Chapter 90

The trail of blood stopped about twenty yards into the woods, where the forest became thick and tangled before dropping into a steep gorge.

Jessica and Bontrager shone their flashlights into the ravine, but the beams were instantly swallowed by darkness.

'Albrecht is hurt pretty bad,' Bontrager said.

'If this is Albrecht's blood.'

Bontrager looked at Jessica, then back at the blood trail, which was quickly being washed away in the drizzling rain. 'You're right. We don't know if this is Albrecht's.'

'We have to call it in, Josh.'

Bontrager hesitated a second, no longer. He ran back to the road, called PPD dispatch, identified himself and their position. Dispatch would contact the closest emergency services agency and police K-9 units.

Jessica returned to the road. They stood on the shoulder.

'I'll stay here,' Bontrager said. 'I'll wait for the search team.'

'It's over, Josh. Even if Mike Drummond keeps his word, they're going to put all this together.'

Bontrager took a few steps away, thinking, turned back.

'Okay. Here's what happened. I was following a lead. I saw the vehicle, pulled over, discovered the blood. I called it in. Before I could get back to my car I was ambushed. This is why I'm a little unclear on the details after that.'

'No one is going to buy that.'

'Maybe yes, maybe no. We'll worry about that later.'

Jessica considered the scenario. 'Are you sure?'

'Yeah,' Bontrager said, planting his feet apart. 'Make it look good.'

Jessica took a step back. 'Josh…'

'I know you box, so try not to kill me.'

Jessica put on one of her wool gloves, hesitated. This was getting deeper and deeper. 'Are you sure sure?'

'You're talking me out of it.'

Jessica reared back and threw the punch, pulling it a little. It caught Bontrager on the right side of his jaw. Bontrager reeled back, nearly toppling over.


She had bloodied his lip.

'Jesus Christ. Are you okay?'

Long pause. 'I'm fine. I may never sing with the opera again, but I'm fine.' He reached down, gathered some dirt from the side of the road, scuffed up his suit coat.

Jessica looked from the van, back to Josh, then up Sawmill Road. According to the map she was about a mile away.

She wanted to tell Josh to call or text her, keeping her in the loop, but it was not a good idea. That would put everything on the record. 'You sure you're all right?'

Bontrager rubbed his jaw, which was already starting to swell. 'Go.' Jessica checked the action on her Glock, snapped it back into her holster, and started down the road.
