Washington 18:00 h

“Good evening, Mr. President.” Nikolay Muratov extended his arm, but felt the cool reception. He nodded as he sat down in the couch across from Edwin Kiger.

“Ambassador, we have a situation.”

“We do?”

“I would hope your government would not have left one so important as you in the dark, Mr. Ambassador,” Martin Powell replied.

“Nikolay, are you not aware of what has happened in Alaska?”

“I am not, Mr. President.” The Russian ambassador pushed against the arm of the couch as he squirmed into his seat. “My government must not think it is important.”

“Mr. Ambassador, the downing of an American fighter over the coast of Alaska by Russian warplanes is hardly a non-event.”

“Easy, Martin,” POTUS replied as he held up his hand. The president uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees. “Nikolay, if I were you, I’d get hold of someone really quickly. I am, outraged that your country is so flippant that they would have failed to inform you of this.”

“I am sorry, Mr. President. I know not, flippant.”

“I’ll get you a dictionary, Mr. Ambass …” Martin stopped at POTUS’ raised hand. He was getting heated.

“Nikolay, I want to make this very clear. I will not stand for any, and I mean any, incursion into United States airspace.”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

“Let me finish,” POTUS replied as he sat back into the seat. “Any violation of this will result in the most dire of consequences.”

“Mr. President, I will certainly pass along your words to my government. I certainly hope this will not have an adverse effect on the upcoming state function in a number of days. My country has always wished to respect international boundaries.”

“Like in the Ukraine?” Martin responded. That drew a wince from the ambassador.

“Please do so, Nikolay,” POTUS replied. “Good day.”

The Russian ambassador was escorted from the Oval Office by a Marine guard. A thoughtful touch arranged by the chief of staff.

“Well, I think that put him on the defensive, Martin.”

“I would say so, sir. It would be difficult to believe he knew nothing about it.”

“Oh, I’m sure he knows Martin, or at least he knows something.”

“Perhaps it was an oversight to leave him off the list of people to call.”

“Not in this world, or any other, Martin.” POTUS turned as he looked at his aide. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

“No sir,” Martin replied. “Not really. It was just a thought.”
