It was dark when they reached Midyat. The monastery was about a half hour away. Selena used the GPS to guide them to a hotel, where Nick reserved rooms for two nights. Maybe they'd go back to Incirlik tomorrow, maybe not.

Nick's dreams were filled with dark shadows and flashes of light. The next morning they had breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

Selena looked at the menu. It was in Turkish.

"Shall I order for all of us?"

"Go for it. Just so long as it tastes good and it's hot," Lamont said.

"Coffee," Nick said.

Selena surprised the waiter when she ordered in Turkish. Soon after, a steaming pot of black coffee appeared. Not long after that the waiter brought a large tray with several platters and a basket heaped with bread.

Ronnie looked down at a round metal dish in front of him. Steam drifted from the surface.

"What's this?"

"Menemem," Selena said. "It's a combination of eggs, tomatoes, spices and peppers. Probably has some onions, garlic and oregano. It's a common dish here for breakfast. Try it."

Ronnie tasted it. "Not bad. Like an omelette. Or a pizza without the crust."

"How can you have pizza without crust?" Lamont said.

"I didn't say it was a pizza, I said it was like a pizza, only without the crust."

"There's no pepperoni either."

"Pizzas don't always have pepperoni."

"Mine do. Better that way."

After that conversation the table was quiet except for the sounds of eating. By the time they left the hotel it had started to rain, a cold drizzle falling from a featureless, gray sky.

They got into the Toyota. Nick started the car and turned on the heater.

"What's the plan?" Ronnie asked.

"First we get gas. I saw a station last night, when we came in. Then we head to the monastery."


Nick pulled out of the parking lot.

"I don't have a specific plan. We have to take it one step at a time. They give tours. We'll do a little recon first. I'm hoping something will give us an opening to ask about the Grail."

"You expect them to tell you they've got it?"

"Not at first. We're going to have to convince them that the secret is out and the bad guys are coming after it."

"How will they know we're not the bad guys?" Lamont asked.

"Selena will handle it," Nick said.

"I will?"

"You speak the language. You know the history. You're our best bet."

"What am I supposed to tell them?"

"You'll think of something."

"Even if the Grail was here, it could have been stolen or lost or moved."

"You can ask them about it. After you convince them we're on the side of the angels."
