[ 39 ]

Madame,” he murmured. She was tall, almost as tall as him, and he guessed that this was the princess, the ambassador’s wife, although he might have expected someone older. The princess looked barely twenty. Her hair was drawn up to reveal her slender neck and shoulders, though a few black ringlets danced exotically against her fair skin. He noticed the tips of her ears, the soft curve of her chin, the almost Turkish slant of her cheekbones. Her large black eyes sparkled.

She was looking at him with an air of amusement.

Yashim could hardly understand how the footman could stand there unmoved, when the most ravishing creature, dark-eyed, black-haired, her face seemingly sculpted from the virgin snow, glided in front of him unchaperoned. Was he blind?

“I am Eugenia, monsieur. La femme de I’Ambassadeur le Prince.”

The ambassador’s wife. The ambassador’s woman. Her voice was singularly low. Her lips barely moved when she spoke.

“Yashim,” he murmured. He noticed that she had extended her hand, the fingers pointing to the ground. As if in a dream he took it and pressed it to his lips. The skin was warm.

“You should be more adventurous, Monsieur Yashim,” she said, dimpling her cheek.

Yashim’s eyes widened. He felt the blood rush to his face. “I…I am sorry—”

“I meant, of course, looking at old maps of your city.” She looked at him again, with curiosity. “You do speak French, or am I dreaming? Wonderful.”

“The map? Interesting, of course—it’s one of the first detailed maps of Istanbul ever made, shortly after the Conquest. Well, a hundred years or so. 1599, Flensburg, Melchior Lorich. All the same, I suggest we look at some of the paintings. Then, perhaps, you can form an idea of what we are like.”

Yashim was scarcely listening to what she was saying. The sensation he was experiencing was unlike any he had ever known before, and he recognised that it was not merely the effect of her beauty which produced it. Ordinary men might be staggered, he supposed, but for Yashim? Ridiculous! Beautiful women paraded by him every time he entered the sultan’s harem.

He saw them, sometimes, all but naked: how often they teased him, with their perfumed breasts and full thighs! How they pleaded with him, these perfect creatures, for a stray touch of what was forbidden and unknown! Yet they always seemed to him, in some fundamental sense, to be clothed, veiled, forbidden.

Here was a woman almost fully dressed—though he gazed at her lips, at the hollow in her throat, at her bare slender shoulders. It was she who seemed the more naked.

Never, in a public room, had a woman spoken to him like this. Allowed him to touch her skin with his lips.

She laid a hand on his arm and led him along the paintings which hung on the wall.

“Tell me, monsieur, does this shock you at all?”

The hand shocked him.

They were standing in front of a family portrait of the Czar Alexander, his wife and children. It was an informal composition, in the French style: the czar seated beneath a tree in the sun, the czarina, like a ripe apple, leaning against him, and several small, fair boys in silk breeches and girls in white frocks grouped around them.

Yashim tried to examine the picture but yes, she was right.

“It does shock me, a little.”


“Not the woman”—Yashim, you liar!—“but the intimacy. It…it’s so public. It makes a show of something that should be private, between the man and the woman.”

“So you do not believe in the representation of the human form? Or you would set other limits?”

Even her voice, he thought, was scandalous. Her curiosity was more like a slow caress, as if he were being explored, limb by limb.

“I’m not sure how to answer. When I read a novel I find, there, a representation of form. Also the same intimacy—and other states of emotion, too. In the novel they delight me. They seem shocking to me in some of these paintings. You will accuse me of being inconsistent.”

“I’ll accuse you of nothing, monsieur. When you read—perhaps you possess the characters yourself? What passes between you and them remains private. But the paintings are very public, as you say.”

She looked at him shyly from the corner of her eye.

“You Turks, I think, understand a great deal about private matters.”

Yashim gazed wildly at the painting on the wall.

“Harem—it is forbidden, is it not?”

“But not to you, madame,” Yashim replied.

Eugenia stifled a little gasp of surprise. “Oh? As a woman, you mean?”

“Of course. And by virtue of your rank, I have no doubt you could visit the sultan’s own apartments, if you wished.” He saw the eagerness on her face, and half-regretted his remark.

“By invitation, surely?” Her voice was coaxing now.

“But I am sure that an invitation could be arranged,” Yashim answered thickly, wondering at his own behaviour. What was he doing?

“I had never thought of it,” she said quietly. “By you?”

Yashim was about to reply when the door to the ambassador’s office swung open and the prince appeared, followed by Potemkin.

“What the devil—” The oath froze on the ambassador’s lips.

Eugenia gave him a small, cold smile.

“Monsieur Yashim and I were having a most interesting conversation. About art,” she added. “Am I right?”

Yashim bowed slightly. “Certainly, princess.”

The prince looked heavily from Yashim to his wife.

“The gentleman was on his way out,” he snapped. “I am sure he is very busy. As are we all. Good day, monsieur.”

Yashim put a hand to his chest and inclined his head. Once again he kissed Eugenia’s slender hand. She said: “Forgive me for detaining you. I do hope we can continue our conversation another time.”

Her tone was impeccably ambassadorial. Cool. Disinterested.

But Yashim’s fingers were hot where she had squeezed them lightly with her own.
