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Adzhemov, Moisei, 256 Akselrod, Alexander, 218 Alekseev, Gen. Mikhail, 96, 100, 101 and defeat of Kornilov, 114, 146,

149-50, 152 in formation of new government

(Aug.), 151-53, 156 on Kornilov, 97 and rise of Kornilov, 106, 332n Alekseeva, Ekaterina, 220 Aleksei I (Tsar), 225

Aleksinsky, Grigorii, 15, 17-19, 21, 320n Alexandra (Empress), 97 Alliluev, Sergei, 32

All-Russian Bolshevik Party Conference (April Conference), xxxviii, xlii-xliii, 9, 60, 62, 134 All-Russian Committee for the Salvation of the Country and the Revolution, 306-8 All-Russian Congress of Peasants' Deputies, see All-Russian Executive Committees; Central Executive Committee; First All-Russian Congress of Soviets; Second All- Russian Congress of Soviets All-Russian Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, see All-Russian Executive Committees; Central

Executive Committee; First All- Russian Congress of Soviets; Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets All-Russian Executive Committees (soviets), xli, 52, 109, 172 criticized (July), 45, 46 and defeat of Kornilov, 129-34, 137,

138, 143, 148 district soviets differ with, 77 dominant elements in, 76 in formation of new government

(Aug.), 151, 153, 157-64 in garrison crisis, 240 -41, 243 and ineffectiveness of repression, 53, 78

in July uprising, 2, 12-13, 15-16, 29 Kornilov affair and Lenin's shift on, 170

and Kornilov-Kerensky dispute, 108,

110-13 and Lenin's arrest (July), 33 military dictatorship and, 95 and new Soviet government (Oct.), 306

and October uprising, 260 and preparation for uprising, 213,

215, 221 and reaction to July days, 17-18, 20-25, 34-35, 43, 63-64

All-Russian Union of Trade and

Industry, 95 Amur (mine layer), 274, 277, 278, 285, 289

Anarchists, 10, 237 Angarsky, N. S., 329n Anisimov, V. A., 34, 77, 174 Antonov-Ovseenko, Vladimir, 30, 48, 153, 312

in garrison crisis, 234-37, 241, 247 in Military Revolutionary

Committee, 245 in new Soviet government, 306 in October uprising, 249, 262 in preparation for uprising, 211, 214, 234

in seizure of power, 274, 278, 281, 286, 288, 299-301 Antselovich, Naum, 218 April Conference (Seventh All-Russian Bolshevik Party Conference), xxxviii, xlii—xliii, 9, 60, 62, 134, 316n "April Theses" (Lenin), xlii, 171—72 Apushkin, General, 334n Arosev, I. Ia., 327n "August 14 Program," 112—13, 184, 334n

Aurora (cruiser), 144, 254, 269, 274,

277—78, 285, 286, 288, 289 Avilov, Nikolai, 306 Avksentiev, Nikolai, 55, 68

and Democratic State Conference, 184, 185

and new government (Aug.), 163, 165 and October uprising, 259 and Preparliament, 201 and seizure of power, 276—77 Azev, Evno, 18

Bagdatiev, Sergei, 9, 30, 319n Bagratuni, Gen. Iakov, 244, 248, 285—88

Baltic Fleet, see Russian naval units Baluev, General, 127 Baranov, Aleksei, 262—63 Baranovsky, Col. V. L., 335n "Before the Congress of Soviets"

(Zinoviev), 190 Belishev, Alexander, 269 Berzin, Ia. A., 250, 251, 272, 325n Bethmann-Holweg, Moritz August von, 5

Birzhevye vedomosti (newspaper), 3, 36, 215, 250

Black Hundreds, 26, 27, 42—43, 79, 97, 205

Blagonravov, Georgii, 274, 282, 285—

86, 288—89 Bogdanov, Boris, 161, 163 and Congress of Soviets, 292 at Democratic State Conference,

176—77 and garrison crisis, 247 and new government (Aug.), 165 Bogdanov, Mikhail, 140 Boky, G. I., 199, 217, 326n Boldyrev (SR spokesman), 161—62 Bolshevik Central Committee, 8—9, 316n, 325n

conference of (July 13—14), 59—62, 66—70

and Congress of Soviets, 188—89, 344n

debates over July policy of, 48, 49 and defeat of Kornilov, 134—38, 336n and demonstrations (April, June), xlviii—l

division within (Sept.), 174, 187—88 and formation of new government

(Aug.), 159 in garrison crisis, 234, 235, 239, 242, 246

and ineffectiveness of government repression, 57—59

in July uprising, l, 11-13, 16 lack of control by, xxxviii Lenin and, during Kornilov affair, 169

and Lenin's call to insurrection

(Sept.-Oct.), 179-82, 313 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

193-210, 345n Military Organization and, 72-74; see also Bolshevik Military Organization and Military Revolutionary Committee, 232-33, 239

moderates control, xlii-xliii and Moscow State Conference, 110-11

new coalition government (Sept.) and,

187, 34ln and new Soviet government, 309-10 in October uprising, 25, 52, 353n and preparation for uprising, 212 and reaction to July days, 64, 66 and Sixth Congress, 83, 84 Bolshevik Military Organization, xxxviii-xxxix, l-li, 233, 312, 316n arrest of top leaders of, 47 charges of insurrection against

members of, 54 damaged by July days, 776 and defeat of Kornilov, 135-38, 142,

143, 337n in garrison crisis, 231, 234-36, 244, 348n

and ineffectiveness of government

repression, 57, 59, 327n in July uprising, 8-13 and Lenin's call to insurrection

(Sept.), 181 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 201 in October uprising, 261

in preparation for uprising, 211, 212,

216, 217, 221, 224, 347n in seizure of power, 281 and Sixth Congress, 83, 84 soldiers in, xlvi, xlviii Bolshevik Moscow Regional Bureau,

88, 89, 111, 135, 195 Bolshevik Party

and alliance with left parties, xli-xlii attacks on offices of (July), 43, 44, 53 and defeat of Kornilov, 132, 139 and district soviets, 77, 81 gains made by, among workers,

xlv-xlviii German funds for, 14-15 ineffectiveness of attempt to repress, 51-54

internal organization of, xxxix,


Military Organization criticized by,

71-72 origin of, xxxv-xxxvi and reaction to July days, 17-19, 26-38

resurgence of (after July), 83-93, 111-12

Sixth Congress of, xxxviii, 62, 83-90,

132, 134, 173, 174, 198, 313 support for goals of, xxxv takes over Kshesinskaia mansion, 8-9 Bolshevik Petersburg Committee, xxxviii, xlii, l, 50, 73, 312, 316n and Congress of Soviets, 189 and defeat of Kornilov, 134-36, 138, 337n

and garrison crisis, 233-34 and ineffectiveness of government

repression, 57, 62-70, 327n in July uprising, 8-12 and Lenin's call to insurrection, 179, 181

in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

193-200 Lenin's moderation (Sept.) and, 172-73

Military Organization criticized by, 71

in October uprising, 265, 268 and preparation for uprising, 216-19 and reaction to July, 62-70 and Sixth Congress, 83 Bonch-Bruevich, Vladimir M., li, 1, 3, 7, 44

Bregman, Lazar, 144 Breshko-Breshkovskaia, Ekaterina, 201 Breslav, Boris, 210-11 Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918), 310 Broido, Mark, 231, 292 Brusilov, Gen. Aleksei, 96, 97, 99-103, 106

Bubnov, Andrei, 57, 74, 325n, 326n, 328n

and Congress of Soviets, 187 and defeat of Kornilov, 135, 136 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 195, 199-201, 203 and Lenin's shift in September, 173 in October uprising, 250, 251 and preparation for uprising, 216-17,

219, 234 in seizure of power, 290 at Sixth Congress, 88-90 Buchanan, George, 40, 152 Bukharin, Nikolai, 57, 72, 87, 88, 181,

325n, 326n Bulat, A. A., 36 Burishkin, A. A., 343n Burtsev, Vladimir, 19 Bykhovsky, Naum, 290

Cadets (in defense of Winter Palace),

Capital punishment issue, 77-81, 91, 100-106 Central Committee, see Bolshevik

Central Committee Central Executive Committee (soviets), xli, 196, 306

capital punishment and, 91 and defeat of Kornilov, 142 district soviets and, 81-82 and garrison crisis, 236-37, 241 and ineffectiveness of repression, 54,

56-57, 328n and July uprising, 15-16 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 205 and new government (Aug.), 158, 165 and new Soviet government, 309-10, 357n

and October uprising, 271

and preparation for uprising, 212, 214

and reaction to July days, 17-20,

24-25, 31, 33-35, 39, 49-50, 321n Sixth Congress and, 87 Chamberlin, William Henry, xxxiv Cheremisov, Gen. Vladimir army reform and, 102-5 and defeat of Kornilov, 149, 333n in garrison crisis, 226-27, 229-31, 244

and seizure of power, 287, 302, 305, 355n

Chernov, Viktor, xlv, 22, 26, 27, 174 and new Provisional Government (Aug.), 158, 163, 165-66 Chkheidze, Nikolai, 7, 35, 112, 174, 175 and Democratic State Conference, 185

274, 278, 280-91, 295, 298-301, 305 in garrison crisis, 245

and new Provisional Government (Aug.), 16, 165 Chudnovsky, Grigorii, 223, 312

in seizure of power, 274, 276, 281, 283-84, 300, 301 City Duma, see Duma, Petrograd City Club Pravda, 9, 70 Committee for Struggle Against the Counterrevolution, 132, 138-41, 148, 149, 152-53, 161, 166, 170, 232, 337n—38n Congress of Soviets, see First All- Russian Congress of Soviets; Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets Constituent Assembly, xxxviii, xlv, 173, 201-2,311

Congress of Soviets and, 214 and Democratic State Conference, 184, 185

elections for, xxxix, 4, 22, 37, 190,

306, 357n and garrison crisis, 227, 228, 237, 247 and insurrection, 203-5, 256, 260 and July uprising, 4 Kornilov affair and, 131 new Provisional Government (Aug.)

and, 159, 160, 163, 165 and new Soviet government, 309 and seizure of power, 287, 288, 347n Council of People's Commissars, 306-7 Council of the Republic,

see Preparliament "Crisis Has Matured, The" (Lenin), 193

Dan, Fedor, 23-24, 35, 90, 194 in Congress of Soviets, 292 in Democratic State Conference, 186 and garrison crisis, 237, 243 and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 165, 34ln in October uprising, 258-60 and preparation for uprising, 215, 216 and seizure of power, 291 Daniels, Robert V., xxxiv

Dashkevich, Petr, 47, 153, 250, 280, 283-84

"Declaration of Principles" (July 8), 21, 23-25

Declaration of Soldiers' Rights (March), 101

Delo naroda (newspaper), 292 Democratic State Conference (Sept.),

164, 165, 174-88, 191, 192, 198, 113 Den' (newspaper), 19 Denikin, Gen. Anton I., 100-104, 127,

149, 333n Desimeter, Col. L. P., 96, 146, 149 "Directive Number One" (Oct.), 249, 256

Directory, 125, 130-31, 157, 170 District soviets, see Petrograd district soviets

Diterikhs, Gen. Mikhail, 271 Dolgorukov, Gen. A. M., 117 Dostoevsky, Fedor, 99 Dubrovin, Dr., 27 Dukhonin, Gen. Nikolai, 225 Duma, Petrograd City, 39, 43 and defeat of Kornilov, 141, 149 elections for, 91-93 and new Soviet government, 306 and seizure of power, 288-90, 295, 296, 298-99 Duma, State, xl, 22, 76, 110 Provisional Committee of, 39, 44-46, 80

Dybenko, Pavel, 30, 48, 153, 262-63, 306

Dzenis, Osvald, 47, 268-69 Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 57, 74, 75, 325n, 328n

in October uprising, 250, 251 and preparation for insurrection, 181, 203, 234 Dzevaltovsky, I. I., 327n Dzhaparidze, Alesha, 86-88

Economy, the Bolshevik power and, 198, 199 factories, 6—8, 53—54, 63—64, 66,

169, 303, 331n food shortage, xliii, 3—4, 94, 167, 331n

fuel shortage, xliii, 4, 167, 331n workers' situation in, xliii—xlvi Edinstvo (newspaper), 19 Efremov, Ivan, 55, 60 Elizarova, Anna, 32 Emelianov, Nikolai, 34 Eremeev, Konstantin, 274 Erlikh, Genrikh, 295 Ermolenko, Lieutenant, 14 Executive Commission, see Bolshevik

Petersburg Committee Executive Committee (All-Russian Congress of Peasants' Deputies), xli, 110, 295, 298; see also All-Russian Executive Committees Evdokimov, Grigorii, 200

Factories, 6—8, 53—54, 63—64, 66, 169,

303, 331n Factory-shop committees, xlvi, 136, 140, 216, 237, 246 Central Soviet of, 141, 308 Fadeev, Aleko, 46—47 Faerman, Mikhail, 269 February revolution (1917), xxxvi—xxxvii,

xliii—xliv Fedorov, G. F., 175 Fenikshtcin, Iakov, 200 Ferro, Marc, xxxiv Filipovsky, Vasilii, 292 Filonenko, Maximilian, 99—104, 106,

107, 335n Finisov, P. N., 146, 149 Finland, 1, 34, 144, 168, 179, 197, 235

Finland, Regional Executive Committee of Army, Fleet, and Workers in, 168, 193, 197, 209—10, 237 First All-Russian Congress of Soviets (June), xlviii—xlix, 21, 23, 291; see also All-Russian Executive Committees; Central Executive Committee; Executive Committee; Second All- Russian Congress of Soviets First City Conference (Bolshevik;

Petrograd), xlii Flakserman, Galina, 202 Flakserman, Iurii, 204, 206 Flerovsky, Ivan, 46, 273, 277 Fofanova, Margarita, 191, 263—66,

323n, 345n Food shortage, xliii, 3—4, 94, 167, 331n Francis, David, 40

Freedom in Struggle (newspaper), 332n "From a Publicist's Diary" (Lenin), 192—93

Fuel shortage, xliii, 4, 167, 331n

Ganetsky, Iakov, 17 Garrison conference, 233, 236—37, 240—41

Gazeta-kopeika (newspaper), 36, 215 Gendelman, Mikhail, 293—94 Gessen, S. M., 219 Gippius, Zinaida, 126 Gogol, Nikolai, 7 Goldberg (soldier), 240 Golospravdy (newspaper), 29, 324n Golos soldata (newspaper), 19, 20, 39,

229, 240 Gorin, Alexander, 77, 81, 139 Gorky, Maxim, 19, 215, 325n Gots, A. R., 90, 174 and Congress of Soviets, 292 and Democratic State Conference,

184, 185 and garrison crisis, 247 and October uprising, 258—60

Government, see Constituent Assembly; Council of People's Commissars; Preparliament; Provisional Government; Soviets Groza (newspaper), 43 Guchkov, Alexander, xxxix, xlv, 96, 156 Gvozdev, K. A., 287 Gzhelshchak, Frants, 295

Helsingfors, 30, 143, 146, 157, 168, 273 "Heroes of Fraud and the Mistakes of

the Bolsheviks" (Lenin), 191-92 Holy Russia, 43

Iakovleva (Bolshevik), 203-4, 346n Ilin-Zhenevsky, Alexander F., 46, 47, 72 on Central Committee (post-July), 57-58

in October uprising, 261, 347n at Sixth Congress, 84-85 Interdistrict Committee, 77, 81, 83, 84, 316n

Interdistrict Conference of Soviets, 77,

78, 80-84, 138-40, 328n Ioffe, A. A., 181, 200 Iudenich, Gen. Nikolai, 106 Iurenev, Konstantin, 86, 88 Iurenev, Petr, 115, 125 Ivanov, Vasilii, 67 Ivashin, Anton, 47 Izvestiia (newspaper), 202, 227, 228 and July uprising, 3 and Kornilov, 105, 111, 129 and reaction to July days, 19-20, 43, 45

Izvestiia Kronshtadtskogo soveta (newspaper), 157

July uprising, 1-82

ineffectiveness of repression following,

51-82 reaction to, 17-50

June 10 demonstration, xlviii, 3 June 18 demonstration, lviii-xlix

Kadets (Constitutional Democrats; Party of People's Freedom), xxxix, 170, 175, 192, 310 district soviets and, 82 in elections to City Duma, 91, 93 general policy position of, 95 in July uprising, 2-3, 318n-19n and Kornilov, 103-5, 112, 139, 333n and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 200, 205 and October uprising, 259 in Provisional Government, 25, 151-54, 159, 162-66, 183-86 and reaction to July days, 19, 21, 22 and a Soviet government, 292 Kadlubovsky, Karl, 269 Kaganovich, Lazar, 327n Kaledin, Gen. Aleksei, 106, 112, 114, 304

Kaliagin, P. S., 269 Kalinin, Mikhail, 12, 135, 136, 218, 219

Kamenev, Lev, xli, 239, 312, 325n at April Conference, xlii, 316n and Congress of Soviets, 187, 188,

293, 298, 301, 306 and defeat of Kornilov, 132, 134 and Democratic State Conference,

176-78, 184, 188 and garrison crisis, 242 general views of, xxxviii, 173, 317n, 320n

and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181, 187

and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 192-93, 196, 199, 203-8, 345n, 346n Military Organization and, 72

and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 159-65, 341n in new Soviet government, 309, 310 in October uprising, 250-51, 272 and preparation for uprising, 212-14,

216, 217, 221-23, 347n on Presidium of Petrograd Soviet, 175 and reaction to July days, 30-33, 37,

47-49, 57 in seizure of power, 289, 303 Sixth Congress and, 83, 85 Stalin compared with, 66 Kamkov, Boris, 183 and Congress of Soviets, 292, 296-97, 304

and October uprising, 257, 258, 351n and preparation for uprising, 213-14 Kapelinsky (Menshevik-

Internationalist), 302, 303 Karinsky, N. S., 29, 32, 55-57 Kartashev, Anton, 187 Katkov, George, xxxiv Kaurov, V. N., 323n Kedrov, Mikhail, 72 Kerensky, Alexander F., xxxv, 5, 44 becomes prime minister, 21, 25-28,

55, 322n and defeat of Kornilov, 129-50 and Democratic State Conference,

177-78, 185-86 fall of, 274-78, 284, 287, 300-6,

308, 314, 355n in formation of a new government

(Aug.), 151-67 and funeral of cossacks, 40-41 and garrison crisis, 225-31, 244 ineffectiveness of repression under, 76 internal policies of, 51, 52 and July uprising, 2 Kornilov vs., 110-28, 334n Lenin and, during Kornilov affair, 169-70

and Lenin as German agent, 14, 28 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 191-95, 201, 203, 205 military dictatorship and, 99 new coalition government under

(Sept.), 186-87, 343n and October uprising, 249, 253-61,

265, 266, 268, 270-72 preparation to overthrow, 210, 211,


in Provisional Government (April), xl, xlv

and reaction to July days, 30, 68, 323n

and rise of Kornilov, 100-108

seeks soviet's support, 35

social disintegration alarms (Aug.),


soldiers and reintroduction of death penalty by, 75 Kharash, Iakov, 293, 294 Kharitonov, Moisei, 67, 68, 199, 218 Khaustov, Flavian, 30, 48, 277, 327n Khinchuk, Lev, 293-94 Khopor (mine layer), 274 Khovrin, Nikolai, 30, 48 Kishkin, Nikolai, 216 in formation of new government

(Aug.), 151, 343n, 355n during seizure of power, 285-87, 299, 300

Klembovsky, General, 100, 120, 127, 149

Kokoshkin, F. F., 125, 165 Kolchak, Adm. Aleksandr, 96 Kolbin, I. N., 158 Kollontai, Alexandra, 202 and Congress of Soviets, 292 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

203, 206 and preparation for uprising, 210

during reaction to July days, 30—31,

48, 55—56, 325n Sixth Congress and, 83 Kolmin, G. F., 173 Konovalov, Alexander, 187, 201 and rise of Kornilov, 106 and seizure of power, 270, 284, 287, 299—301 Kornilov, Gen. Lavr, 90, 305 biography of, 96—100 defeat of, 129—52, 183, 187, 312, 313, 355n

effects of defeat of, on Lenin, 132—35, 167—71, 173, 180, 204, 205

formation of new government

following defeat of, 159—67, 340n garrison crisis compared with affair

involving, 228—29 Kerensky vs., 110—28, 335n, 336n on Lenin, 109 rise of, 94—109 Kotsiubinsky, Iurii, 47 Kozlovsky, Mechislav, 17 Krasnov, Gen. Petr, 305, 306, 308, 309 Krasnovsky (commissar), 227 Krestinsky, N. N., 325n Kronstadt naval base, xliv, 28, 273—74 Kronstadt sailors, see Sailors Kronstadt Soviet, 30, 90, 144, 158, 262, 330n

Krupskaia, Nadezhda, 32, 182, 265, 345n

Krylenko, Nikolai, 47, 153, 209, 327n and Congress of Soviets, 305 in garrison crisis, 242 in new Soviet government, 306 and preparation for uprising, 221 in seizure of power, 302 Krymov, General, 109, 305 and defeat of Kornilov, 131, 142, 146,

148—51 removal of, 118

and rise of Kornilov, 116, 120, 128

Kshesinskaia, Mathilde, 8—9, 35 Kshesinskaia mansion, 8—9, 26, 27, 53, 62

Kuchin, Georgii, 293—95 Kudelko, I. U., 47, 153 Kuzmin, A. I., 26, 276

Land reform, 4—5, 22, 169, 172, 303, 306

Larin, Iurii, 84—85, 223, 322n Lashevich, Mikhail in garrison crisis, 242 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

198—200 and Military Revolutionary

Committee, 245 in October uprising, 249, 269 Latsis, Martin

and defeat of Kornilov, 135 in July uprising, 13 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 200, 201 and Military Revolutionary

Committee, 233—34 and obstacles to an uprising, 209,

217—18 in October uprising, 268 and reaction to July days, 63 —66 Lazimir, Pavel, 234, 237, 241, 242, 249 Lebedev, Vladimir, 5, 6 Left Socialist Revolutionaries, 24, 168, 209

and Congress of Soviets, 291—93,

296—98, 304 and Democratic State Conference,

176, 183 and district soviets, 77 in garrison crisis, 246, 247 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 205 in Military Revolutionary Committee, 237

and new Soviet government, 308-10, 356n

in October uprising, 250, 251, 254,

257-61, 268, 352n in preparation for uprising, 213-15 and reaction to July days, 24, 25 and seizure of power, 306 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 233, 325n and Bolshevik competition for influence in Petrograd Soviet (Sept.), 175 calls for insurrection (Sept.), 178-82, 187, 188, 313

calls for revolution (April), xxxix, xli,

316n—17n campaigns for insurrection, 191-208,

344n-45n charges against, 55-56 and defeat of Kornilov, 132-35,

167-71, 173, 180, 204, 205, 337n and garrison crisis, 234-36 as German agent, 14-19, 28, 31, 37-38

and government crackdown on

Bolshevik Party, 26, 27 July theses of, 59-60, 66-70, 326n and July uprising, li, 1, 3, 6, 7, 9-14 Kornilov on, 109 leadership of, 311-12 leftist regime sought by, 246-47 manifesto by, as ultimate source of Soviet political authority, 303-4 Martov and, 24 Military Organization and, 75 in new Soviet government, 306, 309, 310

in October uprising, 251, 256,

263-67, 272, 353n party concept of, xxxix political biography of, xxxv-xxxviii in preparation for uprising, 209-12, 216, 220-24

and reaction to July days, 23, 30,

32-38, 44, 54, 57, 168, 312, 323n reactions of, to Central Committee conference of July 13-14, 61-62 renews slogan "All Power to the Soviets," 169-74, 342n, 344n in seizure of power, 274-76, 278-81,

290-91, 294-96, 303, 306, 314 situation confronting (April), xli-xliii Sixth Congress and, 83-90, 329n Stalin compared with, 66 "Letter to Comrades" (Lenin), 256 "Letters from Afar" (Lenin), xxxvii, 181

Levitsky, Gen. B. A., 271-72 Liber, Mark, 44, 163, 165, 292 Listok pravdy (newspaper), 47 Livshits (Left SR), 215-16 Lomov, Georgii, 88

and Lenin's call to insurrection, 181 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

195, 203-4 in new Soviet government, 306 in October uprising, 249, 250 Loos, Avgust, 227-28 Ludendorff, Gen. Erich F. W., 5 Lukianov, Fedor, 295 Lukomsky, Gen. A. S., 109, 125, 335n Lunacharsky, Anatolii, 312 and Congress of Soviets, 292, 297-98,

303, 304 and defeat of Kornilov, 131, 134 and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 158 in new Soviet government, 306 and reaction to July days, 31-33, 46-48

in seizure of power, 279 Sixth Congress and, 83 Stalin compared with, 66 Lvov, Georgii, xxxix, xl, 28

and Bolsheviks receiving money from

Germans, 15, 17 resigns, 21, 22, 55 Lvov, Vladimir Nikolaevich, 121-26, 150, 335n, 336n

Maklakov, Vasilii, 40, 112, 126, 165 Malenkaia gazeta (newspaper), 18, 26, 30

Maliantovich, Pavel, 55, 287, 294, 300 Malkin (reporter), 298 Manuilov, Alexander, xxxix, 318n Manuilsky, Dmitrii, 33, 81, 87 Martov, Iulii, 24-25, 31, 56

capital punishment opposed by, 90 in Congress of Soviets, 292-96, 298,

302, 303 and Democratic State Conference,

182, 183 on directories, 130 district soviets and, 82 and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 163, 165 and October uprising, 257-58 and preparation for uprising, 215-16 and seizure of power, 302, 303 Sixth Congress and, 85 Martynov, Gen. E. I., 96-98 "Marxism and Insurrection" (Lenin), 179-80

Maslenikov, A. M., 45, 46, 80-81 Maslenikov, V., 157-58 Maslov, Semion, 290 Maslovsky, S. D., 67 Maximalists, 209, 214 Mekhonoshin, K. A., 241, 242, 327n Melgunov, Sergei, xxxiv Menshevik-Internationalists, 24, 176, 83, 209, 214

in Congress of Soviets, 292, 304, 306 in district soviets, 77

and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 158, 159, 164 and new Soviet government, 308-9 in October uprising, 257-61 in preparation for uprising, 215 Mensheviks, xxxvi, xli, xlii, 192, 312, 313

and Congress of Soviets, 291-96,

302, 314 and defeat of Kornilov, 132-35 and Democratic State Conference, 176

in district soviets, 76, 77 in elections to Petrograd City Duma, 93

in garrison crisis, 231, 232, 245 and July Central Committee

resolution, 60-62 and July uprising, 6, 13-14 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 205 Lenin's revised stand on (Sept.),

169-74 lose in Petrograd Soviet, 90 lose ground among workers, xlv-xlvi and new Provisional Government (Aug.), 153-54, 164-66, 341n Menzhinskaia, L. R., 57, 75 Menzhinsky, V. R., 74 Metallist factory, 63-64, 154 Michaelis, George, 5 Mikhailov, Mikhail, 46-47 Military League, 95, 117, 156, 331n Military Organization, see Bolshevik

Military Organization Military Revolutionary Committee, 232 creation of, 232-34 defends new Soviet government

(Oct.), 306-8 in garrison crisis, 236-48, 349n, 350n

Military Organization and, 234-36

in October uprising, 249-72, 353n in seizure of power, 273-304, 313-14 Miliukov, Pavel, xxxix, xliv-xlv, l, 40, 91

drifts rightward, 95 in formation of new government

(Aug.), 151, 165 on Kerensky, 113 Kornilov and, 106, 112-15, 169 and military dictatorship, 99 Miliutin, V. P., 74, 316n, 325n and Democratic State Conference, 176

and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 in new Soviet government, 306, 309, 310

in October uprising, 250, 272 and preparation for uprising, 222 at Sixth Congress, 88 Mogilev Kerensky in, 55, 100-2 Kornilov in, 103, 105, 107, 108, 118-20, 122, 124 Molotov, Viacheslav, 326n

in Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 200

and Lenin's July theses, 60 and reaction to July days, 67-69 in seizure of power, 289 Moscow Bolsheviks, 60, 88, 89, 111,

133-34, 181, 203-4 Moscow Regional Bureau, see Bolshevik

Moscow Regional Bureau Moscow State Conference (Aug. 12-14),

110-17, 133-35, 175, 344n Moskvin, Ivan, 200 Mstislavsky, Sergei, 213, 292, 352n Muralov, Nikolai, 111 Muralov, M. K., 325n-26n

Nabokov, V. D., 91 Napoleon I, 96, 239

Narchuk, Viktor, 69-70 Nekrasov, Nikolai, xxxix, 318n—19n and July uprising, 14, 15, 320n in Provisional Government, 26 and rise of Kornilov, 108, 125 Nevarovsky, Nikolai, 228 Nevsky, Vladimir I.

in garrison crisis, 234-36 and July uprising, 13 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 201 in preparation for insurrection, 211-12, 217, 224, 348n, 350n and repression, 72, 74, 75, 327n New York Times, xxviii-xxix Nicholas II (Tsar), xxxi, xxxvii, 8, 43, 99

Nikitin, Aleksei, 154, 301 Nikitin, Boris, 32 Nogin, Viktor, 316n, 320n, 326n and Congress of Soviets, 292 and Democratic State Conference, 188

fears coup (Aug.), 111 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181, 187

and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 206, 345n opposes Lenin in July, 60 in new Soviet government, 306, 310 in October uprising, 250 in preparation for uprising, 222 and reaction to July days, 33-34, 36, 329n

at Sixth Congress, 88 Northern Region Congress of Soviets, 209-16, 233, 235, 345n Noulens, Joseph, 40 Novaia Rus' (newspaper), 248 Novaia zhizn (newspaper), 19, 56, 93, 1

33, 202, 215, 222, 223 Novoe vremia (newspaper), 104

Officer corps, military dictatorship favored by, 95, 96, 331n; see also Kornilov, Gen. Lavr Okopnaiapravda (newspaper), 6, 29, 30 Olminsky, 326n

"On Compromises" (Lenin), 169-73,

176, 178, 182 "On the Current Moment" (Stalin), 66,

158, 329n "On the Current Political Situation"

(Stalin), 85 "On the Government Question"

(Kamenev), 159-60 "On the Political Situation," 132 "On Slogans" (Lenin), 61, 69, 85, 88 "On Unification," 132, 133 "One of the Fundamental Questions of

the Revolution" (Lenin), 170, 171 "Order Number One" (March 1), xliv, 317n

Ordzhonikidze, Sergei, 33-35, 59 Osipov, Gavril, 70 Osipov, Ivan, 70 "Our Triumph and Our Tasks" (Zinoviev), 177

Palchinsky, Petr, 283, 285, 286, 299

Panina, Sofia, 290

Pankratov, V., 15, 17-19, 21, 320n

Paradelov, Gen. Nikolai, 285-87

Pavlov, I., 277


and defeat of Kornilov, 148 and preparation for uprising, 217 Sixth Congress and, 87 and socialism in Russia, xxxviii Soviet regime (Sept.) and, 172 See also Soviets Pereverzev, Pavel, xlv, 14, 15, 21, 55, 320n

Peshekhonov, Aleksei, xlv, 3 Pestkovsky, Stanislav, 262

Peter the Great (Tsar), 7 Peter and Paul Fortress in July uprising, 2, 11, 26, 27 reserve headquarters in, 251 and seizure of power, 274, 282, 285,

286, 288, 289, 299, 301 taking of, 245-46, 249 Petersburg Committee, see Bolshevik

Petersburg Committee Peterson, Karl, 294 Petrograd, 7-9, 315n

effects of reaction to July days in,


why study, xxxiv-xxxv Petrograd City Conference, see First City Conference; Second City Conference Petrograd City Duma, see Duma Petrograd district soviets, xl-xli, xlvi, 308

and defeat of Kornilov, 138-40, 143 and ineffectiveness of repression, 76-82

Petrograd garrison, see Garrison

conference; Soldiers Petrograd Soviet, 312

Bolshevik competition for influence

in (Aug.; Sept.), 90, 174-75 capital punishment and, 105 and defeat of Kornilov, 138, 139, 339n

district soviets and, 77, 80 dominant elements in, 76, 343n emergence of, xl-xli extreme left strengthened in (Sept.), 189-90

and formation of new Provisional

Government (Aug.), and garrison crisis, 227, 228, 230-48,

348n, 349n influence of (April), xliv-xlv in July uprising, 2-5, 7, 9-13

Kornilov and, 97, 98 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 194, 198—99 and October uprising, 249, 250,

254—55, 263 and preparation for uprising, 212, 216, 221

and seizure of power, 274—76, 278, 279, 288, 313—14 Petrograd Trade Union Soviet, 83, 139,

141, 153, 218, 221, 308 Petrogradskaia gazeta (newspaper), 26—27, 32, 35, 36, 43

Petrogradskii listok (newspaper), 18 Petropavlovsk (battleship), 146, 157 Piskunov, Ivan, 47 Plehve, Viacheslav, 99 Plekhanov, Georgii, 18—19 Podvoisky, Nikolai, 71—72, 74, 326n, 327n

in garrison crisis, 234—37 in July uprising, 13 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 201 in Military Revolutionary

Committee, 245 in October uprising, 249, 265, 268 and preparation for insurrection, 212,

224, 234 in seizure of power, 274, 280—82, 290—91 Poletaev, Nikolai, 323n "Political Situation, The" (Lenin), 69 Polkovnikov, Gen. Georgii and garrison crisis, 226, 241, 243, 244

and October uprising, 251, 272 and preparation for insurrection, 216 and seizure of power, 284, 285 Polovtsev, Gen. Petr, 2, 53, 54 Pravda (newspaper), xlii, xlvi, 318n closed, 29, 59, 72

and July uprising, 6, 12, 16 offices of, raided, 25, 53 and reaction to July days, 17, 19, 47, 66

Preobrazhensky, Evgenii, 329n Preparliament (Council of the Republic) function of, 185—86, 188, 189 and garrison crisis, 225—26, 246, 248 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 192, 196, 198—202 and new Soviet government, 306 in October uprising, 255—62, 271 and preparation for uprising, 215 in seizure of power, 274, 276—78, 284, 285 Prokhorov, Sergei, 218, 219 Prokopovich, Sergei, 284, 290, 298, 299 Proletarii (newspaper), 74, 91, 92, 318n Proletarskoe delo (newspaper), 46—47,

210, 252, 324n Pronin, Aleksei, 262 Provisional Government, xlii

capital punishment issue and, 77—81,

91, 100—106, 322n composition of, in Feb., xxxix—xl; in May, xlv; in July, 26; in Sept., 186—87

and defeat of Kornilov, 130—50 and Democratic State Conference, 185—87

fall of, xxxiii—xxxv, 273—90, 293,

295, 296, 298—306, 310—14, 355n formation of a new (Aug.), 151—67 garrison crisis undermining, 225—48 generals' demands made, 97, 101; see

also Kornilov, Gen. Lavr impotence of (Aug.), 94—95 ineffectiveness of repressive policies of

(July—Aug.), 51—58 and July uprising, 2, 3, 10, 13—16 and land reform, 4—5

Lenin's call for insurrection against

(Sept.-Oct.), 178-82 Lenin's campaign for insurrection

against, 191-208 and Lenin's July theses, 59-60, 66-70

Moscow Conference and, 110-17,

133-35, 175 plans to overthrow ( June), l-li prime ministers of, see Kerensky,

Alexander F.; Lvov, Georgii reaction to July days under, 20-41,

51, 52, 312, 322n Sixth Congress and, 83-85 soldiers' and sailors' view of, xliv Soviet support for, xxxvii, xxxviii, xli,

xlviii-xlix, 35, 36 Stalin's view of (July), 67 uprising against (Oct.), 249-72 Pskov, 55, 229, 230, 233, 271, 272, 305 Public Safety, Committee of, 288 Pulkovo Heights, 308 Purishkevich, Vladimir, 45-46, 80-81, 114, 156

Putilov, Aleksei, 96, 114, 115, 146 Putilov factory, 64, 83, 154

Rabochaia gazeta (newspaper), 93, 105 Rabochii (newspaper), 129, 169, 318n, 337n

Rabochii put' (newspaper), 318n

and garrison crisis, 228-29, 234, 248, 249

and Lenin's call for uprising, 172, 182 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 190-92 and preparation for insurrection, 209,

210, 213, 222 and seizure of power, 250, 252, 254, 256, 267

Rabochii i soldat (newspaper), 72-74, 91, 252-53, 318n

Rabotnitsa (newspaper), xlvi, 318n Radkey, Oliver H., xxxiv, 166 Rakhia, Eino, 35, 266, 272, 345n, 346n Rakhia, Iukka, 197, 199, 200, 218, 272, 346n

Rappaport, Viktor, 81 Raskolnikov, Fedor, 330n, 347n charges against, 55-56 in garrison crisis, 242 and reaction to July days, 30-32, 47-49 Rasputin, Grigorii, 45 Ravich, Savva, 218 Rech' (newspaper), 3, 19, 42, 93, 243 Red Guards, 211, 219; see also Workers Reed, John, 266, 282-83, 291, 298-99 Reiman, Michael, 242 Remnev, Afanasii, 30, 48 Republican Center, 96, 117 Riabushinsky, P. P., 106 Riazanov, David, 36, 312

and Democratic State Conference, 188

in garrison crisis, 247 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 196 and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 163, 164 in preparation for insurrection, 215, 223

Riga, 83, 94, 119, 225

Rikhter, V. N., 130

Rodichev, Fedor, 40, 113-14

Rodzianko, Mikhail, 44, 150, 226

Romanovsky, Gen. I. P., 335n

Rosenberg, William G., xxxiv

Roshal, Semion, 30, 48, 49, 55-56, 277

Rozmirovich, E. F., 327n

"Rumors of a Conspiracy" (Lenin), 133,

134, 135 Russian army

disintegration of, 98-100

German offensive against, 22-23,

Cherkessky, 148, 335n


Dagestansky, 335n

halting political activity in (Sept.),

Egersky Guards, 227, 236


First Don Cossack, 271

Kornilov reform of, 100-105; see also

First Machine Gun, 2, 48, 51-52,

Kornilov, Gen. Lavr


and Lenin's call to insurrection

First Reserve Infantry, 70

(Sept.), 180

Second Machine Gun, 156

and Lenin's campaign for

Fourth Don Cossack, 240, 271

insurrection, 197

Fourteenth Don Cossack, 240, 271,

offensives of, l-li, 5-6


a Soviet regime and (Sept.), 172

Fourteenth Mistavsky Hussar, 27

steps to prevent disintegration of,

180th Infantry, 51-52


Grenadier, 51-52

See also Cadets; Officer corps; Soldiers

Ingushsky, 148, 335n

Russian military units

Izmailovsky Guards, 262


Kabardinsky, 335n

First, 229

Keksgolmsky, 262, 269, 274, 280

Second, 295

Latvian Rifle, 294

Third, 295

Litovsky Guards, 71, 143, 154, 250,

Fifth, 5, 217


Eighth, 98, 99, 103

Pavlovsky, 245, 268, 274, 280

Eleventh, 22

Petrogradsky Guards, 26, 156

Twelfth, 229, 293

Preobrazhensky Guards, 26, 32,


154, 282

First Cavalry, 117

Semenovsky, 26, 269, 282

Third Cavalry, 116-18, 120,

Tatarsky, 335n

124-27, 131, 146, 305, 335n

Volynsky Guards, 26, 35, 154



First Don Cossack, 116, 120, 127,

First Petrograd Women's Shock,

148, 149

248, 255, 261, 262, 270

Fifth Cossack, 117

Third Cycle, 301-2

Eighth Don Cossack Artillery,

Fifth Cycle, 302


Sixth Engineer, 143, 154, 250, 269

Savage, 116-18, 120, 127, 136,

Moscow Women's Battalion of

146, 148, 335n

Death, 113, 117

Tenth Cavalry, 335n

Petrograd Carters', 143

Ussuriisky Mounted, 116, 120, 127,


146, 148, 149

First (Sixth Engineer Battalion),



Osetinsky Foot, 335n



Kuban Cossacks, 235

Little Russian Dragoons, 27 Second Baltic Fleet Detachment, 148, 227-28, 274 Russian naval units fleets

Baltic, 143, 168, 200, 225, 263,

273-74 Black Sea, 26 Russian navy, see Russian naval units;

Sailors; specific ships "Russian Revolution and Civil War,

The" (Lenin), 169, 172, 182 Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party, xxxvi; see also Bolshevik Party; Mensheviks Ruzsky, Gen. Nikolai, 100, 332n Rutenberg, Petr, 285, 286 Rykov, A. I., 326n

and Democratic State Conference, 176, 188

and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181, 187

in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

206, 345n in new Soviet government, 306, 309, 310

in October uprising, 249 opposes Lenin in July, 60 in preparation for insurrection, 222 on Presidium of Petrograd Soviet, 175

Sadovsky, Andrei, 231, 234, 241, 242,

274 Sailors

Baltic defeats and, 225-26 Bolshevik strength among, xlv-xlviii and defeat of Kornilov, 139, 143, 144,

146, 148 and February revolution, xliv in July uprising, 9-10, 13 Kerensky condemns, 28

and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 154, 157-59, 167 in October uprising, 262-63, 269,

272-74 political behavior of, xxxv and reaction to July days, 28-30, 47 and rise of Kornilov, 105 in seizure of power, 274, 276-78,

282, 300-301 See also Soviets Sakharov, Vasilii, 47-48, 55-56, 70, 277

Samarin, Col. Georgii, 149 Saveliev, Maximilian, li, 1, 60, 67-69, 326n

Savinkov, Boris, 22-23, 99, 116 Kornilov and, 106-8, 118-20,

122-26, 150, 334n, 335n and military dictatorship, 100 resignation of, 152 Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets (Oct.)

and basis for new government,

189-94, 199, 209-18, 313 convocation of, 166, 187-89, 356n deliberations of, 292-98, 301-6 and garrison crisis, 224-28, 233-36,

239, 242, 246, 247, 348n and October uprising, 250-54, 260,

263, 266-68, 273, 347n opens, 291-92

and seizure of power, 274, 279,

290-91, 306, 314 See also First All-Russian Congress of Soviets

Second City Conference (Petrograd;

Bolsheviks), 63, 64, 66-70 Semenov, E. P., 98 Sergeev, F. A ., 326n Sergei (Grand Duke), 99 Seventh All-Russian Bolshevik Party Conference, see April Conference

Shakhovsky, D. I., 318n Shaumian, Stepan, 181, 326n Shcherbatov, General, 127 Shingarev, Andrei, xxxix, 91, 318n Shliapnikov, Alexander, 33, 221, 306 Shmidt, Vasilii, 141, 221 Shotman, Alexander, 34-35, 37, 212,

219, 221, 345n, 347n Shreider, Grigorii, 39, 288, 289, 298, 300

Shugrin, Konstantin, 330n Shumiatsky, Boris, 72 Sidorin, V. I., 146

Sixth Congress (Bolshevik Party; July 28-August 3), xxxviii, 62, 83-90, 132, 134, 173, 174, 198, 313, 329n, 340n

Skobelev, Mikhail, xlv, 5, 6, 163, 174 Skvortsov, Ivan, 306 Sladkov, Ivan, 280 Slavkin, Eliazar, 70

Slutsky, Anton, 67-69, 173, 327n, 343n Smilga, Ivar, 13, 66, 74, 168, 316n, 326n

in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

193, 199, 200 in October uprising, 272 in preparation for uprising, 210, 214 at Sixth Congress, 87-88 Smirnov, Sergei, 187 Smolny Institute, 129, 130, 266-67, 336n

Snodgrass, John Harold, xl Social Democratic Party, 36 Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs; Socialist Revolutionary Party), xli, xlv, 192, 209, 312, 313, 357n Battle Organization of, 99 Central Committee of, 117 at Congress of Soviets, 291-95, 314 and defeat of Kornilov, 132-35, 139, 141

and Democratic State Conference, 176

in district soviets, 76, 77 in elections to Petrograd City Duma, 92-93

in garrison crisis, 231, 232, 245 and July Bolshevik Central

Committee resolution, 60, 62 and July uprising, 6, 13-14 Kornilov affair and Lenin's shift in

thinking about, 169 -74 and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 204, 205 and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 153, 158, 159, 161-66, 341n and new Soviet government, 306, 352n

Petrograd Soviet and, 90, 174-75, 343n

popular opinion (June) and, lix, 330n and reaction to July days, 20, 43-44,

59-61, 64 See also Left Socialist Revolutionaries Society for the Economic Rehabilitation

of Russia, 96, 115, 146 Sokolnikov, Grigorii, 57, 74, 172, 326n and Congress of Soviets, 187 and defeat of Kornilov, 130 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

192-93, 199, 200, 203 in preparation for uprising, 211, 212 at Sixth Congress, 87, 88 Soldat (newspaper), 74, 75, 91, 92, 136-37, 234, 248, 249, 318n, 337n, 340n

Soldatskaiapravda (newspaper), xlvi, 6,

29, 46, 70, 72, 318n Soldiers

Bolshevik strength among, xlv-xlviii,

90 and defeat of Kornilov, 139, 143, 144,

146, 341n district soviets and, 78—82 and February revolution, xliv in garrison crisis, 225—48 ineffectiveness of repression on,

52—53, 70—71 in July uprising, 1—3, 5—7, 9—11,

13—14, 16 Military Organization and, xlvi, xlviii; see also Bolshevik Military Organization and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 154—56, 159, 160, 167 in October uprising, 250, 254—55 political behavior of, xxxv, xxxviii, 343n

in preparation for insurrection,

215—19, 224 and reaction to July days, 28—29,

51—53, 70—71, 75—76, 78 and rise of Kornilov, 105—7 in seizure of power, 276 See also Soviets Soviet, see All-Russian Executive Committees; Central Executive Committee; First All-Russian Congress of Soviets; Northern Region Congress of Soviets; Second All- Russian Congress of Soviets Soviets, xlii, 187, 340n defended (Sixth Congress), 198 emergence of, xli future of (post-July days), 67—69 in garrison crisis, 227, 231, 236, 245 independence of, destroyed, 310 influence of, xliv—xlv July resolution of Bolshevik Central

Committee and, 60—62 July uprising and power to, 2, 3 Lenin on failure of ( July), 62

and Lenin's call to insurrection

(Sept.), 181—82 Lenin's shift on (Sept.), 169—74, 179 Martov and power to, 24, 25 and preparation for insurrection, 224—25

and reaction to July days, 20, 59—60, 312—13

Sixth Congress and future of, 85—90 See also Petrograd Soviet; and specific soviet institutions; for example: All- Russian Executive Committees Spiridonova, Maria, 292 Stalin, Iosif, 57, 60, 74, 92, 232, 316n, 326n, 344n, 353n

at Democratic State Conference, 176, 188

and Lenin's call for insurrection

(Sept.), 181 in Lenin's campaign for insurrection,

192—93, 203, 345n in new Soviet government, 306 in October uprising, 252, 253, 272 in preparation for insurrection, 225,

234, 341n and reaction to July days, 32, 33,

66—69 at Sixth Congress, 85—89 Stark, Leonid, 262 Stasova, Elena, 345n State Council, dissolved, 22 State and Revolution, The (Lenin), 35,

168, 323n Steklov, Iurii, 44, 161 Stepanov, V. A., 318n Strikes

hunger, 50, 153, 211 July, 5

Moscow Conference and, 111 political, 6—7 Sukhanov, N. N., 202 and Congress of Soviets, 292—94

on garrison crisis, 243

and Kornilov, 128, 132, 137

and new Provisional Government

(Aug.), 165 and seizure of power, 280 Sulimova, Maria, 36-37, 323n Suny, Ronald G., xxxiv Sverdlov, Iakov, 57, 59, 60, 74, 75, 316n, 326n

and Congress of Soviets, 187 in garrison crisis, 231, 241, 242 and Lenin's call for insurrection, 181 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 201, 202, 204 and Lenin's return to Petrograd

(Sept.), 182 in October uprising, 249, 250, 264, 327n

at Sixth Congress, 84 Sverdlova (Bolshevik), 219-20

"Tasks of the Revolution, The" (Lenin),

170, 171, 192-93 Tarasov-Rodionov, A., 281, 289 Teodorovich, Ivan, 306, 310 Ter-Arutuniants, Mikhail, 47, 153 Tereshchenko, Mikhail, xxxix-xl and July uprising, 14, 15 in Provisional Government, 26, 154, 187

and rise of Kornilov, 100, 101, 108, 127

and seizure of power, 301 "To All Workers, Soldiers, and

Peasants," 303-4 "To the Citizens of Russia" (Lenin), 274-75

"To Workers, Peasants, and Soldiers,"

194-95 Tolkachev, A., 277 Tolstoi, Aleksei, 263 Tolstoy, Leo, 7

Tovarishch (newspaper), 28

Trade Union Soviet, see Petrograd Trade

Union Soviet Transport system, xliii Tretiakov, S. N., 106 Trotsky, Lev D., xxxviii, 153, 173, 234, 312, 316n, 322n, 326n at Congress of Soviets, 187, 292,

296-98, 303 and defeat of Kornilov, 132 and Democratic State Conference,

176-78, 183, 186, 188, 192 during garrison crisis, 231-32, 237,

240-43, 248, 348n and July uprising, 12 and Lenin's call for insurrection

(Sept.), 181-82, 344n and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 192-93, 196, 201, 203

Military Organization and, 72 in Military Revolutionary

Committee, 240, 245 in new Soviet government, 306, 309 in October uprising, 249, 250-54,

263, 266-68, 272 and Petrograd Soviet, 90, 175, 189, 313

and preparation for insurrection, 212,

221, 222, 225 and Preparliament, 201-2 and reaction to July days, 19, 31-32, 47-50

in seizure of power, 278, 279 Sixth Congress and, 83, 85, 86 Stalin compared with, 66 Trubetskoi, Prince Grigorii, 127-28 Tsentrobalt (Central Committee of the Baltic Fleet), 30, 48, 143, 157, 237, 306

Tsentroflot (Central Executive Committee of the Navy), 148

Tsereteli, lraklii, 23, 36, 174 and defeat of Kornilov, 131, 148 and Democratic State Conference,


and formation of new Provisional

Government (Aug.), 158 and Provisional Government, xxvii,

26, 55, 161, 164, 165, 320n and reaction to July days, 68, 321n Turgenev, Ivan, 7 Tyrkova, Ariadna, 40, 91

Ulianov, Maria, li, 1, 33 Unemployment, shortages resulting in,


Union of Cossack Troops, 105 Union of Landowners, 95 Union of Metalworkers, 141, 221 Union of Officers of the Army and Navy, 95, 105, 117, 119, 127, 156, 331n

Union of Railway Workers, 142; see also Vikzhel

Union of Saint George Cavaliers, 95,

105, 156, 331n Uritsky, M. S., 181, 203, 204, 234, 250, 326n

Vainshtein, S. L., 130 Veinberg, Gavril, 67, 68 Verderevsky, Adm. Dmitrii, 154, 284, 287, 289

Verkhovsky, Gen. A. I., 103, 114, 150,

154, 216, 265, 335n-36n Vikzhel, 142, 308-10 Vinokurov, Vasilii, 64, 217-19 Vishnegradsky, A. I., 106, 114, 115 Vishnevetsky, Nikolai, 47 Voinov, Ivan, 47, 266, 324n Volia naroda (newspaper), 19, 20 Volodarsky, Moisei, 74, 77, 326n and garrison crisis, 242

and ineffectiveness of government

repression, 64, 68, 69 in July uprising, 9, 12-13, 319n leftists defended by, 90 and Lenin's campaign for

insurrection, 192-93, 197-200 opposes Lenin in July, 60, 61 in preparation for insurrection, 221 and reaction to July days, 33 in seizure of power, 279 at Sixth Congress, 86, 88 Volodin (chairman of sailors' committee), 228

Wade, Rex, xxxiv Washington, George, xl "What We Need" (Stalin), 252 Wilhelm II (Kaiser of Germany), 27, 201, 256

Winter Palace, in October seizure of power, 274, 278, 280-91, 295, 298-301, 305 Workers

Bolshevik strength among, xlv-xlviii,


defeat of Kornilov and Red Guards,

139-49, 152, 339n district soviets and, 78-79, 81-82 economic situation of, xliii-xliv insurrection and Red Guards, 211, 219

in July uprising, 1-3, 5-7, 9-12 and new Provisional Government (Aug.), 154-55, 159, 160, 166, 167, 340n

in October uprising, 261-63, 265,

266, 269 opposing new Soviet government,

306, 308-9 political behavior of, xxxv, xxxvii-xxxviii, 343n

in preparation for insurrection, 215—19, 224

rail, under martial law, 106 and reaction to July days, 28—30,

52—54, 63—65, 70, 78 and rise of Kornilov, 105—7 in seizure of power, Red Guards, 274,

277, 280, 300—301 See also Soviets Workers' control, 169, 303, 318n Workers' Section (Petrograd Soviet), 2, 90, 105

World War I, see Russian army; Russian

military units; Russian naval units Woytinsky, Vladimir, 42, 99, 167 in garrison crisis, 226, 227, 229—31, 244

in seizure of power, 302

Yagoda, Genrikh, 72

Zakharov, A., 269—70 Zarudny, Alexander, 55 Zavoiko, Vasilii, and rise of Kornilov, 98, 100—104, 122—23, 126—27, 332n

Zhakov, Mikhail, 253, 254

Zhivoe slovo (newspaper), 17—18, 35, 36,

40, 215, 248, 250, 325n Zinoviev, Grigorii, 239, 312, 316n, 344n

charges against, 55—56 and Congress of Soviets, 190, 292 and defeat of Kornilov, 132 and Democratic State Conference, 177

in July uprising, 12, 320n and Lenin's campaign for insurrection, 191—92, 203—8, 345n, 346n

in new Soviet government, 309, 310 and October uprising, 272 opposes Lenin in July, 60 in preparation for insurrection,

212—14, 216, 217, 221—23, 347n and reaction to July days, 19, 30—38,

44, 57 and seizure of power, 279 Stalin compared with, 66 Znamensky, Sergei, 163 Znamia truda (newspaper), 213, 347n
