I wanted to tell him
Oh stop being silly, Al. Myron?
Yeah, Mom?
Your father bought tickets to a Mets game. For Sunday. Just the two of you.
Myron swallowed, said nothing.
They're playing the Tunas, Mom said.
The Marlins! Dad shouted.
Tunas, marlins what's the difference? You going to be a marine biologist now, Al? Is that
what you're going to do with your leisure time, study fish?
Myron smiled.
Myron, you there?
I'm on my way, Mom.
He hung up. He slapped his thighs and stood. He said good night to Esperanza and Big Cyndi. He stepped into the elevator and managed a smile. Friends and lovers were great, he thought, but sometimes a boy just wanted his mom and dad.
HARLAN COBEN, winner of the Edgar Award, the Shamus Award, and the Anthony Award, is the author of eight other critically acclaimed novels: Deal Breaker, Drop Shot, Fade Away, Back Spin, One False Move, Darkest Fear, Tell No One, and Gone for Good. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and four children. Visit his website at www.harlancoben.com.