cruben: a scaled whale with a single horn protruding from its head; symbol of imperial power.

cüpa: a game played with black and white stones on a grid.

dyran: a flying fish, symbol of femininity and sign of good fortune. It is covered by rainbow-colored scales and has a sharp beak.

géüpa: an informal sitting position where the legs are crossed and folded under the body, with each foot tucked under the opposite thigh.

jiri: a woman’s bow where the hands are crossed in front of the chest in a gesture of respect.

kunikin: a large, three-legged drinking vessel.

Mingén falcon: a species of extraordinarily large falcon native to the island of Rui.

mipa rari: a formal kneeling position where the back is kept straight and weight is evenly distributed between the knees and toes.

ogé: drops of sweat.

pawi: animal aspects of the gods of Dara.

Rénga: honorific used to address the emperor.

thakrido: an extremely informal sitting position where one’s legs are stretched out in front; used only with intimates or social inferiors.

tunoa: grapes.

— tika: suffix expressing endearment among family members.
