Ronnie sat on Nick's couch munching cashews and watching television. The networks were covering the conclusion of an extraordinary meeting in Casablanca.

"It looks like Rice pulled it off," Ronnie said.

"He had some help." Nick stood by the kitchen counter. "No one wants World War III. At least the shooting's stopped."

Rice had spent eight days in Morocco meeting with the leaders of the Islamic world and of Israel, Russia, China, France and Great Britain. On the third day of the conference Israel and Iran had walked out. On the fifth day they declared a temporary cease fire. Nick wondered what kind of heavy arm twisting and deal making had gone on behind the scenes.

Rice had decided partial truth was the best strategy. In a speech televised around the globe, he revealed that Eric Reinhardt was behind the destruction of al-Aqsa, in a neo-Nazi plot to start a war and destroy the Jews. He presented proof. It got Israel off the hook. It shocked the world.

Rice emphasized that Reinhardt was not a native-born American. Everything about him had been uncovered. Rice pointed out that Reinhardt's father had been an SS General. He made no mention of the existence of the Council or its membership and influence.

No one knew Reinhardt had been at Greenwood's house. Rice said he'd been killed in a fiery car crash while trying to escape Federal Agents sent to arrest him. Dental records confirmed his identity. The remains of his incinerated body were shown to the world. He then announced a coalition of nations would rebuild the Mosque. He condemned hate groups and called for a new era of understanding and compassion.

Two days after the speech, Elizabeth was out of her induced coma. The team gathered in her hospital room. Her head was swathed in bandages. Her left eye was covered. It was too soon to calculate the full extent of damage to her brain, but she was weeks ahead of schedule in her recovery. She could speak, with a slight blurring of some of her words. She could think clearly.

Nick told her what had happened.

"They were going to sacrifice Selena? Really?" Her voice was a whisper.

"Yes. But no one will ever find out. The house went up in a firestorm. The fire trucks couldn't get near it. Everything turned to slag and ashes. Lodge shut the locals down before they could get going. It's amazing what the phrase 'National Security' will do. There's nothing left, nothing to point a finger at a Nazi conspiracy."

"The Lance?"

"Gone. Melted into nothing, and good riddance. They still have the copy in Vienna. As far as the world knows it's the real deal."

"Rice owes Lodge. I wonder how that will work out?" She coughed, reached carefully for a tissue. "I need a long rest." She looked out the window. "I'm tired, Nick." The words came out slurred.

Nick kept his face neutral. "You'll be back soon, Director."

She looked at him. "We both know it won't be soon. Maybe never. Rice spoke with me about you taking over the team with Stephanie. What's your decision?"

"I don't know. He said take some time to think about it."

"Rice needs you. With Stephanie, you'll be fine. She can handle the political and administrative side, but you're the best choice to deal with the tactical and strategic decisions. The two of you can make it work." She coughed. "Rice needs you," she said again.

A headache began. He needed time to think about it. He'd go to the cabin.

Stephanie said, "We've talked about it. We've got you covered, Nick. Take some time off. I'll call you if anything important happens."

Nick looked at the others. The team. His team. His friends.

"Thanks," he said.
