At a late assize for the city of Exeter, a country girl appeared as the prosecutrix of a young man for a rape. She described all the preliminaries of her "fall" with so much coolness and precision, that the lad's counsel asked her if she made any resistance? "O yes, my 'lord,' that I did, your honour — I 'cried out' lustily!" "Aye, aye, that she did," bawled out a bumpkin present; "but it was — nine months afterwards."

Mrs. W — , of the Theatre Royal, exhibiting at a certain bagnio a pair of legs which were very handsome, and much alike, her gallant, almost at a loss what soft nothings to say, declared they resembled each other so much that they must certainly be 'twins'! "O, my dear sir," said she, "that cannot be; for I have had a great many between them!"

Among a number of prohibitions for the Sabbath the following seems truly ludicrous, and may not be generally known: A new married man may bed with his wife, though she be still a virgin, yet he must not enjoy the rights of love, though she is his lawful wife, because the rabbins have forbid 'tearing' on the Sabbath.

A Jew husband may be divorced from his wife for the three following reasons: 1 — If she has got a stinking breath, and concealed it from him before she was married. 2 — If they have been married ten years, and she never proved with child. 3 — If he can prove her guilty of adultery.

It is believed that the reason why a divorce can be obtained on account of barrenness in a woman is, that the intent of marriage is not fulfilled, it being to increase and multiply.

The rabbins will not allow it lawful for man and wife to act together by day light, or candle light, but order that it must be done in darkness, with the curtains drawn. They add, that any man making water with his nakedness towards the bed, will be reduced to poverty.
