Chapter 39: James Offers Risotto

James made the first move to patch things up with Caroline. “That risotto,” he said over the telephone.

“What risotto?”

“The risotto I was going to make for you before …” Before what? He searched for the right word. “Before our misunderstanding.”

Caroline was brisk. “Oh,” she said, “don’t worry about that. That’s all over.” But not for Dee, she thought. She had yet to confront Dee about her duplicity in not confessing that she had gone out to dinner with James. But she would, she thought, when the time was right. On the other hand … poor Dee, with all her vitamins and colonic irrigation and the rest of it; she was very rarely invited out by anybody to anything, and it seemed churlish to begrudge her a little treat with James. No, she would not confront her; she would, instead, forgive her, or, at the most, make a brief reference now and then to the Poule au Pot, just so that Dee would know that she knew all about it. Forgiveness was all very well, but one should not allow others to get away with everything.

“Are you listening, Caroline?”

“Yes, yes. My thoughts were just wandering a bit. You were saying something about a risotto.”

James sighed. Caroline lacked focus. Yet we all had our faults, and even he … What were his faults? Indecision? Uncertainty about who he was? “I’d rather like to come round and make it for you this evening. I’ll get the shopping.”

Caroline hesitated. She was not sure whether she wanted to see James that evening. There were some times which seemed right for seeing James, and some which did not. That particular evening was of indeterminate status … “Oh, all right.” She realised that she sounded rude, and corrected herself. One should not be ungrateful for offers to cook risotto …

James was punctual, and Caroline let him in. He had with him a green carrier bag bulging with risotto ingredients. From out of the top of the bag the neck of a wine bottle peeped. Caroline leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. She did it automatically, and then, realising what she had just done, for a moment afterwards was prepared for him to recoil. He did not.

James smiled. Extracting the bottle of wine from the bag, he held it up to show her. “See this?” he said. “This is not your average supermarket stuff. This is …” He looked at the label. “Chateau Greysac 2005. And 2005, Caroline, was a very good year for Médoc. I read that. There’s a chap called Will Lyons who writes about wines. He said that 2005 was an excellent year. He knows what he’s talking about.”

Caroline laughed. “What was I doing in 2005? Just started uni. Same for you.”

They moved through to the kitchen, where James started to unpack the rest of the contents of the bag. “We were so young,” he said. “Positively callow.”

Yes, thought Caroline, I was; and the things I wore …

James took a corkscrew from the cutlery drawer. “I must buy you a new one of these,” he said. “This one has had it. You have to be really strong to get the cork out.” He strained as he tugged at the cork, and Caroline found herself thinking: No, he’s not all that strong. He’s nice, but he’s not strong. But then you did not necessarily expect physical strength in someone like James, and she was not sure that she wanted it anyway. He was nice exactly as he was, with that profile of his and those eyelashes … She looked away. She felt a sudden strong tug of desire, and she was not sure that it was right, that it would lead to a place where she wanted to be.

Having at last extracted the cork from the bottle, James poured wine into two glasses. “We can taste this while I’m preparing dinner,” he said. “I love cooking with wine.” He smiled at her and raised his glass. “To you,” he said.

“And to you.”

She tasted the wine. There was an edge of tannin to it, something sharp, and she frowned. James noticed, and told her that this would go in seconds, once the air got to it. “It’ll be perfect,” he said.

And then he started to cry. At first Caroline said nothing, did nothing, such was her surprise, but then she put down her glass and went to him. She took his glass lest he spill the Chateau Greysac, and put it down on the table. She took him in her arms, embracing him, letting his head nestle against her shoulder.

“James,” she whispered. “Don’t cry, James. Don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry,” he sobbed. “I come for dinner at your house, and I start to cry.”

“Ssh!” She put a finger to his lips. She felt the moisture of his tears. “What’s wrong?”

She need not have asked the question; she knew, of course, what was wrong, and had known from the beginning, from virtually the first day when they had found themselves sitting next to one another in a lecture. She knew then, and she should have trusted her instinct. But she had not, because she felt that somewhere there must be a man who could be her soul mate, with whom she could talk about the things that really mattered to her, who would see the world in the same way. James was all of that – she could tell straight away – and, in her delight at finding him, she had ignored what should have been so very obvious. Now she had upset him, because she had encouraged him to be someone he was not.

She patted him gently on the back, a small gesture of reassurance, as one would comfort a child.

“It’s my fault,” she said. “I should never have let you think that it was possible. I was so selfish.”

She heard his muffled protest. “No. It wasn’t your fault. It’s nobody’s. It’s just …”

“It is. I should have said from the beginning, we’re just going to be friends. It would have been easy, but I was just thinking of myself – as usual.”

James drew away from her, although her arms were still around him. He looked at her. Again, she felt desire; she could not help herself. He is so beautiful, she thought. My own Botticelli. A Renaissance princeling incarnate, and in my arms, and …

“It’s not what you think,” he said. ‘You think that I … Well, it’s not like that. The real truth is something different.”

Caroline waited for him to continue.

“I don’t … I don’t like boys. That’s not it.”

She stared at him. “You like girls then …”

He shook his head. “Not in that way.”

“So …”

“Oh, Caroline, how can I explain it? I like neither. Can’t you understand? I just want to be your friend. I just want us to be like this, well, indefinitely, and I know that it’s terribly unfair on you because you’re going to want a lover and all the rest. And then there won’t be any room for me in your life – how could there be?”

She released him from her embrace. “I want us to be friends too, you know. I want that as well.”

“Yes, I know. But you’re going to want more. You’re going to want more than that, and Caroline, oh, it’s so hard to know how to say this. But I suppose I should just come right out with it.” He hesitated. “I’m just not into the physical side of things. I’m just not.”
