous of you, teacher," Wylie said sarcastically. "Let's take a vote on that. Class, would you rather quit now, or see Miss Walker without any clothes?"

The vote was unanimous.

Wylie reached around Jean and unhooked her bra. She sobbed with embarrassment as he drew it off, revealing her large melon-shaped tits and big conical nipples. The guys were cheering and stomping now. Wylie dropped her bra on the desk and stood back to ogle her naked tits.

"Man," he breathed, "I can hardly wait to get a handful of those beauties."

Jean whimpered in protest as his hands darted for her tits. Hot greedy fingers closed around her silky-skinned tits and began to squeeze and caress. Gasping, she sank back against Vince and Terry, who were holding her from behind. The strangest sensation was coming over her as Wylie played with her tits.

"Oh, my God," she breathed.

The feeling was so new to her that she didn't even recognize it at first. Her whole body seemed to tingle and melt. Then she started getting hot between her legs. Sticky cream leaked from her cunt, moistening the swelling flesh of her pussy. This had never happened to her before.

But after a few minutes she realized what it was. For the first time in her life, the spinster teacher was feeling hungry for sex.

She couldn't deny it. Wylie's fondling hands felt exciting to her, and her pussy was getting hot as fire and soaked with cream. Crazily, she wanted the boy to touch her all over. She wanted his hand between her thighs, massaging her swollen cunt slit. She moaned as she realized she was getting frantically horny.

It had never happened to her before except in dreams. Awake, she shut off all thoughts of men and sex, but sometimes she'd have these embarrassing wicked dreams. Some man would be fondling her, and she'd wake up with her pussy waked and her body writhing restlessly. A couple of times, she'd even climaxed in her sleep.

Now those treacherous feelings were coming over her again, but this time she was awake. She felt so ashamed of herself. Why should she get turned on when this vicious young punk was humiliating her in front of the whole class? She struggled not to show how aroused she was getting. She'd never give Wylie the satisfaction of knowing how horny he was making her.

He was grinning broadly as he rubbed his thumbs over her big light-pink nipples and teased the soft cones into long rigid nubs. Her nipples soon stuck out obscenely, rosy and tingling. When he'd achieved that effect, Wylie dropped her heavy hot tits and moved his hands down to the waistband of her panties.

"No," Jean sobbed. "Oh, God, nooooo." Nobody showed her any mercy. They were all grinning as Wylie removed her panties. They ogled her neat dark cunt bush and nice firm ass. Now they could see everything, and her humiliation was complete – or so she thought. Wylie leered at her, his eyes darting from her lush triangular pussy bush to her stiff-nippled tits.

"I'm really gonna enjoy this, teacher," he grinned, unzipping his Levi's.

Jean couldn't believe it was happening. Right there in front of thirty students, Wylie was preparing to rape her! Her eyes got huge as he dropped his jeans. He wasn't wearing shorts. His cock was stiff, ready and enormous. At least his cock seemed enormous to her shocked and inexperienced eyes.

"Oh, no," she said hoarsely, "you're out of your mind, Wylie. You're not going to do this."

"Oh, yes, I am, teacher," he snarled. "I'm gonna fuck you in front of the whole class – and then my buddies are gonna fuck you."

Jean's mouth dropped open. This just couldn't be happening to her! She struggled with all her power, but Vince and Terry held her still. She stared helplessly at Wylie's lewdly wagging cock. It looked a mile long to her, and as thick as her arm. The swollen purple cockhead was dripping thick cream.

Her vow had been to remain a virgin all her life, never letting a man touch her, never experiencing sex. But it was clear that she wouldn't be able to keep that vow. Wylie was going to shove that enormous rock-hard cock of his into her virgin cunt, and he was going to do it in front of the whole class.

"Please, I'll do anything you want," she begged, "but don't do this."

Wylie ignored her frantic pleading. "Set her up on the desk," he ordered.

His buddies lifted her easily and sat her on the edge of the desk. Wylie pushed her back till she was lying on her back, her ass and her heels on the edge of the desk. While she blushed furiously, he drew her legs wide open, displaying her creamy pink pussy to the cheering students.

"Okay, Miss Walker," he growled, "this'll teach you to be more friendly to your students."

"Oh, nooooo!" Jean wailed. There was no escape. She clawed the desk and braced herself.

The guys were cheering wildly as Wylie pressed the hugely swollen head of his cock against the teacher's fur-fringed cunt mouth. Grinning triumphantly, he started pushing his thick blue-veined prick into her pussy. He did it steadily but slowly, putting on a show for the rest of the guys. Jean gritted her teeth, waiting to be split in two by his engorged boner.

"Unnnhhhh, unnnhhhh," she gasped.

"Jesus, teacher, your cunt's tight," Wylie panted. "Ain't you ever fucked before?"

Did the punk realize he was taking her cherry? Jean would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that. She bit her lip and stifled her cries of fear and pain as his granite cock fucked into her untried cunt. At least he wasn't splitting her in half as she'd feared. Somehow, her virgin pussy was expanding to take his cockmeat.

"Unnngghhh, yeah, nice and tight," he moaned.

Wylie was almost forgetting he had an audience. Jean could tell he was surprised and aroused by the snugness of her cunt. He got flushed in the face, and his teeth flashed in a horny grimace. He shivered with excitement as he steadily fucked his stiff cock into her hot and velvety pussy hole.

But Jean couldn't forget their audience. On either side of them stood Vince and Terry, holding her arms, keeping her captive. They were grinning like fiends as they watched Wylie's rock-hard prick spreading her delicate pussy lips and fucking ever deeper into her body. It was bad enough having those leering hoodlums right there beside her – but there was also the whole class.

Looking around Wylie, she could see some thirty pairs of eyes all focused on her pussy, thirty excited young faces. No teacher could have been more humiliated, more thoroughly punished, Jean thought. How could she ever face than again after this disgusting episode? And of course word would get around that Miss Walker had been fucked in front of the whole class.

But she had worries enough right now without thinking about the future. Panting, Wylie pushed his cock up against her womb, totally into her now, his coarse-haired balls gliding to rest against her cunt slit. He paused to catch his breath and savor his conquest – and that was when Jean started getting those unwelcome horny sensations again.

To her horror, his cock felt good to her. She liked having her cunt full of thick throbbing cockmeat. She had to fight to quell her own natural, lusty urges. She found she wanted to jerk her hips, to piston her cunt up and down the impalement of his hard cock. She was creaming again, soaking his prick. She prayed he couldn't feel it.

"Yeah, teacher," he said hoarsely, leering down at her, "you got a nice tight pussy. My buddies are gonna love fucking you. And the class is gonna enjoy watching you get it."

That got some cheers and applause.

Jean closed her eyes, shutting out all the mocking faces. But that proved to be a mistake. With her eyes closed, she was conscious only of the boy's thick throbbing cock in her cunt, and she couldn't ignore how exciting it felt to her. She couldn't stop her lusty creaming, and she barely kept from writhing with need.

"You're gonna get fucked good now, teacher," Wylie told her hoarsely. "Hope you enjoy it."

"You'll be sorry for this, Wylie," she said weakly.

He just laughed. Then he started moving his cock stiffly in her cream-slick little cunt. He was fucking her in slow deep thrusts, putting on a show for the class. He wasn't thinking of her enjoyment, of course. But he couldn't have done anything that would have felt better to her.

Her near-virgin cunt was still sore and tender, and that slow deep fucking was perfect. It gave her a chance to get used to his cock, a chance to start liking it. Jean was sorry for that. She wished he'd just fuck her hard and brutally, hurting her, so she wouldn't get turned on. But she was feeling more aroused and excited by the second.

Each gradual fuck-thrust filled her hot little cunt with that fat pulsating slab of cockmeat and gave her a rush of pleasure that made her want to whimper and squeal. His long stiff prickshaft tugged at her clit, giving her more stabs of pleasure. To her horror, Jean saw that she could really get to love being fucked.

Her cunt was betraying her, going over to the enemy. The more Wylie fucked her, the more her cunt heated, stretched and creamed, eagerly accommodating his deep-plowing prick. She just prayed he couldn't feel the wicked way her pussy was responding to his cock. She couldn't stand the humiliation if he realized that she was loving his fucking.

She tried to think of other things, but it was impossible to ignore those stabs of pleasure as the boy fucked his iron-hard cock in her helplessly creaming cunt. She wanted to jerk her hips to his rhythm and fuck right back at him. She wanted him to fuck her till she came.

That sweet release always felt so great, even though it embarrassed her when she came in her sleep. She'd wake herself by moaning in ecstasy and rolling around in helpless spasms of pleasure. It felt fantastic, but she'd been so ashamed afterwards. After all, she'd vowed to have nothing to do with sex.

Still there were times when her own body betrayed her, and this was one of them. She was horrified at being raped in front of a roomful of guys, but her cunt felt no horror, only steadily mounting pleasure. Wylie was getting more and more turned on, too, and as it happened, he fucked her faster and harder.

"Ahhhhh, yeah, her cunt's nice and hot," he groaned. Then he leered down at her. "You enjoying this, teacher? You like getting fucked?"

Jean kept her eyes closed and didn't answer. She had all she could do just to control the lusty urges of her body, which were growing stronger by the second. The faster he fucked her, the better it felt. She wanted to move with him, fuck back at him, and moan her pleasure. She was tired of keeping her natural needs bottled up.

Jean was realizing that she needed sex as much as any other woman. She'd been kidding herself all these years, thinking she could ignore her body and go a lifetime with no sexual release. She should have known better when she started having those erotic dreams and getting orgasms in her sleep. Her body obviously was trying to tell her something. Now she knew what the message was. Without admitting it to herself, without even being conscious of it, she'd needed a man.

She'd needed exactly what she was getting now, a hot hard cock reaming her cunt deeply, filling it almost to bursting. For years she'd bottled up her natural horny urges, but now they were flooding out and she couldn't stop them. Wylie's cock hammered in her cunt, and she could hardly keep from wailing her ecstasy. She knew she was dangerously close to losing her self-control.

"Take it, bitch, take my cock," Wylie was chanting, his voice raspy with pleasure.

She could hear the other guys laughing, making dirty remarks, thoroughly enjoying her humiliation. It would be just too embarrassing if they found out how roused she was. She struggled to keep her face stern and her body stiff as Wylie pistoned his thick boner ever faster and harder in her fiery-hot little pussy.

But as hard as she struggled to hide her pleasure, there were some signs she couldn't control. Her big tits, bouncing like jelly, were stiff-nippled and swollen. Thick molten pussy cream boiled round Wylie's pistoning cock, then overflowed her crammed cunt and gushed down the crack of her ass. If Wylie had been more experienced with women, he could have seen the success he was having.

"Now I'm really gonna give it to her," he announced gleefully to the class. "I'm gonna give this bitch a fucking she'll never forget."

The guys applauded and cheered wildly. Then Wylie took Jean's long shapely legs and draped them over his shoulders, opening her pussy to his deepest cock-thrusts. He began to fuck into her like a piledriver. Her body shuddered with the impact, her heavy hot tits shaking and wobbling.

"You like it, bitch?" he panted. "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you, teacher, and there's nothing you can do about it."

At that moment Jean didn't want to do anything about it. She was rocketing rapidly and helplessly towards orgasm. The fast hard thrusts of the boy's stiff cock were getting to her, and she couldn't hold back the climax that threatened to rip through her body at any moment. She had to have it or go crazy.

"Unnnnhhh, unnnngggghhhh," she moaned.

"What's wrong, teacher?" Wylie mocked. "Too rough for you? I'll make it even rougher."

Little did he know that his fucking cock was taking her into ecstasy. Thinking only to humiliate and hurt her, he fucked into her with all the speed and strength at his command – and sent her into orgasm. Jean couldn't stop the delicious spasms that welled up from the boiling depths of her cunt and shook her whole body.

"Unnnhhhh, waahhhh!" she screamed.

"Yeah, bitch, I hope you're learning your lesson," Wylie snarled.

She was learning, all right, but not the lesson he thought. She'd tried all her life to deny herself any sexual thoughts or pleasures, but she'd failed. She needed sex as much as the next woman. In fact, thanks to her puritanical life, she needed it even more. She had years of bottled-up desires to satisfy.

"Ohhhhhh, God, ohhhhh!" she sobbed as the delicious orgasm went on and on.

Luckily, Wylie didn't realize she was coming. He just thought she was moaning in humiliation. A few seconds later, she took her very first load of come. She felt the boy's scalding jism filling her cunt and overflowing, flooding down the crack of her ass. Wylie hammered it into her, groaning with bliss.

"Take my load, teacher, aaaggghhhh!" he roared.

There were cheers and whistles, but Jean hardly noticed. She was only aware that the sizzling flood of the guy's come was making her own climax longer and more intense than any she'd ever known.

She knew she was hooked on fucking. No point in denying it. She could never go back to her old sexless life.

"Hope you learned your lesson, teacher," Wylie sneered as he pulled his dripping cock out of her cunt. "But just to make sure you get the point, my buddies are gonna fuck you, too."

"Please, no," Jean moaned. She hoped the guys didn't notice how feeble her protest sounded.

Wylie zipped up, and then he whispered something to Vince and Terry, and they flipped her over onto her elbows and knees. Maybe they didn't want their audience to get bored, so now the teacher was going to be humiliated in another position. They held her on the desk, in doggy fashion, and Terry climbed up and knelt behind her. She almost whimpered with excitement when she felt his rock-hard cock gliding up her cunt.

"Go for it, Terry," Wylie hissed. "Fuck the bitch."

"Awwwwww, shit, she's so tight," Terry moaned.

Jean grasped the edges, of the desk and struggled not to wail with pleasure. Terry grasped her hips and started fucking his cock in her cunt, giving it to her hard and fast. The boy hod gotten very aroused when watching Wylie Nick fuck her, and he wasn't wasting any time.

In the kneeling position, Jean had a much better view of her audience, though she wished she didn't. She didn't want to see that ocean of wickedly grinning faces, and she didn't want the class to see the way her pretty features were contorting with pleasure as Terry fucked her. But maybe they'd mistake pleasure for disgust.

"Unnnnhhh, unnnhhh," she gasped as he fucked her harder and harder.

"Way to go, Terry," Wylie laughed evilly. "Fuck the bitch hard, really give it to her!"

You twerp, Jean thought, you don't even know what's happening.

And she was glad he didn't. She didn't want any of the guys to know how horny she felt or how much she was loving the hard pistoning of Terry's rock-hard boner. She'd had enough humiliation, as it was. She wondered if she could ever come back and face these guys again.

But she couldn't keep her mind on that. The pleasure was building steadily in her pussy till she knew she was going to come again, and come hard. The delicious red-hot friction between cock and cunt was driving her rigid to the edge. Terry was fucking her faster and harder by the second, his belly slapping her ass. "Unnnhhhh, fuck, it's good," he groaned. "Yeah, she's got a nice pussy," Wylie admitted grudgingly. "Too bad she's such a mean bitch."

Jean paid no attention to him or to the mocking students. Her pleasure was at the boiling point, and she was right on the verge of coming. She struggled not to betray her insane arousal as the boy's fucking cock took her over the edge. She soaked his prick with scalding come-juice, and her body shuddered violently.

"Oooooo, whaaahhhhh!" she howled.

Terry grinned in triumph, thinking he'd humiliated her into moaning. But a second later her cunt went into spasms and squeezed his cock. He yelped with surprise and lust, then fucked her with lightning speed as he jetted his come-load into her greedily sucking pussy.

"Take it, teacher – I'm coming!" he howled. Jean was glad that the students loudly cheered him on as he came. It gave her the chance to whimper and moan without being heard over the din. She was coming hard, deliciously. Now she knew for sure that she could never do without a man again. She couldn't live without this delicious release.

Terry had hardly pulled his dripping cock out of her before Vince took his place. Vince had bun watching even longer, so he was even hornier. With a growl of lust, he crammed his steelhard boner into her juicy steaming cunt, greedily fucked into her till only his balls showed.

"Awwwww, yeah," he groaned, "tight and hot. You got a real nice cunt, teacher."

"Fuck her hard, man," Wylie growled. "Punish the bitch."

Little did he know that it wasn't possible to punish her with a cock, not anymore. An hour ago she would have been horrified at the idea of being gang raped. Now she wanted cock after cock. She felt like she could go on loving it and coming for hours. She soaked Vince's fucking cock with molten cream.

Like Terry, he was too lusty to be slow or gentle. He fucked her so hard, her body shuddered, and Wylie had to stand in front of her and brace her shoulders to keep her from being fucked right off the desk. He leered evilly at her, making it impossible for her to avoid his mocking eyes.

"See what happens to bad girls, teacher?" he taunted. "I bet you're gonna be real nice to us from now on, aren't you?"

Jean closed her eyes. She didn't want to deal with Wylie's taunts right now. She just wanted to concentrate on the mounting pleasure she was feeling from Vince's hard-plowing boner. She felt herself rising effortlessly to orgasm. The spasms shook her body, and she whimpered and creamed uncontrollably.

"Oooooo, unnnhhhh!" she cried.

"Awwwwww, shit, fuck, awwwww!" Vince roared, jetting his come-load into her squeezing cunt.

Jean barely kept from screaming in ecstasy as his boiling jizz intensified her orgasm. She almost whimpered with regret as he pulled his cock out of her pussy. She was just getting started – but the show was over. The guys started filing out of the room, leaving her naked on the desk, thick come seeping from her unsatisfied cunt. She gave a little sob of frustration.

Wylie thought it was a sob of mortification, and he stopped to give her a parting shot.

"Yeah, teacher," he sneered. "I think you got the point. You're gonna be nice to us from now on, right? And if you tell anybody what happened today, you're gonna get it again, only worse."

Left alone, Jean climbed off the desk, knowing that in a few short minutes her whole life had been changed.
