
Once again Micke has offered me a great deal of support, and so he’s at the top of the list of those I would like to thank. Thanks, as usual, to my publisher, Karin Linge Nordh, who with her warmth and meticulous attention has turned my manuscript into a better book and made me a better writer. Thanks also to everyone at my Swedish publishing house, Forum, who continue to offer me encouragement. It’s a great pleasure to work with all of you.

I’ve also had help with fact-checking and various opinions expressed in my story. The officers at the Tanumshede police station have been, as always, more than helpful, and I would particularly like to thank Petra Widén and Folke Åsberg. Martin Melin also read the manuscript and offered valuable insight regarding the police details. An extra bonus was the help I received from his father, Jan Melin, with historical details from the 1940s and wartime Sweden. And once again Jonas Lindgren at the forensic medicine lab in Göteborg was kind enough to allow me to ask him questions.

Thanks also to Anders Torevi, who again read the manuscript and corrected a number of details concerning Fjällbacka, since it has been quite a long time since I lived there. My mother, Gunnel Läckberg, has also provided information about Fjällbacka, and was tremendously helpful as a babysitter. The same applies to Hans and Mona Eriksson, and Mona also read the manuscript and offered her opinions.

This time I would also like to thank Lasse Anrell for allowing me to use him in a brief guest appearance in the book. He has promised to give me tips about growing geraniums the next time we see each other.

I was able to work in peace and quiet, as usual, at Gimo Herrgård. They always take such good care of me when I arrive with my computer and check in.

And to the girls… You know who you are… What would a writer’s life be like without you? Desolate and lonely and dreary. And to all the readers and blog-readers – a huge thank you for continuing to read my books.

Finally I would like to thank Caroline, Johan, Maj-Britt, and Ulf, who led us to and helped us to get settled in the paradise where I now find myself.

Camilla Lackberg

Koh Lanta, Thailand, 9 March 2007
