The Advertising Man Writes a Love Letter

Judge, February 26, 1927

Dear Maggie:


What is love? It is all in all, said Rossetti; it is the salt of life, said Sheffield; it is more than riches, said Lucas; it is like the measles, said Jerome. Send for leaflet telling what these and other great men of all times have said about love! It is FREE!


Will you be the grandmother of my grandchildren? Or will you, as thousands of others have done, put it off until too late — until you are doomed to the penalty of a lonely old age? Do not delay. Grandchildren are permanent investments in companionship!

But simply to marry is not enough! You must ask yourself to whom? Shall you marry a man just because you like his eyes, or his dancing? Or will you insist on the best? IT COSTS NO MORE!

A man who is educated, brilliant, witty, thoughtful, handsome, affectionate, honorable and generous — a man who is made of the best moral, mental and physical materials obtainable — a man in every way worthy, not only of being grandfather to your grandchildren, but great-great-grandfather to your great-great-grandchildren.

All this can he yours if you act NOW!

Read what others have said (full names and addresses on request):

“He was one swell guy.” — Flora B—.

“In the four years we roomed together he never once left a ring in the bathtub.” — Paul G—.

“I laughed more the months I knew him than at any other time in my life.” — Fanny S—.

“He’s one of those fellows who knows everything.” — Doris L—.

All this can be yours! Can you afford to be without it?

Mail the coupon TODAY!

Yours for prompt action,

