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Not listed above are battle orders, maps, intelligence estimates, extracts from certain interrogation reports and other voluminous documentation supplied to the author by the Soviet government and its various agencies.


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Eismann, Col. Hans Georg, Eismann Papers: Diary, Narrative and Personal Notes by the Chief of Operations, Army Group Vistula, 14 January—7 May, 1945. Also, letters, battle sketches and other military studies prepared for Col. Gen. Heinrici. German sources.

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Estor, Col. Fritz, The 11th Army, 1-23 April, 1945. OCMH, MS B-581.

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Gehlen, Gen. Reinhard, Gedanken zur Feindbeurteilung 2.2.45 (Estimate of Soviet intentions). Document. German Military Archives; Vermutliche Weiterführung der souwj. russ.—Operationen… (Fremde Heere Ost): Stand: 2.2.45. Document. German Military Archives.

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Reitsch, Fl/Capt. Hanna. Accounts extracted from U.S. and British interrogation and summarized in the Nuremberg Papers; Personal narrative in the U.S.A.F. psychological evaluation and study, Air Medical Intelligence Report of Flugkapitan Hanna Reitsch, 1945.

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Wenck, Gen. Walther, 12th Army: Report of the Commander. OCMH, MS B-394; Personal Journal and Maps. Given to the author.

Willemer, Col. Wilhelm, The German Defense of Berlin. With contributions by: Col. Gen. Gotthard Heinrici, Col. Hans Georg Eismann—Army Group Vistula; Maj. Gen. Erich Dethleffsen, Maj. Gen. Thilo von Trotha, Col. Bogislaw von Bonin, Col. Karl W. Thilo—Army High Command; Col. Hans Oscar Wöhlermann, Artillery Commander—56th Panzer Corps; Col. Gerhard Roos, Chief of Staff—Inspectorate of Fortifications; Col. Ulrich de Maizieres, Operations Branch—Army General Staff; Maj. Gen. Laegeler—Replacement Army; Lt. Gen. Helmut Friebe, Lt. Col. Mitzkus—Deputy Headquarters, Third Corps; Lt. Gen. Hellmuth Reymann, Commander—Berlin Defense Area; Lt. Col. Edgar Platho, Artillery Commander—Berlin Defense Area; Lt. Col. Karl Stamm, Maj. Pritsch—Wehrmacht Area Headquarters; Col. Gerhardt Trost—Luftwaffe; M/Sgt. Schmidt—Ordnance; Col. Erich Duensing, Police Commander—Berlin; Dr. Hans Fritsche, Chief, Radio Dept.—Propaganda Ministry; and Col. Guenther Hartung. Introduction by Col. Gen. Franz Halder, former Chief of the German General Staff. OCMH, MS P-136.

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