F ather Kong leaned down and helped Robert out of the water, as more of The Hammer of God members, along with Robert’s men, jumped in and helped pull children out of the water, most of them dead or near death.

“I couldn’t find Samuel or his brothers,” said Robert, exhausted and frustrated.

“Let’s check the children above,” said Father Kong, wrapping a blanket around Robert’s shoulders.

Up on the stage, the bodies of dead members of The Order, armed guards hired by Cardinal Polletto, and several of Robert’s men, were lined up in a row of death.

More of Robert’s team set up guard posts around the area, as Father Kong’s people inspected the dead, said prayers, and tended to the wounded. On the right side of the stage were rows of dead children, their bodies covered with white sheets. Robert leaned over the rail and vomited. A soft hand patted his back. Thorne and Detective Reynolds stood behind him, barely a scratch on either one of them.

“Did you find him?” Thorne asked, her eyes hopeful.

“No,” answered Robert. “We’re about to look at the bodies up here. I didn’t see Samuel or his brothers below.” He looked his partner over.

“You guys okay?”

“We’re fine,” said the detective, giving Robert a hug. “But I’m gonna be sore as hell in the morning.”

“I’m solid,” said Thorne. “Killed a few, including a woman who gave me hell, but I’m good.”

“That was Sister Maria Bravo,” said Father Kong, sadness in his voice. “She worked directly for Cardinal Polletto.” Robert looked over at the priest. “Is the cardinal?”

“Yes, he’s dead,” said Father Kong. “Stabbed to death.”

“And Father Tolbert?” Robert asked.

“The bastard’s over there,” said Thorne, pointing. “I took care of him myself.”

Father Tolbert, a crazed look in his dead eyes, was laid back over Cardinal Polletto’s body, head tilted back, throat cut wide open.

Robert took a deep breath and started over toward the dead children.

Thorne grabbed his arm.

“Robert.” He turned. Compassion filled Thorne’s face. “Alison’s dead,” she said.

Robert dropped his head. Even though she had betrayed them all, it still hurt. This whole thing stinks. “How?” he asked.

“She got caught in the crossfire when our people rushed inside,” said Thorne. “The Order’s people started shooting, and our people answered.

I don’t know who hit her, but she took two small caliber shots to the head.”

They killed her. Robert turned abruptly. “Let’s get this over with.” He walked over to the covered children and lifted the first sheet.

Thorne, Detective Reynolds and Father Kong spread out and did the same. Why? Why do this? Each innocent face seemed to reach inside and suck a little life out of him. Almost every nationality was represented amongst the dead; Indian, Chinese, African, Middle-Eastern. They must have taken them from all over the world.

Father Kong, Detective Reynolds and Thorne walked over as Robert examined the last body.

“They’re not here,” said Thorne.

“Maybe they’re still in the water,” said Father Kong. “We can get a closer look in the morning.”

“No,” snapped Robert, tears in his eyes. “I’m going back in tonight.” Father Kong opened his mouth to speak, but Thorne held up her hand. “I’ll go back in with you, partner. I’ll get our underwater gear so we can get a closer look. I’ll meet you down on the rocks.” Robert nodded. “Thanks, partner.”

Thorne gave Robert a firm hug, then grabbed Detective Reynolds and headed for the castle.

Father Kong placed a hand on Robert’s shoulder. “I’ll go down with you.”

As they walked, a sinking feeling of complete dread exploded inside Robert. He fell to his knees and cried. “He’s gone! I’ll never see him again!”

Father Kong knelt down and prayed. When he finished, he helped Robert to his feet. “I know how difficult this is for you. Remember Sister Isabella and the others who have died in this effort. But also remember, you have stopped a great evil tonight, and millions will live because of it.”

Robert heard the words, but they rang hollow. He wanted Samuel back in his arms. I’d give a million lives to have him back.
