Like many Venetians, Brunelli believed that Venetians ate better than anyone else in the world. And like many Venetians, too, he believed that he ate better than anyone in Venice, thanks to his wife.

That morning, before he knew anything of the unfortunate Count Barbieri, his wife had announced her intention of cooking seppia con nero for lunch. She knew that Brunelli was unhappy about their son. Seppia con nero was a favorite with them both and she hoped that their differences would untangle across a bowl of steaming squid.

“You’re late, Papa,” Paolo said when Brunelli arrived.

Carla glanced at her husband. He smiled.

“If I am late, Paolo, it is because I have been working. Not lounging about in the piazza, talking and smoking cheroots.”

“But Papa, your work is all talk, too. It’s the same as mine.”

“Hmmph.” Brunelli sat down at the table and closed his eyes. “I smell it. I smell seppia con nero.” He sighed.
