Transcript of Meet the Press on NBC for Sunday March 26:
Host:Topic A – the imperilled presidency of Stephen Baker. A week of extraordinary revelations and now the clock ticking on impeachment. Where does that leave the President? Let’s ask our roundtable. Tom, let’s start with you: can Baker survive this thing?
Tom Glover, only two people who know the answer to that are those two conservative Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, David.
Host: And it is just two now, since the third member of that group-
Tom Glover: That’s right, since he made clear he won’t vote for impeachment, it’s down to just those two. You know, the majority is so wafer thin in the House – just a few votes separating the parties – that it only needs a tiny defection for the President to be in big trouble.
Host: So what’s going through their minds, Michelle?
Michelle Schwartz, Wall Street Journal: Well, this weekend, I guess they’ll be listening to people in their home districts, David. What do they make of Stephen Baker? Do they still like him? Do they still trust him?
Host: And what are you hearing?
Michelle Schwartz: I’m hearing that he remains in deep trouble. People felt blindsided by the medical revelations-
Tom Glover: Yeah, but Michelle, I think that ended up as a net positive for the President. People warmed to his candor, his very clear sincerity and his message that mental health-
Michelle Schwartz: Maybe if that had been the only thing: that one revelation and the President makes a great speech. We all know Stephen Baker is a brilliant speaker.
Host: You say that like it’s a bad thing, Michelle. [Laughter.]
Michelle Schwartz: My point is, fine if it had ended there. But then we get the Iranian Connection which-
Tom Glover: Which is still just conjecture at this stage. No one’s proven anything except an Iranian citizen – this man Hossein Najafi – made it to a White House reception. You know Stephen Baker is not the first president to have gatecrashers at his parties.
Host: Well, let’s see what we do know about this story. The Washington Post has run an extensive piece of reporting on the Iranian Connection, let’s flash some of that up here. Here’s the quote:
Experts in forensic accountancy say it’s possible that the donation made by Mr Najafi, though paid out of a US bank registered in Delaware, may have been sourced from the Cayman Islands and, prior to that, originated in a bank in Tehran used by the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, better known as the Revolutionary Guards.
Tom Glover: Lot of ifs in that, David.
Host: So that’s the quote. What do you make of it, Michelle?
Michelle Schwartz: As so often, it’s about context. I think we should be honest and mention the third leg of this particular stool – and that is the death of Vic Forbes. If-
Tom Glover: Oh, come on-
Michelle Schwartz: If it wasn’t for the persistent questions that arise from that-
[Crosstalk. Inaudible]
Tom Glover:…about Stuart Goldstein? I mean if we’re going to start mentioning mysterious deaths. What, are we gonna sit around on Meet the Press wondering which Republican took out Goldstein? And unlike Forbes, that man was a proven servant of the American people. I mean, this is undignified-
Michelle Schwartz: I wasn’t saying-
Tom Glover:-and it’s unseemly.
Host: All right, predictions for the week ahead. Michelle?
Michelle Schwartz: I don’t want to offend Tom again, but I think it all depends on what more comes out about the late Mr Forbes. If there is something, combined with the Iranian Connection, then I think that will spell the end for the President.
Host: Tom?
Tom Glover: Well, I hate to agree with my colleague here but I think she’s right. It shouldn’t hinge on the Forbes episode, but I fear it does. If another shoe drops on that – something which changes our view of how he died or what he was about to say – then that could change the calculus.
Host: All right, thanks to you both. Good to have you with us. Coming up after the break…