Chapter 64

The Dreamweaver was waiting for Lucy with his door open.

He gave her a start. Again, he looked different. Even younger than the day before. He stood a little straighter, and his clothes looked new.

'Lucy,' he said, gesturing for her to step inside.

She almost gasped. The place was all but empty. The only thing left inside was the stand. The Dreamweaver booth.

'Are you moving somewhere?' Lucy asked.

'Yes. Quite soon.'

She wanted to ask what this was all about. She had a million questions, but she decided to wait. What was most important was to go back under, to slip back to that horrible day in 2001 and see the man's face, the man who took her somewhere and at the same time took her memory, her life. The man who was staying in Room 1208. The man who knew her mother.

'Today we are going to sit inside,' he said. 'Is that all right?'

Lucy pointed to the booth. 'Inside there?'

'Yes. Today we go all the way back.'

Lucy took a deep breath. 'Okay.'

Mr. Costa opened the door. Lucy took off her coat and stepped inside. It was like a confessional. Inside was a small bench. She sat down. When Mr. Costa closed the door, it was pitch black. She heard him sit down on the other side.

He began to speak, and -suddenly she was back there. The darkness around her did not change. But she sensed that she was under. It was different from the first two times because this time she knew. It was like when you were dreaming and you knew you were dreaming, and therefore you could not be hurt. For the first time in nine years, she felt strong.

Are You Alone?


Who is there with you?

Another girl. A girl my age. Her name is Peggy.

Tell me about her.

She has on a spangly dress. And make-up. She's too little for make-up.

Are you wearing make-up?

I don't know. I can't see myself. But I am wearing high heels. They are big for my feet.

What is the other girl doing?

She's crying.

Are you crying?

No. I don't cry.

What else do you see?

I see candles. Candles and moonlight.

Why do you see moonlight?

Because I am running now. I'm running through the trees. The smell of apples is everywhere.

Is it an orchard?

Yes. It's an orchard.

Is the other girl with you?

No, but I see her. I see her up by the lake.

What is she doing?

She's not moving.

Why is she not moving?

I don't know.

Can you see the man's face?

I can't. But I know who he is. Is he the man in Room 1208? Yes. It's him.

You are certain?


Did you place the note in his room? The note you wrote here last time?


Good. Now I'm going to ring a bell for you. Is that okay?


Can you hear the bell?

I can hear it.

It's a special bell, Lucy.

A special bell.

There is no other sound like it.

No other.

When you hear this bell at the hotel, there is something you have to do. Something you have to do for me.


You will tell no one about this.

No one.

Remember the bell, Lucy.
