General Westlake and Senator Martinez watched the big screen that dominated the control room of the command bunker. It showed a computerized map of the US and North America. Changing numbers on the right-hand side of the display indicated that the Ajax satellite was approaching the Eastern seaboard.

"What Caesar and the Romans could have done if they'd had this kind of technology," Westlake said.

"They did pretty well without it," Martinez said.

"But in the end, they failed. We will not. What we do here today will birth a new Empire. The glory of Rome will be nothing in comparison."

"A Pax Americana," Martinez said, "backed up by the most powerful military the world has ever seen."

"We don't need the entire world," Westlake said, "at least not at first."

"There will be some who try to take advantage of the transition," Martinez said. "Russia comes to mind. China."

"Let them try. They will find new strength in our foreign policy."

"You are sure that we have enough support in the Pentagon?"

Westlake gave him a hard look. "Second thoughts? It's a little late for that. "

"I've always thought Anderson could make trouble."

General Franklin Anderson was Commandant of the Marine Corps.

"I've assigned units to isolate Anderson, Admiral Kaplan and the other senior officers who won't support us. There are only a half dozen officers who could create a problem. They will be unable to affect events."

"Homeland Security?"

"Will be out in force, as soon as Edmonds announces that there has been a terrorist attack."

"Speaking of Edmonds, there's something else," Martinez said. "What about Rice? He hasn't resumed his office, but he's awake."

"I've already arranged for his, ah, relapse," Westlake said. "In any event, it's too late for anything he does to make a difference." Westlake gestured at the screen. "Ajax will be in range soon."

A red light began blinking on the wall beside the screen.

"What's that?" Martinez asked.

Westlake's lips set in a tight line. "Intruder alert. Someone has breached the security perimeter up top."

"How can that be? No one knows about this place."

"I don't know."

Westlake picked up a phone on the console and listened to it ring. He set the phone down and turned to Martinez.

"The perimeter post isn't answering. I'll send a team into the tunnels. It could be a malfunction, but if someone has breached security they won't make it past the elevator."
