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When they reached the Ortakapi Gate, Yashim checked his stride.
“Ibou,” he said in a low voice. “This is as far as I can go. My presence won’t do any good. You must say that the Kislar Agha is dead, and the palace is quiet. Just that. Understand?”
Ibou clutched his arm.
“Will you be here?”
Yashim hesitated.
“I have to find the seraskier,” he said. “There’s no danger for you: they expect the messenger. Now go!”
He patted Ibou on the shoulder, and watched as the young man sauntered through the gateway and headed for the group of men in the darker shadows of the planes. He saw the men stir and turn and, certain that Ibou had their attention, he slipped through the gate and made his way around the opposite wall of the first court, sticking to the shadows.