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First published in the United States of America by

Penguin Books USA Inc., 1990

Published in Penguin Books 1991

Copyright © Robert Fagles, 1990

Introduction and notes copyright © Bernard Knox, 1990

Maps copyright © Anita Karl and James Kemp, 1990

All rights reserved

Books 3, 18 and 22 of this version of the Iliad appeared originally in Grand Street, Book 6 in TriQuarterly. Part of Bernard Knox’s Introduction appeared in Grand Street.

The illustrations on display pages are traditional Greek motifs, redrawn by Ann Gold.

This translation in its printed form is designed for the reading public only. All dramatic rights in it are fully protected by copyrights, and no public or private performances—professional or amateur—and no public readings for profit may be given without the written permission of the author and the payment of a royalty. Anyone disregarding the author’s rights renders himself liable to prosecution. Communications should be addressed to the author’s representative, Georges Borchardt, Inc., 136 East 57th Street, New York, New York 10022, U.S.A.


[Iliad. English]

The Iliad / Homer ; translated by Robert Fagles;

introduction and notes by Bernard Knox.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

1. Achilles (Greek mythology)—Poetry. 2. Trojan War—Poetry.

I. Fagles, Robert. II. Knox, Bernard MacGregor Walker. III. Title.

eISBN : 978-1-101-15363-5

PA4025.A2F33 1990

883’.01—dc20 89-70695

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