Before her next meeting with the class, Jean did a lot of thinking, and she kept coming to the same conclusion. She couldn't do without sex anymore, and she didn't even want to try. So somehow she had to make sure there was always a male around to take care of her needs.

She thought she knew how to do that. There were all the males a woman could possibly want tight there in her sixth-period class, and at least three of them had already proved they could do the job. Jean was sure she could pick any boy in the class, ask him to fuck her, and get eager cooperation.

On her second day of public school teaching, she put her theory to the test. She found the whole class waiting for her when she walked in. They were grinning knowingly and waiting to see her humiliation. She astonished them all by smiling calmly and starting the class as if nothing had happened.

"Come to order, please," she said briskly. "Our first order of business is yesterday's incident. Wylie, you will report to my apartment this evening for discipline."

Wylie almost rose out of his chair in astonishment. When he'd collected himself, he snarled: "Hey, teacher, where do you get off, giving me orders? I told you what would happen if you didn't be nice to us."

Jean looked him coolly in the eye and said: "Believe me, Wylie, you'll be very sorry if you don't show up, and so will the whole class."

It was her calm tone that made them all believe her. Wylie and the others quieted down, and Jean had no more trouble with them for the rest of the day. When the bell rang and the others filed out of the room, Wylie lingered behind, obviously wanting to talk to her alone.

"Miss Walker," he said politely, "I'm sorry I talked back to you, and I'm really sorry about yesterday. I won't give you any more trouble. But please, don't get me expelled from school. My dad will kill me if I don't graduate."

"We'll discuss all that tonight at my place, Wylie," Jean said, handing him a slip of paper with her address on it. "Right now, I have to go to a meeting. Make sure you show up promptly at seven."

"Yes, ma'am," he said anxiously.

Jean went off chuckling to herself. It looked like she had Wylie spooked. And tonight, when they were alone together at her apartment, she'd have him right where she wanted him. Wylie was the ringleader of the unruly students, and if she could tame him, the whole class would do whatever she wanted.

She prepared carefully for her evening with her problem student. After a long luxurious bath, she put on a sexy black lace negligee which she'd purchased on the way home. She'd never owned anything like it before, and she loved the way it showed off her fantastic body. She left her dark hair flowing free, and she dabbed on a little seductive perfume. Her pussy was already heating and moistening.

Wylie was right on time, his clothes clean and pressed, his hair neatly combed. When he saw Jean in that revealing negligee, his eyes lit, up hungrily, showing a little of the old Wylie, but he wasn't obvious about it. Jean let him in and ushered him to the couch. She sat close beside him.

His eyes darted briefly to her deep cleavage in the low-cut grown. Then he licked his lips and swallowed hard.

"Look, Miss Walker," he said, "I just can't get kicked out of school. I'll do anything to stay in your history course and pass."

"Good, Wylie," Jean purred. "That's exactly why I asked you here tonight. I think we can do each other a big favor."

"Oh, yeah? What's that?" he said eagerly. "I'll do whatever you want, teacher, if you'll just pass me."

"All right, here's my offer," Jean said. "I promise you'll pass the course – and you teach me all about making out."

His mouth dropped open. He gawked at her. "You gotta be kidding," he said.

"No, Wylie, I'm not kidding," Jean replied. "I liked it when you fucked me, and I want more. But I never got it on before and I have a lot to learn. You've been around. You could teach me. How about it?"

Wylie started to laugh. "Oh, wow, let me get this straight," he said. "All I have to do is make out with you, and you'll pass me?" Jean nodded, and he went on, "Shit, I gotta be the luckiest guy in the world!"

"Do you find me attractive, Wylie?" the young teacher purred.

"Are you kidding?" he moaned, his eyes now glued to her thrusting big tits. "Teacher, you're about the most gorgeous lady I ever met. I'm getting a hard-on right now just looking at you."

"Show me," Jean said.

Wylie reddened. She seemed to be calling his bluff in every way. But when he hesitated, Jean just reached down and cupped the swelling crotch of his jeans. He hadn't lied. His eager young cock mushroomed right in her grasp. She could feel its heat and throbbing even through his clothes.

"Mmmmm, Wylie, this is making me very excited," she said. "Let's go to my room and get comfortable." She stood up, then paused. "Oh, I forgot to ask – do we have a deal?"

"You better believe it," he said hoarsely.

He jumped to his feet and followed her into her bedroom. There teacher and student stripped without a word. They'd made their bargain, and now it was time for Wylie to carry out his part of it. He almost tripped over his clothes in his eagerness to get started.

Naked, they slid onto the double bed and into each other's arms. Wylie kissed Jean, sliding his tongue into her mouth and probing around in a sensuous way. It made her very aroused, and she instinctively rubbed her swelling cunt mound against his stiff cock. She started creaming heavily, and the scorching juice overflowed her little cunt and soaked her pussy mound. When they finally came up for air, she was flushed and panting.

"Mmmmm, Wylie, this is getting me so turned on," she moaned.

He leered at her. "We gotta finish your kissing lesson before we can move on to other stuff, teacher," he said. "Go ahead, kiss me like I kissed you."

Jean obeyed, jamming her hot mouth onto his and snaking her tongue between his lips. She liked aggressively darting it around in his mouth and making him quiver with excitement. He ran his hot rough hands all over her silky body. She kissed him till he was moaning.

"How'd I do?" she asked hoarsely.

"You get an A for that," he growled. "Now here's what I like to do next when I'm making out with a girl."

His hands cupped her heavy hot tits and began greedily squeezing and molding. Jean sank back with a whimper of arousal, and under his massaging thumbs her large nipples quickly grew into long stiff buds. Wylie leaned over her and lashed her engorged sensitive nipples with his scalding tongue.

"Ooooo, yessss," the young spinster gurgled. "I love that, Wylie."

She knew she was going to love everything he did for her. She knew she'd been unconsciously aching for a man's touch all these years. He slid his wet lips around one tender nipple and started sucking it, and she gurgled with delight. She rubbed her thighs together lustily, feeling the soaked swollen flesh of her pussy throbbing with need. It was ecstasy to feel the horny guy sucking her nipples into total hardness.

He finally left the spit-soaked nubs and rolled onto his back. "Your turn to do something for me, teacher," he said with a wicked grin. "I'm gonna teach you to give head."

Jean reddened a little. She hadn't lost all her modesty yet. But she was eager to learn. "Go ahead, Wylie," she said. "What do I do first?"

He took her hand and wrapped her fingers around the thick hairy base of his cock, showing her how to hold the lustily bucking column of cockmeat still. He moved her fist up and down the throbbing prickshaft, demonstrating how to pump it. Jean adored feeling his hot hard cock. She was squirming with excitement.

"Okay, Miss Walker," he said. "Now lick my cock. Lick it all over."

Hot saliva rushed into Jean's mouth as she thought of playing her tongue all over his handsome teenage prick. Quickly she bent low, stuck out her tongue, and began lashing it around and around the fat purple head of his stiff standing fucker. Wylie shuddered with pleasure and excitement.

Jean tasted her first cock cream and loved it. She eagerly lapped up the hot salty liquid as fast as it oozed from his piss hole. She found herself drooling all over his cockhead. When she'd cleaned up all the tasty cream, she still wanted more, so she drilled the slick pointed tip of her tongue into the cleft of his cocktip and reamed it out. Wylie gave a hoarse groan and shuddered lustily.

"Yeah, teacher, you're gonna be real good at that," he growled. "You like it, don't you?"

"Mmmmmm-hummmm," Jean moaned, gobbling more of his cock cream.

"Okay, since you like my cock so much, suck it," he commanded. "Take it in your mouth, as much as you can, and suck on it."

Jean eagerly opened her lips wide and started sliding them down the rigid blue-veined column of cockmeat. She greedily tried to take his entire cock into her mouth, but she couldn't do it. She saw that the fat cockhead would go right into her throat and choke her. So she had to settle for a little less than her goal, fisting and pumping the rest of his prick.

"Shit, yeah," Wylie groaned. "I'd almost think you'd sucked cock before, teacher."

This was her very first blow-job, but she was going at it eagerly and boldly. She began sliding her hot slippery mouth up and down the stiff pole of his cock, sucking up his juice.

"Oh, Jesus, yeah!" he panted. "Go for it, baby, suck my prick."

His hoarse excited voice spurred her on, and she sucked faster and harder as her arousal grew. She loved having the guy's thick cock throbbing on her tongue. She suctioned the delicious cream out of his piss hole and gobbled it. She must have been doing it pretty well, because Wylie was going out of his mind with excitement, shivering and moaning.

Glancing at his face, Jean saw that it was flushed red and contorted with lust. His teeth flashed in a horny snarl, and his eyes were rolling helplessly. Each time she sucked strongly cm his cock, he groaned. She loved being able to drive a man wild with just her lips and tongue. She could see she was going to love cocksucking.

"Oh, shit, teacher, you just about got me!" he cried hoarsely. "I'm gonna come real quick. I'm gonna shoot my whole come-load in your mouth, baby."

He said it in a menacing way, no doubt testing her. But unlike yesterday, she didn't protest or try to get away. Today she was hot and eager. She sucked ravenously on his nearly exploding cock, her head bobbing up and down, dark hair flying. She watched Wylie's eyes roll closed and screw tightly shut.

"Get ready," he groaned. "I'm gonna fill your mouth with my come, teacher."

Jean sucked even harder, and he gave a lusty yelp and spun out of control. He started fucking her mouth. He hammered his engorged prick back and forth over her slippery tongue, and she had to grip the base of his cock tightly to keep him from fucking right down her throat. Then she felt the first sting of fizz in her mouth.

"Unnnnhhhh, fuckin' Christ, eat it!" Wylie howled. "Awwwwww, shit, unnnhhhhhh!"

"Ummmmm, mmmmm!" Jean moaned.

He was filling her mouth so fast and so full, she couldn't control it. Her cheeks swelled to bursting, and jets of thick come spurted from the corners of her lips. She started gulping his tasty cream, load after load of it, while he howled and pumped it into her mouth. The horny school teacher gorged herself on her student's boiling jism.

"Oh, shit, fantastic," Wylie sighed as he finally stopped coming. "You did great, teacher. You're not gonna need any more lessons on cock-sucking."

Jean felt as proud as if a gold star had been pasted on her forehead. When it came to sex, she had so much catching up to do, so much to learn. It was nice to know that she had a natural ability for some things. She waited eagerly while Wylie caught his breath, wondering what he'd teach her next.

"Okay," he said, "our next lesson is pussy eating. On your back, teacher – legs open."

Jean blushed as she assumed the position he wanted, her legs bent and spread. She was still a little shy about showing him her pussy. He crawled between her legs and ogled the cream drenched pink pussy flesh and its pretty fringe of dark curls. She could actually feel his breath tickling and teasing the swollen cunt flesh.

"Anybody ever go down on you before, teacher?" he asked.

"No," Jean said. "You're the first guy I was ever with, Wylie, the first I ever fucked."

"No shit?" he asked.

Then he beamed with pride. It was very exciting to know that he'd been the first to awaken the beautiful spinster teacher to the fun of sex. Now he prepared to make sure that she never forgot his love-making and that she'd be coming back for more of it. He stuck out his tongue and started raking it up and down the tangy tasting line of her cunt gash.

She gasped, shuddered, and dug her nails into the bed.

"Ohhhhh, Wylie, I love that," she gurgled. "That's just heavenly, honey, don't stop."

"I figured you'd go for it, teacher," he chuckled.

"And don't worry, I won't stop till I get you off."

Jean moaned with eagerness. It seemed kind of kinky to come just from a man's lashing tongue, but she knew she could do it. It would be easy. His hot slippery tongue felt fantastically good on the supersensitive flesh of her pussy gash. She went totally limp and submissive.

"Unnnnnh, God, yesssss!" she moaned.

At first his knowing tongue was all over the place, exploring every steamy fold and cranny of her cunt slit. Then he concentrated just on the most sensitive part of all, the throbbing nub of her clit. Jean gurgled and moaned with ecstasy when he whipped the little bud with the stiff tip of his tongue.

A few times, when she was having those naughty sex dreams, the young teacher had awakened to find herself rubbing her clit and bringing herself to orgasm. So she knew just what her clit was capable of. It had only one purpose, one function, and that was to bring her to sexual release. Wylie obviously knew just how to press that button.

His thick tongue circled her violently throbbing clit, rimming and teasing. It gave her a steady buzz of hot pleasure and made her cream uncontrollably. She could feel the molten liquid overflowing her cunt and dribbling down her ass crack to puddle on the bed beneath her. No way could she stop that horny juicing.

"Unnnhhh, Wylie, I love it," she sobbed. "Lick my pussy forever, darling, don't stop."

She hardly recognized herself as this hoarse voiced slut, lying there with her legs eagerly parted, letting a teenaged boy lick her pussy. She had never done anything even remotely like this. But until yesterday, she hadn't known the ecstasy of making bye. She hadn't allowed herself to get even a hint of the delicious things a man and a woman could do for each other.

Now she was determined to learn it all in one evening, and it looked like she'd chosen the right teacher. Wylie had been around. He knew how to arouse a girl, and he knew all the ways a girl could please him. Wylie was just the guy to give the inexperienced spinster a crash course in sex.

"Am I making you good and horny, teacher?" he teased.

"My God, yes," Jean said, practically sobbing with need. "If I don't come pretty soon, I'll go crazy."

"Well, I better get you off, then," he chuckled. "Fasten your seat belt, 'cause here we go."

Jean thought he was just bragging. No man, let alone a teenaged boy, could get a woman off instantly. But then he jammed his mouth onto her throbbing, swollen clit and started to suck, and she almost flew off the bed. The pleasure was powerful, making her sob and groan. She rocketed toward the release she was craving.

"Oooooo, God, yessss, suck meeeee!" she wailed.

She was totally wanton now, clawing the bed and creaming all over Wylie's face. She kept her legs wide open, offering him her whole seething cunt gash. She screwed her eyes tightly shut and felt a violent orgasm radiating out from her exploding clit, shaking her whole body.

"Unnnnhhhh, shit! Unnnnhhh, I'm coming!" she screamed.

She was glad she'd taken an apartment with thick walls, because she couldn't stop screaming in ecstasy as the boy sucked her off. It was the mast delicious come she'd ever had, so much more powerful than the orgasms she'd had in her dreams. It was a full minute before she stopped bucking and writhing.

"Oh, Wylie!" she cried breathlessly. "That was wonderful. You're a very talented guy."

"You'd never know it from my grades," he said dryly.

"Obviously you're taking the wrong classes," Jean laughed. "You'd certainly get an A-plus in pussy-eating."

"Oh, I ain't through with you yet, teacher," he said. "Oooops, I mean I'm not through. Aw, fuck it."

He quit trying to be grammatical and just shoved his face into her pussy. Jean gripped the bedspread and braced herself for another round of pleasure. But no way could she have prepared herself for the ecstasy she felt as Wylie crammed his long stiff tongue into her seething little cunt. She sobbed and creamed a flood of molten juice all over his deep-plowing tongue.

"Oh, Wylie, yesssss," she hissed, her face twisting into a lusty mask. "Yes, stick it in me, I love it."

He slid his hands under her wriggling ass, cupped the hot little globes, and held her steady. Then he fucked her with his tongue. It was even more wildly exciting than being sucked off. Jean sobbed with bliss and soaked his face again and again with her spurting pussy cream.

"Unnnhhh, dolt to me, don't ever stop," she whimpered.

How had she gone all her adult life without this incredible pleasure? No wonder she was finding release in her sleep, playing with herself when she was unconscious. She'd been needing a man so badly but never admitting it to herself. Now she couldn't deny it any longer. She couldn't exist without a hard cock.

She couldn't exist without an expert tongue, either. After today she'd want more and more head, just as she'd crave to be fucked. Wylie fucked his stiff tongue in her greedily gripping cunt, and she sailed effortlessly toward orgasm. Arching her body upward, she took his fucking tongue as deep as she could.

"Give it to me, do it to meee," she babbled hoarsely.

Steadily she tightened her cunt around the boy's pistoning tongue, increasing the delicious hot friction. In no time at all she was hovering on the brink of climax. Her cunt cream spurted out in uncontrollable jets, soaking Wylie's face. She couldn't imagine a greater pleasure than this.

She watched his head bobbing up and down between her legs, and then her eyes rolled closed. She wasn't conscious of anything but the searing pleasure in her cunt. She felt another violent orgasm welling up from her boiling depths and quickly spreading out to shake her whole body. "You're doing it to me, Wylie," she sobbed.

"You're making me come! Oh, shit, whaahhh!" He gripped her ass tightly, holding her torso in place, and tongue-fucked her through the body-racking orgasm. It was even more powerful than the last climax she'd had. If she hadn't been hooked on sex before, she was now. She could never go back to her lonely spinster ways. She could never be a man-hater again.

"Oh, honey, that was so damned good," she gurgled as he finally drew his tongue from her steaming cunt.

Wylie grinned and wiped her pussy cream from his face. "Look what I've got for you, teacher," he said.

Jean opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was his magnificent stiff young cock. It was hugging his belly in a fierce hard-on, bulging with blue veins and drooling thick cream. Yesterday, the sight of his cock had terrified her, but today it turned her on wildly. Gurgling with eagerness, she reached out to pet and stroke the hard hot column of cock flesh.

"You want some of that, teacher?"

"Yes, honey, I sure do," Jean said hoarsely. "Then tell me exactly how you want it," he said. "I wanta hear you say it, Miss Walker."

Jean blushed. It was hard for her to become liberated overnight. "I want your cock in my cunt, Wylie," she said. "I-I want you to – fuck me."

"Good," he nodded, "that turns me, on, teacher. I wish all teachers were like you."

Kneeling between her legs, he looked down at her triumphantly. Jean couldn't blame him for that smug leer. It had to be pretty ego building for the teenaged boy to have a beautiful older woman, his teacher, lying there with her legs wide open and begging him to fuck her. It was probably like a jack-off fantasy come true.

"Jesus, I wish the other guys could see me now," he chuckled.

Jean frowned. "Don't push it, Wylie," she warned. "Don't blow a good deal. I want you well behaved in class, so the others will follow your example. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said sheepishly. "I guess I kinda got carried away."

"Good," Jean purred. "And now that we understand each other, let's fuck."

She held out her arms to him, but he grinned and shook his head. His cockiness was back. Jean realized it was a part of Wylie that she'd never change. But that was all right, because most of the time it turned her on. When he teased and taunted her, it just built her lust to higher levels.

She gave him what he wanted. She begged. "Please, honey," she whined, "stick your cock in me. I need it so bad, Wylie. I need to be fucked."

"Sure, teacher," he said. "I'll fuck you, but not like that. There's another way I wanta try it."

He moved over beside her and stretched out on his back. His rock-hard cock stood up rigidly, pointed at the ceiling and drooling rivers of cream. Jean was practically whimpering with need as she stared at his fucker. She ached to feel his thick boner cramming her famished littie cunt.

"You want it, teacher?" he growled. "Sit on it."

Moaning with eagerness, Jean mounted him. She crouched over him with her knees hugging his hips and her juicing pussy an inch from his swollen purple cockhead. Dying to feel his cock inside her, she shoved her hips downward, impaling herself on the rigid shaft of his stiff standing cock.

"Ohhhhh, God, yessss," she moaned.

"Shit, yeah!" Wylie yelped. "Go for it, teacher – take the whole thing."

He was practically coming as he watched the beautiful brunette schoolteacher sliding down his stiff cock. Her cunt was hot as fire and hungrily gripping, and her pretty face was twisted with lust. She was letting him know just how great his cock felt to her. The stern and prim Miss Walker was creaming all over his prick.

"Oooooo, yessss!" she hissed, her trim ass coming to rest against his thighs.

"Good work, teacher," he said. "You got every inch of my fucker."

Jean was very much aware of that. She was whimpering and shivering in ecstasy as she sat there fully impaled on his throbbing cock. She soaked his cockmeat with her steady helpless creaming. Then he held her by the waist and started fucking her in slow deep thrusts, enjoying the velvety tightness of her cunt.

"Oh, Wylie, honey, yes," she gurgled. "Fuck me, baby."

His cock gave a wild buck inside her as he listened to her hoarsely telling him how much she loved his fucking. Yesterday, a scene like this would have been only a fantasy to him. At first he'd sat in her class hating her sternness yet getting a hard-on for her, daydreaming about what it would be like to fuck her.

Then he'd made his fantasy come true. With the help of his buddies, he'd fucked her in front of the whole class. That had been a moment of triumph. But somehow it hadn't been nearly as delicious as making it with her in private. In her own bed, she was completely loose and uninhibited, and that turned him on more than anything.

Now as he slowly pistoned his cock in her, teasing and tantalizing her with it, he watched her pretty face turning into a grimacing mask of lust. He watched her nostrils flare and her teeth flash in a horny snarl. He watched the thick cream pouring helplessly from her cock crammed cunt and gushing down her thighs.

"Am I fucking you good, Miss Walker?"

"Oh, honey, yes," she moaned, "I love it. Never stop fucking me, Wylie, I couldn't stand it."

Wylie started fucking her faster, harder, and she responded with wails of ecstasy. He watched her luscious big melon-shaped tits swinging and bouncing as she rode his jerking cock. He liked to see his blue-veined prick in action, spreading her cunt lips wide and plowing into her hot depths. His deep-reaming cock forced out her pearly cunt cream. Each deep fuck-lunge made her moan in ecstasy and cream again and again.

"Fuck it to me, Wylie, fuck harder," she begged. "I want it as hard as you can give it to me."

"You'll get it, teacher," he grinned, "but let's not rush, okay? This is too damned good to rush."

Jean agreed in a way, but she was also frantic to come. She knew that a good hard fucking would get her off quickly and powerfully. But Wylie was in the driver's seat, setting the pace, and he was in no hurry. Grinning broadly, he watched his thick young boner fucking in and out of her cunt.

Jean whimpered and wriggled impatiently. Without really realizing what she was doing, she reached down and started playing with her self. She rubbed her index finger stiffly up and down over her swollen cunt slit. That doubled her pleasure. She was getting delicious sensations from massaging her clit and from Wylie's rockhard cock fucking her cunt.

"Not enough action for you, teacher?" the boy teased.

Jean blushed hard as she realized she was masturbating in front of the guy. She had to be pretty hard up to do a shameless thing like that. But as she started to take her hand away from her pussy, Wylie grabbed it and made her keep on playing with herself.

"Don't stop," he rasped. "I like to watch." Slyly but with increasing need, Jean went on rubbing her clit while he fucked her cunt. Her arousal was reaching fever pitch. Wylie's excitement was carrying him away, too, and he started fucking her steadily faster and harder, giving her the rough pounding she craved. She rubbed her clit faster, matching his horny tempo.

"Yes, fuck it to me," she said. "Fuck my pussy good."

Wylie was violently turned on by his teacher's dirty talk, and he spun out of control, fucking her with lightning speed. Her head lolled back, dark hair flying, and she wailed in ecstasy as he fucked his cock into her with increasing force. She zipped her stiff finger over her clit and brought herself to the brink of release.

"Oh, shit, fuck it tome!" she howled. "Make me come before I go crazy!"

Wylie was just about to come, himself, she turned him on so powerfully. He loved turning his puritanical teacher into a howling slut. Her cunt was fantastically hungry around his cock, squeezing and clasping. He hammered his prickmeat into her and felt his balls swelling to the point of explosion.

"Unnnhhhh, Wylie, harder," Jean sobbed. "Fuck the shit out of me, baby – I'm gonna come!"

"Ohhhhh, fuck, so am I," he groaned.

He gave it to her as hard as he possibly could, making her whole body shuddered with the impact. She masturbated furiously, and in another second a powerful climax thundered through her body. Her cunt went into hard spasm, sucking at his cock, and he yelled and jetted his come-load into her pussy.

"Ohhhhh, fuck! Ohhhh, I'm coming!" Jean screamed.

"Take my load, teacher," Wylie groaned. "Awwwwww, yeah, awwwwwww!"

Jean swayed over him in ecstasy as he pumped his load of jizz into her spasming cunt. Once more, she wondered how she'd lived this long without fucking. It was a pleasure she would never deny herself again, that was for sure.

At last, she tumbled off Wylie and wriggled with satisfaction.

"Mmmmmm, Wylie, thanks," she sighed. "That was great."

"Glad you enjoyed it, teacher," he grinned as he got dressed. "You learn real fast. I taught you everything you need to know – and now you're gonna pass me in the history course, right?"

"Right," Jean smiled. "So glad we could come to an agreement, Wylie."
