KUNI GARU: a boy who prefers play to study; the leader of a street gang; and much more.
MATA ZYNDU: a boy noble in stature and spirit; last son of the Zyndu Clan.
JIA MATIZA: the daughter of a rancher; a skilled herbalist; Kuni’s wife.
COGO YELU: a clerk in Zudi’s city government; Kuni’s friend in “high places.”
LUAN ZYA: scion of a noble family in Haan; adventurer among the people of Tan Adü.
GIN MAZOTI: an orphan on the streets of Dimushi; seeker of fortune during the rebellion.
RIN CODA: childhood friend of Kuni.
MÜN ÇAKRI: a butcher; one of Kuni’s fiercest warriors.
THAN CARUCONO: an old stable master in Zudi.
LADY RISANA: an illusionist and accomplished musician.
DAFIRO MIRO: “Daf”; one of the first rebels under Huno Krima; brother of Ratho Miro.
SOTO: Jia’s housekeeper.
PHIN ZYNDU: Mata’s uncle; his tutor and surrogate parent.
TORULU PERING: an old scholar; Mata’s adviser.
THÉCA KIMO: a rebel also from Tunoa.
LADY MIRA: an embroiderer and songstress from Tunoa; the only woman who understands Mata.
RATHO MIRO: “Rat”; one of the first rebels under Huno Krima; brother of Dafiro Miro.
MAPIDÉRÉ: First Emperor of the Seven Islands of Dara; named Réon when he was King of Xana.
ERISHI: Second Emperor of the Seven Islands of Dara.
GORAN PIRA: Chatelain of Xana; childhood friend of King Réon.
LÜGO CRUPO: Regent of Xana; a great scholar and calligrapher.
TANNO NAMEN: revered General of Xana.
KINDO MARANA: the empire’s chief tax collector.
PRINCESS KIKOMI AND KING PONADOMU OF AMU: the jewel of Arulugi and her granduncle.
KING THUFI OF COCRU: once a shepherd; urges the Tiro kings to unite.
KING SHILUÉ OF FAÇA: ambitious but careful of self-preservation; interferes with Rima.
KING DALO OF GAN: oversees the wealthiest realm of the Six States.
KING COSUGI OF HAAN: an old king who may have lost his appetite for risk.
KING JIZU OF RIMA: a young prince who grew up as a fisherman.
HUNO KRIMA: leader of the first rebels against Xana.
ZOPA SHIGIN: companion of Huno; leader of the first rebels against Xana.
KIJI: patron of Xana; Lord of the Air; god of wind, flight, and birds; his pawi is the Mingén falcon; favors a white traveling cloak.
TUTUTIKA: patron of Amu; youngest of the gods; goddess of agriculture, beauty, and fresh water; her pawi is the golden carp.
KANA AND RAPA: twin patrons of Cocru; Kana is the goddess of fire, ash, cremation, and death; Rapa is the goddess of ice, snow, glaciers, and sleep; their pawi are twin ravens: one black, one white.
RUFIZO: patron of Faça; Divine Healer; his pawi is the dove.
TAZU: patron of Gan; unpredictable, chaotic, delighting in chance; god of sea currents, tsunamis, and sunken treasures; his pawi is the shark.
LUTHO: patron of Haan; god of fisherman, divination, mathematics, and knowledge; his pawi is the sea turtle.
FITHOWÉO: patron of Rima; god of war, the hunt, and the forge; his pawi is the wolf.