From the Daily Dish blog, posted at 18.46, Sunday March 26:

Did you see the faces of the crowds that gathered on the Mall today? The sheer diversity of those faces? It was awe-inspiring – the reason why those of us who chose to be American citizens can feel glad, despite everything that has happened in the last insane few days, that we joined this remarkable country.

With the minimum of advance publicity – yours truly only heard that it was happening about an hour or two before it started – we gathered this afternoon on the steps of the Capitol to send a message to Congress: Hands off our President.

This was the Baker Nation, the young, hopeful America that elected our young, hopeful president just months ago. They resent the notion that a cabal of Republican headbangers, together with a couple of craven Democratic enablers, might drive from office the man who represents a chance for our country at last to be the nation it was meant to be.

The TV estimates the crowd at ten thousand. I would say, looking at it, that it appears larger than that. Even if you accept the lower figure, it is a remarkable achievement. There was next to no preparation or organization. This was the closest we might get to an organic, spontaneous demonstration of popular outrage. Call it leaderless resistance, American-style.

Whatever you call it, let’s hope Stephen Baker-still grieving the loss of his closest aide and long-time buddy, Stuart Goldstein – could see it from his window at the White House. Let’s hope he saw it and drew strength from it. You are not alone, Mr President…
