Zack was descending slowly, sitting in a rope harness attached to the winch line.
Suddenly, he was hit by a spotlight. A follow spot, like they used in musicals so you could see the star better.
Or in prison movies when people tried to escape.
“It’s the Jennings boy!” screamed Grimes. “Badir? Jamal? Shoot him!”
Zack threw up his hands. “Wait! Don’t shoot! I was born under a full moon, too!”
“I was born under a full moon! I would’ve told you sooner but I just found out. My mother told me.”
He heard Derek hacking up a storm.
“Let Derek go. He’s too sick to say your words. I’ll do it! I’ll say it!”
Grimes hesitated.
“O, magnus Molochus!” Zack shouted. “See? I almost have the script memorized.”
For some reason, Grimes looked at the floor.
Then Zack heard the most hideously grisly voice say, “He will do. He will do just fine.”