I am most grateful for the enthusiastic support and guidance of many people at Random House: Ann Godoff, Joy de Menil, Carol Schneider, Liz Fogarty, Daniel Rembert, Carole Lowenstein, Sybil Pincus, Laura Wilson, Allison Heilborn, Timothy Mennel, Robin Rolewicz, Evan Camfield, Lynn Anderson, Laura Goldin, and Laura Wilson (Random House Audio Books).
At Janklow & Nesbit Associates, Lynn Nesbit, Cullen Stanley, Tina Bennett, Bennett Ashley, Amy Howell, and Kyrra Rowley have been incredibly supportive and effective.
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and its grant officer Doron Weber provided a highly useful research grant.
Oliver Eickhoff, of the Westfalenpost, in Meschede, Germany, helped me research the 1970 Meschede outbreak. Prof. Werner Slenczka gave guidance, Magdalena Drinhaus (Geise) shared her recollections, and Dr. Beate Smith translated documents and interviews.
Andy Young provided valuable professional fact checking.
Numerous people gave important assistance, and shared their thoughts, during the research and writing. Not all are mentioned in the text, but all contributed: Ken Alibek, Charles Bailey, Daria Baldovin-Jahrling, Dr. Ruth Berkelman, Dr. Michael Bray, Dr. Joel Breman, Dr. Larry Brilliant, Dr. Mitchell Cohen, Richard J. Danzig, Dr. Christopher J. Davis OBE, Louise Davis, Annabelle Duncan, Joseph Esposito, Dr. David Fleming, Dr. Stanley O. Foster, Dr. Mary Frederick, Tom Geisbert, Celia (Sands) Hatfield, Doug Henderson, Dr. D. A. Henderson, Leigh Henderson, Nana Henderson, Dr. Michael Hensley, Lisa Hensley, John W. Huggins, Dr. James M. Hughes, Martin Hugh-Jones, Dr. Thomas Inglesby, Peter B. Jahrling, David Kelly, Dr. Jeffrey Koplan, Dr. Thomas G. Ksiazek, Dr. James LeDuc, Dr. Frank J. Malinoski, Richard W. Moyer, Randall S. Murch, Frederick A. Murphy, Margaret Nakano, Dr. Tara O’Toole, Michael Osterholm, Dr. John S. Parker, Virginia Patrick, William C. Patrick III, Dr. Brad Perkins, Dr. C. J. Peters, Edward M. Phillips, Tanja Popovic, Rosemary Ramsey, Drew C. Richardson, Dr. Philip K. Russell, Dr. Alfred Sommer, Richard Spertzel, Lisa Swenarski, Shirley Tilghman, Wavy Gravy, Dr. Paul F. Wehrle, John Wickett, Tom Wilbur, Shieh Wun-Ju, Dr. Sherif Zaki, Dr. Alan Zelicoff.
At the FBI: R. Scott Decker, Arthur Eberhart, Philip Edney, Peter Christopher Murray, Rex Tomb, and David Wilson.
At St. Louis University School of Medicine: Hongdong Bai, Cliff Bellone, Mark Buller, Nanhai Chen, David Esteban, Joe Muehlenkamp, Gelita Owens, and Jill Schriewer.
Sharon DeLano, who served as my editor for The Hot Zone and The Cobra Event, also edited this book. She has therefore been the editor of what I think of as a trilogy on Dark Biology.