Chapter Nineteen

The White House

When the president reemerged from her bedroom after ten minutes alone inside, Shield followed her back to the East Room. Whereas Thomas would previously look in her direction now and then, she now avoided any eye contact.

As soon as she was at the party again, the president seemed to scan the room. For what, Shield wasn’t sure, but Kenneth Moore and the older, attractive woman Thomas had been introduced to just prior to her leaving were now absent. Though Shield hadn’t been close enough to hear their conversation, she’d seen the surprised, almost shocked expression on Thomas’s face. She made a mental note to inquire about the woman later.

Some of the guests were waiting to thank the president and bid her farewell, so Thomas made her way to them. She was poised, as she usually was, but Shield noticed that her eyes were void of emotion, almost cold.

Shield had never meant to play with her and hadn’t; what she had done, however, was get herself into an impossible predicament.

Thomas clearly wasn’t interested in Moore, and was even afraid of him, but Thomas’s words had touched her to the core. Although the president was straight and used to be married, Shield couldn’t bear the thought of any man touching her. She was upset even now just picturing it. So when Thomas had said Moore’s advances were welcome, Shield felt the need to prove her wrong.

She’d wanted to prove that whatever was going on between her and Thomas, no matter how simple, temporary, or superficial, was still more real than what Thomas could feel for another, let alone that despicable little man she was protecting.

The memory of those few seconds, so close to the president, flooded her consciousness. Those full lips…those warm and vulnerable dark eyes…the intoxicating scent of Thomas, all combined into the most intimate, sensual sensation she had ever experienced, even if it was an impossible if not catastrophic scenario. Why did this have to happen? Her life was fine as it was—her wine, home, and Monica, all picked and combined like her grapes to create the flavor that suited her. Thomas, conversely, was a complicated vine she couldn’t fuse with herself or her life.

The president shook hands with the last of her guests just as Moore returned. He whispered something to Thomas, smiled when Thomas nodded, and left again.

A few moments later, the president turned to leave as well, and Shield followed her to the Oval Office. Thomas practically shut the door in her face, and Shield was about to call in a replacement so she could take a break when Moore showed up.

“I take it Madam President is inside,” he said.

“That’s correct.”

“We are not to be disturbed.”


“About that theory of yours, how’s it panning out?”

“Theory, sir?”

“The insider-collaboration-to-kill-the-president premise.” He smiled. “Your conspiracy theory?” he added in a belittling tone.

“I never said whoever is involved was trying to kill the president,” Shield said, matter-of-factly. “Just like I never said it was a theory.”


“If the assailants wanted to kill the president that day, they would have.”

“So, it was a warning? To show us what they’re capable of?”

“I think it was a perfectly choreographed theatrical attack.”

“Interesting.” He crossed his arms and looked down as if considering the possibility. After several seconds, he touched her shoulder. “The only thing your theory lacks is motive.” He squeezed her shoulder as if encouraging a child. “Keep at it, though. I find our little talks amusing.” He laughed and let go of her. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

Shield grabbed him by the elbow before she could stop herself. “I don’t know why or exactly how you’re involved, but I do know that Thomas—like Bush and so many others—has been reduced to a puppet president.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“How close were you to her husband Jeffrey?” she asked.


“So he must have seen the way you look at his wife.”

“You’re out of line, Kennedy.”

“I know,” she said, close to his face. “And I frankly don’t give a shit.”

“I can have you fired.”

“You know you can’t touch me.”

“I can talk to your employer.”

“Why don’t you?” It was her turn to smile. Shield opened the door to the Oval Office. “I’m sure he’d love that.”

“You’d be wise to stick to what you were hired for.” He walked past her. “I’ll let you know if the president needs to…use the bathroom.” Moore grinned and shut the door.


Outside Houston, Texas

Later that night

Jack kept her eyes closed because of the blinding light. There wasn’t anything to see, anyway. She’d studied every inch of the room as best as she was able and had discovered no opportunity for escape or reprieve from her confinement. Every now and then, she would move her hands and feet to try to keep the circulation going. So far, she’d managed to avoid soiling herself, but her bladder ached for release.

“How nice to be able to put a face to the voice.”

Jack recognized TQ’s voice over the intercom. She wasn’t sure how much time had elapsed, but it wasn’t more than a few hours, which was less than she expected. Staring up at the mounted camera, she replied, “Likewise.” She looked down at herself. “I intended to come dressed for the occasion, but something tells me you prefer your women stripped and bound.”

“I do so appreciate vulnerability.”

“And anonymity.”

“What’s in a face, after all?” TQ asked.

“You seemed pretty anxious to see mine.”

“But you’re so much more than a face, Jack.”

“That’s right. I’m your brother’s executioner.” Jack smirked.

“That you are.”

“Nothing you do to me will bring that disease back.”

“Nor do I want him back,” the cold, disembodied voice replied. “My affairs are significantly less intricate without him to worry about. Life is much less complicated without attachments. Take Ms. Monroe, for example. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your sense of obligation toward another.”

The mere thought of anyone touching her blond angel, especially after all she’d already been through, sent a wave of despondency through Jack. “You promised to leave Cass alone.”

“And I have. I always keep my promises.”

“What do you want?”

“I’ve debated that question since…well, since you executed Dario in my ear,” TQ said.

“He was so fond of being a spectator,” Jack said, recalling the man’s propensity for orchestrating hookups between call girls and their escorts from behind a two-way mirror. “I thought it was time to make him the star.”

“Very creative of you.”

“I’m flattered you think so.” Jack shrugged.

“Hmm. Kill you or hire you? That’s the question.”

“The only line that matters is the bottom one, so get to it.”

“For someone in a very…compromised position, you seem to think you can call the shots.”

“This is your show to run,” Jack said. “I just want to know what the hell you want from me. If you wanted to kill me, you could have done that without the boring prelude.”

“Maybe I want to take my time. Ever considered that?”

“Been there, done that, and kept the scars.”

“I’ve noticed. Tell me how it happened.”

“Why would I?”

“Because I can keep a certain loved one alive.”

“Is this how it’s going to be? You’re going to threaten me with Cass every time you want something?”

“You leave me no choice, since you hold little value for your own life. I’m going to ask you one last time, Jack. What happened to you?”

“I was tortured in Israel by this guy Amzi, who was supplying guns and explosives to some Palestinian radicals. I managed to escape before he killed me.”

“What were you doing in Israel?”

“I had taken a job for a rival weapons dealer,” Jack lied. She was protecting the EOO and wasn’t sure why. Maybe because Cass worked for them. “And in the process fell for a woman. Turns out she was a spy. She pretended it was mutual to get information and then handed me over to Amzi.”

“You seem to have this nasty habit of getting involved with the wrong women and sacrificing everything for them.”

“If you’re implying Cass is one of them, then you’re wrong.”

“What do you think she’ll do when she finds out you’re missing?”

“Look for me.”

“With what resources, Jack? She’s a violinist.”

“I didn’t say she’d find me.”


“Do you want her to look for you?”


“Oh?” TQ sounded surprised.

“I want her to stay the hell away from you.”

“Do you really think she could get anywhere near me, or even suspect that I’m behind this?”

“No.” Jack lied again.

“Why not?”

“I haven’t been honest with her. She doesn’t know what I’ve done or who I’ve worked for.”

“Not even after you teamed up with special forces to save her from Rózsa?”

The bitch had done her homework. “I told her someone owed me a favor and let me tag along.”

“The FBI owed you?”

“An old school buddy works for the bureau.”

“How convenient.”

“Exploit whoever, whenever, right?”

“My kinda gal. How did they torture you in Israel?”

Jack had spent years trying to forget what had happened to her, and this psychotic bitch wanted to take her back. “They hurt me.”


“They used me as a punching bag. Whipped and starved me.” Jack left out the rape, the thing that had hurt and degraded her the most.

“How did you escape?”

“After a long while, when they thought I was too weak to stand up, I managed to strangle one of the guards with the chains they bound me with and ran.”

“Brave, resilient woman.”

“I guess.”

After a long pause TQ continued. “I don’t want to hurt or torture you, Jack.”

“Then tell me what the hell you want.”

“I want you to work for me.”

“Doing what?”

“Whatever I ask.”


“What you are infamous for,” TQ replied.


“I want you to take care of some of my business.”

“Be more specific.”

“Sometimes I need to make certain individuals see things my way.”

“You want me to hurt people.”

“Hurt, execute, whatever is necessary.”

“I don’t do that anymore,” Jack said.

“Because your girlfriend asked you not to?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

“Once a paid assassin, always a paid assassin, Jack. You can’t refute your nature.”

“What if I decline?”

“What if I have Ms. Monroe shot during the concert?”

“No. You can’t touch Cass.”

“Then you can’t decline.”

The bitch left her no choice. “I’ll do it.”

“I need proof.”

“So do I. I want to hear Cass is okay.”

“Fair enough,” TQ replied. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

“I want to meet you in person.”

“We’ll get to that but not just yet.”

The static disappeared. TQ was gone.


The White House

Thomas’s meeting with Moore lasted an hour. Both came out with blank, distant expressions, and neither looked at Shield. When Shield followed the president to her room, she shut the door in her face without so much as a good night. Thomas was clearly upset with her, and she couldn’t fault her.

When Jason, her Secret Service replacement, arrived to take the night watch outside the president’s door, Shield left for her bedroom.

Although she was exhausted, she couldn’t stop thinking about Moore and his hold on Thomas. After tossing and turning for a couple of hours, she reached for her iPhone and Googled Jeffrey Thomas Elizabeth died. She had no proof, but her gut told her Moore was somehow involved in his death.

News reports said Thomas’s husband had been playing a round of golf at the Bath Country Club near the couple’s home in Maine when his heart failed during the game. His wife Elizabeth, who was campaigning in Vermont at the time, rushed to Mid Coast Hospital in Brunswick, accompanied by her special advisor, Kenneth Moore, a close family friend. But Jeffrey Thomas was pronounced DOA before she arrived. He had stopped breathing in the ambulance and could not be revived.

Reporters covering the story from the hospital said the presidential candidate was too distraught to make any official comment about her husband’s sudden death. The only video of her was several seconds shot by a local TV station, of Thomas and Moore getting out of a car in front of the hospital and going inside. Thomas’s face was a study of sadness and pain, as though she already had been informed of her husband’s passing. Moore’s countenance was somber.

One news story, shot several hours later outside the couple’s home, said that Elizabeth Thomas had released a statement saying she hoped the media would respect her need for privacy during this difficult time. Kenneth Moore, shown on camera outside the two-story brick residence, said that he was deeply upset by Jeffrey’s death. “He had been a heart patient for years,” Moore told the reporter, “but you’re never prepared for the tragedy of a friend’s death.”

The news reports went on to say that Jeffrey Thomas, an attorney, was fifty-six at the time of his death, thirteen years older than his politician wife. The couple had been married for twenty-two years and had no children. Shield could find no reference to whether an autopsy had been performed.

By the time she got through finding everything she could on the Internet, it was three a.m. in D.C., one a.m. in Colorado. She could have waited for morning, but she dialed the EOO’s number and asked for Reno.

“All of you are responsible for the black circles under my eyes,” he said immediately.

“Sorry about the late hour, Reno.”

“Yeah, that’s what you all say.”

“What happened to that sunny personality of yours?”

“I was told it bothers some,” he replied grumpily.


“Jack Harding and Chase.”

“You mean Phantom.”

“She doesn’t like that name.”

“What’s the deal with her, anyway?” Shield had been away on assignment when the rogue former agent had returned to the EOO headquarters a few months earlier. She’d teamed up with agent Chase to track down Andor Rózsa, the madman who had kidnapped her partner Cassady Monroe, aka operative Lynx. “Strange that Pierce let her get away with going AWOL.”

“No one really knows why, but there’s talk,” he whispered.

“Ah, yes. The ever-growing grapevine.”

“That’s funny.” He chuckled. “You owning a—”

“Yeah, yeah. I get it.” She cut him off before he finished pointing out the obvious.

“Now, you see? It’s that exact attitude that’s changed me.”

“It shouldn’t matter what people say. Just keep being your sunny self. We have enough cynics among us as it is.”

“You think?” he asked sarcastically.

“At least your positive outlook makes you original, compared to most of us.”


“So, here’s what I need: Jeffrey Thomas’s autopsy reports.”

“Give me a few.”

Shield stared at her bottle of wine on the dresser as Reno clicked away. But instead of traveling back to Tuscany, her thoughts took her to Thomas. Was she already asleep? How long would she give Shield the silent treatment? She was just trying to keep Thomas safe and… “What the hell, Reno, did you just swallow a bird?” she asked when slurping sounds and a loud gulp interrupted her thoughts.

“It’s cola. Need the caffeine. And yes, I’ve been told that, too, bothers people.”

“Let me guess.”

“Yeah. Same duo.”

“Now officially a trio.”

“But it makes me original, right?”


“So, anyway…turns out no autopsy was done on Thomas. He was a longtime heart patient and they didn’t find it necessary to perform one.”

“I see.”

“Anything you want to share?” he asked.

“Like I’ve said, I don’t trust Moore.”

“You think he was involved in Jeffrey Thomas’s death?”

“Tell Pierce I’m taking some time off tomorrow,” she said. “The president doesn’t have anything scheduled but meetings within the House. She should be fine for a few hours with the regular guards.”

“What are you up to, and can I help?” Reno sounded eager, like he always did when a conspiracy was involved.

“I’m going to visit a certain country club. I’ll let you know if I need your expertise.”


“Thanks, Reno.”

Finally a thank you,” he shouted. “Is it so hard for some to acknowledge I’m a human being and not an android?”

“Good night,” Shield said. Poor guy’s cracked. He really needs a vacation before he breaks and even the company shrink won’t be able to glue him back together.
