Nancy Williams was awake in her bed.

Beside her, Mark was deep in satisfied sleep, snoring loudly. Mark was always that way after they finished making love, especially when it had been as good as it was that evening. Nancy could touch her thighs together and feel the wetness of his jism. It had been all right for her, but it hadn't been great. Not like it had been those first few weeks of marriage.

Nancy thought of her husband's brother in the room next door to theirs.

David was a good-looking man, younger than Mark and with a hungry look in his eyes. Nancy had noticed him watching her that afternoon. Of course, any man who had been in jail for two years would probably stare at a woman.

Yet, Nancy couldn't get over the feeling that he had been lusting after her.

Nancy knew that look, even if he was Mark's brother. She'd been getting looks like that ever since she was thirteen years old and her tits had started developing. There was just something about her that made men hurt. Not that Nancy would have ever done anything with any of them. She'd been looking for just the right man, and she thought she'd found him in Mark. Mark was a little older but that just meant he was more settled.

Mark was good in bed, and he had a nice farm that was one of the richest around. Mark was always willing to try new ways of doing things if he could make more money.

All in all, she was satisfied with Mark.

So why was she thinking about David!

It might be just that he had been in jail and she was feeling sorry for her brother-in-law. It might be something else. It might be the half-hidden interest in his eyes that afternoon. Yes, she had to admit it. He was an exciting man. Nothing would ever come of it but he was an exciting man.

A very exciting man.

Nancy had put back on her shortie nightgown after Mark had finished fucking her that evening. Now she could feel her large, rose colored nipples hardening as she thought of her brother-in-law. She told herself that it was wrong, that she shouldn't be thinking of her brother-in-law this way.

But she couldn't help it. He was big and wide and he looked so strong and confident. Nancy was sure that he would know how to do things to a woman that would make her go crazy! And he probably had a lot of violence stored inside himself after being in jail so long. He could probably fuck all night long, and be ready to come back in the morning for more.

Nancy told herself to stop thinking about him but she could feel an itchy, tingling sensation running all through her body. She tried to tell herself that it wasn't excitement, that her brother-in-law wasn't making her horny. But he was. Thinking about his handsome face and his big, broad shoulders was making her randy.

She kicked back the covers but that didn't help. She was starting to sweat. Her big, round tits felt swollen. She gently massaged her creamy globes through the flimsy material of her nightgown but that seemed to make things worse.

"Oh God," Nancy said out loud. "This can't be happening to me. It's crazy!"

She thought it might be the heat of her bedroom, and that a little fresh air might help.

Nancy slipped quietly out of bed and got her robe. Mark was still snoring as she opened the door to her, bedroom and stepped into the hallways. God, it felt even hotter in the hallway. She felt like she was drenched in sweat.

She went down the stairs and into the big, roomy, country kitchen that she loved so well. This was one of the benefits of being married to Mark. A big kitchen and she only had to use it when she wanted to. Marsha did most of the cooking and cleaning.

There was no doubt that she was a lucky woman. She could have been married to some dumb clod who never thought about anything but drinking beer and having kids. Her father had been like that. She had nine brothers and sisters and she'd grown up in a shack that never seemed to have enough room. She'd hated her father and felt sorry for her mother and she'd sworn she'd never end up that way.

So she had married Mark. Mark was kind and sensitive. He was good in bed. He was! He gave her everything she wanted. She was able to keep herself attractive instead of looking like she was old before her time. Mark was a good man. A perfect husband.

So why in the hell did she keep thinking about David?

Nancy made herself some ice water to help cool off. It didn't help much. She stepped outside onto the wooden porch and opened her robe. She let the cool breeze touch her. This felt better. She sighed. Maybe that was all that was wrong with her? Just being a little hot.

Nancy tied up her robe again and went back into the kitchen. She was fixing to turn off the light when she noticed that the door, to Marsha's room was a little ajar. She wondered about that. Marsha very seldom slept with her door open.

Nancy went to the door and peered in. She couldn't see Marsha. Nancy pushed the door partially open and looked inside. Marsha wasn't in her room. Where could she be?

For sonic reason Nancy thought of David and she could feel her heart start pounding.

Not Marsha. Marsha was a prudish woman who looked as if she didn't know what a dick was for. Marsha wouldn't have gone willingly to David's room. But Nancy found herself walking up the stairs and standing outside David's room.

She couldn't see anything but she could listen. And she heard them!

She heard only groans at tint. Then she recognized David's voice and she could make out some of the words. David was urging Marsha to fuck him faster. Nancy felt her ears burn red. She knew she shouldn't be standing there listening but somehow her legs felt too weak to move.

Nancy pressed herself close to the door. She could feel that itchy sensation all over her body again. God, she wished she could see them. She could barely make out the words, but there was no doubt that they were fucking.

Nancy tried to imagine what it would be like. She closed her eyes as she thought of David's lean, strong body en top of Marsha's healthy pink plumpness. Nancy could almost see David's big meaty cock slamming between her willing thighs.

"Oh, what's the matter with me," Nancy said out loud. "What in the hell's the matter with me?"

Nancy had never felt like this before. She'd always been a lady. She'd always been able to control her desires. She couldn't understand what was happening to her now. Mark had already fucked her one time that evening. She'd already had an orgasm. So why did she feel like a teenaged virgin feeling a dick for the first time?

Going outside hadn't helped. Now she felt as sweaty and as excited as she had before she left her bed.

"Fuck me," Marsha screamed.

Marsha's voice was loud enough to be heard all over the house but the two fucking people didn't seem to care. Nancy could hear the bed shaking. David was really giving it to the woman, just like he would be willing to give it to her if she let him.

"I've got to stop thinking like this," Nancy whispered.

But she couldn't. She had already pressed herself even closer to the door and she'd untied her robe. Now she slipped her hand inside the folds of her robe and touched her lust-swollen titty. She almost cried out loud as her fingers massaged the hot aching flesh. Right at that moment anyone could have fucked her. Anyone at all. All a man would have needed was to be in that hallway. Skinny, fat, tall, or short. Any man.

Massaging her swollen titty wasn't helping. The more she touched her searing flesh, the hotter she became.

"Oh God, David," she heard Marsha say. "That was nice! Damn, I bet you can keep this up all night long."

Nancy felt a flare-up of jealousy for the other woman. The widow sounded so satisfied with David's cock. Nancy knew it could have been her fucking David in there. It could have been. She could have put Mark off and he would have slept soundly. Then she could have sneaked down the hallway arid knocked at his door.

David would rather fuck her than Marsha. Nancy was sure of that.

"God, David," Marsha said. "You're getting hard again. I don't think I've ever met a man like you."

"Why don't you suck on it a while?" David suggested. "Like you did before."

Nancy knew what David meant and she was shocked. Mark had shyly suggested that she do that a couple of times, but she had turned him down flatly. It didn't seem natural. But David was suggesting that Marsha do it, like it was the most casual thing in the world.

Nancy started hearing, sounds and it took her a moment before she realized what it was.

Marsha, the woman that Nancy had always considered a prudish sort, was actually doing it. Marsha was actually kissing on a man's hot cock. Something Nancy had never had the courage to do.

Nancy's heart started to beat a little faster. She wondered what it would be like to suck on a man's cock. What would it feel like to have a man's cock in her mouth? What would it taste like? Could she do it without gagging?

She had a mental picture of Mark's cock. She couldn't imagine puffing that hunk of sweaty male flesh into her mouth. Mark's cock would strangle her.

Nancy felt her stomach tense. Marsha was doing it, though. Marsha was sucking David's cock and Nancy was almost sure that David's prick would be bigger than his brother's. Nancy knew that somehow.

Nancy couldn't help but wonder if she would be able to do it. And would he want to come in her mouth. Would he want to shoot his sticky jism down her throat.

Marsha would probably suck a man until he came. Marsha would probably enjoy the taste of a man's jism. Marsha certainly sounded as if she was enjoying it. The kissing and sucking noises kept getting louder.

"Yeahhhhhh," David yelled. "Kiss it like that. Take it in your mouth. Jesus, yeah, nobody can suck a prick like you can! Nobody can suck dick like you!"

Whore! Nancy said the word over and over in her mind. She didn't understand her sudden anger at a woman she'd always liked. After all, she was doing something for poor David, who had spent all that time in jail. Nancy knew she should be feeling pleased that Marsha was taking care of his needs. Instead Nancy was furious. She was tempted to pound on the door and demand to know what they were doing. She was tempted to scratch Marsha's eyes out.

"Oh dear God," Nancy moaned. She felt a powerful heat in her pussy. She kept massaging her big tits but what she really wanted to do was plunge her hand between her legs. She had not done that since she'd been a little girl and then it had always made her feel so dirty. Like it was a sin, or something.

She could feel her wet pussy juices dripping onto her pubic hairs, and making her fuck-hole moist. She really needed a cock. She wanted David's cock. She wanted to feel his powerfully throbbing fuck-stick in her mouth and against her tongue. She wanted to suck him, and she wanted to be fucked by him.

She couldn't stand it anymore. She plunged her hand into the wet silky softness between her legs. She thrust two fingers roughly up into her cunt. She began moving them out of her pussy until she started squirming.

"Oh you sweet bitch," Nancy heard David cry. "I'm going to give you a mouthful of cum! I'm going to fucking come! Taste a little bit of that! Swallow it.Swallowit all."

Nancy's heart nearly stopped when she heard the loud gulping noises as Marsha started swallowing. She could almost see herself sucking on David's prick, and swallowing the hot cum juices as they spurted into her mouth.

Nancy felt a tenseness in her belly as her fingers worked faster in her hot and juicy cunt.

Nancy was starting to pant with excitement. She leaned forward so that she rested completely against the door. She had both hands free. With one hand she massaged her big, aching tits while she kept the other hand between her legs. Her pussy felt so wet and hot. Her fingers thrusting in and out made her cunt even juicier. She gave a low moan.

She couldn't control herself. She might feel dirty afterwards but she couldn't control herself now. She needed dick so bad and she only had her fingers. She thrust them inside herself violently, just as violently as she pretended that David was fucking her.

"Oh do it to me, David," she said softly, "fuck me! I need your dick so bad!"

She was hardly aware of what she was saying or doing. Her body ached. She felt the first spasms of excitement shaking her body. Her head fell back but she stopped herself from screaming. It wouldn't have done for someone to have walked into the hall and found her this way.

"Ummmmm," she groaned softly. "Ummmmm. Ummmm. I need a cock, I need a cock so bad!"

The orgasm that hit her body was powerful, despite the fact that it was the second one that evening. It left her grasping the wall and panting. Her body was left covered with a light film of sweat.

And it wasn't enough!

Dear Jesus, it wasn't enough!

She still felt the throbbing warmth in her pussy. She still felt an empty hunger that could only be helped with a hard cock. For a moment she considered going into the room with David and Marsha.

David could give her the kind of hard fucking that she desired, the kind that Mark hadn't been giving her lately. She was sure that he could. David could fill her pussy just the way it needed to be filled. David would give her a good fucking and he would fuck her again and again until she was sighing with satisfaction. Just the way she'd always dreamed of being fucked.

She put her hand on the doorknob. She was actually turning the knob. Then she suddenly realized what she was doing and she jerked her hand back like she'd been burnt.

What the hell was she thinking about doing? She was a happily married woman. She couldn't go in that room. It would mean the end of her marriage. The end of everything she had wanted all of her life. And for what? A few minutes of physical pleasure.

"It's not worth it," she said to herself. "I can't go in there. It's not worth it."

But it was still a few minutes before she could gain complete control of herself. She was still panting softly as she stood up straight. Then she heard the sound of bed springs creaking again. She gasped. Dear God, they couldn't be doing it again. But they were. David and Marsha had started fucking again.

She listened to the moaning sounds and the creaking bedsprings for a few moments longer. Then she knew she had to get away from that door. Another few minutes of listening and she would be lost. She would have to go inside.

Once again she was tempted despite her good marriage. David could do it. David would give her a good fucking. She had seen him looking at her. He would fuck her! "Noooo," Nancy groaned.

Nancy couldn't stand by that door another minute.

Her fingers had satisfied her, but only for a few seconds. Now the fire was burning inside her cunt worse than ever. She needed a good stiff prick to fill her hole. She couldn't have David's, but she still needed a prick.

There was one place she could get one, and it would be legal. Her husband. She could satisfy her cravings with her husband's cock and maybe then she would quit thinking about David.

She hurried back to her bedroom. Mark was still snoring when she opened the door. She stood, panting, with her back against the door, and she watched her husband's chest move up with his breathing. He wasn't so bad looking. Maybe he was getting a little pudgy from Marsha's good cooking but he hadn't let himself go as a lot of the husbands had.

He wasn't David but right now he would do.

Very quickly Nancy stripped out of her robe and her shortie nightgown. She went to the bed and peeled back the covers. Her husband shivered a little but he didn't wake up. She studied his body for a few seconds before she climbed back into bed with him.

She snuggled up close and put her hand between his legs. His cock was limp. She let her fingers rest on his limp flesh as she kissed his throat.

"Muhhh," her husband said, and he brushed at his neck like he was brushing at a fly.

She giggled as she kissed his throat again and gave his cock a gentle squeeze. He had a good cock and she knew it wouldn't stay limp for long.

Nancy knew how to make it hard.

Nancy moved closer, letting her big tits flatten against the side of his body. She kept kissing his neck and giggling. She could feel the hot wet between her legs and she knew her pussy was already more than ready.

"Wake up, darling husband," Nancy said. "Wake up. I've got a little present for you."

"Huhhh," he said.

She brushed her fingertips lightly down the length of his flesh. She let her fingers rest at his balls for a second before she moved her hand back up to his crown. She laced her thumb and forefinger around the sensitive ridge and started gently jerking his meat. She grinned when her husband's cock stirred with excitement.

"See there," she whispered. "You're not as sleepy as you thought you were."

Her husband's breathing had gotten a little less regular. She took her hand off his prick and ran her fingers through the thick hair on his chest. She moved around a little so that she could press one nipple against his lips.

She sighed as she felt her husband's mouth sucking at her nipple even in his sleep. He had loved her tits from the first moment he saw her, and it still seemed to be the part about her that Mark loved the most.

Despite the fact that he was still half asleep, she felt him sucking hard at her luscious titty-flesh, taking a lot of the warm vibrant flesh inside his mouth.

She felt his cock grow to a delicious rock-hardness.

Nancy's lush body tingled in anticipation of getting that hot steaming flesh inside her pussy. She could feel her blood-bloated clit throbbing. It was going to feel so delicious to have his big thick knob sliding past her pussy lips and stretching the taunt, excited walls of her cunt.

She tightened her grip on the base of his cock, while she started briskly running her finger over the reddened crown. His cock seemed to get a little stiffer.

"Huhhhhh," her husband mumbled, as he tried to come out of his deep sleep. "What are you doing, Nancy? What's wrong? What the hell's going on?"

Nancy grinned. Her nipple was still pressed close to his mouth. He hadn't realized he'd been sucking it. She started moving her hand up and down on his stiff prick and he got wider awake.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked.

"What does it look like," Nancy answered him. "We're going to fuck, honey."

"But we just did."

"That was hours ago," she lied.

She kept massaging his click and felt it grow just as rigid as she desired. He might be half asleep but his big cock was wide awake and ready to go.

"Fuck," Mark groaned softly, as her fingers caressed his burning flesh.

For a moment Nancy was tempted to do something he'd always wanted her to do. She could imagine how shocked he would be. She could do for him what Marsha had been doing for David. She could put her head down and kiss his cock. Maybe even suck it. Nancy was tempted but she didn't have the courage.

Instead Nancy kissed him on the mouth and rubbed her big soft tits against his side. The feel of his chest was a lot better than her fingers massaging her tits. She felt her nipples scrape against his rough skin, and little jolts of excitement went through her.

"What the fuck, Nancy?" Mark asked her. He was now wade awake, but he was shocked by the way she was acting. "We just did it a little while ago. You can't be horny again."

"Oh yes," she answered. "And so are you."

Mark groaned. He was thinking about what a long day it was going to be tomorrow. But there was no way he could resist this luscious woman.

"Oh shit," Mark said.

She was still fingering his hot flesh and she sensed when he had given up trying to resist her. She moved on top of his body, and spread her legs. She captured the steely hard flesh between her soft thighs.

"Ummm," she said, as she rotated her ass and formed a hot little pocket for his prick.

"You fucking bitch," Mark said. "You're driving me out of my mind."

"Then fuck me," she said. "Fuck me!"

He did what she really wanted. He rolled her onto her back and spread her legs with his strong hands. He gripped her tightly as he speared her with his big, throbbing cock.

Nancy shivered as she felt his big delicious cock stretching her cunt walls. She lifted her legs and locked them tightly around his broad back. She felt his bloated knob slipping even deeper into her cunt. She tightened her cunt walls and it made him crazy.

"You bitch," he grunted. "You fucking bitch!"

He pulled his prick half out of her and then violently slammed it into her again. He began to make back and forth movements that made her feel good. Finally her itch was getting scratched. A big cock was plunging in and out of her pussy.

"Fuck me hard," she begged him. "Fuck me hard!"

"You want it hard," he told her. "You're going to get it just as hard as I can!"

Mark made good his promise. He started fucking her as rapidly as he could, driving his prick into her pussy as deep as he could. She kept lifting her ass off the bed to meet his powerful thrusts, and she continued to squeeze her cunt walls together over his rigid prick.

"You're making me crazy!" he yelled.

She let her head fall back and she gave a cry of pleasure as she felt the hot knot in her stomach starting to explode. She kept her eyes closed tightly as the delicious shivers ran through her body.

"I'm corning, fuck me," she cried. "I'm coming. Oh, it feels so good. So fucking gooddddd!"

It did feel good but at the last moment she almost shouted David's name. Her brother-in-law had come between them. In her imagination it had been David's big cock fucking her.

"Oh fuck!" Mark groaned, as she felt the first of his hot jism starting to pump into her. She loved it. She lifted her legs higher as he rammed his cock in her cunt. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuckkkkk!"

His prick started growing and then she felt the hot spurts of his thick cum into her pussy. But it was David she kept thinking about. Even as she moved her ass for her husband, it was David she was seeing.
