(Las Vegas, 2/13/64)
They blew skeet. They shot custom guns.
They shot off the back deck. They shot custom clays. Janice slung them up. She sat below. She caught some rays. She wore a bikini swimsuit.
Wayne Senior scored persistent. Wayne missed fairly wide. He'd fucked up his hand. He beat up on coloreds. It fucked up his grip.
Janice popped a clay. Wayne fired. Wayne missed.
Wayne Senior reloaded. "You're not holding the stock tight enough."
Wayne flexed his hand. He'd fucked it and re-fucked it. It stayed fucked all the time.
"My hand's bothering me. I hurt it at work."
Wayne Senior smiled. "On Negroes or assorted riffraff?"
"You know the answer to that."
"Your employers are exploiting your reputation. That means they're exploiting you."
"Exploitation works both ways. If that sounds familiar, I got it from you."
"I'll repeat myself, then. You're overqualified for random vengeance and work as a casino bouncer."
Wayne flexed his hand. "I'm developing some new tastes. You don't know if you disapprove, or if you should take partial credit."
Wayne Senior winked. "I could help you achieve what you want, in an intelligent fashion. You'd have a good deal of latitude for individual action."
Janice moved her chair. Wayne watched her. Her top chafed. Her nipples swelled.
Wayne said, "No sale."
Wayne Senior lit a cigarette. "I've diversified. You figured that out at Christmas, and you've started coming back for visits again. You should know that I'll be doing some _very_ interesting things for Mr. Hoover."
Wayne yelled, "Pull!" Janice tossed a clay. Wayne nailed it. His ears popped. His bad hand throbbed.
"I'm not going to hide under a sheet and rat off mail violators, so that you can sell more hate tracts."
"You've been talking to Ward Littell. You're in a vulnerable state, and men like Littell and Bondurant are starting to look good to you."
The sun hit the deck. Wayne squinted it off.
"They remind me of you."
"I won't take that as a compliment."
"You shouldn't."
"I'll say it once. Don't be seduced by lowlifes and thieves."
"It won't happen. I've resisted you for twenty-nine years."
o o o
Janice left for golf. Wayne Senior left for cards. Wayne stayed alone at the ranch.
He set up the gun room. He spooled the film in. He _watched_.
Said film ran high-contrast. Black and white skin/black white stock.
King shut his eyes. King went ecstatic. King preached in Little Rock. He saw him live in '57.
The woman bit her lips. Lynette always did that. The woman had Barb-style hair.
It hurt. He watched anyway. King thrashed and threw sweat.
The film blurred-lens haze and distortion. The skin tones blurred-King went Wendell Durfee-dark.
It hurt. He watched anyway.
(Dallas, 2/13/64)
10:00 p.m.-lights out.
The women's tier. Twelve cells. One inmate locked up.
Pete walked in. The jailer went ssshh. A Carlos guy bribed him last night.
One cell row. One side wall. Barred-window light.
Pete walked down. His heart thumped. His arms pinged. His pulse misfired. He swilled scotch outside. The jailer supplied it. He shut down. He fueled up. He carved some will out.
He walked. He grabbed at the cell bars. He anchored himself.
There's Betty Mac.
She's on her bunk. She's smoking. She's wearing tight capris.
She saw him. She blinked. I KNOW him. He warned me last-
She screamed. He pulled her up. She bit at his nose. She stabbed him with her cigarette.
She burned his lips. She burned his nose. She burned his neck. He threw her. She hit the bars. He grabbed her neck and pinned her.
He ripped her capris. He tore a leg free. She screamed and dropped her cigarette.
He looped the leg. He looped her neck. He cinched her. He threw her up. He stretched the leg. He looped a crossbar.
She thrashed. She kicked. She swung. She clawed her neck. She broke her nails. She coughed her dentures out.
He remembered that she had a cat.