“You look very pretty!” Judy said to Meghan when she came into the lower lobby and joined the group clustered near the door to the basement.
“My mom said I should wear a dress.”
“And I was right,” said Mrs. McKenna. “Come on, a private party with the director is a big deal.”
“I guess.”
“Have you guys seen Zack?” Judy asked. “Derek said he saw him downstairs.”
Derek blanched. “Not recently.”
“I meant I saw him down here earlier.”
An elevator door slid open near the concession stand.
“Good evening, ladies and gentleman!” Grimes called out as he glided across the carpet, trailed by his assistant, Hakeem.
Judy, who had thrown on a clean white blouse and a fresh pair of jeans, felt seriously underdressed: Grimes had on white tie and tails, a cape, and a turban. Hakeem was decked out in some sort of religious-looking robe-and-fez combo.
“Excuse me,” said Judy. “I need to run back upstairs. My stepson, Zack, is—”
“Already downstairs,” said Grimes. “He was kind enough to come by early and help us blow up balloons. Shall we?” He gestured toward the elevator. “I thought we might go upstairs first, take a quick tour of Dracula’s castle. You’ve seen the show?”
“Yes, sir,” said Derek. “It’s awesome!”
“Thank you.”
“Yes, Derek?”
“Were we supposed to wear costumes like you guys?”
“This?” The director laughed. “No. I’m going to perform a few of my grandfather’s magic tricks at the party! Thought I should dress the part.”
“But first, I want to take you folks backstage, give you a guided tour. Show you how we pull off some of the illusions.”
He gestured toward the elevator.
They all stepped into the waiting car.
Hakeem pulled the accordion cage door shut. Pressed a button. The elevator rose.
“I wish Zack was here,” said Judy. “He loves magic tricks.”
“I gave your stepson a private tour earlier,” said Grimes.
“Really? That was nice.”
“I know.”
Hakeem held out a cloth sack.
“Cell phones, pagers, and beeping watches, if you please,” he said.
“Why?” asked Mrs. McKenna.
“I despise electronic interruptions,” said Grimes. “Your valuables will, of course, be returned to you immediately after our little party.”
Judy looked at Mary McKenna. They both shrugged. What the heck? They placed their cell phones into the sack. Meghan added hers. Derek tossed in his PlayStation Portable.
The elevator car stuttered to a stop.
The doors slid open.
Badir and Jamal were waiting on the other side.
They were both armed with pistols.