It was summer, I was to go and take the waters at a village a little distant from my residence, and I feared the moment that would momentarily separate me from F.
My lover was in despair, but this journey was necessary and my husband wished me to go; he could not accompany me, as his occupations kept him at Z-, but he was to visit me frequently and came to me as soon as possible. It would have been too imprudent to receive F. when quite alone there.
I went off very downcast and passed the first moments at my new dwelling in absolute privacy.
My husband came to see me at the end of a week and told me that he should bring with him next time F. and two other friends, to spend a day. That hope sustained me, I awaited the blessed moment with feverish anxiety.
At last, ten days later, I received a letter announcing that the journey was fixed for the morrow.
Starting the night before, the gentlemen arrived at four o'clock in the morning, and my husband came at once and got into bed with me.
I soon saw that absence had awakened his rare longings, and although I expected to be bountifully feasted by my adored F., I must here confess that I willingly lent myself to Charles's desires.
I clasped him to my arms, slipped my hand under his nightshirt, and taking hold of his member gently frigged it for a few minutes, and, when I had shook it into a most glorious state of erection, I myself popped it into my slit.
Charles did it better than usual, and confessed that the caresses of my hand afforded him the most vivacious sensations of pleasure. I have often used the manual exercise with him since and whenever he asked me.
We slept till eight o'clock.
We breakfasted at a restaurant in the town with the gentlemen; the meal was good and we were all very gay, my dear F. brimming over with wit and good spirits. Our eyes only spoke, but how we understood their language! He seemed to say: "When can we meet?"
My husband, involuntarily, fixed our assignation.
He proposed a scamper in the woods when the heat of the day should abate, and said that after having seen me home he would go and sleep at an hotel and so work off the fatigue of the preceding night's journey.
F. said that during that time he would make a few visits to some old friends, and the other gentlemen went off to visit the springs.
A glance at my lover and all was understood.
At one o'clock in the afternoon my husband was snoring at the hotel and F. had slipped into my room. Knowing his taste, my hair was carefully arranged, I had put on pink silk stockings and low, neat, high-heeled shoes. I only had a slight dressing-gown thrown over my shoulders, and I awaited his coming with delirious impatience. As soon as he appeared, I hung myself round his neck and kissed and bit him.
"At last, I've got you, my angel, my love! How I wanted you! Let me devour you!" said I, as I locked the door and drew him towards me.
"Come to my arms! Fifteen days without you. I shall die, I'm sure. Oh! how I've suffered!"
"And I've been just as badly off, darling. We have but little time to spare, let us make the most of it. Suppose we are interrupted?"
"I am yours. Do with me as you will."
As I finished speaking, my gown was on the ground, my lover, undressed, sat me on the edge of the bed, and put two pillows behind me. He uncovered my titties, that he felt and sucked for some time, then pulling up my chemise he went on his knees and applied his burning lips to the fiery nook that welcomed the caress with a spasm of happiness.
"Ah, darling," I said. "Ah!.. I'm spending already… it's coming… again… Oh, what delight… enough… you'll kill me… give me your beautiful COCK now!.. I want to feel your PRICK inside me… come into my CUNT… come and FUCK me!"
F. then rose, lifted my legs over his arms, and began to rake me. Softly, reposing, I looked down at the sweet introduction with languishing eyes.
"Do it slowly," said I, "make it last… Ah, it is so nice!..
I can feel it penetrating me… it fills me… Ah!.. ah!..
Fm dying… stop a little… ah!.. I'm spending… I'm coming… I spend!"
"And so do I… Ah!.. I can't keep up… any longer… my darling!.. my FUCKSTRESS… I… I spend… take it all… take all my spunk!"
I almost fainted, but I was not yet satisfied, my love had sunk down upon me, I encircled his head with my arms and glued my mouth to his.
"Ah," said I, in a whisper, "you spent too quickly."
"I could not help it; but don't move now!"
"What are you going to do?"
"You see, I'm still inside."
"But I'm all wet!"
"No matter, I mean to FUCK you again without withdrawing."
"That isn't possible!"
"You'll see. What adorable bubbies you've got, darling.
Give me your tongue. That's right. Move your dear arse up and down gently. I'm waking up again. Do you feel it?"
"Yes. It's getting stiff again. Ah! I can't bear it; I must spend again. Push on once more. Quicker. Ah. I'm going mad. I die. I'm so giddy. I'm spending again… I've come.
I'm fucking. I'm still spending. Are you ready?"
"Yes. It's coming… there! I spend. Oh, God!"
A second discharge mingled itself with the first flood; for some time we both remained helpless, and at last F., dropping his hold of my legs, drew out, and a veritable deluge of the extract of love came pattering down on the floor.
I rose and took my lover to my heart.
"Ah! my adored one," said I, "what a splendid exploit!
How happy you make me! I've never spent so much in my life! I was coming all the time without a second of interruption."
We were obliged to remove all trace of our prodigious struggles. My thighs and belly were literally covered with the sweet fluid. I had no dressing room, but dared not remain in such a state. I got my washhand basin, and making F. turn his back began my ablutions.
My love, far from obeying, did not miss a movement, he took hold of me, with my petticoats still pulled up, and kissed and mumbled me as he said: "I must fuck you again."
"Oh, no, please. You'll be ill!"
"But see, he's up again."
The sight completed my madness, I fell on my knees, seized the beautiful rubicund head between my lips, engulphed it in my mouth, and sucked it with raging delirium.
Suddenly, I heard a noise in the passage. I rose with a bound, rushed to the door, and looked through the keyhole.
If it was my husband, we were lost. Happily, I was mistaken.
I sighed to F. that there was naught to fear. In this position, with my eye fixed to the lock, my buttocks were exposed, and my shift was all tucked up. In a twinkling, my lover was behind me, and before I had time to collect myself, I was penetrated again, filled up by that adorable instrument that seemed to know no rest. Ah! How I helped him by opening and shutting the cheeks of my backside… by writhing, twisting, and swooning with joy.
Our time had passed quickly. In haste, I sent away my lover, made the bed afresh, and arranged a neat toilette for the promenade. I was scarcely ready when the carriage drove up, and my husband came to fetch me. He found me flushed and lively, I answered that, overcome by the heat, I had fallen asleep.
We went downstairs, and I was joyfully saluted by the gentlemen, who complimented me on the novelty and good taste of my costume. On the sly, I looked at F., but nothing happily betrayed that anything extraordinary had taken place.
We started off.
The forest we were exploring was deliciously cool and picturesque; we went to the lodge of a game-keeper, where a slight rustic repast had been prepared. Our collation was merrily enjoyed, I was forced to drink several glasses of champagne, although I did not require that to stimulate me.
After the meal we set out walking again, my husband gossiped with F. I was with them. The two guests had strolled into another path when we arrived at a wild spot, studded with rocks, and shaded with large trees.
At this moment one of the gentlemen, who were far off, called out to my husband: "Come, quick, come and see!"
Charles ran away and left us. Directly he had disappeared from view, F. glued his mouth to mine.
"Angel," said he, "let us profit by this moment!"
"You are mad!"
"No, I love you, let me do as I will."
"My God, we shall be discovered! I am lost!"
"Not if you hurry. Stoop!"
"Are you in?"
"Here I am. It's going in!"
"Ah! make haste. I tremble!"
"There, darling… spend… spend again!"
"Ah! I've come! Now go away."
"Oh! Go."
Only just in time. My petticoats, all up behind, were barely readjusted, when I heard the rest of the party returning.
I went to meet them, and we found they had fetched us to see a swarm of bees captured from the top of a tree.
We got into our carriages and returned to the town. We danced at night at the Pump-rooms, and then said farewell to the gentlemen, who went away early the next morning, but my husband stopped with me.
It is easy to guess my thoughts when at home once more, I began to undress for the night. I was brushing my hair in front of my looking-glass, and my husband, delighted with the day's outing, was very gay and tender.
I was in my shift, that clung tightly to my figure behind, and showed the seductive shape of my backside. I could see in the glass that Charles was looking at it, and that his eyes sparkled.
"Aha!" said I to myself, "can it be possible that for once in a way he will be able to do it to me twice in the same day?"
I wanted him to make me and coquettishly struck an attitude that threw out into still greater relief what I knew was one of my greatest beauties; then, negligently putting one foot on a chair, taking care that my chemise should be more raised than was absolutely necessary, I undid my garter.
This play succeeded. Charles, also in his shirt, got up, and coming near me kissed me on the neck, and put his hand between the cheeks of my bottom.
"Oh! oh!" said I, turning round and returning his kiss,
"whatever ails you to-night?"
"My dear wife, I find that you are extremely handsome!"
"Am I not the same every day?"
"Oh, yes; but this evening still more so!"
"Well, what are you driving at? — come!"
So saying, I put my hand on his instrument, that stood a little, although far from being in a proper state of erection.
"You see that you can't do anything!"
"Oh, yes, I can! Prithee caress him a little bit!"
"What makes you so excited?"
"Why, his… his…"
"Well now — what?"
"Your beautiful bottom!"
"Indeed, sir. Well, you shan't see any more of it!"
As supple as a kitten, I trussed up my linen with one hand, so that my posteriors were naked, while my front parts were reflected in the mirror; at the same time my other hand had not loosened its grasp, and cleverly excited what it held. I soon had the satisfaction to feel it get hard. Wishing to profit by his momentary desire, I made Charles sit and got striding over him, but I soon found that such a position stretched me too much, and, widening the particular part, was quite unsuited for his thin tool.
I got up, and had to begin all over again… I was too excited to be baulked, and once more started the caress of my agile hand. I resolved to do my best, and he helped, so that soon I was pleased to see it once more in its most splendid state! Then I drew a chair to the glass, placed one foot upon it and the other on the ground, and put it in from behind.
Charles, led on by me till he was almost beside himself, did it in such a manner that I spent three times. He was a long while, but nevertheless finished by discharging, thanks to the clever movements of my buttocks and the talent I had acquired in pressing and pinching his wretched little tool.
Both very much fatigued, we retired to rest. Thus, in this memorable day, I had been poked six times! I do not exaggerate in saying that I had spent more than twenty times!
But such was the force of my temperament and my aptitude for amorous combat, that I rose the next day from my couch as fresh and as well as if nothing had occurred.
I went back to Z — , and F. and I relapsed into our sweet habits once more, which, alas! though frequently interrupted, grew more ardent after each successive deprivation.
My husband now rarely went away for more than one day at a'time, so that our pleasures only lasted during the short instants smuggled of an afternoon, nevertheless, a few indispensable journeys took place, and we profited by them.
One evening, happy in a few hours of security, we determined to completely enjoy our happiness; my love proposed that we should undress and get on my bed. I accepted with avidity. He was soon stripped to his shirt and laid on his back, while I unlaced my stays. I joined him with only my chemise and my stockings. He seized me in his arms, we were clasped together with rage! My lover soon got zealous of the slight gauzy garment that still covered me and tore it off, notwithstanding a slight resistance on my part.
He first contemplated my entire nakedness with ecstasy, then covered my entire body with burning kisses, without omitting one single spot!
I was mad, delirious! In turn I wished, to reproduce for him the pleasure I had felt. I too kissed with ardour every part of that body, so manly and so handsome. At a certain place, arriving at that darling jewel that proudly, stiffly stood, I stopped and kissed it; I sucked it; I should have liked to have ate it all up!
In this position my buttocks were turned towards my lover's face, I could feel that he had seized my left thigh, and was trying to pass it over him.
"What do you want?" said I, turning my head a little.
"Put your legs over me."
"But how?… Why?" 'Til soon tell you. There, that will do!"
I found myself astride his breast, my head still in the same place!
"Now," said he, "bend down, push out your lovely ARSE… there… now place your little CUNT on my mouth."
"Here I am!"
"Good. Now let us both do minette. Tell me in time, and we'll spend together!"
Although rather puzzled at this new method, I gracefully gave way to him, and soon I felt a clever and delicate tongue travel over my cleft. I went off into a mad rage, I once more took hold of the instrument, that I had let go for a moment, got the entire head into my mouth, and pumped at it with frenzy! An electric current seemed to envelope my entire frame, each stroke of F.'s tongue was answered by my mouth! … What delirious joy!.. I had already spent thrice, when feeling that the fourth time was nigh, and that my lover, shuddering and palpitating, was reaching the supreme moment, I exclaimed: "I am ready! Spend, darling, spend in my mouth!"
What happened then?… I know not!.. I lost consciousness beneath the burning jet! # # # My lover's adorable lessons had rendered me very knowing, I thought I had no more to learn. I was mistaken, there was one supreme lesson left for me to learn.
I have often repeated that my buttocks, or rather my ARSE, was of rare beauty. The furrow that divided the oval had already received thousands and thousands of my lover's kisses, whose greatest delight was to place me so as to enjoy this spectacle thoroughly. He would then open the lips of the gap of love, caress it, kiss it, and worship it in every manner.
Sometimes his finger would wander higher up, and I could feel a strange titillation at the opening of the secret orifice above!
Sometimes, even when plugged up to the roots, fainting beneath the divine dew that was spouted into me, I felt the finger penetrate far up the narrow path!
That singular caress caused me quite a peculiar erotic joy that I had not sought to analyse.
On one of the rare evenings when we were able to get between the sheets, after having felt each other all over for some time, my lover took off my chemise and looked lovingly at my nakedness.
Knowing his passionate love for my arse, I presented it to him, ducking my head and stretching myself as wide open as I could. F. got up behind me, but instead of getting into my cunt as usual he contented himself with rubbing the head of his Priapus against me.
"Put it in!" cried I, "you are teasing me dreadfully!"
"Wait a bit!"
"What are you doing? You hurt me. Not there!"
And indeed, I felt the point trying to penetrate the singular aperture I have just mentioned.
"Let me do as I please, my adored one! I entreat you. A loveable woman is cunt all over, no single part of your beautiful body must remain virgin to my offering!"
"But 'tis impossible! It can never go in!"
"Oh, yes, I can get it entirely in if you will let me."
"But you'll kill me. I shall suffer. I shall shriek, I shan't spend at all."
"Yes, you will, and afterwards you'll say yourself how nice it was. I'll wager that you will often ask me to do it."
"No, 'tis impossible. Come, darling, put it in lower down, it's just as nice for you!"
"But I supplicate you to let me do it. It's the greatest proof of love that a woman can give. I demand that proof."
"Oh, heaven! I can't refuse you. Go along then and do it.
How funny all the same."
I said no more, and remained passive, presenting as well as I could what was required of me. My lover went to the toilettable and lubricated himself with a stick of cosmetic, then, taking up his position again, he once more knocked at the narrow gate. His first attempts did not succeed; I suffered and felt no pleasure at all, but I loved him so much that I could have suffered greater agonies still. And, besides, my curiosity and a desire for the unknown sustained me. My lover ceased his efforts an instant, and, passing his hand between my thighs, began to frig me. Symptoms of pleasure now arose, and I myself begged for a second trial, but my lover's leaning posture was too uncomfortable. He took my hand and placed it where his had toyed. I understood him, and rubbed away myself.
Again I felt the terrible point — the pleasure in front neutralised the agony that my poor arse still felt.
At last, I felt as if an enormous ring was dilated within me, and suddenly the monstrous cylinder slipped in in its entirety. I quickened the movement of my hand. An immense… twofold… sharp… extraordinary spending spasm overpowered me. I almost fainted and fell forward in an indescribable nervous fit.
My lover, luckily, had not been unhorsed; he followed my movement and laid his full length upon me. He gave a few more strokes, and filled his strange shelter with a hot ejaculation, that he spurted forth with many groans and sighs, to bear witness to his lively pleasure.
We remained some time in this position without speaking. I felt a certain shame that I could not explain, and was almost vexed at having spent so well by the ravishing of that unusual nook. On the other hand I could not prevent myself being delighted by the opening of this new source of pleasure.
F. kissed me and whispered: "Well, what do you think of it?"
"I hardly know."
"Did you spend?"
"Well, yes!"
"Are you vexed at having submitted to my whim?"
"Will you ever ask me to do it again?"
"I think I shall, but not often; it is too exciting — too awfully good!"
During our chat, the position remained unchanged, my lover's peg was still planted in my tiny hole, I felt it diminishing, he tried to withdraw. I pinched in my buttocks, so that willy-nilly I kept him at his post.
"You wanted to get in," said I to myself, "and there you shall stop!"
I relied on his well-tried strength, and while I waited for it to return I teased him, and used all the words he had taught me.
"How do you call this style of fucking?" said I. "You have not touched the poor little cunt that has had nothing this time."
"It's called… but never mind, well call it mignonner. That's a pretty word, isn't it? and goes well with rnimtte."
"Well darling, mignonne me again, I begin to like it. Ah! I can feel your nice prick reviving; treat kindly this ARSE you love so much… Don't go away yet, I beg of you. I want your spendings once more."
As I rattled out all these little bawdy words, that I knew electrified my lover, I loosened the tightness of my buttocks gradually, so as to leave him full liberty of action.
I began to feel again the advance symptoms of that double pleasure I had just felt, my lover was not yet quite ready, I seemed to feel him get weak, I told him not to leave me, and we rose again with infinite care to our first posture.
"Now, my darling," said I, "don't move. I'll do it all myself!"
I began to wriggle my rump carefully backwards and forwards. My lover, on his knees, as still as a statue, was passionately contemplating this libidinous sight. He could see, as he told me afterwards, his arrow, held as though in a vice, appear almost entirely, and then be completely lost to view in its harrow quiver.
After a few minutes of this delicious fun, my lover had recovered his pristine vigour. I could tell that by the growing thickness and stiffness of the member that bound our bodies together. I soon felt him shiver; broken utterances issued from his lips. I let him know that I was ready, and a fresh jet of spunk caused us both to swoon away with joy. # # # My well-beloved F. was right. I grew to like it! How many times has he not said with his soft voice, as he leans over me: "Where will you have it?"
And how often have I not pointed to my bottom, with my finger, and answered: "There!"