In that world Death came to people wearing one of the two disguises, that of a young man or a young woman.
The woman was pale with black hair. The man’s hair was red. The woman was sad, the man merry. That’s how it’s always been in that world, since the beginning of time.
Some people were afraid of them. Others awaited them eagerly. They were mentioned in prayers, asked to postpone or hasten the end. Their images were on playing cards and old engravings. Very few thought about how many of them there were. It was agreed that Death was one, just in two different personifications. Night and day. Light and shadow.
In fact, there were many of them. They were almost godlike, possessing innumerable wondrous abilities, and unbearably lonely. Sometimes they would flee to other worlds, to meet their own deaths. Some of them would even be born in other worlds. They were always born dead there, coming to life only later. Those of them that could. These refugees from different worlds were no longer true emissaries of Death. Their abilities were not as sharp. In time they became almost harmless, and could only bring death in a dream.
Here is how you can tell them. They have beautiful voices, they dance well, and they know everyone’s secrets. They are also lazy, never losing themselves in the pursuit of a single goal. The women don’t know how to laugh, and the men don’t know how to cry. They hide their eyes, sleep a lot, and never eat eggs, because in their world they hatched from one.