(Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Selma, 3/21/65-6/15/65)
Penance. Tithe. Counterthrust.
He obeyed Mr. Hoover. He taped Bayard Rustin. He rabbitized. He performed new betrayals-RABBIT ops-Mr. Hoover's counter tithes.
He traveled for work. He worked for Drac and Jimmy. He worked for Drac and the Boys. He flew D.C. to Miami. He flew Chicago to L.A.
He cruised banks. He set up new accounts. He used fake ID. He dumped cash. He cut checks. He tithed the SCLC.
Counter ops:
Skim fees. Embezzlement. Let's declaw BLACK RABBIT.
He drained Drac. He took small bites-little rabbit nips. It worked. The skim plan worked. Counter cash accrued.
_He_ worked.
He worked for Jimmy Hoffa. He filed briefs. He fought two convictions. He dunned the Boys. He bagged two mill for Jimmy's Hope Chest.
New hope. Nonhope. No hope. There were no bribable jurors. There were no bribable courts.
Mr. Hoover had pull. Mr. Hoover liked Jimmy. Mr. Hoover could help. Don't brace him or beg him. Don't incur more indebtedness-yet.
He worked for Drac. He filed briefs. He bought time. He needed twelve months-sixteen tops.
Let Drac dump his stock then. Let Drac get his stash. Let Drac inject Las Vegas.
Fred Otash worked.
Fred Otash culled. Fred Otash sifted. Fred Otash scandalized. Let's raid files. Let's find dirt. Let's utilize.
The files existed: _Confidential_/_Rave_/_Whisper_/_Lowdown_ and _Hush-Hush_. The files existed. The files eluded. The files dirtified.
Bugs dirtified.
Littell hung Vegas bugs. Fred Turentine assisted. They bugged hotel rooms. They trapped dirt. They trapped legislators.
Three so far-three cheaters/three whorehounds/three drunks.
Feds manned the bug posts-two agents for three months. Mr. Hoover got bored. It was dirt insufficient. Call it a dirt deficit.
Mr. Hoover pulled the Feds. Fred filled in for them. Fred dirtified. Fred stored dirt. Fred aged dirt. Fred saved dirt for Pete.
Three legislators and one Pete. Compliance guaranteed. We've got the board votes. We've got YOU now. Pledge your support.
Watch us abridge antitrust laws. Watch our Vegas spree. Watch hotel profits plunge. Watch skim ops soar. Watch Littell invest skim money.
We've got the "real" books. We've got the goods. We've got the buyout stats. We co-opt businesses. We funnel cash. We build foreign casinos.
The Boys hoard. The Boys divert. The Boys avoid obstructions-_usually_.
Sam G. was obstructed now. It was recent news. Sam was in jail in Chicago. A grand jury subpoenaed him. Bobby paneled it. Bobby was AG then.
Sam refused to testify. Sam took the Fifth. The judge cited him.
Contempt of Court-Cook County Jail-for the grand-jury term. One year-jail to spring '66.
The judge ragged on Sam. The judge aped Bobby. Bobby ragged Sam in '57. Bobby was Senate counsel then. Bobby was a senator now.
He played his Bobby tapes. He toured the Senate. He prowled the gallery. He watched Bobby. He read the Senate Record. He tracked Bobby's words through.
Bobby debunks bills. Bobby lauds bills. Bobby never mentions the Boys. Bobby presses for civil rights. Bobby lauds Dr. King.
Littell taped Bayard Rustin. Bayard praised King. Littell met Bayard sans tape. Bayard waxed sad that day. Bayard showed him the letter.
"King, look into your heart."
"King, like all frauds, your end is approaching."
"You are a colossal fraud, and an evil, vicious one at that."
"King, there is only one thing left for you to do."
They met in Lafayette Park. Bayard showed him the letter. He read it. He went queasy. He walked.
He met Bayard one more time. Lafayette Park again. They talked sans tape. It sparked him. It scared him.
Dwight Holly had him tailed. Mr. Hoover said so. _Vegas_ tails-preRABBIT
Holly was BLUE RABBIT. Holly ran BLACK RABBIT Holly hated him. Spot tails meant checks. Spot tails meant notes. Spot tails meant data accrued.
He met Jane in Vegas-that one bad time-potential tails were out. He met Janice-their first time-potential tails were out.
Holly pulled the tails. Holly pulled them pre-RABBIT. Mr. Hoover said so. Holly ran RABBIT. Holly had juice. Holly could tail-reinstate.
He met Bayard. They had two meets sans tape. He ran tail checks. None were visible. None were obvious. None were probable or certified.
Bayard said, "Come to Selma. You'll see history."
He did it.
He flew down. He used fake ID. He forged a press card. He ducked the marchers. He ducked the cops. He joined a press crew.
He watched. He fretted tails. He saw Bloody Sunday.
Highway 80. The Edmund Pettus Bridge. Sheriff Clark's posse-horses and patrol cars with rebel bumper-flags.
Clark braced the marchers. Clark said disperse in two minutes. The posse charged one minute in. They charged with tear gas and billy clubs. They charged with bullwhips and barbed-wire saps.
The posse hit the marchers. The posse cut through them. The posse mowed them down. He watched. He hid behind cameras. He saw saps rip noses. He saw whips sever ears.
He hid. Meek CRUSADER RABBIT Unworthy of brave RED and PINK.
He flew back to Vegas. He thought about tails. He thought about Mr. Hoover. Mr. Hoover pledged memos-RABBIT details-Mr. Hoover sent none.
Let's extrapolate. Let's grow some fear.
Mr. Hoover is busy. He's deep in BLACK RABBIT BLUE RABBIT counsels him. BLUE hates CRUSADER. BLUE hoards memorandums. BLUE restricts their flow.
Mr. Hoover has plans. They're draconian. They supersede suicide letters. Why disturb CRUSADER? Why risk his specious reproach?
Don't tweak him with knowledge. Don't risk his betrayal. Don't test his silly ideals.
BLUE has a puppet-WILD RABBIT on strings-WILD RABBIT works alone. WILD runs Klansmen. WILD might run autonomous. WILD might run outright rogue.
Mr. Hoover knows it. BLUE knows it-so why tell CRUSADER that?
Need-to-know. Read-and-burn. Compartments. Sealed access. Loveand-hide.
He had Jane. Jane survived her Vegas trip. Jane never went back. They went back to their rules. They resealed their compartments. They hid in L.A.
They ignored their fight. They revived their game. He lied. She lied. They codified. Their code said we aired it. Their code said it hurt. Their code said we survived Dallas.
Jane knew he taped Bobby. Jane knew he bilked Howard Hughes. Jane knew the Boys. Jane knew the Life. Jane feared the Teamsters for real.
Compartments. Sealed access. Love-and-lie. The love worked. The lies hurt. The seal cracked.
He traveled. He sealed off Vegas. He compartmentalized. He met Barb. He joined her fan club. He sat ringside.
They were prom dates. Admiration and earnest chats. Chaste drinks and her show.
Pete rotated through-Vietnam to Vegas-they all socialized. Barb rotated with him. Her eyes went from pinholed to bright.
Pills. Her secret. Her Pete's-gone-rotation delight.
All men loved her. He told Pete. Pete said he knew that. Barb grew. Barb changed while he watched her. Barb changed her ridiculous lounge act.
She put out more knock-knees. She put out more ad-libs and goofs. I'm six feet tall. I can't sing. I know terrible things.
He loved her. He loved her more than Janice and Jane.
Janice was Vegas. Jane was L.A. He rotated through. Compartments: candor and lies/separate disclosures.
Janice spilled her secrets. Janice _never_ lied. She bragged about sex. She proved her points. She flaunted her prowess.
She talked too much. She enticed men. She lived for the thrill. She thought she controlled men. Her stories disproved it. She confused prowess with heart.
She divorced Wayne Senior. She ditched his name. She went back to "Lukens." She earned her two million. She paid with cramps. She paid with a limp.
She fought back. She played golf. She broke par as a gimp. She never cried. She never whined. She never complained.
They met at her cottage. They made love. They talked.
Janice _talked_. He listened.
She fucked a Negro man. Wayne Senior found out and killed him. She fucked Clark Kinman. Wayne Senior watched. She fucked bellboys on dares and bets.
She fucked Wayne Junior. She paid.
She talked too much. She drank too much. She limped through A-club tennis. She was pure will unconsidered. She was inimical to Jane.
Janice talked. Janice digressed. Janice discussed Wayne Senior. He was bad. He was cruel. He'd do ANYTHING.
Janice talked. Janice scared him. Wayne Senior was FATHER RABBIT.