Both the privileged and the underprivileged play vital roles in creating social change

As humans, we all share the same potential. Unfortunately, we often don’t share the same opportunities. Even so, both advantaged and disadvantaged groups in society are responsible for working together toward change.

Rather than looking down on marginalized groups in society, the privileged should do their part by learning about what resources would benefit the less fortunate, be it education, job training or community support. Wealthier sectors of society can make a huge difference in the lives of the poor, simply by donating a little of their time and energy.

And what about those who are in need? Although they face considerable challenges, they too have a responsibility to help themselves, even if it seems useless. Many Tibetans have learned to approach their experience of poverty and oppression with this attitude.

In the past, Chinese Communist officials spread propaganda about the inferiority of the Tibetan brain, lies which some Tibetans even began to believe themselves.

But when given the same opportunities in education and the workforce, Tibetans naturally performed just as well as the Chinese. Realizing that they were perfectly capable of helping themselves, Tibetans freed themselves from this racial stereotype and started working harder at school, resulting in greater success and a brighter future.

Humans’ ability to improve their own lives is quite incredible, and psychologists have described this phenomenon in many different terms. Carol Dweck, a Stanford psychologist, refers to it asmindset: the belief that you can succeed. By maintaining such a mindset, you’re more likely to keep trying. The more you try, the more likely you are to succeed.

Another psychologist, Angela Duck worth of the University of Pennsylvania, calls it grit: persevering toward long-term goals despite setbacks and obstacles.

Finally, Gandhi used the Hindi term “swaraj,” meaning self-mastery or self-rule. No matter what you call it, one thing is certain — circumstances only change for the better as a result of this powerful attitude.
