There were two boys waiting for Judy Williams when she got off the bus that afternoon. They were both eighteen years old and they were big, husky boys. Judy hated them. They had been after her a long time and they wouldn't believe her when she told them that she didn't want to fool around with them.
For a while they had stopped meeting her after school. Now they were back at it again.
"Hey, Judy, baby," Red Barnum called out to her. "I hear you're living with a jailbird."
"Wheweeeee!" Joey Collins said. "I hear them jailbirds get awfully horny after they've been in for a while. You're going to have to watch yourself. He might get your panties down."
"Nah," Red Barnum said. "Not Judy. She's the original iron virgin. She doesn't like to fuck."
"Shit. Any girl with an ass like hers must fuck like a rabbit."
They walked across the dirt road toward her. They looked serious this time. They had followed her home before but they had never put a hand on her. This time Red Barnum touched her shoulder. She jerked her arm away. She tried to walk by them but they kept blocking her path.
"Let me go."
"Come on, Judy," Red said. "Just a few minutes in the bushes. That's all we ask."
She saw that they weren't going to let her go. All along she had been afraid of this.
"Leave me alone," she said. "Leave me alone or I'll tell my father."
"And we'll break an arm for him just like we did last time," Joey said. "Now you just relax and do like we say. It won't take long. I'm horny as hell."
Joey put his hand on her tit. She jerked away and the boys moved closer to her. Joey put one arm around her waist and started leading her toward the woods.
"Just relax," Red said.
She heard the truck coming at almost the same time they did. At first she thought it was her father. She hoped it wasn't. Her father would get killed if he tried to stop them. He was a gentle man and he wasn't a fighter like the boys. "Who the hell is that?" Red asked. "My Uncle David," Judy said.
"Hot damn. You mean the jailbird?"
"Hell. We might have more fun than we thought."
David got out of the truck and walked across the road toward them. He was half smiling but something in his eyes told Judy that he was not amused. Judy knew that he wasn't the gentle man her father was. She knew that he had gone to jail for fighting. The boys might be in for a little surprise.
"Is something wrong, Judy?" David asked.
"I want to go home," Judy said.
"Certainly," he said. "I'll give you a lift."
David's sharp eyes had missed nothing. He saw her white face and the way the big boy kept squeezing her waist. It angered him but he kept the tight-lipped smile.
"She's not going home yet," Red said. "Not until we get done with her."
"Oh no?" David asked.
"No," Red answered. "You see, we had a little fun in mind. We thought we might give her cunt a good working over."
That was when David hit him. Judy's eyes widened as she saw the gush of bright red blood on Red's face. He went backwards and sat down heavily on his buttocks. Joey had his right arm round her waist and he wasn't quick enough.
David slapped his face and then pushed him solidly in the stomach. They sat down hard.
"You stupid little bastards," David said slowly. "You get back up and I'll tear your fucking heads off."
Judy had never seen them scared before but they were scared now. They knew they weren't even in the contest when it came to fighting this man. They stayed where they were as David took her arm and walked her back to the truck.
"I don't think they'll bother you anymore," David said.
"I don't either," she agreed.
David got into the truck beside her and put it into gear. Judy put her hand on top of his and gave him a gentle squeeze. She was astonished at the feelings she was having. Somehow the fright of the two boys grabbing her, and then the fight was making her feel funny tingles all over.
"Let's don't go back home yet," she said.
"Where do you want to go?" David asked in mild surprise.
"We can drive up by the lake," Judy said. "I know a spot up there where it's pretty and quiet."
David shrugged. He was thinking that it wasn't right for him to be driving her up to a pretty and quiet place. But it was where she wanted to go. He had enjoyed the fight with the two boys. What there was of it. He had always enjoyed fighting. Almost as much as he enjoyed fucking.
He drove where she told him too. She was right. It was a pretty place. And quiet. There was nothing around them but trees and high grass and the greenish-blue waters of a lake. He looked at Judy and she was shivering.
"Are you cold?" he asked.
"No," she answered. "I guess I'm still kind of scared."
David told himself that he was just being comforting as he moved closer and put his arm around her. But he was thrilled by the luscious young body so close to his own. God, she was built better than Marsha. How he would have loved to cup her perfect sweet ass.
"Uncle David?" Judy said huskily.
"It wasn't just being scared," she admitted. "I guess I got a little turned on watching you whip them."
"You got what?" he asked.
She blushed red. "I got turned on. I'm old enough to have feelings like that. Besides, I'm not a virgin."
"You're not?" he asked.
David could feel his heart pounding as she shook her head. She wasn't a virgin. That meant he wouldn't be taking her cherry if he got into her panties. And he wanted to get into her panties very badly.
"I haven't had but one guy," Judy went on. "Just one. And I didn't enjoy it much."
"Maybe you need to be with somebody more experienced?" David suggested.
"That's what I think," she said.
Judy could feel a dampness between her thighs. She had never been aroused like this before. Sure, there had been that one other time with that clumsy boy. But somehow she knew that her Uncle David wouldn't be clumsy.
"I guess a man can get pretty lonely in jail," she said.
"I mean," she said. "A man needs a woman more than a woman needs a man." She was blushing again. "I guess if you wanted to kiss me. It would be all right, I mean."
"Do you want me to kiss you, Judy?"
"Yes," she answered. "I think I do."
Judy knew she should be feeling some sense of shame as he put his lips against hers. She didn't. His lips felt good, hard and yet gentle. He kissed her lips, and then her soft white cheek. Then his lips found hers again.
"Ummmmm," she said, when he took his mouth away. "That was nice. I liked that."
He put his arms around her and pulled her against him so that her breasts were crushed. He kissed her again. This time his kiss felt a little more hungry, and she knew he was getting aroused. He was getting turned on to her.
She shut her eyes and she pictured clearly the pained looks on the boy's faces. They hadn't expected her Uncle David to be able to handle them like that. He had treated them like helpless children.
Her Uncle David was a real man.
He kissed her throat and she could feel his hands stroking her silken raven hair. His fingers tangled in her hair and he gently pulled her head back. She stared into his animal looking eyes. He was as aroused as any man she'd ever seen.
"You frighten me when you look at me like that," she said.
"You should be a little frightened," David said to her. "That makes it better. You know that there's nothing you can do to keep me from doing what I want with you. You're completely helpless."
What he was felling her was the truth. She was completely helpless in his arms. There was nothing she could do to prevent him from having his way with her. It was only at that moment that she really knew that she was going to get the fucking of her life.
"I am helpless," she said.
Her Uncle David laughed savagely. He ripped open the top two buttons of her blouse and pushed his hand down inside. She wore a small bra and it was thin enough to feel his fingers through the material.
"I like your big tits," he said. "Your tits are just like your mother's."
"My mother's?" Judy questioned.
"Yeah," David said. "I fucked her once too. When you were a very little girl!"
"Oh my God," Judy groaned.
Judy didn't know if he was lying or not but she knew that he had gotten her tremendously excited.
He was reaching behind her back and undoing her bra. She helped him. He tugged it down and freed her big white tits.
"What a pair," he said. "What a sweet looking pair. I like big knockers on a woman."
She was thrilled by his voice and by the things his hands did to her. She had never felt like this before. His big, broad hands rubbed her tits until she was afraid he was going td rub them off.
"Kiss them for me," she begged. "Kiss my titties."
He smiled. His tongue licked at one of her big brown nipples. She felt it stir to an aching hardness. His lips moved to the other firm, aching tit. Again his tongue swirled around the brown nipple until it was as hard as its twin.
"Oh goodness," Judy groaned. "Oh, you're making me feel so giddy all over!"
"I'm going to make you feel better than you've ever felt before," he promised her.
Judy arched her back just as he started sucking hard on her creamy firm flesh. She felt her hot flesh going into his mouth until it seemed like he was trying to swallow it all. His tongue and teeth kept working on her nipple until she could hardly stand it. She put her hands on the back of his head and tugged him away.
"God," she gasped. "I've never felt like this before. You're making me tingle all over."
"Sure, baby," he said. "I know what I'm doing to you. It's time you were with a real man."
Judy pulled his head back again. His teeth nipped at her firm flesh. He moved his face to her other tit. She wiggled with delight as he worked on this one.
"That's soooo nice," she groaned.
He took her hand and she felt her heart pound rapidly. She knew where he was going to put her hand. Again she thought of how wrong it was to be here with her Uncle David. It was almost like doing it with one's father. Yet, she knew she couldn't stop him. He had been right when he told her that she was completely helpless in his arms.
He pressed her tiny hot hand between his legs. She gasped in shock when she felt the pounding length of his hard cock. He was a real man when compared to the other cock she'd had. That cock had been small and hardly hard.
Judy felt a shiver of wicked delight. "Oh Uncle David. That's so big and hard. It feels so big!"
"It is big, baby," he told her. "And it's going to make you happier than you've ever been!"
Judy gripped the hard throbbing bulge through the heavy material of his trousers. Her Uncle David had a monstrous cock. She was sure he would hurt her when he put that big thing in her. Yet, she wanted it as badly as she had ever wanted anything.
"I want to take it out," she said. "I want to feel the real thing in my hands."
"All right," her Uncle David said. "First undo my belt and pull my pants down. I want us to be comfortable."
She did as he asked her. At the same time she felt him playing with the zipper on her tight jeans. He got it down and he started peeling her jeans down her legs. She kicked off her shoes and then allowed him to pull her jeans off. She was left in only her baby blue panties, and he soon took care of these. He peeled them down her legs with a quick movement.
She had a moment of shame as she kicked her panties off her legs. She had never had anyone look at her completely naked before, not even that other boy.
She could feel her body blushing a bright pink. "Oh Uncle David!"
"Don't be ashamed of your body, you sweet child," David told her. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. You are a gorgeous creature. Really gorgeous!"
She quit blushing at his words. Instead she felt the heat grow more intense all over her body. She hurriedly pulled down his trousers and his shorts, and revealed his big naked cock. She put her hand on his fiery flesh. The hard pulsating prick was unlike anything she had ever touched before. It almost frightened her.
"You are so big," she gasped.
"You're going to love it, babe," he assured her. "You're going to fucking love it."
He put his hands in her hair while he leaned back in the seat. She felt a gentle insistent pressure and she knew what he wanted. She had heard the girls in school talk about kissing a boy's cock. She had never wanted to do it herself. But it was something her Uncle David wanted and she couldn't refuse.
She let him pull her head down to his crotch. She smelled the strong male odor of his prick and she nearly gagged. She would have pulled her head back but his strong fingers had clamped down on her the back of her head and she could hardly move.
"Kiss it a little," David said. "You need to learn about a man's cock. Kiss it a little."
She reluctantly put her lips against the rosy head of his prick. Again she was nearly overwhelmed by the strong salty, fleshy odor of his prick.
"Put your hand around the base of my cock," David urged her. "Hold it up so that you can see it better."
She wrapped her fingers around the meaty shaft of his prick and lifted it up. She put her lips against the end again and this time fought the urge to pull her head back. She tightened her fingers as she felt his excitement grow.
"Yeah, baby," David groaned. "That's the way. I'm going to teach you all you need to know about a man's cock. All you need to know!"
She wasn't sure she wanted to know a lot. She felt the pressure increasing against her head. She knew that he wanted her to open her mouth, to take that gigantic throbbing cock-head between her lips. She wasn't sure she could do that.
"Don't be shy," David said. "You're a young girl but it's time you learned what a man likes. Take it in your mouth, honey. Take it in your mouth!"
He pushed harder and she knew she was going to have to do as he wanted. She parted her lips and work the rubbery cockhead into her hot mouth. It wasn't bad. She let his cockhead rest against the top part of it her tongue. His male flesh throbbed with a rhythm that she almost found exciting.
"Yeah," David groaned. "That's good, you sweet young bitch! Now take it all the way. Suck on my hot cock!"
She closed her eyes and gathered her courage. She started sucking on his big cock. Another man might have crammed his flesh into her mouth, but David wanted her first experience with cocksucking to be a good one. He let her set her own pace.
She got half his cock into her mouth before she started to gag. She felt as if she was choking as his thick meat. She was thankful when he pulled it out partially.
"Listen to me, honey," David said. "It's not so bad. You can do it. You can take it all into your mouth. You've just got to learn to be a little more wined."
She nodded. She didn't think she would ever get that relaxed but she was willing to try and keep trying until she made him happy. She had never wanted to please anyone as much as she wanted to please her Uncle David.
She started sucking on his cock again. This time she got more than half his cock into her mouth. She tasted his leaking cum juice and she about jerked her head back. But she could feel her Uncle David's gentle fingers urging her forward.
"Damn," David groaned, as he felt her lips finally suck his cock in as it was possible. He looked down to see her sweet red mouth locked around his prick. Her delicate face was beautiful. He wanted to mouth-fuck her badly, but instead he still took it easy. He didn't want to frighten her away from sucking cock. Someday she would be a fine cocksucker.
He could feel the hot fire in his balls and he slowly pulled her head back.
"See, baby," he said. "You can dolt. We'll have another lesson later. Right flow I want to see if you taste as sweet as you look."
Judy didn't understand. She looked at him in shock as he pushed her against the far door and spared her plump, girlish thighs wide. She blushed again as she saw him staring into her pussy.
"Oh Uncle David," she gasped.
"I think you're beautiful," David said. "Your cunt is beautiful. I have to kiss your stuff!"
She still wasn't prepared for him to suddenly bury his face in the tangled moistness of her crotch. She felt his tongue licking at her plump cuntlips. She shivered as a mixture of feelings went through her body. She wanted to pull him away and pull him closer at the very same time.
She felt his tongue thrusting into her hot box, and an exquisite delight went through her.
"Oh David," she cried. "I've never felt anything like this. I've never felt so good!"
David raised his head slightly. "The best is just starting, babe."
He put his head back between her legs. His licking tongue was driving her crazy. She was feeling really wet, and squirmy in her pussy and David seemed to love her taste. She felt his tongue driving deep into her pussy and then slowly brushing across her blood-filled cit.
"Oh God, David," she sobbed. "Oh God, you're making me so crazy. Crazy!"
"Sure, baby," David said. "I know it!"
He kept licking at her until she could feel a tight knot in her stomach. She was pushing up off the seat with her ass, driving her honey sweet cunt into his mouth, and tasting his tongue deep in her pussy.
"Oh God," she cried again.
This time David took his head out of her pussy. He was grinning. He kneeled on his side of the truck and held his hard, throbbing cock out for her to see.
"See how big it is, babe," he said. "It wants to fill up that sweet snatch of yours."
"Oh yesss," she cried. "I want your cock in my pussy. I want to be fucked so bad!"
He pulled her down in the seat and his taunt, well muscled body stretched out on top of her.
"You put it in, babe," he told her. "Take my cock in your hand and put it in your pussy!"
She was trembling with excitement as she reached between them. She found his cock with her fingers. She wrapped her fingers around his prick and she drew it toward her hot snatch.
"That's right, babe," David said. "Put it in your pussy. Stuff it in your snatch!"
She was still scared but she was also hotter than she had ever been in her life. She could feel David rubbing her titties with his bare, scratchy chest. He was rubbing her tits until she felt them raw and achy.
She pulled at his prick and felt the electric jolt when his prick head came into contact with her wet snatch.
"You wet little piece," David said. "You're all ready for me. Ahhh, you're a sweet little girl!"
She pulled harder and she felt his cockhead stretching her pussy lips. He was inside. Barely. She could feel his throbbing prickhead just inside her cunt opening.
"Now I'll do the rest," David said. "You just relax while you get the hot stroking of your sweet young life."
David didn't believe he'd ever felt a pussy as tight and hot as Judy's. He pushed gently and his cock stretched her cunt walls and he drove his flesh deep inside of her. She gasped, when he got his cock all the way inside.
"Oh Uncle David," she said. "You are big. Your cock is big. But it feels so good!"
"Yeah," he said. "I know it feels good. Your pussy feels good and tighter than hell. Are you ready to be fucked?"
"Yes, Uncle David," she answered.
"Then tell me…"
She knew what he wanted. "I want to be fucked. I want your hot cock fucking me! Oh Uncle David, fuck me good!"
He took his prick half out of her cunt and then rammed it back in again. She sobbed as she felt him start a gentle movement with his hips. His cock was rubbing all around the inside of her cunt. She felt his cockhead deep in her belly. That other time hadn't felt this good. The young boy hadn't known what he was doing. Her Uncle David knew how to make a woman squirm.
"You sweet thing," David gasped. "You sweet piece of ass. I could fuck you all day long."
He started puffing back and ramming into her again. One long, deep stroke after another. She felt her body shake each time he thrust. He was so damned strong. She knew that it was a real experience to be underneath a man like her Uncle David. She also knew that she could be ruined for other men. She would only enjoy making love to those men as powerful and as lean as her Uncle.
"Oh, I love it," she cried. "I love your dick, Uncle David. I love your dick!"
She felt his hands stroking her back and then slipping underneath her body to cup her asscheeks. She heard him sigh as he gripped her tender asscheeks in his powerful hands. She was being lifted higher and his hard thrusts got deeper.
"Ohhhhh," she groaned.
He fucked her faster, and harder. She couldn't control the feelings in her body. She squirmed against him, wicked delight all through her body.
She had abandoned all thoughts of wrongdoing. Something that felt this good couldn't be wrong.
Again and again she humped up to meet his thrusting cock until she felt the hard knot in her belly beginning to explode. She gasped and scraped her nails down his back.
"Uncle David!" she cried. "Oh, Uncle David! It feels so good! I'm coming and it feels so good! Fuck me, Uncle David! Make me a woman! A fuck-woman. A Cunt!"
Her hot juices flooded his cock, and the hot spasms made her body writhe with pleasure. She had never had a come like this one. It was fantastic!
She slowly came back to earth again. David had quit ramming his cock into her. He rested with his big stiff prick half in her and half out. She loved the hot throbbing flesh.
Slowly David drew his cock out of her pussy.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"You need to know everything about a man," David said. "A woman's not a complete woman until she feels a man's cum."
Judy lifted her head and watched with fascination as her Uncle David peeled back the skin on his enormous cockhead.
"I'm going to come all over you," he told her. "I'm going to spill my cum on your sweet young body."
He took her hand and placed it on his hot meat. He directed the movements of her hand.
She moved her hand up and down rapidly until she saw the first drop of cum clinging to the end of his cock. She saw it fall off and she felt the wet spot against her belly.
"God, yesss," David groaned. "Beat it, whore. Beat my meat. I'm going to fucking come all over you. You're going to feel my jism on your sweet belly! You baby cunt! You fucking baby cunt!"
She saw the thick wad of cum spurt out the end of his red cockhead.
She felt his jism running in hot flyers over her belly and against the slope of her big soft tits. She kept jerking his prick and she kept seeing the huge spurts of cum coming from the reddened tip.
She liked it. Her Uncle David had to understand women, because she really liked it. She kept jerking him off until his prick was done and no more jism spurted from the tip.
"All right," David said. "Now put your fingers in it. Rub it against your face and put it against your lips."
Judy found herself doing exactly as she was told. She put her fingers in a creamy globe underneath her tit. She rubbed the juice against her cheek and pressed her fingers against her lips.
"Suck on your fingers," David said.
She pushed her fingers into her lips and sucked on them. She tasted the strong salty flavor of his cum. She swallowed it. At that moment she knew she was really a woman.
David moved closer and straddled her. He rubbed his wet cock against her cheeks and then her mouth.
"Take it in your mouth," David said. "Clean it with your tongue."
She wasn't afraid of his cock any more. She opened her mouth wide and she sucked the limp prick inside. She cleaned up his prick with her tongue until there was nothing but the taste of his meat in her mouth. She released his limp prick with a soft smile.
"You are a sweet bitch," David said, "but now I think we'd better be getting back. We don't want anyone to worry about us."
She grabbed his hand. "You're going to fuck me again, aren't you, Uncle David?"
"Sure," David said, grinning. "Don't you worry about that."