“General Goraya is on the line.”
“General, it is good that you called me.”
“Da, Andrey. Things did not go well on this mission. The American pilots are back to their cowboy ways.”
“It is unfortunate yes, but we live in a world of unfortunate events. We must make the most of them.” Andrey leaned forward as his elbows dug into his desk.“ President Novichkov is furious with the American’s reaction.”
“I would think so. What does he propose?”
“The Americans should see that we will not back down, that we will stand up to them. He wants to show them we operate from a position of strength, that we should show them we will not be cowed, that we have just as much right to the skies as they do, or any nation of the world.”
“Da. Our president sees the world as it should be. It is, unfortunately, not always so. What does he propose?”