Chapter Twelve
Arlington, Virginia
Next morning, March 1
Senate Majority Leader Andrew Schuster smiled as he peered out the window of his tri-level Tudor mansion, watching his son Matthew chat excitedly with two of his neighborhood friends. Matt was no doubt regaling them with descriptions of their visit to Disneyland to celebrate his eighth birthday, one that neither of his parents had thought he’d see.
Three months ago, Matt had been near death, but the liver transplant had transformed him into an active, healthy kid with a bright future. Andrew still had moments of regret that he’d had to arrange a black-market deal to get his son moved up the waiting list and procure a matching organ, but only because an innocent man’s life had been cut short to make it happen. He still asked himself repeatedly, would he have taken the deal with the Broker if he’d known the young donor would be killed to make it happen?
At least the truth had never come to light, which would have crippled his rising political career. As the Senate majority leader, he was one of the most powerful men in Washington and well positioned to make his own run for the presidency in eight years—four, if Elizabeth Thomas decided not to run for reelection.
Andrew sincerely liked Thomas and personally agreed with most of her announced legislative agenda, especially her controversial plan to combat the illegal-arms trade. The president wanted to create a whole new department within the ATF—Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives—to deal exclusively with the problem. The plan would provide the new department not only with ample resources and funding to do the job but also with legislative muscle to strengthen penalties for those who continued to deal in black-market weapons. Despite major opposition from the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun groups, the Democrats had regained narrow control of both houses of Congress, so the proposed plan should sail through without major obstacles.
The jangling of his office telephone interrupted his musings. The private line was unlisted—only key political figures had the number. “This is Andrew.”
“Good morning, Senator Schuster. It’s the president.” Elizabeth Thomas’s familiar Maine-tinged accent was immediately recognizable. “I hope I’m not interrupting something important.”
“Of course I am always at your disposal, Madam President,” Andrew replied warmly. “How may I be of service?”
“You’ll be getting a phone call at this number in one hour from a mutual friend, regarding an upcoming change in my proposed congressional agenda regarding the illegal-arms trade,” Thomas said cryptically. “I will continue to push the plan publicly, but I want you to take a leadership role in opposing it. In other words, I need you to reverse your position and ensure that the deal is killed in the Senate.”
Andrew wasn’t certain he was hearing right. What possible reason could the president have for asking her key congressional ally to oppose one of her primary objectives? “But, Madam President, you know how strongly I endorse this bill. We’ve spent months garnering the necessary support in both Houses to pass this important legislation.” Not to mention, he thought, that he’d be committing political suicide. The Democratic National Committee would be all over his ass to support the president, and without them he had no chance of gaining higher office. Everyone would think the gun lobbies had bribed him.
“I’m not at liberty to discuss my reasons for asking you to do this, Andrew,” Thomas said. “I realize I’m asking you to take the fall, as it were, for the reversal of my decision. But I hope I can count on your discreet support.”
Andrew wasn’t certain how to respond, with his own political ambitions at stake. “With all due respect, Madam President, even if I do as you ask, I’m not certain I can single-handedly kill this plan if you continue to push it. We’ve gained too much momentum to stop it.”
“I’m sure you’re underestimating your influence, Senator. Start working on the reasons why you’ve had a change of heart regarding the bill. I’ll be holding a press conference soon on this issue, and I want you well prepared to oppose me.”
Without waiting for a reply, the president disconnected.
Andrew paced for the next hour, waiting for the follow-up phone call, hoping it would better explain what was up with Thomas. He’d kissed a lot of asses and called in a lot of favors to engender support for the illegal-arms plan, and he was getting angrier by the minute at Thomas’s unreasonable request, especially in light of his fervent support of her from the beginning of her presidential bid.
He’d just about decided to tell Thomas that he wouldn’t be her fall guy when the phone rang again. Glancing at the clock, he confirmed that exactly an hour had passed since the president had hung up on him.
“This is Andrew.”
“Good morning, Mr. Schuster. This is the Broker.”
A chill went through him. This wasn’t possible. The organ dealer who’d helped his son was the “mutual friend” he shared with President Thomas? “I’m listening.”
“I presume you were anticipating my call?” the icy voice inquired.
“Yes and no. I hardly expected you to be on the other end.”
“A man in your position should be well familiar with the real movers and shakers in Washington,” the Broker replied.
“It is the extent of your influence that’s surprising.”
“Well, now you know, which should be reason enough to follow through on what the president asked you to do. If you comply, your political career might still be salvageable. I’d hate to have to leak to the media the story of why your son is alive and well today and able to play with his friends. And I’m sure you want to keep it that way. I have this nasty habit of being an Indian giver.”
The clear threat to Matt instantly deflated every objection he’d worked up to disregard Thomas’s bizarre request. “You can rest assured,” he told the Broker, “that I’m now fully on board with whatever the president needs me to do.”
“Excellent. I knew you’d see it my way.”
Southwestern Colorado
Reno knocked on the door to Montgomery Pierce’s office and got an immediate “Enter.” Pierce had called him the first thing this morning to ask what he’d come up with via the computer searches that had kept him up most of the night. Reno understood Pierce’s impatience at getting good intel for Harper Kennedy, since Shield suspected the Agency could be involved in the assassination attempt. The CIA was one agency that even the EOO kept clear of—Reno was under strict instructions to never even attempt to hack into their database without prior clearance from Pierce himself. So far, that had never happened.
“What have you got?” Pierce said without preamble. “Shield checked in a little while ago and is due to call back in a couple of hours.”
“As expected, it’s been difficult to find anything significant about the president that wasn’t in the file you already gave her,” Reno replied. “Can’t get access to Lighthouse’s phone records, computer, anything of that sort. The Castle’s security is impenetrable.”
“And Watchdog?” Pierce asked.
“Better luck there. The guy earns two hundred and eighty grand a year, or thereabouts—the White House has to report all staff salaries. And his past earnings on tax returns averaged a hundred and fifty grand a year while Thomas was in the Senate. Yet the guy lives in a four-thousand-square-foot home and drives a Mercedes. They also have a country place in Vermont, and he and his wife frequent some of D.C.’s finest restaurants once or twice a week, according to his credit-card bills. It can’t be family money either. Both he and his wife come from middle-class backgrounds.”
Pierce sat up straighter. “So he’s on the take with somebody, and for a while. Where’s the money coming from?”
“He’s pretty clever, this guy,” Reno replied. “Has the usual D.C. area bank accounts, but aside from his government paycheck, many of his deposits show as cash—under ten thousand dollars each time, so it doesn’t have to be reported, but usually close to the limit. And it gets better. He has a fairly new Grand Cayman account that’s worth something in the neighborhood of two mil. I’m still trying to trace the origin of the money. No luck so far.”
Pierce let out a low whistle. “Phone records?”
“The guy’s landline and cell records don’t show anything unusual. Certainly no calls to the Agency, just routine stuff you’d expect. Nothing stands out in the way of frequent contacts with any one individual or government department. Let me clarify that slightly as saying his registered cell doesn’t turn up anything odd.”
“His credit-card record showed he purchased a couple of cheap, prepaid cells at a Walmart in Maryland two months ago. His registered one is a BlackBerry.”
“He doesn’t strike me as the Walmart type, but maybe he got them for his kids or something.”
“Possibly as gifts,” Reno said. “Though his one son is grown and has a good job, and his wife already has an iPhone5.”
“Anything else?”
Reno shook his head. “Nothing significant. No criminal record, aside from a DUI a couple years ago that was hushed up.”
“I’ll put out some feelers with my contacts in Defense, the Bureau, and Homeland Security. See if they have anything additional,” Pierce said. “When Shield calls back, I’ll transfer her to you.”
“Roger that. Hope she’s wrong about Agency involvement,” Reno said as he got up to leave.
“Calling in favors from the CIA should really be a last resort,” Pierce replied. “We need to exclude every other possibility before we do that. But we need to do it in a hurry because Shield is at risk until we know, and we don’t want to spin our wheels only to find out the Agency will just cover it up again.”