Naguib watched Khaled and his men drive off towards the Royal Wadi in their truck, exhilarated that the first part of Knox's plan had gone so sweetly. He got out his mobile, called his boss.
'You again!' sighed Gamal. 'What this time?'
'Nothing,' said Naguib. 'At least, I've been listening in on all the chatter. You aren't looking for some fugitive Westerner, are you?'
'Of course we bloody are. You know we are.'
'Only I think he might be here. A tall Westerner, maybe thirty, thirty-five. His face pretty badly banged up.'
'That's him! That's him! Where is he?'
'He was in a truck with some other people.'
'I didn't see. I just saw them drive off towards the Royal Wadi.'
'Keep on them, you hear me,' yelled Gamal. 'We'll get there as soon as we can.'
'Thanks.' Naguib disconnected, nodded to Tarek, sitting in his passenger seat, an AK-49 across his lap.
'All set?' asked Tarek.
'All set,' agreed Naguib.
Tarek grinned and lowered his window, gave the sign to his son Mahmoud at the wheel of the truck behind, a dozen ghaffirs in the back, all armed to the teeth, champing at this chance to get their own back on Khaled.
It was time to roll.