R obert barely noticed the picturesque countryside pass by as Father Kong snaked upward to Castelnuovo di Porto, a medieval hilltop village, 28 kilometers north of Rome.
Father Kong navigated the dark cobblestone streets quickly, and parked alongside a large villa overlooking the legendary Sabine Hills, barely visible in the darkness. Inside, were two additional members of Il Martello di Dio, Bishop Giovanni Ruini, tall and slender, with a wise face and stern, sharp eyes, and Father Sergio Sabastani, short and stout, with the worst teeth Robert had ever seen.
“Ciao,” said Thorne, greeting and hugging Ruini and Sabastani.
“Piaccio, e un piacere conoscerla.”
Both men smiled. “And we’re pleased to meet you too,” answered Bishop Ruini. “Please, have a seat.”
Robert greeted both men and sat down next to Thorne. Father Kong and Sister Isabella greeted their comrades as though they hadn’t seen each other in a long while. The display of affection reminded Robert of his relationship with Thorne and Donovan.
Father Sabastani brought tea and rolls from the kitchen. Sister Isabella and Thorne went outside to check the grounds around the villa to make sure they were completely alone, while Father Kong filled in Cardinal Maximilian via satellite phone. Robert sat drinking his tea, trying to control his festering hate and anger.
Confronting Father Tolbert confirmed his fear that Samuel had been molested. The priest’s frantic, weak denial, smoldered with guilt, had pushed Robert to the brink of murder. If Thorne hadn’t been there, Father Tolbert would be in hell, and Robert sitting in a Roman prison.
Robert was sure Father Tolbert had no idea where Samuel was hidden, or he’d be sitting in front of them with two broken knees. Father Kong said they had several strong leads, but was ordered by Cardinal Maximilian to hold off until their present meeting.
Everyone gathered in the living room. Father Sabastani turned down the already low lights and sat on the floor. “We believe we know where they’re holding the boy,” he said, flatly.
Robert’s heart almost tore through his chest. “Where is he?”
“We’ve spotted several suspected members of The Order in Rome over the past few days,” said Bishop Ruini. “We followed them, and both eventually ended up in Netunna, a small fishing village not far from the city.”
Robert stood. “Then what are we waiting for?”
“Please, Mr. Veil, sit down and allow us to finish,” Father Kong said, calmly.
Robert stayed on his feet, all eyes on him. “No, we don’t have time to waste. We should get Samuel tonight.”
“That’s not feasible,” said Father Kong. “We haven’t confirmed it yet.”
“Then let’s verify and move in,” said Robert.
Thorne pulled at Robert’s jacket. “Sit down,” she said, firm and commanding. “Let’s hear what they have to say. If it doesn’t make sense, we’ll go get him ourselves.”
Robert slowly eased down to his seat, but the tension remained thick.
“Even though we’ve spotted suspected members of The Order, we haven’t seen any sign of Samuel,” said Sister Isabella. “If they have him, he’s probably in the tower at Torre Astura. It’s the only logical place to keep the boy secure from prying eyes. But it won’t be easy to approach the castle without being seen. It’s an old sea fort, with one road across a small bridge. Most of it is surrounded by open sea.”
“Yes,” added Bishop Ruini. “And we should have proof before we make an attempt to enter. If Samuel’s not there and we expose ourselves, they’ll move him someplace where we’ll never find him.”
“It makes sense,” said Thorne, looking over at Robert. “Let’s stake out the tower and get visual confirmation.” She placed a hand on his shoulder. “No one blames you for being anxious, partner. Lord knows I want him back too, but let’s move carefully and make sure we get him back alive.”
Robert took a deep breath and apologized to the group. “Who are the members of The Order you’ve been following?”
“Sister Maria Bravo and Father Theodore Murphy,” said Bishop Ruini. “We’ve been tracking them for eighteen months. They’re both on special assignment to Cardinal Polletto.” Robert pressed back into the couch, thumping his thighs. “So, where do we go from here?”
Father Kong finished his tea. “First, we set up a rotation in Nettuna, around the clock.”
“No problem,” said Father Sebastani. “The others will be here by tomorrow night.”
Thorne cleared her throat. “The others?”
“Yes,” answered Sister Isabella. “Cardinal Maximilian has ordered all members of our group to Rome.”
Bishop Ruini turned to Father Kong. “We should tail Father Sin,” he said, with trepidation. The room fell silent.
“Who’s Father Sin?” Thorne finally asked.
“The thick shouldered priest you met leaving Father Tolbert’s room,” answered Father Sebastani.
Robert was so angry when he left Father Tolbert’s room, he barely remembered the man. “I gather he’s a member of The Order also?”
“Without a doubt,” said Father Kong. “He’s known as The Order’s death angel.”
Thorne’s eyes narrowed.
“Death angel?” asked Robert.
Father Kong looked at the others. “He’s their head of security, and an assassin.”
Robert looked over at Thorne, then back at the others. “If you know this, why is he still alive?”
“We haven’t been able to implicate him enough to get him arrested,” said Father Sebastani.
“Arrested?” shot Thorne. “How about a good ole fashion bullet to the brain?”
The three priests and nun sat quietly. Father Kong finally stood, walked over, and stopped in front of Robert and Thorne. “Because he’s an assassin, a murderer we are not.”
Robert eased to the edge of the couch. “Neither are we. But people will die if they get in my way. I swear it.”
“We understand that, Mr. Veil,” said Bishop Ruini. “We don’t approve, but do understand. Lord willing, we can get Samuel back without loss of life.”
Thorne cleared her throat. “I noticed none of you are carrying weapons.”
Father Kong stepped back. “We’re not allowed to carry weapons in Italy, especially in Vatican City or Rome. It would make it too easy for us to be discovered.”
Robert laughed. “Then how are we going to defend ourselves?” Thorne shook her head.
“The Order’s under the same constraints as we are,” said Sister Isabella. “But they will reach out to less than honorable Italian forces to do their dirty work. An advantage we lack.”
“Great,” chimed Robert, “the mafia. So we’re grossly outgunned?”
“No,” answered Father Sebastani. “Greater are they who are with us, than those who are with them. God will make a way. You’ll see.”
“What makes you so sure?” asked Robert.
“Because, without faith, it’s impossible to please God,’ said Father Kong. “In the end, you have to believe.”
“I believe,” said Thorne. “But I won’t give up my gun. In fact, I’d appreciated it if one of you would commandeer a shotgun for me, preferably a sawed-off.”
The clerics looked at each other. “That we can do,” Father Kong finally said.
Robert stood. “Let’s get started.”
“As soon as the others arrive, and Cardinal Maximilian gives the final order,” said Sister Isabella. “He’ll be here tomorrow night. So will Cardinal Polletto.”
“You’ll stay here tonight,” said Bishop Ruini. “I’ve prepared your rooms.”
They all hugged, bound by the same purpose, finding Samuel and stopping The Order of Asmodeus.
Bishop Ruini prayed. “Lord, give us wisdom and strength, and keep Samuel safe and secure.”
An hour later, alone, staring at the high ceiling, Robert tossed, turned, and kneaded his pillow. He closed his eyes and prayed. He was close to getting his godson back. He thought of Donovan. Robert’s eyes watered, but he fought them back. Not now. Not yet. He turned over and let his eyelids fall. He dreamed that Samuel was back in his arms, and The Order of Asmodeus burning in hell.