Churchill at Chartwell, 1939. Photo: Topical Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images.
Churchill’s broadcast, 1941. Photo: CHAR 09/181B/180, The Papers of Sir Winston Churchill, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College. © Winston S. Churchill. Reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown, London, on behalf of the Estate of Sir Winston Churchill and the Sir Winston Churchill Archive Trust.
Winston, aged 18. Photo: Peter Harrington Ltd.
Lord Randolph. Photo: Universal History Archive/UIG/Bridgeman Images.
Jennie Jerome. Photo: The Illustrated London News Picture Library, London/Bridgeman Images.
Winston and Jack with their mother. Photo: BRDW I, Photo 1/8, The Broadwater Collection, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College.
Churchill and Clementine, circa 1910. Photo: adoc-photos/Corbis.
Churchill and Clemmie, 1945. Photo: PA Photos.
Illustration from My African Journey. Photo: LIB 37, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College. © Winston S. Churchill. Reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown, London, on behalf of the Estate of Sir Winston Churchill and the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Churchill College, Cambridge.
Churchill in Pretoria. Photo: BRDW I, Photo 1/18, The Broadwater Collection, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College.
Churchill at Deauville. Photo: BRDW I, Photo 1/110, The Broadwater Collection, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College.
Churchill and the Pyramids. Photo: BRDW I, Photo 2/83, The Broadwater Collection, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College.
Churchill inspecting the Tank Corps, 1915. Photo: © Imperial War Museum, London (Q 34662).
Churchill with General Pershing. Photo: Corbis.
Churchill visiting Bristol, 1941. Photo: Popperfoto/Getty Images.
Churchill accepting a cigar. Photo: Keystone/Alamy.
Allied Forces headquarters, 1943. Photo: Mirrorpix.
Churchill firing a tommy gun. Photo: Getty Images.
Churchill with de Gaulle, 11 November 1944. Photo: BRDW II, Photo 8/10/22, The Broadwater Collection, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College.
Churchill crossing the Rhine. Photo: RA/Lebrecht Music & Arts.
Churchill waves to crowds in Whitehall. Photo: Major Horton/IWM/Getty Images.
Churchill and Lloyd George. Photo: Mirrorpix.
Churchill and Lord Halifax. Photo: Getty Images.
Churchill with Stalin. Photo: Lt. Lotzof/IWM/Getty Images.
Churchill with Anthony Eden. Photo: BRDW I, Photo 1/343, The Broadwater Collection, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College.
Churchill and Roosevelt at Shangri-La. Photo: courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, Hyde Park, New York.
Churchill speaking at a Thanksgiving celebration. Photo: BRDW V, Photo 3/5, The Broadwater Collection, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College.
Churchill and President Truman. Photo: Abbie Rowe, National Park Service, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library.
Churchill at the Conservative Party Conference. Photo: Mirrorpix.
Churchill at the Hague. Photo: Kurt Hutton/Picture Post/Getty Images.
Churchill, bricklayer. Photo: Topical Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images.
Churchill painting in Marrakesh. Photo: M. McKeown/Daily Express/Getty Images.
Churchill in flying gear. Photo: Ullstein/TopFoto.