The main purpose of this glossary is to indicate pronunciation. Identifications are brief, and only the first appearance of a name is listed.

Phonetic Equivalents:

Stress is indicated by an apostrophe after the stressed syllable (af’-ter).

ABANTES (a-ban’-teez): people of Euboea, 2.626.

ABARBAREA (a-bar-ba-ree’-a): nymph who bore two Trojans, Aesepus and Pedasus, to Bucolion, 6.25.

ABAS (a’-bas): son of the Trojan prophet Eurydamas, brother of Polyidus, killed by Diomedes. 5.165.

ABU (a’-bi-eye): northern tribe of Thrace, 13.8.

ABLERUS (ab-lee’-rus): Trojan killed by Antilochus, 6.37.

ABYDOS (a-beye’-dos): city on the southern shore of the Hellespont, northeast of Troy, 2.948.

ACAMAS (a’-ka-mas): (1) Trojan, son of Antenor, comrade of Aeneas, killed by Meriones, 2.934. (2) Trojan ally, son of Eussorus, commander of the Thracians, killed by Telamonian Ajax, 6.9.

ACESSAMENUS (a-ke-sa’-men-us): Thracian warlord, father of Periboea, 21.162.

ACHAEA (a-kee’-a): general, collective name for mainland Greece, 1.191.

ACHAEANS (a-kee’-unz): Greeks and their allies ranged against the Trojans, 1.2.

ACHELOUS (a-ke-loh’-us): (1) river in central and northwestern Greece, the largest river in Greece, 21.220. (2) River in Phrygia (Asia Minor), east of Troy, 24.725.

ACHILLES (a-kil’-eez): son of Peleus and Thetis, grandson of Aeacus, commander of the Myrmidons, Achaean allies, 1.1. See notes 1.1, 3.174, 19.494, 20.220- 28.

ACRISIUS (a-kri’-si-us): king of Argos, father of Danaë, 14.383.

ACTOR (ak’-tor): (1) son of Azeus, father of Astyoche, 2.603. (2) Apparent forebear of Cteatus and Eurytus, the Moliones, 2.714. (3) Father of Menoetius, grandfather of Patroclus, 11.938. (4) Father of Echecles, 16.224.

ADAMAS (a’-da-mas): Trojan, son of Asius (1), killed by Meriones, 13.649.

ADMETUS (ad-mee’-tus): king of Thessaly, son of Pheres, husband of Alcestis, father of Eumelus, 2.814.

ADRASTUS (a.dras’-tus): king of Sicyon, father (or perhaps grandfather) of Aegialia, father-in-law of Diomedes, 2.663.

ADRESTIA (a-ares-teye’ -a): city northeast of Troy, 2.939.

ADRESTUS (a-drees’-tus): (1) Trojan, son of Merops, brother of Amphius (1), commander of contingent from Adrestia, killed by Diomedes, 2.941. (2) Trojan killed by Menelaus and Agamemnon, 6.44. (3) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.812.

AEACIDES (ee-a’-si-deez): “grandson of Aeacus,” patronymic of Achilles, 18.256.

AEACUS (ee’-a-kus): son of Zeus, father of Peleus, grandfather of Achilles, 9.230.

AEANTES (ee-an’-teez): the two Achaeans called Ajax when spoken of as a pair, 4.321.

AEGAE (ee’-jee): Achaean city in the northern Peloponnese and sacred to Poseidon, 8.230..

AEGAEON (ee-jee’-on): name used by mortals for the hundred-handed giant called Briareus by the gods, 1.479.

AEGEUS (ee’-joos): father of Theseus, 1.309.

AEGIALIA (ee-ji-a-leye’-a): daughter (or perhaps granddaughter) of Adrastus, wife of Diomedes, 5.471. See note 14.148.

AEGIALUS (ee’-ji-a-lus): city in Paphlagonia, 2.967.

AEGILIPS (ee’-ji-lips): city or vicinity in the kingdom of Odysseus, 2.727.

AEGINA (ee.jeye’.na): island in the Saronic Gulf, in the kingdom of Argos, 2.653.

AEGION (ee’-jj-on): city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.665.

AENEAS (ee-nee’-as): Trojan, son of Anchises and Aphrodite, commander of the Dardanians and future king of the Trojans, 2.931. See note 20.248-79.

AENIUS (ee’-ni-us): Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

AENUS (ee’-nus): city in Thrace, 4.603.

AEOLUS (ee’-o-lus): father of Sisyphus, 6.181.

AEPEA (ee-pee’-a): city in the realm of Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 9.182.

AEPY (ee’-pee): city near Pylos in Nestor’s kingdom, 2.684.

APPYTUS (ee’-pi-tus): a hero of Arcadia, his tomb a landmark near Mount Cyllene in that region, 2.697.

AESEPUS (ee-see’-pus): (1) river near Zelea, flowing seaward from the Idaean hills, 2.936. (2) Trojan, son of Bucolion, twin brother of Pedasus, killed by Euryalus, 6.24.

AESYETES (ee-seye-ee¹-teez): (1) hero whose tomb is on the Trojan plain, 2.902. (2) Father of Trojan Alcathous, 13.495.

AESYME (ce-seye’-mee): city in Thrace, 8.347.

AESYMNUS (ee-sim’-nus): Achaean killed by Hector, 11.352.

AETHICES (ee-theye’-seez): tribe in Thessaly, 2.846.

AETHRA (ee’-thra): daughter of Pittheus and one of Helen’s women, 3.173.

AETOLIANS (ee-toh’-li-unz): 2.738, people of AETOLIA (ee-toh’-li-a). a region in northwestern Greece, 2.732.

AGACLES (at -ga-kleez): Trojan, father of the Achaean Epigeus, 16.668.

AGAMEDE (a-ga-mee’-dee): wife of Mulius. daughter of Augeas, king of the Epeans. 11.880.

AGAMEMNON (a-ga-mem’-non): Achaean, king of Mycenae, son of Atreus, husband of Clytemnestra, brother of Menelaus, supreme commander of all Achaea’s armies and leader of the largest Achaean contingent, 1.8.

AGAPENOR (a-ga-pee’-nor): Achaean, son of Ancaeus, commander of the Arcadian contingent, 2.702.

AGASTHENES (a-gas’ -the-neez): son of Augeas, father of the Achaean Polyxinus of Elis, 2.717.

AGASTROPHUS (a-gas’-tro-fus): Trojan, son of Paeon, killed by Diomedes, 11.394.

AGATHON (a’-ga-thon): Trojan, son of Priam, 24.295.

AGELAUS (a-je-lay’-us): (1) Trojan, son of Phradmon, killed by Diomedes, 8.295. (2) Achaean killed by Hector, 11.351.

AGENOR (a-jee’-nor): Trojan, son of Antenor, father of Echeclus, 4.540.

AGLAEA (a-glee’-a): mother of Achaean Nireus by King Charopus, 2.768.

AGRIUS (a’-gri-us): a prince of Calydon, son of Portheus, 14.143.

AJAX (ay’-jax): (1) Achaean, son of Telamon, Telamonian or Great Ajax, commander of the contingent from Salamis, 2.482. (2) Achaean, son of Oileus, Oilean or Little Ajax, commander of the contingent from Locris, 2.482.

ALASTOR (a-las’-tor): (1) Achaean, one of the Pylian captains, 4.338. (2) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.777. (3) Achaean, comrade of Teucer, 8.380. (4) Trojan, father of Tros (2), 20.523.

ALCANDER (al-kan’-der): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.778.

ALCATHOUS (al-ka’-tho-us): Trojan, son of Aesyetes (2), brother-in-law of Aeneas, killed by Idomeneus, 12.114.

ALCESTIS (al-ses’-tis) daughter of Pelias, wife of Admetus, mother of the Achaean Eumelus, 2.815.

ALCIMEDON (at-sim’-e-don): Achaean, son of Laerces, a Myrmidon commander, 16.232.

ALCIMUS (al’-si-mus): alternative name for Alcimedon, 19.464.

ALCMAON (alk-may’-on): Achaean, son of Thestor, killed by Sarpedon, 12.456.

ALCMENA (alk-mee’-na): queen of Thebes, wife of Amphitryon, mother of Heracles by Zeus, 14.387. See note 2.748.

ALEAN PLAIN (a-lee’-an): plain in Asia Minor where Bellerophon wandered, 6.238.

ALECTRYON (a-lek’-tri-on): father of the Achaean Leitus, 17.681.

ALEGENOR (a-le-jee¹-nor): father of the Achaean Promachus, 14.589.

ALESION (a-lee’-zi-on): city of the Epeans, 2.710.

ALOEUS (a-lee’-us): father of the giants Ephialtes and Otus, 5.438.

ALOPE (a’-lo-pee): city in Pelasgian Argos, the kingdom of Achilles, 2.778.

ALPHEUS (al-fee’-us): river in the western Peloponnese, 2.684.

ALTES (al’-teez): king of the Leleges. father of Laothoë, one of Priam’s wives, 21.97.

ALTHAEA (al-thee’-a): mother of Meleager. 9.676. See note 9.646-729.

ALUS (a’-lus); city in Pelasgian Argos. in the kingdom of Achilles, 2.778.

ALYBE (a’-li-bee): city of the Halizonians in Asia Minor, 2.968.

AMARYNCEUS (a-ma-rins’-yoos): hero of Elis, father of the Achaean Diores, 2.715.

AMAZONS (am’-a-zonz): a mythical nation of women warriors, vaguely located in the north, who are supposed to have invaded Phrygia in Asia Minor, 3.229.

AMISODARUS (a-mi-soh’-da-rus): Lycian warlord, father of Atymnius and Maris, Trojan allies, 16.387.

AMOPAON (a-mo-pay’-on): Trojan, son of Polyaemon, killed by Teucer, 8.316.

AMPHICLUS (am’-fi-klus): Trojan killed by Meges, 16.369.

AMPHIDAMAS (am-fi’-da-mas): (1) of Cythera, 10.314. (2) of Opois, whose son was killed by Patroclus, 23.105.

AMPHIGENIA (amfi-je-neye’-a): city near Pylos, in Nestor’s kingdom, 2.685.

AMPHIMACHUS (am-fr’-ma-kus): (1) Achaean, son of Cteatus, grandson of Poseidon, a commander of the Epeans, killed by Hector, 2.713. See note 13.247. (2) Trojan ally, son of Nomion and co-commander of the Carians, 2.982.

AMPHION (am jeye’-on): Achaean, a captain of the Epeans, 13.801.

AMPHITRYON (am-fi’-tri-on): husband of Alcmena and supposed father of her son, Heracles, actually sired by Zeus. 5.446.

AMPHIUS (am-feye’-us): (1) son of Merops, co-commander of Trojan allies from Adrestia, killed by Diomedes, 2.941. (2) Trojan ally, son of Selagus, killed by Great Ajax, 5.702.

AMPHOTERUS (am-fo’-ter-us): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.495.

AMYCLAE (a-meye’-klee): city near Sparta, in Lacedaemon, 2.676.

AMYDON (a’-mi-don): city of the Paeonians on the river Axius, 2.961.

AMYNTOR. (a-min’-tor): son of Onnenus. father of Phoenix, 9.545.

ANCAEUS (an-see’-us): (1) father of the Achaean Agapenor, 2.702. (2) Of Pleuron, a wrestler defeated by Nestor, 23.708.

ANCHIALUS (an-ki¹-a-lus): Achaean killed by Hector, 5.699.

ANCHISES (an-keye’-seez): (1) son of Capys, second cousin of Priam, father of Aeneas by Aphrodite, 2.930. (2) Achaean, father of Echepolus (2), 23.339.

ANDRAEMON (an-dree’-mon): father of the Achaean Thoas. 2.732.

ANDROMACHE (an-dro’ -ma-kte): daughter of Eetion, wife of Hector, 6.441.

ANEMOREA (a-ne-moh-ree’-a): city in Phocis, 2,611.

ANTEA (an-tee’-a): wife of Proetus, king of Corinth, who tried to seduce Bellerophon, 6.189.

ANTENOR (an-tee-nor): Trojan elder, counselor to King Priam, father of many sons who appear thorughout the Iliad, 3.178.

ANTHEA (an-thee’-a city in vicinity of Pylos, 9.181.

ANTHEDON (an-thee’-don): city in Boeotia, 2.598.

ANTHEMION (an-thee’-mi-on): father of the Trojan Simoisius, 4.547.

ANTILOCHUS (an-ti’-lo-kus): son of Nestor, brother of Thrasymedes, a favorite of Achilles, 4.529.

ANTIMACHUS (an-ti’-ma-kus): father of the Trojans Pisander (1). Hippolochus (2) and Hippomachus, 11.154.

ANTIPHATES (an-ti’-fa-feez): Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.220.

ANTIPHONUS (an-ti’-fo-nus): son of Priam, 24.296.

ANTIPHUS (an’-ti-fus): (1) Achaean, son of Thessalus, co-commander of the contingent from Cos, 2.774. (2) Trojan ally, son of Talaemenes, co-commander of the Maeonians, 2.976. (3) Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Agamemnon, 11.121.

ANTRON (an’-tron city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.795.

APAESUS (a-pee’-sus): city in the Troad, northeast of Troy, 2.939.

APHARSUS (a-far’-yoos): son of Caletor, Achaean killed by Aeneas, 9.97.

APHRODITE (a-fro-deye’-tee): goddess of love, daugher of Zeus and Dione, mother of Aeneas, 2.931. See note 24.35-36.

APISAON (a-pi-say’-on): (1) Trojan, son of Phausias, killed by Euryplus, 11.682. (2) Trojan, son of Hippasus, killed by Lycomedes, 17.402.

APOLLO (a-pol’-oh): god, son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis, a patron of the arts, especially music and poetry, 1.10. Also an archer—“lord of the silver bow”—and a prophet with a famous oracular shrine at Delphi, in central Greece. The principal divine champion of the Trojans. See notes, 1.45,1.53,4.117,7.523- 25, 9.679-88.

ARAETHYREA (a-ree-thi-ree’-a): city in Agamemnon’s kingdom, 2.662.

ARCADIA (ar-kay’-di-a): region in the central Peloponnese, 2.696.

ARCESILAUS (ar-se-si-lay’-us): Achaean, leader of the Boeotians, killed by Hector, 2.585.

ARCHELOCHUS (ar-ke’-lo-kus): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Great Ajax, 2.934.

ARCHEPTOLEMUS (ar-kep-to’-le-mus): Trojan, son of lphitus, charioteer of Hector, killed by Teucer, 8.147.

AREILYCUS (a-ree-i’-li-kus): (I) father of the Achaean Prothoenor, 14.530. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.363.

AREITHOUS (a-ree-i’-tho-us): (1) father of the Achaean Menesthius (1), called the Great War-club, killed by Lycurgus (2), 7.10. (2) Trojan, charioteer of Rhigmus, killed by Achilles, 20.550.

ARENE (a-ree’-nee): city in Nestor’s kingdom of Pylos, 2.683.

ARES (ai’-reez): god of war, son of Zeus and Hera, one of the Trojans’ chief protectors, 2.129.

ARETAON (a-re-tay’-on): Trojan killed by Teucer, 6.37.

ARETUS (a-ree’-tus): Trojan killed by Automedon, 17.566.

ARGEAS (ar’-jee-as): father of Polymelus, 16.497.

ARGISSA (ar-jis’-a): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.840.

ARGIVES (ar’-geyevz): alternate name for the Achaeans, 1.19.

ARGOS (ar’-gos): (1) city in the Argolid under the dominion of Diomedes, 2.650. (2) The entire Argolid, the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.126. (3) The general region of the Achaeans, mainland Greece, 2.335. (4) Pelasgian Argos, in northeastern Greece, the kingdom of Achilles, 2.777.

ARIADNE (a-ri-ad’-nee): daughter of Minos, king of Crete, 18.692.

ARIMA (a’-ri-ma): region in Cilicia where the monster Typhoeus lies buried, 2.891.

ARION (a-reye’-on): renowned racehorse of Adrastus, 23.392.

ARISBAS (a-riz’-bas): father of the Achaean Leocritus, 17.399.

ARISBE (a-riz’-bee): city in the Troad, 2.948.

ARNE (ar’-nee): city in Boeotia, 2.597.

ARSINOUS (ar-si’-no-us): father of Hecamede, 11.737.

ARTEMIS (ar’-te-mis): goddess of the hunt, daughter of Zeus and Leto. sister of Apollo, 5.56. See note 21.551.

ASAEUS (a-see’-us): Achaean killed by Hector, 11.350.

ASCALAPHUS (a-ska’-la-fus): Achaean, son of Ares and Astyoche, co-commander of the Minyans from Orchomenos, killed by Deiphobus, 2.602.

ASCANIA (a-ska’-ni-a): city in Phrygia, 2.975.

ASCANIUS (a-ska’-ni-us): Trojan ally, son of Hippotion, co-commander of the Phrygians, 2.974. See note 13.918.

ASCLEPIUS (a-sklee’-pi-us): famous healer, father of the Achaeans Machaon and Podalirius, 2.833.

ASINE (a’-si-nee): city in the Argolid, at the head of the Argolic Gulf, 2.651.

ASIUS (ay’-si-us): (1) son of Hyrtacus, commander of Trojan allies from Percote and its environs, killed by idomeneus, 2.949. (2) Son of Dymas, brother of Hecuba, uncle of Hector, 16.837.

ASOPUS (a-soh’-pus): river in Boeotia, 4.446.

ASPLEDON (a-splee’-don): city of the Minyans near Orchomenos, 2.601.

ASSARACUS (a-sar’-a-kus): son of Tros, brother of Ilus and Ganymede, father of Capys, great-grandfather of Aeneas, 20.268.

ASTERION (a-ster’-i-on): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Eurypylus, 2.837.

ASTEROPAEUS (a-ste-ro-pee’-us): Trojan ally, son of Pelegon, commander of the Paeonians, killed by Achilles, 12.123.

ASTYALUS (a-steye’-a-lus): Trojan killed by Polypoetes, 6.34.

ASTYANAX (a-steye’-a-nax): “Lord of the City,” infant son of Hector and Andromache, 6.477. See note 24.866.

ASTYNOUS (a-sti’-no-us): (1) Trojan killed by Diomedes, 5.160. (2) Trojan charioteer, son of Protiaon, comrade of Polydamas, 15.531.

ASTYOCHE (a-steye’-o-kee): mother of Ascalaphus and Ialmenus by Ares, 2.603.

ASTYOCHEA (a-sti-o-kee’-a): mother of Tlepolemus by Heracles, 2.753.

ASTYPYLUS (a-sti’-pi-lus): Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

ATHENA (a-thee’-na): or Pallas Athena, goddess, also called Tritogenia or Third- bom of the Gods (see note 4.597), daughter of Zeus, defender of the Achaeans. A patron of human ingenuity and resourcefulness, whether exemplified by handicrafts, such as spinning, or by skill in human relations, such as that possessed by Odysseus, her favorite among the Greeks, 1.229. See notes 4.8, 5.1017- 18.

ATHENIANS (a-thee’-ni-unz): 2.643, people of ATHENS (a’-thenz), the city of Erechtheus, in Attica, east central Greece, 2.637.

ATHOS (ay’-thos): mountain on a promontory in the northern Aegean Sea, 14.275.

ATREUS (ay’-tryoos): father of Agamemnon and Menelaus, 1.18.

ATRIDAE (a-treye’-dee): “sons of Atreus,” collective patronymic for Agamemnon and Menelaus, 7.429.

ATRIDES (a-treye’-deez): “son of Atreus,” patronymic of Agamemnon or Menelaus, 1.271.

ATYMNIUS (a-tim’-ni-us): (1) Trojan, father of Mydon, 5.668. (2) Trojan, son of Amisodarus, brother of Maris, killed by Antilochus, 16.375.

AUGEAE (aw-jee’-ee): (1) city in Locris, 2.622. (2) City in Lacedaemon, 2.675.

AUGEAS (aw-jee’-as): warlord of the Epeans from Elis, 2.717.

AULIS (aw’-lis): district in the narrow strait between Euboea and the Greek mainland, where the Greek fleet gathered before embarking for Troy, 2.356.

AUTOLYCUS (aw-to’-li-kus): maternal grandfather of Odysseus, 10.310.

AUTOMEDON (aw-to’-me-don): Achaean, son of Diores (2), Myrmidon comrade and charioteer of Achilles and Patroclus, 9.250.

AUTONOUS (aw-to’-no-us): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 11.350. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.812.

AXIUS (ax’-i-us): river and river god in Paeonia, father of Pelegon by Periboea, 2.961.

AXYLUS (ax-eye’-lus): Trojan ally from Arisbe, son of Teuthras, killed by Diomedes, 6.14.

AZEUS (az’-yoos): father of Actor (1), 2.603.

BATHYCLES (bath’-i-kleez): Achaean, son of Chalcon, killed by Glaucus, 16.693.

BELLEROPHON (be-ler’-o-fon): hero from Corinth, son of Glaucus (2), killer of the Chimaera, grandfather of Sarpedon and Glaucus, 6.182.

BESSA (bee’-sa): city in Locris, 2.622.

BIAS (beye’-as): (1) Achaean, Pylian captain under Nestor, 4.339. (2) Achaean, Athenian captain under Menestheus, 13.799. (3) Father of the Trojan Laogonus (2) and Dardanus (2), 20.520.

BIENOR (bi-ee’-nor): Trojan killed by Agamemnon, 11.107.

BOAGRIUS (bo-a’ -gri-us): river in Locris, 2.623,

BOEBE (bee’-bee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Eumelus, 2.813.

BOEBEIS, LAKE (bee-bee’-is): lake adjoining Boebe, 2.812.

BOEOTIANS (bee-oh’-shunz): 2.600, people of BOIEOTIA (bee-oh¹-sha), a region in central Greece, 2.584.

BOREAS (bor’-e-as): the North Wind. 23.224.

BORUS (bor’-us): (1) father of the Trojan Phaestus, 5.48. (2) Achaean, son of Perieres, husband of Polydora, nominal father of Menesthius (2), 16.208.

BRIAREUS (bri-ar’yoos): name used by the gods for the hundred-handed giant called Aegaeon by mortals, 1.478.

BRISEIS (breye-see’-is): daughter of Briseus, captive of Achilles, 1.218.

BRISEUS (breyes’-yoos): father of Briseis, 1.466.

BRYSIAE (breye-seye’-ee): city in Lacedaemon, 2.675.

BUCOLION (bew-kol’-i-on): son of Laomedon, father of the Trojans Aesepus (2) and Pedasus (1), 6.25.

BUCOLUS (bew’-ko-lus): father of Sphelus, grandfather of Iasus, 15.398.

BUDION (bew-deye’-on): city in the domain of the Myrmidons, 16.669.

BUPRASION (bew-pra’-si-on): city and district of Elis, in the northwestern Peloponnese, 2.708.

CABESUS (ka-bee’-sus): city of unknown location, perhaps in the Troad, since it was allied with Troy, 13.422.

CAENEUS (seen’-yoos): Lapith hero of the generation of Nestor, father of Coronus, 1.308.

CALCHAS (kal’-kas): prophet of the Achaeans, son of Thestor (1), 1.79.

CALESIUS (ka-lee’-si-us): Trojan, charioteer of Axylus, killed by Diomedes, 6.21.

CALETOR (ka-lee’ -tor): (1) father of the Achaean Aphareus, 13.627. (2) Trojan, son of Clytius, killed by Great Ajax. 15.490.

CALLIARUS (ka-li’-a-rus): city in Locris, 2.621.

CALYDNAE (ka-lid’-nee): islands in the southeastern Aegean, 2.773.

CALYDON (ka’-li-don): city in Aetolia, the site of a legendary struggle between Aetolians and Curetes, 2.734.

CAMIRUS (ka-meye¹-rus): city in Rhodes, 2.751.

CAPANEUS (ka’-pan-yoos): father of the Achaean Sthenelus (1), 2.655.

CAPYS (ka’-pis): son of Assaracus, father of Anchises (1), grandfather of Aeneas, 20.276.

CARDAMYLE (kar-da-’mi-lee): city near Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 9.180.

CARESUS (ka-ree’-sus): river in the Troad, 12.23.

CARIANS (kair’-i-unz): Trojan allies, inhabitants of a region in southern Asia Minor who hold the city of Miletus, 2.979.

CARYSTUS (ka-ris’-tus): city of Euboea, 2.629.

CASSANDRA (ka-san’-dra): daughter of Priam, 13.424.

CASTIANIRA (ca-sti-a-neye’-ra): mother of the Trojan Gorgythion by Priam, 8.348.

CASTOR (kas’-tor): brother of Helen and Polydeuces, 3.283.

CASUS (ka’-sus): island near Crapathus in the southeastern Aegean, 2.772.

CAUCONIANS (kaw-koh’-ni-unz): Trojan allies, people of Asia Minor, 10.496.

CAYSTER (kay-is’-ter): river in Asia Minor, 2.546.

CEAS (see’-as): father of Troezenus, 2.959.

CEBRIONES (se-breye’-o-neez): Trojan, bastard son of Priam, brother of Hector, killed by Patroclus, 8.364.

CELADON (se’la-don): river that may have bordered Arcadia and Pylos, 7.153.

CENTAURS (sen’tawrz): wild creatures, part man and part horse, who live in the vicinity of Mount Pelion, 1.312.

CEPHALLENIANS (se-fa-lee’-ni-unz): 4.387, people of CEPHALLIENIA (se-fa-lee’-ni- a), island off western Greece in the kingdom of Odysseus, 2.724. See Samos (1).

CEPHISUS (se-feye’-sus): river in Phocis and Boeotia, 2.612.

CEPHISUS, LAKE (se-feye’-sus): Lake Copais in Boeotia, 5.814.

CERINTHUS (see-rin’-thus): city in Euboea, 2.628.

CHALCIS (kal’-sis): (1) city in Euboea, 2.627. (2) City of Aetolia, 2.734.

CHALCODON (kal-koh’-don): father of the Achaean Elephenor, 2.631.

CHALCON (kal’-kon): father of the Achaean Bathycles, 16.694.

CHARIS (ka’-ris): goddess, one of the Graces, wife of Hephaestus, 18.446.

CHAROPS (ka’-rops): Trojan, son of Hippasus (1), brother of Socus, killed by Odysseus, 11.505.

CHAROPUS (ka’-ro-pus): father of the Achaean Nireus, 2.768.

CHERSIDAMAS (kur-si’-da-mas): Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.500.

CHIMAERA (keye-mee’-ra): monster, “all lion in front, all snake behind, all goat between,” reared by Amisodarus, killed by Bellerophon, 6.212.

CHIRON (keye’-ron): most humane of the Centaurs, healer and teacher of Asclepius, friend of Peleus and Achilles, 4.251.

CHROMIS (kro’-mis): Trojan ally, co-commander of the Mysians, killed by the Achilles, 2.970.

CHROMIUS (kro’-mi-us): (1) Achaean, Pylian captain under Nestor, 4.338. (2) Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Diomedes, 5.179. (3) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.777. (4) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.315. (5) Trojan captain, 17.250.

CHRYSE (kreye’-see): town in the Troad, home of Chryses, 1.44.

CHRYSEIS (kreye-see’-is): daughter of Chryses, captive of Agamemnon, 1.130.

CHRYSES (kreye’-seez): priest of Apollo, father of Chryseis, 1.13.

CHRYSOTHEMIS (kreye-so’-the-mis): one of Agamemnon’s daughters, 9.174.

CICONES (si-koh’-neez): Trojan allies, living in Thrace, to the north of Troy, 2.958.

CILICIA (si-li’-sha): region surrounding Thebe, in the vicinity of Troy, its people ruled by Eetion (1), 6.469.

CILLA (si’-la): town in the Troad, 1.44.

CINYRAS (sin’-i-ras): lord of Cyprus who gave a breastplate to Agamemnon, 11.22.

CISSEUS (sis’-yoos): father of Theano, grandfather of the Trojan Iphidamas, 6.354.

CLEOBULUS (kle-o-boo’-lus): Trojan killed by Little Ajax, 16.389.

CLEONAE (kle-oh’-nee): city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.661.

CLEOPATRA (kle-o-pa’-tra): daughter of Idas and Marpessa, called Halcyon by her parents, wife of Meleager, 9.678. See notes 9,646-729, 679-88.

CLITUS (kleye’-tus): Trojan, son of Pisenor, charioteer of Polydamas, killed by Teucer, 15.519.

CLONIUS (klo’-ni-us): Achaean, a captain of the Boeotians, killed by Agenor, 2.585.

CLYMENE (kli’-me-nee): one of Helen’s attendant women, 3.173.

CLYTEMNESTRA (kleye-tem-nes’-tra): wife of Agamemnon, 1.133.

CLYTIUS (kli’-ti-us): (1) Trojan elder, son of Laomedon, brother of Priam, father of Caletor (2), 3.176. (2) Father of the Achaean Dolops (1), 11.351.

CLYTOMEDES (kli-to-mee’-deez): son of Enops (3), defeated by Nestor in boxing, 23.707.

COERANUS (see’-ran-us): (1) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.777. (2) Achaean, charioteer of Meriones, killed by Hector, 17.689.

COON (koh’-on): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Agamemnon, 11.288.

COPAE (koh’-pee): city in Boeotia, 2.592.

COPREUS (kop’-ryoos): father of the Achaean Periphetes (2), herald of Eurystheus, 15.742.

CORINTH (kor’-inth): city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.661.

CORONEA (ko-roh-nee’-a): city in Boeotia, 2.593.

CORONUS (ko-roh’-nus): son of Caeneus, father of the Achaean Leonteus, 2.848.

COS (kohs): island near the Calydnae in the southeastern Aegean, 2.773.

CRAPATHUS (kra’-pa-thus): island near Casus in the southeastern Aegean, 2.772.

CREON (kree’-on): father of the Achaean Lycomedes, 9.98.

CRETANS (kree’-tunz): 2.740, inhabitants of CRETE (kreet), the large island south of the Peloponnese in the Aegean, the kingdom of Idomeneus, 2.744.

CRETHON (kree’-thon): Achaean, son of Diocles, killed by Aeneas, 5.624.

CRISA (kreye’-sa): city in Phocis, 2.610.

CROCYLIA (kro-si-leye’-a): place in Ithaca, 2.727.

CROESMUS (kreez’-mus): Trojan killed by Meges, 15.605.

CROMNA (krohm’-na): city in Paphlagonia, 2.967.

CRONUS (kro’-nus): god, son of Uranus, father of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, 1.481. See notes 8.554, 14.244.

CTEATUS (kte’-a-tus): reputed son of Actor (2), whose real father was Poseidon, twin brother of Eurytus (2), father of the Achaean Amphimachus (1), 2.714.

CURETES (koo-ree’-teez): Aetolians living in Pleuron, who make war on Aetolians of Calydon, 9.646.

CYLLENE (si-lee’-nee): mountain in northern Arcadia, 2.696.

CYNUS (seye’-nus): city in Locris, 2.621.

CYPARISSEIS (si-pa-ri-see’-is): city near Pylos in Nestor’s kingdom, 2.685.

CYPARISSUS (si-pa-ri’-sus): city in Phocis, 2.609.

CYPHUS (seye’-fus): city in northwestern Greece, 2.850.

CYPRUS (seye’-prus): large island in the eastern Mediterranean, 11.23.

CYTHERA (si-thee’-ra): island off the southern coast of the Peloponnese, 10.314.

CYTORUS (si-toh’-rus): city in Paphlagonia, 2.965.

DAEDALUS (dee’-da-lus): the “fabulous artificer” in the service of Minos, king of Crete, for whom he built the famous labyrinth, 18.690.

DAETOR (dee’-tor): Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.315.

DAMASTOR (da-mas’-tor): father of the Trojan Tlepolemus (2), 16.496.

DAMASUS (da’-ma-sus): Trojan killed by Polypoetes, 12.211.

DANAANS (da’-nay-unz): alternative name for the Achaeans, 1.49.

DANAË (da’-nay-ee): daughter of Acrisius; mother, by Zeus, of Perseus, 14.383.

DARDAN or DARDANIAN GATES (dar’-dan, dar-day’-ni-an): one of the main gates of Troy, 5.908.

DARDANIA (dar-day’-ni-a): kingdom of Dardanus (1), originally founded as a colony on the foothills of Mount Ida, and the predecessor of Troy, 20.252.

DARDANIANS (dar-day’-ni-unz): people descended from Dardanus (1), specifically those Trojans led by Aeneas, 2.930.

DARDANUS (dar’-da-nus): (1) son of Zeus, father of Erichthonius, forebear of Priam and the kings of Troy, 11.194. (2) Trojan, son of Bias, killed by Achilles, 20.520.

DARES (dair’-eez): priest of Hephaestus, father of the Trojans Phegeus and Idaeus (2), 5.9.

DAULIS (daw’-lis): city in Phocis, near Apollo’s shrine in Pytho, 2.610.

DAWN: goddess of the morning, wife of Tithonus, 1.569.

DEATH: god, brother of Sleep, 1.3.

DEICOON (dee-i’-koh-on): Trojan, son of Pergasus, killed by Agamemnon, 5.616.

DEIOCHUS (dee-i’-o-kus): Achaean killed by Paris, 15.401.

DEIOPITES (dee-i-o-peye’-teez): Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.497.

DEIPHOBUS (dee-i’-fo-bus): Trojan, son of Priam, 12.115.

DEIPYLUS (dee-i’-pi-lus): Achaean, comrade of Sthenelus, 5.363.

DEIPYRUS (dee-i’-pi-rus): Achaean killed by Helenus, 9.97.

DEMETER (dee-mee’-tur): goddess, sister of Zeus and mother of Persephone, she presides over the grain crops, 2.794.

DEMOCOON (dee-mo’-koh-on): Trojan, bastard son of Priam, killed by Odysseus, 4.576.

DEMOLEON (dee-mo’-le-on): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Achilles, 20.450.

DEMUCHUS (dee-moo’-kus): Trojan, son of Philetor, killed by Achilles, 20.517.

DEUCALION (dew-kay’-li-on): (1) Cretan hero, son of Minos, father of Idomeneus, 12.139. (2) Trojan killed by Achilles, 20.540.

DEXIUS (dex’-i-us): father of the Achaean Iphinous, 7.16.

DIOCLES (deye’-o-kleez): son of Ortilochus, father of the Achaeans Crethon and Orsilochus (1), 5.624.

DIOMEDE (deye-o-mee’-dee): daughter of Phorbas, mistress of Achilles, captured from Lesbos, 9.812.

DIOMEDES (deye-o-mee’-deez): Achaean, son of Tydeus, king of Argos, 2.482. See note 5.1 ff.

DION (deye’-on): city in Euboea, 2.628.

DIONE (deye-oh’-nee): goddess, mother of Aphrodite, 5.417.

DIONYSUS (deye-o-neye’-sus): god, son of Zeus and Semele, a Theban princess; the god of ecstatic release, especially associated with wine, 6.153. See notes 6.153, 157-60.

DIORES (deye-o’-reez): (1) Achaean, son of Amarynceus, co-commander of the Epeans, killed by Pirous, 2.715. (2) Father of the Achaean Automedon, 17.544.

DISENOR (deye-see’-nor): Trojan captain, 17.250.

DIUS (deye’-us): Trojan, son of Priam, 24.297.

DODONA (doh-doh’-na): site in Epirus, in northwestern Greece, sanctuary of an oracle of Zeus, 2.852.

DOG STAR: 11.70, see ORION’S DOG and note 22.35.

DOLON (doh’-lon): Trojan scout, son of the herald Eumedes, killed by Diomedes and Odysseus, 10.366.

DOLOPES (do’-lo-peez): people in Phthia ruled by Phoenix, 9.586.

DOLOPION (do-lo-peye’-on): Trojan, priest of Scamander, father of Hypsenor (1), 5.85.

DOLOPS (do’-lops): (1) Achaean, son of Clytius (2), killed by Hector, 11.351. (2) Trojan, son of Lampus (1), killed by Menelaus, 15.608.

DORION (doh’-ri-on): city in the kingdom of Nestor, 2.686.

DORYCLUS (do’-ri-clus): Trojan, bastard son of Priam, killed by Great Ajax, 11.577.

DRACIUS (dray’-shus): Achaean, a captain of the Epeans, 13.801.

DRESUS (dree’-sus): Trojan killed by Euryalus, 6.23.

DRYAS (dreye’-as): (1) Lapith hero in Nestor’s generation, 1.307. (2) Father of Lycurgus (1), 6.150.

DRYOPS (dreye’-ops): Trojan killed by Achilles, 20.515.

DULICHION (dew-li’-ki-on): island off western Greece in the kingdom of Meges, 2.718.

DYMAS (deye’-mas): father of Hecuba and Asius (2), 16.838.

ECHECLES (e-kek’-leez): Achaean, adoptive father of the Myrmidon captain Eudorus, son of Actor (4), husband of Polymela, 16.224.

ECHECLUS (e-kek’-lus): (1) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.812. (2) Trojan, son of Agenor, killed by Achilles, 20.536.

ECHEMMON (e-kem’-on): Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Diomedes, 5.179.

ECHEPOLUS (e-ke-yoh’-lus): (1) Trojan, son of Thalysias, killed by Antilochus, 4.530. (2) Achaean, son of Anchises (2), 23.339.

ECHINADES (e-keye’-na-deez): islands off western Greece in the kingdom of Meges, 2.719.

ECHIUS (ek’-i-us): (1) father of the Achaean Mecisteus (2), 8.380. (2) Achaean killed by Polites, 15.399. (3) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Patroclus, 16.496.

EETION (ee-e’-ti-on): (1) king of the Cilicians in Thebe, father of Andromache, killed by Achilles, 1.433. (2) Father of the Trojan Podes, 17.653. (3) A lord of Imbros and friend of Priam, 21.49.

EIONAE (ee-i’-o-nee): city in the Argolid, 2.652.

EIONEUS (ee-i’-on-yoos): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 7.12. (2) Father of the Trojan ally Rhesus (1), 10.503.

ELASUS (el’-a-sus): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.814.

ELATUS (el’-a-tus): Trojan ally, killed by Agamemnon, 6.39.

ELEON (el’-e-on): city in Boeotia, 2.590.

ELEPHENOR (e-le-fee’-nor): Achaean, commander of the Abantes, killed by Agenor, 2.630.

ELIS (ee’-lis): realm of the Epeans, in the northwestern Peloponnese bordering Nestor’s Pylos, 2.708.

ELONE (ee-loh’-nee): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.841.

EMATHIA (ee-ma’-thi-a): region to the northeast of mainland Greece, later Macedonia, 14.272.

ENETIANS (e-nee’-shunz): people of Paphlagonia, Trojan allies, 2.964.

ENIENES (e-ni-ee’-neez): Achaean contingent from Thessaly, in northwestern Greece, 2.851. 1.

ENIOPEUS (ee-ni-op’-yoos): Trojan, son of Thebaeus, charioteer of Hector, killed by Diomedes, 8.138.

ENISPE (e-nis’-pee): city in Arcadia, 2.699.

ENNOMUS (en’-o-mus): (1) Trojan augur and ally, co-commander of the Mysians, killed by Achilles, 2.970. (2) Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.499.

ENOPE (en’-o-pee): city in Messenia near Pylos, 9.180.

ENOPS (ee’-nops): (1) father of the Trojan Satnius, 14.523. (2) Father of the Trojan Thestor, 16.477. (3) Father of Clytomedes, 23.707.

ENYEUS (e-neye’-yoos): king of Seyros, 9.816.

ENYO (e-neye’-oh): goddess of war, 5.373.

EPALTES (e-pal’-teez): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Patroclus, 16.495.

EPEANS (e-yee’-unz): people of Elis and Buprasion, in the northwestern Peloponnese, 2.712.

EPEUS (e-pee’-us): Achaean, son of Panopeus (2), victor in the boxing match in the games for Patroclus, 23.741, and builder of the Trojan horse in the Odyssey.

EPHIALTES (e-fi-al’-teez): son of Aloeus, giant who with his brother Otus imprisoned Ares, 5.437.

EPHYRA (e’-fi-ra): city in Thesprotia, in northwestern Greece, on the Selleis River, 2.754.

EPHYRI (e’-fi-reye): a tribe in Thessaly attacked by Ares, 13.353.

EPICLES (e’-pi-kleez): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Great Ajax, 12.436.

EPIDAURUS (e-pi-daw’-rus): city in the Argolid, in the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.652.

EPIGEUS (e-peye’-joos): Achaean ally, Myrmidon, son of Agacles, killed by Hector, 16.668.

EPISTOR (e-pis’-tor): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.813.

EPISTROPHUS (e-pis’-tro-fus): (1) Achaean, son of Iphitus (1), co-commander of the Phocians, 2.607. (2) Trojan, son of Euenus, lord of Lyrnessus, killed by Achilles, 2.789. (3) Trojan ally, co-commander of the Halizonians, 2.968.

ERECHTHEUS (e-rek’-thyoos): first king of Athens, reared by Athena, 2.638.

ERETRIA (e-re’-tri-a): city in Euboea, 2.627.

EREUTHALION (er-yoo-thay’-li-on): Arcadian champion killed by Nestor, 4.368,

ERIBOEA (e-ri-bee’-a): stepmother of Otus and Ephialtes, 5.442.

ERICHTHONIUS (e-rik-thon’-i-us): son of Dardanus (1), father of Tros (1), forebear of the kings of Troy, 20.255.

ERIOPIS (e-ri-oh’-pis): wife of Oileus (1) and stepmother of Medon (1), 13.806.

ERYLAUS (e-ri-lay’-us): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.490.

ERYMAS (er’-i-mas): (1) Trojan killed by Idomeneus, 16.407. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.495.

ERYTHINI (e-ri-theye’-neye): city or vicinity in Paphlagonia, 2.967.

ERYTHRAE (e-ri’-three): city in Boeotia, 2.589.

ETEOCLES (ee-tee’-o-kleez): son of Oedipus, lord of the Thebans and their defender against the Argive Seven, 4.450. See note 5.926.

ETEONUS (e-tee-oh’-nus): city in Boeotia, 2.587.

EUAEMON (yoo-ee’-mon): father of Eurypylus (2), 2.838.

EUBOEA (yoo-bee’-a): large island lying off the coast of eastern Greece, 2.625.

EUCHENOR (yoo-kee’-nor): Achaean, son of Polyidus, killed by Paris, 13.764.

EUDORUS (yoo-dor’-us): Achaean, son of Hermes and Polymela, a Myrmidon captain, 16.211.

EUENUS (yoo-ee’-nus): (1) son of Selepius, father of the Trojans Mynes and Epistrophus (2), 2.790. (2) Father of Marpessa, 9.679.

EUIPPUS (yoo-ip’-us): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Patroclus, 16.497.

EUMEDES (yoo-mee’-deez): Trojan herald, father of Dolon, 10.367.

EUMELUS (yoo-mee’-lus): Achaean, son of Admetus and Alcestis, commander of the Thessalians from Pherae, 2.815.

EUNEUS (yoo-nee’-us): king of Lemnos, son of Jason and Hypsipyle, 7.541.

EUPHEMUS (yoo-fee’-mus): Trojan ally, son of Troezenus, captain of the Cicones, 2.958.

EUPHETES (yoo-fee’ -teez): lord of Ephyra, 15.616.

EUPNORBUS (yoo-for’-bus): Trojan, son of Panthous and Phrontis, who mortally wounds Patroclus, killed by Menelaus, 16.938.

EUROPA (yoo-roh’-pa): daughter of Phoenix (2), mother of Minos and Rhada- manthus, 14.385.

EURYALUS (yoo-reye’-a-lus): Achaean, son of Mecisteus (1), third in command, after Diomedes and Sthenelus, of the Argolid contingent, 2.656.

EURYBATES (yoo-ri’-ba-teez): (1) Achaean, herald of Agamemnon, 1.376. (2) Achaean, herald of Odysseus, 2.212.

EURYDAMAS (yoo-ri’-da-mas): interpreter of dreams. father of the Trojans Abas and Polyidus (1), 5.166.

EURYMEDON (yoo-ri’-me-don): (1) Achaean, son of Ptolemaeus, charioteer of Agamemnon, 4.261. (2) Achaean, charioteer of Nestor, 8.132.

EURYNOME (yoo-ri’-no-mee): goddess, daughter of Ocean, 18.466.

EURYPYLUS (yoo-ri’-pi-lus): (1) king of Cos, 2.773. (2) Achaean, son of Euaemon, commander of Thessalians from Ormenion, 2.838.

EURYSTHEUS (yoo-ris’-thyoos): king of Mycenae, son of Sthenelus (2), grandson of Perseus and taskmaster of Heracles, 8.419. See note 2.748.

EURYTUS (yoo’-ri-tus): (1) king of Oechalia, 2.688. (2) Son of Poseidon, supposed son of Actor (2), twin brother of Cteatus (together called the Moliones), father of the Achaean Thalpius, 2.714.

EUSSORUS (yoo-sor’-us): Trojan, father of Acamas (2), 6.9.

EUTRESIS (yoo-tree’-sis): city in Boeotia, 2.592.

EXADIUS (ex-a’-di-us): Lapith, hero of the generation of Nestor, 1.308.

FATE(S): shadowy but potent figures who ultimately control the destiny of mortals, 2.182.

FURIES: avenging spirits whose task it is to exact blood for blood when no human avenger is left alive, 9.554. They are particularly concerned with injuries done by one member of a family to another, and they have regulatory powers as well, as when they stop the voice of Achilles’ stallion Xanthus, 19.495. See note 3.332.

GANYMEDE (ga’-ni-meed): son of Tros (1), made immortal as the cup-bearer to Zeus and the other gods, 5.294. See note ad loc.

GARGARON (gar’-ga-ron): the central peak of Mount Ida, and Zeus’s favorite lookout point, 8.56.

GLAPHYRAE (gla-fi-ree): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Eumelus, 2.813.

GLAUCUS (glaw’-kus): (1) Trojan ally, son of Hippolochus, one of the commanders of the Lycians, 2.988. (2) Son of Sisyphus, father of Bellerophon, great-grandfather of Glaucus (1), 6.181.

GLISAS (gleye’-sas): city in Boeotia, 2.594.

GONOÊSSA (go-no-es’-a): Achaean city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.664.

GORGON (gor’-gon): a fabulous female monster whose glance could turn a person into stone, the centerpiece of Zeus’s aegis, 5.849.

GORGYTHION (gor-ji’-thi-on): Trojan, son of Priam and Castianira, killed by Teucer, 8.344.

GORTYN (gor’-tin): city in Crete, 2.741.

GRACES: attendant goddesses, daughters of Zeus who personify beauty and charm, often associated with the arts and the Muses, 5.379.

GRAEA (gree’-a): city in Boeotia, 2.588.

GREAT BEAR: constellation, also called the Wagon and the Big Dipper, 18.569. See note ad loc.

GRENICUS (gree’-ni-kus): river in the Troad, 12.24.

GUNEUS (goon’-yoos): Achaean, commander of the Enienes and Peraebians living near Dodona, 2.850.

GYGE, LAKE (geye’-jee): nymph of a lake in Maconia, mother of the Trojan Mesthles and Antiphus (2) by Talaemenes, perhaps the mother of the Trojan Iphition by Otrynteus, 2.977.

GYRTIUS (gur’-ti-us): father of Hyrtius, 14.599.

GYRTONE (jur-toh’-nee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.840.

HADES (hay’-deez): ruler of the dead, son of Cronus and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Demeter and Poseidon, 15.225.

HAEMON (hee’-mon): (1) Achaean, one of the Pylian captains, 4.339. (2) Father of Laerces, 17.537.

HALCYON (hal’-si-on): a seabird, the name her parents gave Cleopatra, 9.684.

HALIARTUS (ha-li-ar’-tus): city in Boeotia, 2.593.

HALIUS (ha’-li-us): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.778.

HALIZONIANS (ha-li-zoh’-ni-unz): Trojan allies, a tribe from south of the Black Sea, led by Odius (1) and Epistrophus (3), 2.968.

HARMA (har’-ma): city in Boeotia, 2.589.

HARMON (har’-mon): Trojan blacksmith, father of Tecton, 5.65.

NARPALION (har-pay’-li-on): Trojan ally from Paphlagonia, son of Pylaemenes, killed by Meriones, 13.742.

HEBE (hee’-bee): goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera, servant of the gods, 4.2.

HECAMEDE (he-ka-mee’-dee): daughter of Arsinous, Nestor’s captive, 11.735.

HECTOR (hek’-tor): Trojan, son of Priam and Hecuba, supreme commander of the Trojans, 1.285.

HECUBA (he’-kew-ba): daughter of Dymas, Priam’s queen, mother of Hector, 6.300.

HELEN (he’-len): daughter of Zeus, wife of Menelaus, consort of Paris, her abduction by him from Sparta the cause of the Trojan War, 2.189. See note 24.35- 36.

HELENUS (he’-le-nus): (1) Achaean, son of Oenops, killed by Hector, 5.811. (2) Trojan, son of Priam, prophet and warrior, 6.88.

HELICAON (he-li-kay’-on): Trojan, son of Antenor, husband of Laodice, 3.148.

HELICE (he’-li-see): city or vicinity in the kingdom of Agamemnon, on the Cor- inthian Gulf, and sacred to Poseidon, 2.666.

HELIOS (hee’-li-os): the Sun, 3.331.

HELLENES (hel’-eenz): 2.780, people of HELLAS (hel’-as), a region in southern Thessaly, in the kingdom of Peleus and Achilles, 2.620.

HELLESPONT (hel’-e-spont): strait between the Troad and Thrace (the Dardanelles), 2.957.

HELOS (hel’-os): (1) city in Lacedaemon, 2.676. (2) City near Pylos in Nestor’s kingdom, 2.686.

HEPHAESTUS (he-fees’-tus): god of fire, the great artificer, son of Hera, husband of Charis, 1.687. See notes 1.712, 18.462, 21.378-79.

HEPTAPORUS (hep-ta’-po-rus): river in the Troad, 12.23.

HERA (heer’-a): goddess, daughter of Cronus and Rhea, wife and sister of Zeus, defender of the Achaeans, 1.63. See notes 1.712, 2.748, 14.356.

HERACLES (her’-a-kleez): son of Zeus and Alcmena, father of Tlepolemus (1), 2.748. See notes 2.748, 5.434-62, 733-38, 15.32-39.

HERMES (hur’-meez): god, son of Zeus, guide and giant killer, 2.121. See note ad loc.

HERMIONE (hur-meye’-o-nee): city in the Argolid, in the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.651.

HERMUS (hur’-mus): river in Maeonia, 20.446.

HICETAON (hi-ke-tay’-on): son of Laomedon, Trojan elder, father of Melanippus (2), 3.177.

HIPPASUS (hip’-a-sus): (1) father of the Trojans Charops and Socus, 11.504. (2) Father of the Achaean Hypsenor (2), 13.477. (3) Father of the Trojan Apisaon (2), 17.402.

HIPPEMOLGI (hi-pee-mol’-jeye): people of the north, supposed nomads, “who drink the milk of mares,” 13.7.

HIPPOCOON (hi-po’-koh-on): Trojan ally, cousin of Rhesus (1), 10.599.

HIPPODAMAS (hi-po’-da-mas): Trojan killed by Achilles, 20.455.

HIPPODAMIA (hi-po-da-meye’-a): (1) wife of Pirithous, mother of the Achaean Polypoetes, 2.844. (2) Daughter of Anchises (1), wife of the Trojan Alcathous, 13.497.

HIPPODAMUS (hi-po’-da-mus): Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.390.

HIPPOLOCHUS (hi-po’-lo-kus): (1) father of the Trojan Glaucus (1), 6.138. (2) Trojan, son of Antimachus, killed by Agamemnon, 11. 143.

HIPPOMACHUS (hi-po’-ma-kus): Trojan, son of Antimachus, killed by Leonteus, 12.217.

HIPPONOUS (hi-po’ -no-us): Achaean killed by Hector, 11.352.

HIPPOTHOUS (hi-po’-tho-us): (1) Trojan ally, son of Lethus, co-commander of the Pelasgians, killed by Great Ajax, 2.952. (2) Trojan, son of Priam, 24.297.

HIPPOTION (hi-po’-ti-on): father of the Trojans Ascanius and Morys, killed by Meriones, 13.917.

HIRE (heye’-ree): city near Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 9.180.

HISTIAEA (hi-sti-ee’-a): city in Euboea, 2.627.

HYADES (heye’-a-deez): constellation, 18.568.

HYAMPOLIS (heye-am’-po-lis): city in Phocis, 2.611.

HYDE (heye’-dee): region of Maeonia, around Mount Tmolus, 20.439.

HYLE (heye’-lee): city in Boeotia, 2.590.

HYLLUS (hil’-us): river in Maeonia, 20.445.

HYPERENOR (hi-pe-ree’-nor): Trojan, son of Panthous, killed by Menelaus, 14.603.

HYPERESIA (hi-pe-ree’-si-a): Achaean city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.664.

HYPERIAN SPRING (hi-pe-reye’-an): spring in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Euryplus, 2.836.

HYPIROCHUS (hi-peye’-ro-kus): (1) Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.390. (2) Father of Itymoneus, 11.797.

HYPIRON (hi-peye’-ron): Trojan killed by Diomedes, 5.160.

HYPSENOR (hip-see’-nor): (1) Trojan, son of Dolopion, killed by Eurypylus, 5.84. (2) Achaean, son of Hippasus (2), killed by Deiphobus, 13.477.

HYPSIPYLE (hip-si’-pi-lee): mother of Euneus by Jason, 7.542.

HYRIA (hi’-ri-a): city in Boeotia, 2.586.

HYRMINE (hur-meye’-nee): city of the Epeans in Elis, 2.709.

HYRTACUS (hur’-ta-kus): father of the Trojan Asius (1), 2.949.

HYRTIUS (hur’-ti-us): Trojan, son of Gyrtius, commander of the Mysians, killed by Great Ajax, 14.598.

IALMENUS (i-al’-me-nus): Achaean, son of Ares and Astyoche, co-commander of the Minyans from Orchomenos, 2.602.

IALYSUS (i-a’-li-sus): city in Rhodes, 2.751.

IAMENUS (eye-a’-me-nus): Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.223.

IAPETUS (eye-a’-pe-tus): one of the Titans, father of Prometheus. See note 8.554.

IARDANUS (i-ar’-da-nus): river in the western Peloponnese, on the frontier between Pylos and Arcadia, 7.155.

IASUS (eye’-a-sus): Achaean, son of Sphelus, a captain of the Athenians, killed by Aeneas, 15.392.

ICARIAN SEA (eye-kair’-i-an): sea off the coast of Asia Minor, 2.168.

IDA (eye’-da): central mountain and range of the Troad and favored seat of Zeus, 2.932.

IDAEUS (eye-dee’-us): (1) Trojan, herald of Priam, 3.296. (2) Trojan, son of Dares, 5.11.

IDAS (eye’-das): husband of Marpessa and father of Cleopatra, who contended against Apollo for Marpessa, 9.680. See note 9.679-88.

IDOMENEUS (eye-do’-men-yoos): Achaean, son of Deucalion, commander of the contingent from Crete, 1. 171.

ILESION (i-lee’-si-on): city in Boeotia, 2.589.

ILIONEUS (eye’-li-on-yoos): Trojan, son of Phorbas, killed by Peneleos, 14.572.

ILIUM (il’-i-um): Troy, the city of Ilus, 2.133.

ILUS (eye’-lus): eldest son of Tros (1), father of Laomedon, grandfather of Priam, 10.481.

IMBRASUS (im’-bra-sus): Thracian, father of the Trojan Pirous, 4.602.

IMBRIUS (im’-bri-us): Trojan ally from Pedaeon, son of Mentor, son-in-law of Priam, killed by Teucer, 13.205.

IMBROS (im’-bros): island northwest of Troy, 13.41.

IOLCOS (i-ol’-kos): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Eumelus, 2.813.

IONIANS (eye-oh’-ni-unz): Athenians, 13.793.

IPHEUS (eye’-fyoos): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Patroclus, 16.497.

IPHIANASSA (eye-fi-a-nas’-a): one of Agamemnon’s daughters, 9.174.

IPHICLUS (eye’-fi-klus): son of Phylacus (I), father of the Achaeans Protesilaus and Podarces, runner defeated by Nestor, 2.806.

IPHIDAMAS (eye-ft’-da-mas): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Agamemnon, 11.256.

IPHINOUS (eye-fi’-no-us): Achaean, son of Dexius, killed by Glaucus, 7.16.

IPHIS (eye’-fis): mistress of Patroclus, captured from Scyros by Achilles, 9.814.

IPHITION (eye-fi’-ti-on): Trojan ally, son of Otrynteus and a water nymph, Gyge perhaps, killed by Achilles, 20.436.

IPHITUS (eye’-fi-tus): (1) son of Naubulus, father of the Achaeans Schedius (1) and Epistrophus (1), 2.608. (2) Father of the Trojan Archeptolemus, 8.146.

IRIS (eye’-ris): goddess, messenger of Zeus, 2.895.

ISANDER (eye-san’-der): son of Bellerophon, killed by Ares, 6.233.

ISUS (eye’-sus): Trojan, bastard son of Priam, killed by Agamemnon, 11.118.

ITACA (ith’ -a-ka): island off western Greece, the home of Odysseus, 2.725.

ITHAEMENES (i-thee’-me-neez): father of the Trojan Sthenelaus, 16.685.

ITHOME (i-thoh’ -mee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Podalirius and Machaon, 2.831.

ITON (eye’ -ton): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.794.

ITYMONEUS (eye-ti’-mon-yoos): Epean, son of Hypirochus (2), killed by Nestor, 11.796.

IXION (ix-eye’-on): reputed father of Pirithous, who was actually sired by Zeus with Ixión’s wife, 14.381.

JASON (jay’ -son): commander of the Argonauts, father of Euneus by Hypsipyle, 7.541.

LAAS (lay’ -as): city in Lacedaemon, 2.677.

LACEDAEMON (la-se-dee’-mon): city and kingdom of Menelaus, in the southern Peloponnese, 2.673.

LAERCES (lay-ur’-seez): Myrmidon, son of Haemon (2), father of the Achaean Alcimedon, 16.232.

LAERTES (lay-ur’-teez): father of Odysseus, 2.201.

LAMPUS (lam’ -pus): Trojan, son of Laomedon, father of Dolops (2), 3.176.

LAODAMAS (lay-o’-da-mas): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Great Ajax, 15.598.

LAODAMIA (lay-o-da-meye’-a): daughter of Bellerophon, mother of Sarpedon by Zeus, killed by Artemis, 6.233.

LAODICE (lay-o’-di-see): (1) Trojan, daughter of Priam, wife of Helicaon, 3.148. (2) One of Agamemnon’s daughters, 9.174.

LAODOCUS (lay-o’ -do-kus): (1) Trojan, son of Antenor, impersonated by Athena, 4.101. (2) Achaean, charioteer of Antilochus, 17.786.

LAOGONUS (lay-o’ -go-nus): (1) Trojan, son of Onetor, killed by Meriones, 16.704. (2) Trojan, son of Bias (3), killed by Achilles, 20.520.

LAOMEDON (lay-o’ -me-don): king of Troy, son of Ilus, father of Priam, Tithonus, Lampus, Clytius (1) and Hicetaon, 3.298. See note 5.733-38.

LAOTHO (lay-o’-thoh-ee): daughter of Altes, mother of the Trojans Polydorus (1) and Lycaon (2) by Priam, 21.97.

LAPITHS (la’-piths): Thessalian tribe led by Polypoetes and Leonteus, 12.152.

LARISSA (la-ris’-a): city of the Pelasgians, Trojan allies, 2.953.

LECTOS (lek’-tos): cape and promontory southwest of Mount Ida in the Troad, 14.340.

LEITUS (lee’-i-tus): Achaean, son of Alectryon, co-commander with Peneleos of the Boeotians, 2.584.

LELEGES (le’-le-jeez): Trojan allies, people of northwestern Asia Minor, 10.496.

LEMNOS (lem’-nos): island in the northeastern Aegean, 1.714. See note 1.715.

LEOCRITUS (lee-o’-kri-tus): Achaean, son of Arisbas, killed by Aeneas, 17.398.

LEONTEUS (le-on’-tyoos): Achaean, son of Coronus, co-commander with Polypoetes of the Lapiths from Argissa, 2.847.

LESBOS (lez’-bos): island and city off the coast of Asia Minor south of Troy, 9.154.

LETHUS (lee’-thus): son of Teutamus, father of the Trojan allies Hippothous (1) and Pylaeus, from Larissa, 2.955.

LETO (lee’-toh): goddess, mother of Apollo and Artemis by Zeus, 1.10.

LEUCUS (lew’-kus): Achaean, comrade of Odysseus, killed by Antiphus (3), 4.567.

LICYMNIUS (li-sim’-ni-us): uncle of Heracles, killed by his great-nephew Tlepolemus, 2.759.

LILAEA (li-lee’-a): city in Phocis, 2.613.

LINDOS (lin’-dos): city in Rhodes. 2.751.

LOCRIANS (lo’-kri-unz): 2.617, people of LOCRIS (lo’-kris), a region in northeastern Greece, the kingdom of Little Ajax.

LYCAON (leye-kay’-on): (1) father of the Trojan Pandarus, 2.937. (2) Trojan, son of Priam and Laothoë, killed by Achilles, 3.389.

LYCASTUS (li-kas’-tus): city in Crete, 2.742.

LYCIANS (li’-shunz): Trojan allies, 2.988, people of LYCIA (li’-sha) (1), a region in southern Asia Minor allied to Troy, the kingdom of Sarpedon and Glaucus (1), 2.989. Not to be confused with LYCIA (2), the country around Zelea, close to Troy and the home of Pandarus, 5.115.

LYCOMEDES (leye-ko-mee’-deez): Achaean, son of Creon, killer of Apisaon (2), 9.98.

LYCON (leye’-kon): Trojan killed by Peneleos, 16.395.

LYCOPHONTES (leye-ko-fon’-teez): Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.315.

LYCOPHRON (leye’-ko-fron): Achaean, son of Mastor, comrade of Great Ajax, killed by Hector, 15.503.

LYCTOS (lik’-tos): city in Crete, 2.742.

LYCURGUS (leye-kur’-gus): (1) son of Dryas, who attacked Dionysus and was blinded by Zeus in turn. 6.150. (2) Killer of Areithous (1), 7.163.

LYRNESSUS (lur-nes’-us): city in the Troad below Mount Ida, the home of Briseis, 2.786.

LYSANDER (leye-san’-der): Trojan killed by Great Ajax, 11.579.

MACAR (ma’-kar): legendary founding king of Lesbos, 24.636.

MACHAON (ma-kay’-on): Achaean, son of Asclepius, healer and co-commander with his brother Podalirius of the Thessalians from Tricca and Oechalia, 2.834.

MAEANDER (mee-an’-der): river in Caria, in southern Asia Minor, near Miletus (2), 2.981.

MAEMALUS (mee’-ma-lus): father of Pisander (3), 16.229.

MAEONIANS (mee-oh’-ni-unz): Trojan allies, 2.978, people of MAEONIA (mee-oh’- ni-a), a region around Lake Gyge in central Asia Minor, 2.976.

MAGNESIANS (mag-nee’-shunz): people from a region on the northeastern coast of Thessaly, led by Prothous, 2.859.

MANTINEA (man-ti-nee’-a): city in Arcadia, 2.700.

MARIS (ma’-ris): Trojan ally, son of Amisodarus, Lycian killed by Thrasymedes, 16.377.

MARPESSA (mar-pes’ -a): daughter of Euenus (2), husband of Idas, mother of Cleopatra, 9.679. See note ad loc.

MASES (may’-seez): city in the Argolid, the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.653.

MASTOR (mas’ -tor): father of the Achaean Lycophron, 15.502.

MECISTEUS (mee-sis’-tyoos): (1) son of Talaus, father of the Achaean Euryalus, 2.657. (2) Achaean, son of Echius (1), killed by Polydamas, 8.380.

MEDEON (me’-de-on): city in Boeotia, 2.591.

MEDESICASTE (mee-de-si-kas’-tee): illegitimate daughter of Priam, wife of the Trojan Imbrius, 13.207.

MEDON (me’-don): (1) Achaean, bastard son of Oileus (1), second in command of the Thessalians from Methone, killed by Aeneas, 2.829. (2) Trojan captain, 17.249.

MEGAS (me’-gas): father of the Trojan Perimus, 16.813.

MEGES (me’ -jeez): Achaean, son of Phyleus, commander of the men from Dulichion and the Echinades, 2.720.

MELANIPPUS (me-la-nip’-us): (1) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.316. (2) Trojan, son of Hicetaon, killed by Antilochus, 15.635. (3) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.813. (4) Achaean captain, 19.284.

MELANTHIUS (me-lan’-thi-us): Trojan killed by Eurypylus (2), 6.43.

MELAS (me’-las): son of Portheus, brother of Oeneus, 14.143.

MELEAGER (me-le-ay’-ger): son of Oeneus and Althaea, prince of the Aetolians in Calydon, 2.737. See note 9.646-729.

MELlBOEA (me-li-bee’-a): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Philoctetes, 2.818.

MENELAUS (me-ne-lay’-us): Achaean, son of Atreus, king of Lacedaemon, brother of Agamemnon, husband of Helen, 1.19. See note 3.247.

MENESTHES (me-nes’-theez): Achaean killed by Hector, 5.699.

MENESTHEUS (me-nes’ -thyoos): Achaean, son of Peteos, commander of the Athenians, 2.643.

MENESTHIUS (me-nes’-thi-us): (1) Achaean, son of Areithous (1), killed by Paris, 7.9. (2) Achaean, son of Spercheus River, reputed son of Borus (2), a captain of the Myrmidons, 16.204.

MENOETIUS (me-nee’-shus): son of Actor (3), father of Patroclus, 9.243.

MENON (me’-non): Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.223.

MENTES (men’-teez): Trojan, commander of the Cicones, impersonated by Apollo, 17.83.

MENTOR (men’-tor): father of the Trojan Imbrius, 13.204.

MERIONES (me-reye’-o-neez): Achaean, son of Molus. comrade of Idomeneus, second in command of the Cretans, 2.746.

MERMERUS (mur’-me-rus): Trojan killed by Antilochus, 14.600.

MEROPS (me’-rops): prophet from Percote, father of the Trojans Adrestus (1) and Amphius (1), 2.942.

MESSE (mes’-ee): city in Lacedaemon, 2.674.

MESSEIS (me-see’-is): spring in Greece, location unknown, 6.544.

MESTHLES (mesth’-leez): Trojan ally, son of Talaemenes, co-commander of the Maeonians, 2.976.

MESTOR (mee’-stor): Trojan, son of Priam, 24.305.

METHONE (me-thoh’-nee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Philoctetes, 2.817.

MIDEA (mi-dee’-a): city in Boeotia, 2.598.

MILETUS (meye-lee’-tus): (1) city in Crete, 2.742. (2) City of the Carians, in southern Asia Minor, 2.980.

MINOS (meye’-nos): son of Zeus and Europa, father of Deucalion (1), king of Crete, 13.523.

MINVANS (min’-yunz): people of Orchomenos (1), commanded by Ascalaphus and Ialmenus, 2.601.

MINYEOS (mi-ni-ee’-os): river in the western Peloponnese on the border of Nestor’s kingdom, 11.859.

MNESUS (mnee’-sus): Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

MOLION (mo-leye’-on): Trojan, comrade of Thymbraeus, killed by Odysseus, 11.374.

MOLIONES (mo-leye’-o-neez): the twin brothers Cleatus and Eurytus (2), reputed sons of Actor (2) but actually sired by Poseidon, 11.843. See note 11.892.

MOLUS (mo’-lus): father of the Achaean Meriones, 10.315.

MORYS (mo’-ris): Trojan, son of Hippotion, killed by Meriones, 13.917.

MULIUS (moo’-li-us): (1) Epean hero, son-in-law of Augeas, killed by Nestor, 11.879. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.814. (3) Trojan killed by Achilles, 20.533.

MUSES: goddesses, daughters of Zeus, nine in number, who preside over literature and the arts and are the sources of artistic inspiration, 1.726.

MYCALE (mi-ka’-lee): mountain in Caria, in southern Asia Minor, across from Miletus (2), 2.981.

MYCALESSUS (mi-ka-les’-us): city in Boeotia, 2.588.

MYCENAE (mi-see’-nee): city in the Argolid, Agamemnon’s capital, just to the north of the city of Argos, 2.660.

MYDON (meye’-don): (1) Trojan, son of Atymnius, charioteer of Pylaemenes, killed by Antilochus, 3.667. (2) Trojan ally, Peonian killed by Achilles, 21.235.

MYGDON (mig’-don): commander of the Phyrgians, 3.226.

MYNES (meye’-neez): Trojan, king of Lyrnessus, son of Euenus (1), killed by Achilles, 2.789.

MYRINE (mi-reye’-nee): Amazon after whom the gods named a mound that rises before Troy, 2.925.

MYRMIDONS (mur’-mi-donz): the people of Phthia, in southern Thessaly, ruled by King Peleus and commanded at Troy by Achilles, 1.212.

MYRSINUS (mur’-si-nus): city of the Epeans in Elis, 2.709.

MYSIANS (mi’-shunz): (1) Trojan allies living to the east of Troy, 2.970. (2) Thracian tribe, 13.7.

NASTES (nas’-teez): Trojan ally, son of Nomion, co-commander of the Carians, killed by Achilles, 2.979.

NAUBOLUS (naw’-bo-lus): Phocian hero, father of Iphitus (1), 2.608.

NELEUS (neel’-yoos): father of Nestor, former king of Pylos, 2.23.

NEOPTOLEMUS (ne-op-to’-le-mus): son of Achilles, 19.394.

NEREIDS (nee’-ree-idz): sea-goddesses, daughters of Nereus, 18.43.

NEREUS (nee’-ryoos): sea-god, the Old Man of the Sea, father of Thetis and of all the Nereids, 18.60. See note 1.1.

NERITON (nee’-ri-ton): mountain on Ithaca, 2.726.

NESTOR (nes’-tor): Achaean, son of Neleus, king of the Pylians, father of Antilochus and Thrasymedes, the oldest of the Achaean chieftains, 1.290. See note 9.73-75.

NIGHT: goddess who wields power over gods and men; even Zeus responds to her with fear, 14.313.

NIOBE (neye’-o-bee): Phrygian woman whose six daughters and six sons were killed by Artemis and Apollo, 24.708. See note ad loc.

NIREUS (neye’-ryoos): Achaean, son of Charopus and Aglaea, captain of the men from Syme, 2.767.

NISA (neye’-sa): city in Boeotia, 2.598.

NISYRUS (neye-seye’-rus): island in the southeastern Aegean near Cos, 2.772.

NOËMON (no-ee’-mon): (1) Troján ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.778. (2) Achaean, comrade of Antilochus, 23.681.

NOMION (no-meye’-on): father of the Trojans Amphimachus (2) and Nastes, 2.983.

NYSA (neye’ -sa): mountain on the island of Euboea, sacred to Dionysus, 6.154.

OCALEA (oh-ka-lee’-a): city in Boeotia, 2.591.

OCEAN: the great river that surrounds the world and the god who rules its waters, 1.505. See note ad loc and note 14.244.

OCHESIUS (o-kee’-si-us): father of the Achaean Periphas (1), 5.974.

ODIUS (od’ -i-us): (1) Trojan ally, co-commander of the Halizonians, killed by Agamemnon, 2.968. (2) Achaean herald, 9.204.

ODYSSEUS (o-dis’ -yoos): Achaean, son of Laertes, father of Telemachus, warlord of Ithaca and the surrounding islands, 1. 17 1.

OECHALIA (ee-kay’-li-al): Thessalian city of Eurytus (1), in the kingdom of Machaon and Podalirius, 2.688.

OEDIPUS (ee’-di-pus): son of Laius and Jocasta, king of Thebes (1), 23.756. See note ad loc.

OENEUS (een’-yoos): king of Calydon, son of Portheus, father of Tydeus and Meleager, 2.735.

OENOMAUS (ee-no-may’-us): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 5.811. (2) Trojan killed by Idomeneus, 12.164.

OENOPS (ee’-nops): father of the Achaean Helenus (1), 5.812.

OETYLUS (ee’-ti-lus): city in Lacedaemon, 2.677.

OILEUS (oh-eel’-yoos): (1) Locrian king, father of Little Ajax, father of the Achaean Medon (1), 2.617. (2) Trojan killed by Agamemnon, 11.108.

OLENIAN ROCK (oh-leen’-i-an): landmark on the border of Elis, 2.710.

OLENUS (oh’-Ie-nus): city in Aetolia, 2.733.

OLIZON (o-leye’-zon): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Philoctetes, 2.818.

OLOOSSON (o-loh-os’-on): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.841.

OLYMPUS (o-lim’-pus): mountain in northeastern Thessaly, the home of the gods, 1.51.

ONCHESTUS (on-kees’-tus): city in Boeotia, 2.596.

ONETOR (o-nee’-tor): father of the Trojan Laogonus (1) and priest of Zeus, 16.704.

OPHELESTES (o-fe-les’-teez): (1) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.314. (2) Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

OPHELTIUS (o fel’-ti-us): (1) Trojan killed by Euryalus, 6.23. (2) Achaean killed by Hector, 11.351.

OPITES (o-peye’-teez): Achaean killed by Hector, 11.350.

OPOIS (o’-poh-is): city in Locris. Patroclus’ birthplace, 2.621.

ORCHOMENOS (or-ko’ -me-nos): (1) city of the Minyans, in eastern central Greece, bordering on Boeotia, 2.601. (2) City in Arcadia, 2.698.

ORESBIUS (o-rez’-bi-us): Achaean, Boeotian killed by Hector, 5.812.

ORESTES (o-res’-teez): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 5.810. (2) Son of Agamemnon, 9.171. (3) Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.223.

ORION (o-reye’-on): constellation, the Hunter, 18.568.

ORION’S DOG: the star Sirius, 22.35. See note ad loc.

ORMENION (or-me’-ni-on): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Eurypylus, 2.836.

ORMENUS (or’-me-nus): (1) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.314. (2) Father of Amyntor, 9.546. (3) Trojan killed by Polypoetes, 12.216.

ORNIAE (or-neye’-ee): city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.662.

ORSILOCHUS (or-si’-la-kus): (1) Achaean, son of Diocles, killed by Aeneas, 5.624. (2) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.314.

ORTHAEUS (or-thee’-us): Trojan captain, 13.916.

ORTHE (or’ -thee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.841.

ORTILOCHUS (or-ti’-Lo-kus): son of Alpheus, father of Diocles, 5.628.

ORUS (oh’-rus): Achaean killed by Hector. 11.352.

OTHRYONEUS (o-thri-on’ -yoos): Trojan, affianced to Cassandra, killed by Idomeneus, 13.422.

OTREUS (o’-tryoos): a commander of the Phrygians. 3.226.

OTRYNTEUS (o-trin’-tyoos): father of the Trojan Iphition, 20.437.

OTUS (oh’-tus): (1) son of Aloeus, giant who, in league with his brother Ephialtes, imprisoned Ares, 5.437. (2) Achaean from Cyllene, a commander of the Epeans, killed by Polydamas, 15.600.

PAEON (pee’-on): father of the Trojan Agastrophus, 11.395.

PAEONIANS (pee-oh’-ni-unz): Trojan allies, 2.960, inhabitants of PAEONIA (pee- oh’-ni-a), a region to the northeast of Greece, later Macedonia, 17.404.

PAESUS (pee’-sus): city in the Troad, northeast of Troy, 5.703.

PALLAS (pal’-as): epithet of Athena, 1.232.

PALMYS (pal’-mis): Trojan captain, 13.917.

PAMMON (pam’-on): Trojan, son of Priam, 24.296.

PANDARUS (pan’-da-rus): son of Lycaon (1), commander of the Trojans from Zelea, killed by Diomedes, 2.938.

PANDION (pan-deye’-on): Achaean, comrade of Teucer, 12.428.

PANDOCUS (pan’-do-kus): Trojan killed by Great Ajax, 11.578.

PANOPEUS (pan’-op-yoos): (1) city in Phocis, 2.610. (2) Father of the Achaean Epeus, 23.742.

PANTHOUS (pan’-rho-us): Trojan elder, husband of Phrontis, father of Polydamas, Euphorbus, Hyperenor, 3.176.

PAPHLAGONIANS (pa-fla-goh’-ni-unz): 2.963, Trojan allies from PAPNLAGONIA (pa-fla-goh’-ni-a), a region on the southern shore of the Black Sea.

PARIS (pa’-ris): Trojan, son of Priam and Hecuba, who abducted Helen from Menelaus in Lacedaemon, 3.16.

PARRHASIA (pa-ray’ -zi-a): region or district in Arcadia, 2.701.

PARTHENIUS (par-the’-ni-us): river in Paphlagonia, 2.966.

PASITHEA (pa-si’ -thee-a): one of the Graces desired by Sleep, 14.331.

PATROCLUS (pa-tro’-klus): Achaean, son of Menoetius, brother-in-arms of Achilles, killed by Hector, 1.360. See note 18.581-92.

PEDAEON (pee-dee’-on): city in the Troad, 13.206.

PEDAEUS (pee-dee’-us): Trojan, bastard son of Antenor, killed by Meges. 5.76.

PEDASUS (pee’-da-sus): (1) Trojan, son of Bucolion, twin brother of Aesepus (2), killed by Euryalus, 6.24. (2) City in the Troad, on the Satniois River, 6.41. (3) City in the southwestern Peloponnese near Pylos, 9.182.

PELAGON (pe’-la-gon): (1) Achaean, one of the Pylian captains, 4.338. (2) Trojan ally, Lycian, comrade of Sarpedon, 5.797.

PELASGIANS (pe-laz’-juns): Trojan allies, a tribe located in Asia Minor, 2.952.

PELEGON (pee’-le-gon): son of Axius, father of the Trojan Asteropaeus, 21.161.

PELEUS (peel’-yoos): son of Aeacus, king of the Myrmidons, father of Achilles by Thetis, 1.1. See note ad loc.

PELIAN (pee’-li-an): of Achilles’ spear, its timber hewn on Mount Pelion, 16.171.

PELIAS (pe’-li-as): king of Iolcus, father of Alcestis, 2.816.

PELIDES (pe-leye’-deez): “son of Peleus,” patronymic of Achilles, 20.418.

PELION (pee’-li-on): mountain in Magnesia, home of the Centaurs, 2.846.

PELLENE (pe-lee’-nee): Achaean city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.665.

PELOPS (pel’-ops): king of Argos, father of Atreus, grandfather of Agamemnon and Menelaus, 2.122.

PENELEOS (pee-ne’-lee-ohs): Achaean, co-commander with Leitus of the Boeotians, 2.584.

PENEUS (pee-nee’-us): river in Thessaly, 2.854.

PERAEBIANS (pe-ree’-bi-unz): people from Dodona, led by Guneus, 2.851.

PERCOTE (pur-koh’-tee): city in the Troad, to the northeast of Troy, 2.947.

PEREA (pee-ree’-a): locale in Thessaly where Apollo bred the mares of Eumelus, 2.871.

PERGAMUS (pur’-ga-mus): the citadel of Troy, 4.586.

PERGASUS (pur’-ga-sus): father of the Trojan Deicoon, 5.617.

PERIBOEA (pe-ri-bee’-a): daughter of Acessamenus, mother of Pelegon by the River Axius, 21.163.

PERIERES (pe-ri-ee’-reez): father of Borus (2), 16.208.

PERIMEDES (pe-ri-mee’-deez): father of the Achaean Schedius (2), 15.597.

PERIMUS (per’-i-mus): Trojan, son of Megas, killed by Patroclus, 16.813.

PERIPHAS (per’-i-fas): (1) Achaean, son of Ochesius, Aetolian killed by Ares. 5.973. (2) Trojan, son of the herald of Anchises, 17.375.

PERIPHETES (pe-ri-fee’-teez): (1) Trojan killed by Teucer, 14.602. (2) Achaean from Mycenae, son of Copreus, killed by Hector, 15.742.

PERSEPHONE (pur-se’-fo-nee): goddess of the underworld, daughter of Demeter, and wife of Hades, 9.557.

PERSEUS (purs’ yoos): son of Zeus by Danaë, grandfather of Eurystheus, father of Sthenelus (2), 14.384.

PETEON (pet’-e-on): city in Boeotia, 2.590.

PETEOS (pet’ -e-ohs): father of the Achaean Menestheus, 2.643.

PHAENOPS (fee’-nops): (1) father of the Trojans Xanthus and Thoon, 5.169. (2) Father of the Trojan Phorcys, 17.360. (3) Trojan, son of Asius (1). impersonated by Apollo, 17.661.

PHAESTOS (fees’-tos): city in Crete, 2.743.

PHAESTUS (fees’-tus): Trojan ally, son of Borus (1), Maeonian killed by Idomeneus, 5.48.

PHALCES (fal’-seez): Trojan killed by Antilochus, 13.916.

PHARIS (fay’-ris): city in Lacedaemon, 2.674.

PHAUSIAS (faw’-si-as): father of the Trojan Apisaon (1), 11.682.

PHEGEUS (fee’-joos): Trojan, son of Dares, killed by Diomedes, 5.11.

PHENEOS (fen’-ee-os): city in Arcadia, 2.698.

PHERA (fee’-ra): city near Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 5.625.

PHERAE (jee-ree): Thessalian city of Eumelus, 2.812.

PHERECLUS (fe-rek’-lus) : Trojan, son of Tecton, shipwright who built Paris’ ships, killed by Meriones, 5.64.

PHERES (fee’-reez): father of Admetus. grandfather of Eumelus, 2.867.

PHIA A (feye’ -a): city in the western Peloponnese, on the border between Arcadia and Pylos, 7.155.

PHIDAS (feye’-das): Achaean, a captain of the Athenians under Menestheus, 13.799.

PHIDIPPUS (feye-dip’ -us): Achaean, son of Thessalus, co-commander of the contingent from Cos and adjacent islands, 2.774.

PHILETOR (fi-lee’-tor): father of the Trojan Demuchus, 20.517.

PHILOCTETES (fi-lok-tee’-teez): original commander of the Thessalians from Methone, marooned on Lemnos suffering from an infected snake bite, 2.819. See note 2.826.

PHLEGIANS (fle’-junz): tribe in Thessaly visited by Ares, 13.354.

PHOCIANS (foh’-shunz): 2.615, people of PHOCIS (foh’-sis), region in central Greece adjoining Boeotia, 2.607.

PHOEBUS (fee’-bus): epithet of Apollo, 1.50.

PHOENICIANS (fee-ni’ -shunz): people living on the coast of Syria, 23.828.

PHOENIX (fee’-nix): (1) son of Amyntor, tutor and comrade of Achilles, 9.201. (2) Father of Europa, 14.385.

PHORBAS (for’-bas): (1) lord of Lesbos, father of Diomede, 9.811. (2) Father of the Trojan Ilioneus, 14.573.

PHORCYS (for’-sis): Trojan ally, son of Phaenops (2), co-commander of the Phrygians, killed by Great Ajax, 2.974.

PHRADMON (frad’-mon): father of the Trojan Agelaus (1), 8.295.

PHRONTIS (fron’-tis): wife of Panthous, 17.45.

PHRYGIANS (fri’-junz): Trojan allies, 2.974, inhabitants of PHRYGIA (fri’-ja), region in Asia Minor east of Troy, 3.224.

PHTHIANS (ftheye’-unz): 13.794, inhabitants of PHTHIA (ftheye’-a), a sector of southern Thessaly, kingdom of Peleus and home of Achilles, 1. 182.

PHTHIRES (ftheye’-reez): mountain in Caria, in southern Asia Minor, 2.980.

PHYLACE (fi’-la-see): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.793.

PHYLACUS (fi’-la-kus): (1) father of lphiclus, 2.806. (2) Trojan killed by Leitus, 6.42.

PHYLAS (feye’-Ias): father of Polymela, 16.212.

PHYLEUS (feye’ -lyoos) : father of the Achaean Meges, defeated In the spear-throw by Nestor, 2.721.

PHYLOMEDUSA (feye-lo-me-doo’-sa): wife of Areithous (1), mother of the Achaean Menesthius (1), 7.11.

PIDYTES (pi-deye’-teez): Trojan ally from Percote, killed by Odysseus, 6.35.

PIERIA (peye-ee’-ri-a): area around Mount Olympus, in Thessaly, 14.272.

PIRAIDES (peye-ra’ -i-deez): patronymic of Ptolemaeus. 4.261.

PIRAS (peye’-ras): father of the Trojan Rhigmus, 20.547.

PIRITHOUS (peye-ri’-tho-us): son of Zeus, king of the Lapiths, father of the Achaean Polypoetes, 1.307.

PIROUS (peye’-ro-us): Trojan ally, son of Imbrasus, co-commander of the Thracians, killed by Thoas (1), 2.956.

PISANDER (peye-san’ -der): (1) Trojan, son of Antimachus, killed by Agamemnon, 11.143. (2) Trojan killed by Menelaus, 13.693. (3) Achaean, son of Maemalus, a commander of the Myrmidons, 16.228.

PISENOR (peye-see’ -nor): father of the Trojan Clitus, 15.519.

PITTHEUS (pit’ -thyoos): father of Aethra, 3.173.

PITYEA (pi-ti-ee’-a): city on the Hellespont northeast of Troy, 2.940.

PLACOS (pla’-kos): mountain above Thebe, in Mysia, 6.468.

PLATAEA (pla-tee’-a): city in Boeotia, 2.594.

PLEIADES (pleye’-a-deez): constellation, 18.568.

PLEURON (plyoo’-ron): city in Aetolia, 2.733.

PODALIRIUS (po-da-leye’-ri-us): Achaean, son of Asclepius, healer and co-commander with his brother Machaon of the Thessalians from Tricca, 2.834.

PODARCES (po-dar’-seez): Achaean, son of Iphiclus, brother of Protesilaus, his successor as commander of the Thessalians from Phylace, 2.805.

PODES (po’-deez): Trojan, son of Eetion (2), killed by Menelaus, 17.653.

POLITES (po-leye’-teez): Trojan, son of Priam, 2.900.

POLYAEMON (po-li-re’-mon): father of the Trojan Amopaon, 8.316.

POLYBUS (pol’-i-bus): Trojan, son of Antenor, 11.67.

POLYCTOR (po-lik’-tor): named as his father by Hermes when, in disguise, he meets Priam, 24.469.

POLYDAMAS (po-li’-da-mas): Trojan, son of Panthous, co-commander of the first Trojan contingent, 11.65.

POLYDEUCES (po-li-dyoo’-seez): brother of Helen and Castor, 3.283.

POLYDORA (po-li-dor’ -a): daughter of Peleus, mother of the Achaean Menesthius (2) by the Spercheus River, 16.206.

POLYDORUS (po-li-dor’ -us): (1) Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Achilles, 20.463. (2) Competitor defeated in the spear-throw by Nestor, 23.710.

POLYIDUS (po-li-eye’-dus): (1) Trojan, son of Eurydamas, killed by Diomedes, 5.165. (2) Prophet in Corinth, father of the Achaean Euchenor, 13.764.

POLYMELA (po-li-mee’-la): daughter of Phylas, mother of the Achaean Eudorus by Hermes, 16.213.

POLYMELUS (po-li-mee’-lus): Trojan ally from Lycia, son of Argeas, killed by Patroclus, 16.497.

POLYNICES (po-li-neye’-seez): son of Oedipus, commander of the Seven against Thebes, 4.439. See note 5.926.

POLYPHEMUS (po-li-fee’ -mus): Lapith warrior of the generation of Nestor, 1.308.

POLYPHETES (po-li-fee’-teez): a Trojan captain, 13.916.

POLYPOETES (po-li-pee’-teez): Achaean, son of Pirithous, co-commander of the Lapiths from Argissa, 2.842.

POLYXINUS (po-li-xeye’-nus): Achaean, son of Agasthenes, co-commander of the Epeans, 2.716.

PORTHEUS (por’-thyoos): Aetolian hero, father of Agrius, Melas and Oeneus, grandfather of Tydeus, 14.141.

POSEIDON (po-seye’-don): god of the sea, son of Cronus and Rhea, younger brother of Zeus, 1.475. See notes 7.523-25, 11.892, 13.247.

PRACTIOS (prak’-ti-os): city on the Hellespont, 2.947.

PRAMNIAN WINE (pram’-ni-an): a wine often used medicinally, 11.755.

PRIAM (preye’-am): king of Troy, son of Laomedon of the line of Dardanus (1), father of Hector and Paris, 1.21.

PROETUS (pree’-tus): king of Argos (2), who plotted against the life of Bellerophon, 6.185.

PROMACHUS (pro’-ma-kus): Achaean, son of Alegenor, killed by Acamas (1), 14.559.

PRONOUS (pro’ -no-us): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.474.

PROTESILAUS (proh-te-si-lay’-us): Achaean, son of Iphidus, original commander of the men of Phylace, 2.796.

PROTNOËNOR (pro-tho-ee’-nor): Achaean, son of Areilycus, commander of the Boeotians, killed by Polydamas, 2.585.

PROTHOON (pro-thoh’-on): Trojan killed by Teucer, 14.602.

PROTHOUS (pro’-thoh-us): Achaean, son of Tenthredon, commander of the Thessalians from Magnesia, 2.859.

PROTIAON (pro-ti-ay’-on): father of the Trojan Astynous (2), 15.531.

PRYTANIS (pri’ -ta-nis); Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.778.

PTELEOS (pte’-Ie-ohs): (1) city in the kingdom of Nestor, 2.686. (2) Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.795.

PTOLEMAEUS (pto-le-mee’-us) : son of Piraeus, father of the Achaean Eurymedon (1), 4.261.

PYLAEMENES (pi-lee’-me-neez): Trojan ally, commander of the Paphlagonians, killed by Menelaus, 2.963.

PYLAEUS (pi-lee’ -us): Trojan ally, son of Lethus, co-commander of the Pelasgians from Larissa, 2.954.

PYLARTES (pi-lar’-teez): (1) Trojan killed by Great Ajax, 11.579. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.814.

PYLENE (pi-lee’-nee): city in Aetolia, 2.733.

PYLIANS (peye’ -li-unz): 11.814, inhabitants of PYLOS (peye’-los), Nestor’s capital city and also the region surrounding it in the southwestern Peloponnese, 1.291.

PYLON (peye’-lon): Trojan killed by Polypoetes, 12.216.

PYRAECHMES (peye-reek’-meez): Trojan ally, commander of the Paeonians, killed by Patroclus, 2.960.

PYRASUS (peye’-ra-sus): (1) Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesitaus, 2.793. (2) Trojan killed by Great Ajax, 11.579.

PYRIS (peye’-ris): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.496.

PYTHO (peye’-thoh): place in Phocis sacred to Apollo, later called Delphi, 2.609.

RHADAMANTHYS (ra-da-man’-tkis): son of Zeus and Europa, brother of Minos, 14.386.

RHEA (ree’-a): goddess, wife of Cronus, mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera and Demeter, 14.246. See note 14.244.

RHENE (ree’-nee): mother of the Achaean Medon (1) by Oileus (1), 2.830.

RHESUS (ree’-sus): (1) Trojan ally, son of Eioneus (2), king of the Thracians, killed by Diomedes, 10.503. (2) River of the Troad, 12.23.

RHIGMUS (rig’-mus): Trojan ally from Thrace, son of Piras, killed by Achilles, 20.548.

RHIPE (reye’-pee): city in Arcadia, 2.699.

RHODIANS (roh’-di-unz): 2.749, people of RHODES (rohdz), an island in the southeastern Aegean, settled by Tlepolemus (1), 2.749.

RHODIUS (roh’-di-us): river of the Troad, 12.23.

RHYTION (ri’-ti-on): city in Crete, 2.743.

SALAMIS (sa’-la-mis): island off the coast of Athens in the Saronic Gulf, the home of Great Ajax, 2.648.

SAMOS (sa’-mos): (1) island off the western coast of Greece (later called Cephallenia), near Ithaca in the kingdom of Odysseus, 2.728. (2) Thracian island in the northeastern Aegean facing Thrace, later called Samothrace, 13.14. See notes 13.14, 24.97.

SANGARIUS (san-ga’ -ri-us): river in Phrygia, 3.227.

SARPEDON (sar-pee’-don): Trojan ally, son of Zeus and Laodamia, co-commander of the Lycians, killed by Patroclus, 2.988.

SATNIOIS (sat-ni’-oh-is): river of the Troad, 6.40.

SATNIUS (sat’ -ni-us): Trojan, son of Enops (1), killed by Little Ajax, 14.522.

SCAEAN GATES (see’-an): the main gates of Troy, 3.174. See note ad loc.

SCAMANDER (ska-man’-der): river-god and chief river of the Trojan plain, so called by monals but called Xanthus by the gods, 2.550. See 20.88-89.

SCAMANDRIUS (ska-man’-dri-us): (1) Trojan, son of Strophius, killed by Menelaus, 5.54. (2) Alternative name for Astyanax, son of Hector and Andromache, 6.476.

SCANDIA (skan.deye’-a): city on Cythera, 10.315.

SCARPHE (skar’ -fee): city in Locris, 2.622.

SCHEDIUS (ske’-di-us): (1) Achaean, son of Iphitus (1), commander of the Phocians, killed by Hector, 2.607. (2) Achaean, son of Perimedes, a Phocian captain killed by Hector, 15.597.

SCHOENUS (skee’-nus): city in Boeotia, 2.587.

SCOLUS (skoh’-lus): city in Boeotia, 2.587.

SCYROS (skeye’ -ros): island in the central Aegean off the coast of Euboea, 9.816.

SEASONS: goddesses who keep the gates of Olympus, 5.859. See note ad loc.

SELAGUS (sel’ -a-gus): father of the Trojan Amphius (2), 5.703.

SELEPIUS (se-lee’-pi-us): father of Euenus (1), 2.790.

SELLEIS (se-lee’-is): (1) river in northwestern Greece, 2.754. (2) River of the Troad, to the northeast of Troy, 2.951.

SELLI (sel‘-eye): prophets in the service of Zeus at Dodona, 16.278. See note ad loc.

SEMELE (sem’ -e-lee): a Theban princess, mother of Dionysus by Zeus, 14.387. SESAMUS (see’-sa-mus): city of the Paphlagonians, 2.965.

SESTOS (ses’-tos): city on the northern or European shore of the Hellespont, allied with Troy, 2.948.

SICYON (sis’-i-on): city ruled by Adrastus in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.662.

SIDONIANS (seye-do’-ni-unz): 6.343, people of SIDON (seye’-don), city in Phoen- icia, 6.344.

SIMOIS (sim’-oh-is): river of Troy, brother and tributary of Scamander, 4.549.

SIMOISIUS (si-mo-ee’ -si-us): Trojan named after the Simois River, son of Anthemion, killed by Great Ajax. 4.548.

SIPYLUS (sip’-i-lus): mountain in Lydia, in Asia Minor, 24.724.

SISYPHUS (sis’-i-fus): hero of Corinth, son of Aeolus, grandfather of Bellerophon, 6.180.

SLEEP: god, brother of Death, 14.277.

SMINTHEUS (smin’-thyoos): epithet of Apollo that may identify him as the “mouse-god” and so perhaps the one who bears the plague, 1.45.

socus (soh’ -kus): Trojan, son of Hippasus (1), brother of Charops, killed by Odysseus, 11.505.

SOLYMI (so’ -li-meye): tribe in Asia Minor, opposed by Bellerophon, 6.217.

SPARTA (spar’-ta); capital city of Lacedaemon, the home of Menelaus, 2.674.

SPERCHEUS (spur-kee’ -us): river of Phthia, father of the Achaean Menesthius (2) by Polydora, 16.205.

SPHELUS (sfee’-lus): son of Bucolus, father of the Achaean lasus, 15.398.

STENTOR (sten’-tor): Achaean famous for his enormous voice, impersonated by Hera, 5.903.

STHENELAUS (sthe-ne-lay’ -us): Trojan, son of Ithaemenes, killed by Patroclus, 16.684.

STHENELUS (sthen’-e-lus): (1) Achaean, son of Capaneus, co-comtnander with Diomedes and Euryalus of the Argolid contingent, 2.655. (2) Son of Perseus, father of Eurystheus, 19.144.

STICHIUS (sti’ -ki-us): Achaean, a captain of the Athenians, killed by Hector, 13.233.

STRATIA (stra’-ti-a): city in Arcadia, 2.699.

STROPHIUS (stro’-fi-us): father of the Trojan Scamandrius (1), 5.55.

STYMPHALUS (stim-fay’-lus): city in Arcadia, 2.701.

STYRA (sleye’-ra): city in Euboea, 2.629.

STYX (stix): river of the underworld by which the gods swear their binding oaths, 2.857. See notes 1.1, 2.858, 23.86.

SYME (seye’-mee): island in the southeastern Aegean north of Rhodes, 2.767.

TALAEMENES (ta-lee’-me-neez): father of the Trojans Mesthles and Antiphus (2), 2.977.

TALAUS (ta’-lay-us): father of Mecisteus (1), 2.657.

TALTHYBIUS (tal-thi’-bi-us): Achaean, herald of Agamemnon, 1.376.

TARNE (tar’-nee): city of the Maeonians, 5.49.

TARPHE (tar’-fee): city in Locris, 2.623.

TARTARUS (tar’ -ta-rus): the lowest, darkest depths of the house of Hades, the kingdom of the dead, where Zeus incarcerates his defeated enemies, 8.15. See note 8.554.

TECTON (tek’ -ton): son of Harmon, father of the Trojan Phereclus, 5.64.

TEGEA (te jee’-a): city in Arcadia, 2.700.

TELAMON (tel’-a-mon): father of Telamonian or Great Ajax and Teucer, 2.618.

TELEMACHUS (te-le’-ma-kus): son of Odysseus and Penelope, 2.304.

TENEDOS (ten’-e-dos): island in the northeastern Aegean off the coast of Troy, 1.45.

TENTHREDON (ten-three’-don): father of Prothous, 2.859.

TEREA (tee-ree’ -a): mountain near the Hellespont to the northeast of Troy , 2.940.

TETHYS (te’-this): goddess, wife of Ocean, 14.244. See note ad loc.

TEUCER (tyoo’-sur): Achaean, bastard son of Telamon, half-brother of Great Ajax and a master-archer, 6.36.

TEUTAMUS (tyoo’-ta-mus): father of Lethus, 2.955.

TEUTHRAS (tyoo’-thras): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 5.810. (2) Father of the Trojan Axylus, 6.15.

THALPIUS (thal’-pi-us): Achaean, son of Eurytus (2), a commander of the Epeans. 2.713.

THALYSIAS (tha-li’ -si-as): father of the Trojan Echepolus (1), 4.530.

THAMYRIS (tha’-mi-ris): Thracian singer who rivaled the Muses and was punished by them, 2.687.

THAUMACIA (thaw-may’-sha): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Philoctetes, 2.817.

THEANO (thee-ay’-no): daughter of Cisseus, wife of Antenor and priestess of Athena, 5.77.

THEBAEUS (thee-ber’-us): father of the Trojan Eniopeus, 8.138.

THEBE (thee’-bee): city in the Troad, the home of Eetion and Andromache, sacked by Achilles, 1.433.

THEBES (theebz): (1) city of the Thebans in Boeotia, attacked by Polynices and the Seven, 4.441. (2) LOWER THEBES, city built below the ruins of Thebes (1) after its destruction by the sons of the Seven, 2.595. (3) City in Egypt, famous for its wealth and hundred gates, 9.466.

THEMIS (the’ -mis): goddess whose province is established law and custom, 15.107. See note 2.86.

THERSILOCHUS (thur-si’-lo-kus): Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 17.249.

THERSITES (thur-seye’-teez): Achaean commoner who rails against the kings, put down by Odysseus, 2.246.

THESEUS (thees’-yoos): son of Aegeus, king of Athens, 1.309.

THESPIA (thes-peye’-a): city in Boeotia, 2.588.

THESSALUS (thes’-a-lus): son of Heracles, father of the Achaeans Phidippus and Antiphus (1), 2.775.

THESTOR (thes’-tor): (1) father of the Achaean prophet Calchas, 1.80. (2) Father of the Achaean Alcmaon, 12.456. (3) Trojan, son of Enops (2), killed by Patroclus, 16.477.

THETIS (the’-tis): sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus, married to Peleus and by him the mother of Achilles, 1.491. See note 1.1.

THISBE (thiz’-bee): city in Boeotia, 2.592.

THOAS (thoh’ -as): (1) Achaean, son of Andraemon, commander of the Aetolians. 2.732. (2) King of Lemnos, 14.276. (3) Trojan killed by Menelaus, 16.367.

THOON (thoh’-on): (1) Trojan, son of Phaenops (1), killed by Diomedes, 5.170. (2) Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.499. (3) Trojan killed by Antilochus, 13.631.

THRACIANS (thray’-shunz): Trojan allies, 2.956, the inhabitants of THRACE (thrays), country north of the Aegean and the Hellespont, 9.5.

THRASIUS (thra’-si-us): Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

THRASYMEDES (thra-si-mee’ -deez): Achaean, son of Nestor, co-commander with Antilochus of the Pylian contingent, 9.95.

THRASYMELUS (thra-si-mee’-lus): Trojan, charioteer of Sarpedon, killed by Patroclus, 16.550.

THRONION (thro’ -ni-on): city in Locris, 2.623.

THRYON (Ihri’ -on) or THRYOËSSA (thri-oh-es’-a): city in Nestor’s kingdom of Pylos by the Alpheus River, 2.684, 11.845.

THYESTES (theye-es’-teez): son of Pelops, brother of Atreus, 2.124.

THYMBRA (thim’-bra): city near Troy, on the Scamander River, 10.497.

THYMBRAEUS (thim-bree’-us): Trojan killed by Diomedes, 11.372.

THYMOETES (theye-mee’ -teez): Trojan elder, 3.176.

TIRYNS (tir’-inz): city in the Argolid, in the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.650.

TITANIOS (ti’-ta-nos): place or district in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Eurypylus (2), 2.837.

TITANS (teye’-tans): the elder gods, children of Uranus confined by Zeus in Tartarus, 5.1040. See notes 8.554, 14.244.

TITARESSUS (ti-far-es’-us): Thessalian river in northwestern Greece, tributary of the Peneus and a branch of the Styx, 2.853.

TITHONUS (ti-thoh’-nus): husband of the Dawn, son of Laomedon and brother of Priam, 11.1.

TLEPOLEMUS (tle-po’-le-mus): (1) Achaean, son of Heracles, commander of the Rhodian contingent, killed by Sarpedon, 2.748. See note 18.581-92. (2) Lycian ally of the Trojans, son of Damastor, killed by Patroclus, 16.496.

TMOLUS (tmoh’-lus): mountain in Maeonia, 2.978.

TRACHIS (tray’-kis): city in the Pelasgian Argos, near the Spercheus River in the kingdom of Peleus and Achilles, 2.778.

TRECHUS (tree’ -kus): Achaean ally from Aetolia, killed by Hector, 5.811.

TRICCA (trik’-a): Thessalian city, in the kingdom of Machaon, 2.831.

TROEZEN (tree’-zen): city in the Argolid, in the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.652.

TROEZENUS (tree-zee’-nus): son of Ceas, father of the Trojan Euphemus, 2.959.

TROILUS (troy’-lus): Trojan, son of Priam, killed by unidentified Achaean, 24.305.

TROJANS (troh’ -junz): people of the Troad and the allies of Troy arrayed against the Achaeans, 1.180.

TROS (trohs) : (1) ancestral king of Troy, son of Erichthonius, father of Ilus, Assaracus and Ganymede, great-grandfather of Priam, 5.247. (2) Trojan, son of Alastor (4), killed by Achilles, 20.523.

TROY (troy): capital city of the Troad, city of Tros and the Trojans, alternatively called Ilium, 1.152.

TYCHIUS (teye’-ki-us): leather-smith from Hyle who made the battle-shield of Great Ajax, 7.253.

TYDEUS (teye’ -dyoos): son of Oeneus, father of Diomedes, 2.482. See notes 4.433- 66, 5.926.

TYDIDES (ti-deye’-deez): “son of Tydeus,” patronymic of Diomedes, 4.429.

TYPHOEUS (ti-fee’-us): monster imprisoned beneath the earth by Zeus in the land of Arima, 2.891.

UCALEGON (yoo-kal’-e-gon): Trojan elder, 3.178.

WAGON: constellation, also called the Great Bear and the Big Dipper, 18.569. See note ad loc.

XANTHUS (xan’ -thus): (1) River of Lycia, 2.989. (2) River of the Troad, so called by the gods but called Scamander by mortals, brother of the river Simois, 6.5. (3) Trojan, son of Phaenops (1), killed by Diomedes, 5.170.

ZACYNTHUS (za-kin’ -thus): island off the western coast of Greece in the kingdom of Odysseus, 2.728.

ZELEA (ze-tee’-a): city in the northwestern Troad, 2.935.

ZEPHYR (ze’-fur): the West Wind, 23.224.

ZEUS (zyoos): king of the gods, son of Cronus and Rhea, brother and husband of Hera, father of the Olympians and many mortals too, 1.6. His spheres include the sky and the weather, hospitality and the rights of guests, the punishment of injustice, the sending of omens, and the governance of the universe, controlled to some extent by Fate as well. See notes passim.
