Stephanie sat at her console, watching streams of data flow across the screen. It was amazing how many articles, pictures and references existed about Athena. She'd programmed a series of filters to eliminate most of it, but there were still thousands of entries.

Nick had called her from somewhere over the Atlantic. She'd had nothing for him.

"Why is Athena important?" she'd asked.

"It was written on a piece of paper we found in Haddad's pocket."

"Haddad? As in Abdul, our spymaster?"

"Right, you don't know what happened."

Nick told her about finding the box and the encounter with Haddad.

"That scrap of paper was the only thing on him except for a phony passport and some currency. It has to mean something. It might be the code name of an operation but like I told Selena, that doesn't feel right."

"It could refer to an object or a place, something named Athena."

"He must have written it down, stuffed it in his pocket and forgotten about it. I can't shake the feeling it's important."

"Freddie is working on it as we speak."

Stephanie named all of her computers. Freddie was her favorite, a maxed out Cray that was her pride and joy.

"Good old Freddie," Nick said. "Anything new from the hospital?"

"Nothing's changed. She's still unconscious. But her brain is active and that's a good sign."

"I could use a good sign about now," Nick said. "I'll be back in about four hours."

After he'd disconnected, Stephanie had thought about what he'd said. Putting Haddad into the equation narrowed the search. They'd been running across ISIS at almost every step of the way on this mission. If Haddad's plans involved something named Athena, it had to be high priority for ISIS.

Think like the enemy, Steph thought. If I'm running ISIS, what do I want to do? What do I want to accomplish?

The answer didn't require much thought. Annihilate the infidel and raise the black flag over the entire world. Islamic fanaticism had only one goal in mind. Stephanie couldn't believe there were still people who refused to see the reality of that goal and acknowledge the hatred aimed at achieving it. But then again, reality had never been popular if it conflicted with belief. In this case, far too many people wanted to believe only in the positive aspects of Islam without looking at its dark side. All they had to do was study history to see that the cancerous aberration of ISIS was nothing new.

Annihilate the infidel.

Trying to pin down the ISIS connection to Athena was worse than trying to find one particular grain of sand on a beach.

She needed to come up with new assumptions if she wanted to find anything useful.

Okay, start assuming. Assumption number one is that Haddad wouldn't have that in his pocket if it didn't mean something. Assumption number two is that it has to be important because of his role in ISIS. Assumption number three is…What is assumption number three?

She sat back in her chair and glanced over at her sleeping child.

What's the most important thing we need to know right now, about ISIS?

That was easy. If they had a bomb, where was it and what were they going to do with it? Thanks to Adam, they knew the answer to the second part. They'd set it off somewhere in America.

Assumption number three is that first they have to get it here.

She didn't think they had a way to fly it in. ISIS had captured some planes when they overran parts of Iraq, but they didn't have anything that could reach America.

You couldn't just put the bomb in a box and ship it FedEx. It had to be reasonably large, possibly leaking radiation that could be detected when it entered the country. You weren't going to fly here on a commercial plane with the bomb conveniently checked into baggage. She supposed you might be able to get it overland through Europe and into England. But then they'd still have to move it from there to America.

Across the ocean.

A ship! It has to be a ship. There can't be any other way they could get it here. If it's a ship, it's registered somewhere. If it's not registered, that's a problem I can't beat. But if it is, there's a record of any ports of call and I can find it.

Her fingers flew over her keyboard, changing the search filters she was using.

An hour and a half later she had the answer.
