“Dogs are very wise. When they are hurt, they slink off to a hiding place and wait until they are recovered before returning.”

(Agatha Christie)

Park felt the gin course through his system like wildfire and this set off in his head the epic sea battle in Game of Thrones, where wildfire is used to destroy the attacking fleet. He bit down, could feel the flames, then physically shook himself as he tried to rearrange what personality remained after the voltage.

He had but a very vague idea of who he was or even where he was. But this was part of the rush, the whole Stranger in a Strange Land gig. He had showered, clothed, and generally readied himself before he shocked the shit out of his head.

Now he stood before a full-length mirror and marveled at the nigh-on total stranger who peered back. He said,

“Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name.”

A wave of dizziness washed over him and he tottered to a chair, thinking,

“Whoosh, this is a blast, whatever the fuck it is.”

Interestingly, he cursed only when his mind was at half-mast.
