

A-Day, 9, 122

Abu Markub stork, 169, 171, 408, 484, 512

Ache, Captain Kurt, 511

Acheson, Dean, 469

Adolf-Hitler-Platz, 166

Aherne, Corporal John, 493

Air Ministry building, 382

Air raids, 24, 65, 262-63, 370, 409

extent of destruction in Berlin, 13-16, 18, 257-58

last Western, 420

by Russians, 165-68

on zoo, 14, 169

on Zossen, 79

Airborne assault on Berlin planned, 120-25, 147, 179, 249, 281-82

Airstrip on East-West Axis, 378-79, 482-83

Alexanderplatz, 437, 502

Alexandrov (Russian propaganda chief), 28n

Alkett plant, 50-51, 372

Alpenfestung, see National Redoubt

Alte Krug restaurant, 166

American Army, see United States Army

Ammunition shortage in Berlin, 383

Anderson, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur, 323-24

Anglo-American forces

airborne assault on Berlin planned, 120-25, 147, 179, 249, 281-82

armored tactics of, 134-35, 305

Berlin drive by, 135-36, 139-40, 165, 194, 198-202, 206-7, 217, 234, 237-42, 252-53, 278-80, 283-94, 304-26, 330

Berlin drive forbidden, 331-32, 365-66, 388

Berliners’ hope for capture by, 35-37, 39

breakout in West by, 126-36, 207, 209, 277-78, 280-82

cross Rhine, 17, 86-87, 116, 207

First Allied Airborne Army, 121, 122, 282

Hitler’s policy toward, 84-85

“Land Forces Commander” proposed for, 204, 205

meeting of Russian army and, 187-88, 208-9, 215-16, 293, 471-72

“National Redoubt” and, 209-14, 216, 237, 238, 279, 329-30, 446-47

rumor that they have joined Germans, 457

supply problems of, 326

Anhalter Station, 421-22, 449

Anti-aircraft defense of Berlin, 166-68

Antonov, General A. A., 248

Antwerp, 202

Antz, Anneliese, 487

Antz, Ilse, 418, 461, 487, 512

Archer, Rear Admiral Ernest R., 231, 239, 243

Ardennes offensive, 84-85, 120, 193

Eclipse map captured in, 97

Montgomery and, 204-5

Arie, see Bestebreurtje, Arie D.

Armistice and Post-war Committee (Attlee Committee), 143, 144, 154n

Armored tactics, 134-35, 305

Arneburg, 288


German, 223, 352-53, 384, 390, 391

Russian, 254, 255, 335, 348-52, 354, 357-59, 417-22, 479

Artillery-spotting planes, 126-27, 190, 310-12, 479

Asch, 148

Astrology, 318

Atrocities, 30

Russian attitude to German, 246, 349

by SS, 28, 34, 440-42 See also Sexual attack

Attlee, Clement, 143, 144, 154n

Attlee Plan, 153

Augsberg, 203

Austria, 242

Axmann, Artur, 398, 403


Bad Blankenburg, 296

Bad Salzelmen, 307-8

Balzen (batman), 70, 95

Barbarossa (Frederick I), 212

Barby, 319-20, 325, 331, 365-66

Barker, Lieutenant General Evelyn H., 508-9

Barnes, Lieutenant Frank, 135

Batchelder, Lieutenant Colonel Clifton Brooks, 134

Bathe, SS Sergeant, 432

Batov, General Pavel, 245

Baur, Hans, 337, 502

Bautzen, 70

Bavaria, 229-30, 274-76, 376 See also National Redoubt

Bayer, Anne-Lise, 409

Bayer, Erich, 304

Bayreuth, 374

BBC broadcasts, 20-21, 35, 209

Beethoven Hall, see Philharmonic Orchestra

Belgium, 146, 156

Below, Colonel Nicolaus von, 404, 405, 497

Belsen concentration camp, 45, 328

Beltow, Hans, 433

Belzig, 298, 445

Bendler Block headquarters (Bendlerstrasse), 46, 48, 373, 382

Berchtesgaden, 125, 212, 275, 435

Beria, Lavrenti, P., 248


administration breaks down, 407-8, 450-53

air raids on, 13-16, 18, 24, 65, 165-68, 257-58, 262-63, 370, 409, 420

Anglo-American drive for, 135-36, 139-40, 165, 194, 198-202, 206-7, 217, 234, 237-42, 252-53, 278-80, 283-94, 304-26, 330

Anglo-American forces forbidden to drive to, 331-32, 365-66, 388

anti-aircraft defense of, 166-68

children in, 219, 422

commandants of, 65-66, 428, 449

defense plans for, 65-66, 217-20, 229-30, 375-84, 413-14

demolition in, 334-35, 378-80, 409, 481

encircled, 472

evacuation of, 217-20, 404-7, 510-11

factories in, 16, 372, 409, 494

first artillery fire heard in, 358, 369

first artillery shelling of, 417-22

first Russians enter, 457-65

foreign workers in, 48-51

Goebbels as Gauleiter of, 217-20, 377-78, 399-400, 405, 479n

hopes for capture by British and Americans, 35-37, 39

its attitude to Nazis, 52, 371-72

Jews in, 40-44, 262-63, 461-64

joint occupation planned, 143, 144, 148, 154, 159

last plane into, 482-83

planned airborne assault on, 120-25, 147, 179, 249, 281-82

population estimates for, 26-27

proposed corridors to, 152, 158-59

Roosevelt’s desire for capture of, 140, 145-48, 163

Russian fear of Anglo-American seizure of, 243, 249, 354-55

Russian plans for assault on, 21-22, 193-94, 243, 247-52, 254-56, 302-3

sexual attacks in, 484-93

surrendered, 109, 502-3

tunnel flooded, 481

Wenck and Steiner ordered to relieve, 422, 426-27, 441-45, 449, 466, 472-74 See also specific persons, places, and topics

Berliner, Trude, 407

Bernadotte, Count Folke, 404, 469-70

Bernau, 401

Bernburg, 96

Berzarin, General N. E., Fifth Shock Army of, 302

Bessarabia, 142

Bestebreurtje, Arie D. (Captain Harry), 119-21, 123-24

Bieler, Colonel, 268, 276-77, 439

Biesenthal, 415

Bila, Captain Heinrich von, 70, 72-73, 80-81, 90-92, 96, 300, 507

Birkenhain, 83, 91, 300, 474

Bismarck, Otto von, 257

Bismarckstrasse, 422

Bitterfeld, 298

Blanter, Matvei Isaakovich, 499n

Blaschke, SS Brigadeführer Hugo J., 54-56, 64, 405-7, 505

Blondi (Hitler’s dog), 495

Bochnik, Juliane, 31-32, 59, 485-86

Boese, Helena, 407, 461

Boese, Karl, 407

Bogdanov, General, Second Guards Army of, 302

Bohg, Kurt, 482

Boldt, Captain Gerhard, 80, 227n

Bolling, Major General Alexander R., 180, 292

84th Infantry Division of, 128, 134, 289, 292, 317

Bombach, Marianne, 459

Bonn, 129

Bonninghardt, 136

Borgmann, Eberhard, 36, 453

Borgmann, Ruby, 36, 453-54

Bormann, Martin, 260, 261, 338, 403, 468, 498, 502

Bourdeau, André, 50

Boutin, Jean, 51

Bradley, General Omar N., 129, 132, 178, 202, 213, 216-17, 241, 282

on cost of taking Berlin, 321

Montgomery and, 205

on National Redoubt, 446-47

orders Simpson not to advance on Berlin, 331, 388

Twelfth Army Group of, 129-32, 204, 207, 212-13, 232, 233, 282-83

Brandenburg Gate, 14, 114, 217, 378, 418

Braun, Eva, 56, 337, 467, 496

arrives at Führerbunker, 359

body of, 341, 505, 506n

marriage of, 497

suicide of, 495, 497-98, 500

Breitenbachplatz, 453

Bremen, 145, 155, 161, 326

Bremerhaven, 161

Brereton, Lieutenant General Lewis H., First Allied Airborne Army of, 121, 122, 282

Breslau, 268, 378

Breweries, 450n


in Berlin, 334, 379-80, 413, 481

on Elbe, 306-10, 312, 313, 315-17, 319-20, 322-25, 365-66

on Neisse, 355-57, 368

on Oder, 223, 352

Remagen, 17, 86-87, 130, 207, 314, 334-35

Bristow, Sergeant John, 390

British Army, see Anglo-American forces

British Army units

ARMY GROUP, Twenty-first, 103, 116, 129, 135-36, 139-40, 200, 216-17, 232-33, 282, 325-26

ARMY, Second, 44, 126, 129, 135, 326


1st Airborne, 121

8th, 508


6th Airborne, 281, 508

7th Armored, 128, 134, 135, 280-81

51st Highland, 128

REGIMENT, Devonshire, 135

BATTALION, 13th Parachute, 281

British Information Services, 496

British occupation zone, 100

Roosevelt’s objections to plans for, 141, 145-50, 154-61

Bromberg, 33

Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan, 126, 142, 178, 201, 204, 207, 238

protests Eisenhower’s message to Stalin, 233, 234

Brunswick, 202

Brussels, 119

Buchenwald concentration camp, 327

Buchholz, 356

Buchwald, Elsa, 486

Buchwald, Gerd, 486, 494

Bückeburg, 291

Buhle, General Walter, 261, 271

Bulganin, Marshal Nikolai A., 248

Bulge, see Ardennes offensive

Burgdorf, General Wilhelm, 65, 226, 227, 260, 261, 273, 275-76, 359, 448, 496, 497, 498

suicide of, 502, 503

Burmester, Charlotte, 457

Busch, Field Marshal Ernst, 297

Busse, General Theodor, 93-94, 110, 225-26, 229, 351, 362-65, 396, 428, 434n

links up with Wenck, 509-10

Ninth Army of, 88-89, 93-94, 222, 224-25, 265, 342, 351-53, 364-65, 385, 395, 396-98, 400, 404, 414-16, 423, 434, 436, 438-39, 444, 447, 449, 472-73, 509-10

refuses to pull back, 438


Cairo Conference, 141, 150

Canadian army units

ARMY, First, 129, 135, 326

Canadian army units (continued)

DIVISION, 2nd, 128

Canisius, St., Church, 487

Capitulation, see Surrender

Carl, Gerda, 53, 419-20

Carl, Captain Gotthard, 53, 419-20

Carlyle, Thomas, 319

Carnes, Lieutenant Colonel Norman D., 134, 318

Casablanca Conference, 101

Case C., see Operation Eclipse

Caspary wine shop, 453

Catholic Sisters, 25-26, 59, 370-71, 455-56, 464-65, 486, 491-92

Celle, 326

Chancellery, see Reichskanzlei

Charité Hospital, 31, 53, 442

Charlottenburg, 33, 35, 36, 50, 373, 405, 409, 422, 481, 494

Charlottenburger Chausée, 15

Chequers, 232

Chevalier, Maurice, 50-51

Chiang Kai-shek, 150


of Berlin, 219, 422

in German fighting forces, 113, 289; see also Hitler Youth

Christian, Major General Eckhardt, 434

Chuikov, Colonel General Vasili Ivanovich, 185, 193, 248n, 347, 350, 360

Eighth Guards Army of, 302, 346-50, 360, 390, 429

in surrender negotiations, 109, 499-500, 503

Churchill, Winston, 101, 143n, 149, 156, 182

Anglo-American drive on Berlin and, 139-40, 165, 207, 236, 239-40, 242, 252-53, 278-80

and Eisenhower’s message to Stalin, 232, 234-36, 253

Himmler’s peace feelers and, 469-70

Montgomery and, 205n

occupation zones and, 150, 154n, 159-61

on Stalin’s violation of Yalta agreements, 164

visits Rhine, 140

Citadel, 382

Russians enter, 481-82

Civil Affairs Division of War Department, 151-52, 156-57, 158-59

Clark-Kerr, Sir Archibald, 231

“Clausewitz” signal, 399

Clovis I, King of the Franks, 197

Cmuda, Hannelore von, 488

Cole, Sergeant Major Eric V., 281

Combined Chiefs of Staff, 146, 150, 151, 160, 199, 206, 232, 233, 239-41, 278-79

Malta meeting of, 139, 207

Communists, German, 15, 37-39, 47, 60, 430-32, 478, 493

Concentration camps, 28, 41, 44-45, 326-29

Cooley, Staff Sergeant Clyde W., 289, 308

Cords, Captain Helmuth, 45-46, 61

Corridors to Berlin proposed, 152, 158-59

COSSAC, 142; see also Morgan

Cottbus, 357, 391-92

Courland army, 85, 227, 403

Crabill, Colonel Edwin “Buckshot,” 319-20

Crerar, Lieutenant General Henry D., 129, 179

Cunegundes, Mother Superior, 25, 59, 370-71, 455, 464-65, 491-92

Cyanide capsules, 32, 423, 495, 498, 504


Dahlem, 17-18, 166, 277, 458-59

Dahlem, Haus, 25-26, 59, 370-71, 455-56, 464-65, 491-92

Dahlem Press Club, 370

Dahlwitz, 358

Davey, Lieutenant Robert, 135

Davison, Captain Wilfred, 281

Deane, Major General John R., 79n, 231, 233, 239, 240, 243, 335-36

Deans, Warrant Officer James “Dixie,” 190, 294-96, 389-90, 410-12, 507-9

De Gaulle, Brigadier General Charles, Roosevelt and, 145-46

Delaunay, Jacques, 262, 372

Dempsey, Lieutenant General Sir Miles, 179

Second Army of, 44, 126, 129, 135, 326

Denmark, 234, 330, 446

“Desert Rats” (7th Armored Division), 128, 134, 135, 280-81

Dessau, 297, 298

De Tassigny, General Jean de Lattre, 130

Dethleffsen, General Erich, 413, 416-17, 427, 438, 466, 467, 468

Detmold, 290

Deutsche Union Bank, 138

Deutschlandsender, 168

Devenney, Captain John J., 288

Devers, Lieutenant General Jacob, 180, 202

Sixth Army Group of, 130, 237, 283, 329

Diburtz, Georg, 374, 387

Diekermann, Ruth, 262

Dieppe, 128

Disney, Colonel Paul A., 180, 181, 304, 305, 309, 316-17

Dittmar, Eberhard, 446

Dittmar, Lieutenant General Kurt, 446

Djilas, Milovan, 246, 493n

Döberitz, 434, 448

Doenitz, Grand Admiral Karl, 27n, 339, 403, 435

as commander in north, 404

at Führerbunker conference with Heinrici, 260, 261, 265, 268, 271, 272

named President of Germany, 496-97, 500

Domäne Dahlem dairy, 17-18, 57, 458-59

Dominican nuns, 486

Dorn (driver), 296

Dresden, 65, 336, 466

Eisenhower’s plans to advance on, 202, 203, 215, 217, 232, 237, 249, 283

Dufving, Lieutenant Colonel Theodor von, 109, 398, 466, 499-501, 503

Duke of York, H.M.S., 143n

DUKWs, 314, 316, 317, 319, 323

Dunkirk, 128

Durand-Wever, Dr. Anne-Marie, 30-31

Düsseldorf, 147

Dustmann, Dr. Karl, 405

Dutch Intelligence Service, 119

Dutch volunteers in German Army, 222


EAC (European Advisory Commission), 144, 149-54, 157-59

Eagle’s Nest, 125, 210

East-West Axis, 15, 502

landing strip on, 378-79, 482-83

Eberhard, Elisabeth, 460

Eberhard, Robert, 170

Eberswalde, 395, 414-15, 423, 505

Echtmann, Fritz, 505, 506

Eclipse, see Operation Eclipse

Eden, Anthony, 142, 143, 150, 496

Ehrenburg, Ilya, hate manifesto of, 27

Eisenach, 116, 144

Eisenhower, General of the Army Dwight D., 126, 135, 139, 140, 160, 165, 177, 235n

arrives in London, 153

Berlin drive and, 198-202, 206-9, 217, 236, 238, 278-80, 292, 321, 330, 331

broad-front strategy of, 202-3

as chain-smoker, 198

at concentration camp, 328-29

criticisms of, 204

decides to strike across central Germany, 215-17

Marshall and, 199, 214-15, 216

message to Stalin by, 215-16, 231-36, 240, 243

as nonpolitical soldier, 199-200

opposed by Montgomery, 202-6, 232, 233-34, 240-41

Reims headquarters of, 197-98

Stalin’s reply to, 251-52, 253

Eismann, Colonel Hans Georg, 92-93, 221-25, 228, 229, 258-61, 264-65, 267, 268, 274, 277, 301, 334, 351, 428, 475


American attempt to seize bridges of, 306-9, 312-13

American bridging of, 314-17, 319-20

Americans and Russians meet on, 187-88, 470-72

Americans forbidden to drive east of, 331-32, 365-66, 388

Anglo-American drive for, 135-36, 140, 165, 199, 217, 242, 280-94, 304-5, 329-30

Twelfth German Army on, 277, 297-98, 323-25

as zonal boundary, 116

Elbenau, 317

Elections (1932), 52

Elizabeth, Czarina of Russia, 319

Erfurt, 215, 217

Erickson, Professor John, 248n, 506n

Erkner, 372, 505

Espionage, see Intelligence agents

Estonia, 142

Eumenes II, King, 167

Evacuation of Berlin, 217-20, 404-7

Evers, Gertrud, 408

Exchange 500, 79, 433


Factories, 16, 372, 494

foreign workers in, 48-51

ordered destroyed, 409

Falingbostel, 294, 295, 389

Farrand, Colonel, Edward Gilbert, 288-89

Faupel, Lieutenant General Wilhelm, 32

Fegelein, SS Gruppenführer Hermann, 496

Feiler, Hertha, 32

Feis, Herbert, 159n

Feldheim, Private Willy, 112, 385-86, 399

Fesler (guard), 50

Finland, 142

Finnell, Captain John, 317

Finow, 505

Finsterwald, 393

Fire companies, 450, 479-80

Food, 38, 409-10, 450-53

Foreign Affairs Ministry building, 302

Foreign laborers, 48-51

Foreign Ministers Conference (Moscow), 143

Fortifications of Berlin, 65-66, 375, 376, 380-84, 478-79

ring system described, 380-82

Russians enter Citadel, 481-82

Russians enter second ring, 457

Francies, Lieutenant Merritt Duane, 126-27, 190, 310-12

Frankfurt-on-Main, 116, 139, 238

Frankfurt-on-Oder, 87, 89, 265-69, 276-77, 364, 438

Franklin, William F., 159n

Franseckystrasse, 442

Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, 212n

Frederick II, King of Prussia, 319

Free French Forces, 145

French Embassy building (Berlin), 378

French First Army, 130

French occupation zone, 162

Frey Bridge, 480

Friedenau, 19, 369

Friedrichshain, 167, 382, 481

Friedrichstrasse Station, 418, 501, 502

Führer, see Hitler

Führerbunker, 341, 483

described, 259-60, 424-25, 448

disintegration in, 467, 494

escape from, 500-2

Eva Braun arrives at, 359

Goebbels moves to, 437

Russians enter, 503-4

Speer’s plan to gas, 333

SS guards at, 258, 259

suicides in, 497-98, 501-2

Funerals, 24, 452

Fürstenberg, 476


G Tower, see Zoo Bunker (Zoo towers)

Gareis, General Martin, 299

Gatow Airfield, 121, 125, 479

Gavin, Major General James M., 119-24, 179, 281

Gehlen, Major General Reinhard, 85, 104, 107, 227, 335

General-Barby-Strasse, 488

German air force, see Luftwaffe

German armed forces

armored units transferred south, 257, 260, 270, 272-73, 353

desertions in, 437, 480

divisional strength in, 131

Hitler’s errors as commander of, 84-85, 89, 130-31, 256-57, 273

1939 clash in Poland with Russian Army, 209

push Americans back across Elbe, 323-25

smashed on Western Front, 130-31, 282-92 See also Oder front; OKH; OKW

German Armed Forces High Command, see OKW

German armed-forces units


B (Model), 131, 282, 396

Center (Schörner), 87, 257, 270, 353, 385, 416, 438

Vistula, 70, 76, 82-84, 87-94, 220-24, 265-74, 299-300, 335, 342, 351-53, 385, 394-99, 413-16, 427-28, 437-39, 472-73, 476-77


First Panzer, 70, 76

Third Panzer, 87, 222, 265-66, 299, 352, 353, 394-96, 402, 415, 423, 438, 472-73, 476-77

Fourth, 73-74, 75, 416

Sixth, 300

Seventh, 375

Ninth, 88-89, 93-94, 222, 224-26, 265-66, 342, 351-53, 362-65, 384, 395, 396-98, 400, 404, 414-16, 423, 434, 436, 438-39, 444, 447, 449, 472-73, 509-10

Eleventh, 277

Twelfth, 275-76, 277, 296-99, 323-25, 365-66, 436, 439, 443-45, 449, 466, 467, 472, 510

GROUP, Steiner, 395, 423, 426-27, 449, 466, 472-74


3rd SS, 395

11th SS, 365

46th Panzer, 299

56th Panzer (Weidling), 364-65, 396-98, 415, 428, 434, 447-49, 478, 481, 482, 502

101st, 365

Great Germany, 400


2nd Parachute, 301

3rd Navy, 474

4th SS Police, 414

5th Panzer, 474

7th Panzer, 395

9th Parachute, 267, 269, 300, 365, 397

18th Panzer Grenadier, 396-97

20th Panzer Grenadier, 94, 365

25th Panzer Grenadier, 93-94, 352, 474

Clausewitz, 298

Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, 298

Frundsberg, 403

Müncheberg Panzer, 365

Nederland, 222

Nordland, 222, 396-97

Potsdam, 298, 299, 315

Scharnhorst, 298, 299, 315

Theodor Körner, 298

Ulrich von Hutten, 298, 299, 315

German Army High Command, see OKH

German Navy, 53-54, 223, 271, 272, 474

German prisoners of war

of Russians, 429-30

in West, 291, 326

German women in armed forces, 289-90

Germendorf, 474

Gerow, Lieutenant General Leonard, 129

Gestapo, 32, 38, 39, 41, 43

Getman, General Andreya Levrentevich, 194, 361

Gillem, Major General Alvan C., Jr., 304

Gneisenau, Field Marshal Graf von, 66, 269, 373

Gobelin tapestries, 168

Goebbels, Dr. Joseph, 28n, 64, 171, 174, 210, 230, 338, 403, 479n, 496, 498

appointed Reichschancellor, 497

attempts to surrender Berlin, 498-500

in defense of Berlin, 377-78, 399-400, 405

moves to Chancellery, 437

propaganda of, 29-30, 371, 373, 430, 459

Goebbels, Dr. Joseph (continued)

refuses to order evacuation of Berlin, 217-20

Roosevelt’s death and, 319

suicide of, 495, 501, 503-4, 505

Goebbels, Magda, 339, 437, 467, 497, 515

children of, 339, 495, 501, 504, 505

suicide of, 495, 501, 503-4

Goering, Emmy, 469

Goering, Reichsmarschall Hermann, 75, 103n, 170, 214, 338, 404, 405

arrested by SS, 468-69

evacuates Karinhall, 401-3

at Führerbunker conference with Heinrici, 267-72

Heinrici and, 269, 300-1, 397

as Hitler’s deputy, 435, 436, 468-69

Golbach, Major General Walter, 479n

Golbov, Captain Sergei Ivai.ovich, 33-34, 302-3, 345-46, 349, 350, 429-30

Gotha, 328-29

Götterdämmerung, Die, 175, 212, 375, 386-87

Grawitz, Professor Ernst, 406-7

Graziani, Marshal Rudolfo, 376

Great Fatherland War of the Soviet Union 1941-45, The, 355n

Greim, Field Marshal Robert Ritter von, 482-83

Gresse, 389, 410

Groza, Petru, 162

Gruban-Souchay restaurant, 36, 453-54

Grünewald (Berlin), 479, 480

Grünewalde, 317, 324

Guderian, Colonel General Heinz, 76-78, 94, 107, 222, 275

discusses battle plans with Heinrici, 81-90

goes to Bavaria, 229-30

relieved as Chief of OKH, 225-29

Guingand, Major General Sir Francis de, 103, 203, 206

Gumbach, Corporal “Charlie,” 390, 411-12, 507-9

Günsche, SS Colonel Otto, 259, 496-98, 502

Gusev, Fedor T., 149, 153, 154n, 158, 159, 183


Hadley, Lieutenant Arthur T., 134

Hagedorn, Captain Walter, 483, 514

Hagemann, Lieutenant General Wolf, 111, 510

Haller, Annemarie, see Hückel

Halt, Karl Ritter von, 479

Hambert, Philippe, 405

Hamburg, 145, 155, 202, 329, 426

Hamelin, 291-92

Handy, Major General Thomas T., 149, 163

Hanover, 202, 283

captured, 292, 295

Happich, Father Bernhard, 25-26, 371, 455-56, 492

Harriman, W. Averell, 164, 183, 231, 335

Harz Mountains, 100, 277, 296, 297

Haus Dahlem, 25-26, 59, 370-71, 455-56, 464-65, 491-92

Haushofer, Albrecht, 440, 442n

Haymaker, Sergeant Leonard, 313

Heck, Lutz, 62, 170, 408, 484

Heckscher, Sergeant Edmund, 479

Heger, Robert, 171, 387

Heinrici, Colonel General Gotthard, 105

attempts to build up Oder front, 222-24

background of, 71-76

called to Führerbunker, 257-61, 264-74

called to Zossen, 70-71, 76-90

command of Berlin and, 220-21, 230, 413-14

dismissed, 476-77, 506-7

Eclipse maps and, 104, 363-64

Goering and, 269, 300-1, 397

insists on Bieler’s reinstatement, 276-77

orders retreat, 475-76

Russian offensive and, 299-300, 335, 342, 351-53, 384-85, 413-16, 437-39, 472-76

Speer’s visit to, 332-35

Steiner attack and, 423, 427, 473, 474

takes over from Himmler, 91-95

withdrawal tactic of, 73-74, 299, 342, 351, 360-61

Heinroth, Dr. Katherina, 63, 170

“Hell on Wheels” (2nd Armored Division), 128, 132-34, 284-85, 288, 289, 291-93, 304-9, 314-17, 319, 322-25, 330, 388

Hellriegel, Private Hermann, 479

Henneberg, Professor Georg, 409, 494

Hennell, Sergeant Major Charles, 281

Hermannplatz, 417, 451

Heusermann, Käthe Reiss, 54-56, 64, 405-7, 505-6

Hewel, Walter, 417

Higgins, Brigadier General Gerald J., 124, 125

Hildesheim, 283-84, 292

Hildring, Major General John H., 159n

Himmler, Reichsführer SS Heinrich, 32, 214, 338, 403, 407, 435

as army group commander, 82-84

at Führerbunker conference with Heinrici, 260, 265, 268, 271

Heinrici takes over from, 91-95

peace negotiations of, 94, 404, 469-70, 496

Hindenburg, Paul von, 52

Hindenburgstrasse, 453

Hinds, Brigadier General Sidney R., 314, 316-17, 322-23, 325, 331-32

Hitler, Adolf, 78, 97, 103n, 125, 214, 230, 337, 386, 428

appoints Himmler army group commander, 82

appoints Von Greim head of Luftwaffe, 482-83

attempted assassination of (1944), 45-47, 259, 264

Berlin’s attitude to, 52, 372

birthday of, 303, 401-2, 403-4, 409

body of, 341, 498, 504-5

Hitler, Adolf (continued)

decides to stay in Berlin, 404-5, 434-37

dental work on, 55-56, 505-6

on evacuation of Berlin, 218-19

on future of National Socialism, 497

Heinrici and, 74-76, 82, 264-74, 276-77

his whereabouts a secret, 23, 56, 136, 400-1, 435, 446

illness of, 264, 403, 470

last hours and suicide of, 494-98, 500

last messages of, 466

military errors of, 84-85, 89, 130-31, 256-57, 273

Order of the Day (April 15), 362-63

orders Goering’s arrest, 468-69

permits landing strip on East-West Axis, 379

policy on retreating, 475

portraits of, 19, 22-23, 263, 369

relieves Guderian, 225-29

scorched-earth policy of, 172-73, 332-35, 408

Steiner attack and, 423, 426-27

Speer and, 172-73, 176, 332-33

on treachery, 416, 497

Hitler Youth, 52, 112, 382, 383, 386, 398-99, 442, 451, 453, 478

decorated by Hitler, 403-4

Hodges, Lieutenant General Courtney H., 178

First Army of, 129-30, 131, 204, 207, 282, 326, 472

Hoffman, Rosie, 32, 486

Hohenzollerndamm, 65, 220, 376

Holland, 135, 234, 326

Hollingsworth, Major James F., 181, 289-90, 305, 306-9, 317

Hölz, Colonel Arthur, 384

Home Guard (Vclkssturm), 113, 131, 218, 265, 277, 305, 306-7, 375, 376, 380, 384, 400, 413, 422, 478

number and organization of, 382-83

return home, 479

weapons for, 106, 383

Hopkins, Harry, 147

Hoppegarten, 358, 430, 434

Horsemeat, 453

House of Tourist Affairs, 422

Householder, Sergeant Charles, 312-13

Hückel, Annemarie, 36, 423

Hückel, Dr. Rudolf, 32, 423

Hughes, Brigadier Hugh L. Glyn, 44-45, 191, 328

Hull, Cordell, 153n

Hull, Lieutenant General John Edwin, 469-70

Humboldthain, 167, 382

Hungarian units, 70, 76, 265

Hungary, 70, 76, 85


Intelligence agents

Communist, 37

in Switzerland, 212

Wiberg, 23, 59, 136-38, 366-67, 400-1, 492

Internal Affairs Ministry building, 302

International Red Cross warehouses, 493

Invalidenstrasse, 441, 442

Invasion, see Operation Overlord

Iowa, U.S.S., 140, 141, 145-49

Ismay, General Sir Hastings, 139, 161, 232

Italian Army, 376

Italy, 156, 235, 446

Ivanov, Major General Georgi Vasilievich, 356

“Ivy Division” (4th Infantry Division), 128

Izvestia (newspaper), 429


Jacobi, Dr. Gerhard, 486-87

Jakubek, Erwin, 495, 497

Janssen, Dora, 418-19, 460, 489

Jehovah’s Witnesses, 431-2

Jessen-Schmidt, Hennings, 137-38, 366-67, 401, 492

Jesuits, 25, 487

Jewish Community Bureau, 41

Jews, 28, 327

remaining in Berlin, 40-44, 262-63, 461-64

Jodl, Colonel General Alfred, 78, 83, 116, 173, 226-27, 261, 268, 339, 376, 401-4, 435-36, 467, 474

Eclipse maps and, 96-104, 436n

Hitler’s remark on suicide to, 405

marriage of, 107

Jodl, Luise, 97-101, 103n, 107, 401-2, 405n

Johnson, Lieutenant Colonel Briard P., 284

Johnson, Colonel Walter M., 292

Junge, Gertrud, 494-97

Jungmittag, Biddy, 36


Kaether, Colonel, 428

Kaganovich, Lazar M., 248

Kaiser-Wilhelm Memorial Church, 14, 165, 486

Karinhall, 300-1, 397, 426

evacuated, 401-3

Karlsbad, 76

Karlshorst, 42, 447

Karstadt’s department store, 417, 450-52

Katukov, Colonel General Mikhail Yefimovich, 193-94, 302, 348, 361-62, 367-68

First Guards Tank Army of, 302, 361, 367-68, 390-91, 428

Katushkas, 345, 348-49, 420, 479, 513

“KCB” pill, 32

Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 78, 226-28, 260, 261, 403

attempts to persuade Hitler to leave Berlin, 435-36

Keitel, Field Marshal (continued)

determination of, 467-68

dismisses Heinrici, 476-77

visits Wenck, 436, 443-45

Kelm, Alexander, 453

Kempka, SS Colonel, Erich, 337, 498

Kennan, George F., 157, 183

Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 277, 297, 404

Ketzler, Gertrud, 33, 166

Khudyakov, Marshal Sergei V, 19n

Kiel, 124, 329

King, Captain Charles, 134

King, Admiral Ernest J., 140, 147

Kinnard, Colonel Harold, 125

Kinzel, General Eberhard, 92-93, 221-22, 225, 229-30, 427

Kloptsch, Else “Eddy,” 37-38, 60, 493

Klosterdorf, 386

Klotz, Jurgen-Erich, 409

Kluge, Field Marshal Günther von, 66, 75

Knight, Captain Jack A., 307-8

Knoblauch, Eva, 437

Koch, Ilse, 327

Koch, Jolenta, 491

Köckler, Maria, 35

Koenig, Lieutenant General Joseph, 177

Kohler, Major Haley E., 285

Kolb, Ingeborg, 20-21, 58

Kolb, Robert, 20-21, 58

Kolb, Lieutenant Colonel Roland L., 289

Kolberg, 66, 269

Kolberg (film), 373

Koller, General Karl, 261, 405, 426-27, 436, 468

Koniev, Marshal Ivan Stepanovich, 21, 38, 184, 194, 248n, 449, 472

background of, 245-46

called to Moscow, 243-51

drives for Berlin, 391-93, 396, 412, 434

fears unilateral surrender, 354-55

Neisse offensive of, 353-57, 368, 385

plans attack on Berlin, 250-51, 254

König, Ilse, 408

Königin-Luise Strasse, 18, 166

Königsberg, 378

Köpenick, 166, 358, 372

Korab, Alexander, 493

Korolevich, Pfc Alexander, 332

Kosney, Corporal Herbert, 46-48, 61, 262, 431-32, 440-42

Kosney, Kurt, 47-48, 61, 262, 431-32

Köster, Ursula, 484-85

Köthenerstrasse, 171

Kotzebue, Lieutenant Albert, 470-71

Kraft, Fritz, 408

Kramer, Staff Sergeant Wilfred, 324

Krampnitz, 436

Krebs, Lieutenant General Hans, 80, 225, 276-77, 385, 403, 404, 413-15, 426-28, 434, 438-39, 448, 472, 496, 497, 515

appointed Chief of OKH, 228, 230

at Führerbunker conference with Heinrici, 260-61, 264-68, 273

suicide of, 502, 503

in surrender negotiations, 498-500

Kremlin described, 243-44

Kreuzberg, 24, 29, 59, 489

Kreuznacherstrasse, 369

Krüger, Eleanore, 43, 447, 462

Krüger, Otto, 42

Krupp and Druckenmüller plant, 262, 372

Kulmbach, 174, 374

Kunz, SS Colonel Helmut, 495

Kurfürstendamm, 14, 54, 165, 406, 418

Küster, Klaus, 52, 451, 453, 488-89

Küstrin, 87-89, 93-94, 224-26, 254, 256, 265, 335, 345-50, 360

Kutuzov, General Mikhail, 247

Kuznetsov, General Vasili, 361


L Tower, 167; see also Zoo Bunker (Zoo towers)

Lammerding, General Heinz, 92

Lamprecht, Dr. Günther, 31

“Land Forces Commander,” 204, 205

Landwehr Canal, 382, 408, 481

Lang, Captain Hellmuth, 111, 506-7

Latvia, 142

Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D., 150

Leckscheidt, Dr. Arthur, 24-25, 59, 369-70, 452

Legathière, Raymond, 48, 373

Le Havre, 202

Lehrterstrasse Prison, 45-48, 61, 262, 431-32, 439-42

Leibl, Wilhelm, 168

Leibman, Lieutenant Gerald P., 135

Leipzig, 148, 156, 283, 297

Eisenhower’s plans to advance on, 202, 203, 215, 217, 232, 237, 238, 249, 326

Leipzigerstrasse, 480

Lelyushenko, General D. D., 412

Leningrad, siege of, 34

Lichtenberg, 13, 42, 358, 430, 447, 462

Lichtenrade, 434

Linge, SS Sturmbannführer Heinz, 498

Linz, 216

Lippert, Julius, 408-9

Lipschitz, Joachim, 42-43, 447, 462

Lithuania, 142

Looting by Germans, 450-53

Loringhoven, Major Freytag von, 80-81, 227

Louis XVI, King of France, 197

Lübben, 256, 357, 368, 391, 396, 449

Lübeck, 116, 144, 329, 410

Luftwaffe, 131, 167, 223, 365, 378, 426

bombs OKH command column, 413

Luftwaffe (continued)

Fieseler Storch brought down by Piper Cub, 190, 310-12

Goering’s personal guards from, 300, 402, 426

ground combat forces of, 269-70, 271, 272, 395

last commander of, 482-83

Luxembourg, 146

Lyne, Major General Louis, 280

7th Armored Division of, 128, 134, 135, 280-81


McCloy, John J., 153

McLain, Major General Raymond S., 180, 293, 304, 322

McWhinnie, Sergeant Hugh, 281

Macon, Major General Robert C., 128, 180, 285, 288, 290

83rd Infantry Division of, 128-29, 134, 285, 288, 290-91, 319-20, 322, 325, 330

Magdeburg, 284, 443, 446

Americans arrive at, 305-6

German defense of, 298, 315, 322, 365, 388

Magder, Herbert, 409

Mahlsdorf, 358

Maigatter, Elfriede, 451-52

Mainz, 129, 147

Majewski, Elena, 450, 489-91

Malenkov, Georgi M., 248

Malta meeting of Combined Chiefs of Staff, 139, 207

Manstein, Field Marshal Erich von, 66

Manteuffel, General Hasso von, 87, 110, 395-96, 473, 474-77

Third Panzer Army of, 87, 222, 265-66, 299, 352, 353, 394-96, 402, 415, 423, 438, 472-73, 475

Maps of occupation zones

German capture of, 90, 96-104, 116, 278, 363-64, 436n

Roosevelt’s map, 147-49, 156, 163

Maps used by U.S. Army, 134

Mariendorf, 449

Marienfelde, 49, 372

Marquardt, Dodo, 369

Marshall, General of the Army George C., 126, 147, 148n, 149, 153n, 469

on capture of Berlin, 278-79

messages to Eisenhower, 199, 214-15, 216, 234, 236-39

Martin, Lieutenant William S., 310-12

Matzker, Father Alfons, 487-88

Maybach I, 77-79

Maybach II, 77-79

Mecklenburg lakes, 475

Melanchthon Church, 24, 59, 370

Menzel, Gerhard, 503

Merriam, Lieutenant Colonel Wheeler G., 132-33, 289, 305-6

Meteorological station (Potsdam), 372, 450n

Meunier, Christa, 31-32

Michael, King of Rumania, 162

Michalke, Father Joseph, 487-88

Miede, Hans, 422, 461

Mikoyan, Anastas I., 248

Milbrand, Elisabeth, 359, 457

Milk, 17-19, 57, 369, 458-59

Minden, 291

Mission Sisters of the Sacred Heart, 25-26, 59, 370-71, 455-56, 464-65, 491-92

Mittenwalde, 449

Moabit, 450

Model, Field Marshal Walter, 131, 282, 396

Mogg, Warrant Officer Ronald, 389-90

Möhring family, 40-41, 262, 358, 462

Möller (Nazi), 489

Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 248

Monte Cassino, 272, 397

Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law, 103, 116, 177-79, 185

Eisenhower holds up drive to Berlin by, 216-17, 232-42, 279-80

opposes Eisenhower, 202-6, 232, 233-34, 241

plans drive for Berlin, 135-36, 139-40, 165, 199-202, 206-7

Twenty-first Army Group of, 116, 129, 135-36, 139-40, 200, 216-17, 232-33, 282, 325-26

Mopti, 454

Morell, Professor Theodor, 264n

Morgan, Lieutenant General Sir Frederick E., 182, 201, 241

plans Rankin C, 141-42, 144-45, 150

Morgenthau plan, 161n

Moscow, 143

Heinrici’s stand at, 73-74

Kremlin described, 243-44

Moscow Conference (1943), 143

Moselle River, 130

Mosely, Philip E., 152, 156, 157, 158, 159n, 183

Mourmelon-le-Grand, 124

Movie theaters, 373

Mulde, 297, 298

Müller, SS Grüppenführer Heinrich, 46, 47

Müller, Inge, 367, 492

Müller-Hillebrand, Major General Burkhart, 476, 477

Müncheberg, 358, 397, 398, 407

Munich, 202, 216, 230, 497

Murphy, Robert 159n, 177

Museum treasures stored, 167-68

Mussolini, Benito, 497


Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 194, 247

Nassenheide, 474

National Redoubt (Alpenfestung)

Eisenhower’s plans against, 216, 237, 238, 279, 329-30

intelligence reports on, 209-14

map of, 211

proven a chimera, 446-47

Nauen, 445

Naumann, Dr. Werner, 29, 437, 496, 497, 501, 502

Nazis, 19, 24, 28, 32, 51-56

Berliners’ attitude to, 52, 371-72

flight of, 69, 405-7

suicide of, 34, 407

Nebe, General Artur, 47

Neisse River, 86, 87

Russian offensive over, 255, 353-57, 368

Nelson, Lieutenant Clarence A., 133

Nestorstrasse, 23

Neuenhagen, 39, 430

Neukölln, 418, 448, 452

Neumann, Edith, 29

Neumann, Hugo, 29

Nicodemus, Lieutenant Robert E., 312-13

Nicolaieff, Dr., 350

Niedieck, Lieutenant Gerda, 466, 514

Niemöller house, 454

Nijmegen, 120, 129

Nikolassee, 36

Nolte, Fire Colonel Wilhelm, 479

Norway, 238, 329, 446

Norwegian volunteers in German Army, 222

Notte Canal, 434

Novikov, Sergeant Nikolai Georgievich, 346-47

Nuremberg, 202, 203

Nuremberg trials, 104n, 407n


Obersalzberg, 125, 210

Occupation of Germany

airborne assault on Berlin planned, 120-25, 147, 179, 249, 281-82

British planning for, 141-42, 144-45, 150

conflict between State and War departments, 151-52, 156-57

corridors to Berlin proposed, 152, 158-59

French zone accepted, 162

German capture of maps for, 90, 96-104, 116, 278, 363-64, 436n

joint occupation of Berlin planned, 143, 144, 148, 154, 159

Roosevelt’s objections to plans for, 141, 145-50, 154-61

Russians accept Rankin C plan for, 153-54

zones formally approved, 162

Oder Bruch, 352, 360

Oder front

condition of German troops on, 222-24, 265-66, 269, 272-73

German reinforcements to, 271-72, 414 335, 342

Küstrin attack, 93-94, 224-26

plans for Russian offensive on, 21-22, 250-51, 254, 299, 301-3

Russian offensive on, 345-53, 360-65, 367-68, 384-86, 390-99, 434, 437-39, 472-76

Russians’ original positions on, 87-90, 193, 208-9, 265

Ohnesorge, Wilhelm, 303

Ohrdruf concentration camp, 327-28

OKH (Army High Command), 77-79, 229-30, 466

evacuates Zossen, 413

Guderian relieved as Chief of, 225-29

Krebs appointed Chief of, 228

united with OKW, 466, 467

OKW (Armed Forces High Command), 77-79, 96, 230, 466

united with OKH, 466, 467

“voice” of, 446

Olbertz, Dr. Albert, 47

Olympic Stadium, 479

Omaha Beach, 315

Operation Anvil, 238

Operation Eclipse (Rankin C)

accepted by Russians, 153-54

German capture of maps of, 90, 96-104, 116, 278, 363-64, 436n

Morgan’s planning of, 141-42, 144-45, 150

planned airborne assault on Berlin under, 120-25, 147, 179, 249, 281-82

Roosevelt’s objections to, 145-50, 154-57

Operation Effective, 125

Operation Eruption, 124

Operation Jubilant, 125, 282

Operation Overlord (Invasion), 122, 141, 315, 375

Roosevelt’s objections to, 146-47

Operation Rankin, see Operation Eclipse

Operation Talisman, 122

Oppenheim, 116

Oranienburgstrasse, 408

OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 23

on National Redoubt, 210, 212

Osterwieck, 306

Ostmann, Colonel Hermann, 294-26, 389-90, 409-12, 508-9


Pankow, 13, 40, 262, 358, 429, 462-64, 478, 487

Panzer, Hildegard, 511

Panzerbar, Der, 450

Panzerfäuste, 52, 385-86, 391, 399

Pariser Platz, 378

Parkins, Lieutenant Bill, 324

Patch, Lieutenant General Alexander, Seventh Army of, 125, 130, 213

Patton, Lieutenant General George S., 135, 178

Montgomery and, 205

at Ohrdruf concentration camp, 327-28

Third Army of, 116, 130, 131, 207, 282, 283n, 297, 326, 327

Pemsel, Lieutenant General Max, 106, 375-76

Pergamon sculptures, 167

Petcoff, First Sergeant George, 293

Peters, Major Alcee L., Jr., 317-18

Philharmonic Orchestra, 16, 171-72

evacuation plan for, 173-75, 373-75, 386-87

Plassenburg, 174

Piön, 506-7

Plötzensee, 431

Pluskat, Major Werner, 315, 446

Poganowska, Lisbeth, 18

Poganowska, Richard, 17-20, 57, 369, 458-59

Poland, 161, 193

1939 Russo-German clash in, 209

Russian claims to, 142-43

Stalin’s violation of Yalta agreement on, 162, 164

Polevoi, Colonel Boris, 433, 504

Police, Berlin, 16, 450

Popiel, Lieutenant General Nikolai N., 249n, 302, 348, 350, 360-61, 390-91, 394

Population of Berlin, 26-27

Posen, 268

Post office, 408

Postage stamps, 303

Potsdam, 372, 413, 436, 450n

Potsdam Bridge, 503

Potsdamer Platz, 49, 165, 373, 420

Potsdamerstrasse, 422

Prague, 257, 273, 353

Pravda (newspaper), 429

Prenzlau, 104, 402

Presnell, First Sergeant William G., 285

Preysing, Bishop Count Konrad von, 460

Prieros, 37-39, 493

Prisoner-of-war (POW) camps

captured by Americans, 313

evacuation of Stalag 357, 190, 294-96, 389-90, 410-12, 507-9

planned airborne drops on, 125, 282

Prisoners of war, German

of Russians, 429-30

in West, 291, 326

Prisoners of war, Russian, 335, 349, 480-81

Probst, Margareta, 489

Promeist, Margarete, 422, 450, 488

Pukhov, General Nikolai Pavlovich, 354, 356

Thirteenth Army of, 354, 356, 357

Putlitzstrasse, 490


Quebec Conference, 146, 160-61


Radusch, Hildegard, 37-39, 60, 493

Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich, 405

R.A.F., 56

attacks POW column, 410-11 See also Air raids on Berlin

“Rag-Tag Circus” (83rd Infantry Division), 128-29, 134, 285, 288, 290-91, 319-20, 322, 325, 330

“Railsplitters” (84th Infantry Division), 128, 134, 289, 292, 317

Rankin, see Operation Eclipse

Rankine, Paul Scott, 496

Rape, see Sexual attack

Rastenburg, 55

attempted assassination of Hitler at, 45-47

Ration allowance, 38, 409-10

Ravené, Liese-Lotte, 35

Red Army, see Russian Army

“Red Ball Highway,” 197

Red Star (newspaper), 28n, 429, 493n

Redoubt, see National Redoubt

Refior, Colonel Hans, 66, 106, 218-20, 229-30, 377, 381, 384, 405

Refugees, 44, 385, 394, 443-44

atrocity stories of, 27-30

from Berlin, 510-11

Regensburg, 203, 216

Reich, Das (magazine), 66

Reichhelm, Colonel Günther, 111, 298, 366, 443

Reichskanzlei, 56, 302, 340, 341, 382

described, 14, 258-59 See also Führerbunker

Reichsstrasse 96, 69-70, 368

Reichstag building, 15, 115, 302, 382, 418, 502

planting of Soviet flag on, 186, 449, 503

Reims, SHAEF in, 197-98

Reinickendorf, 41, 486

Reitsch, Flight Captain Hanna, 482-83

Remagen bridgehead, 17, 86-87, 130, 207, 314, 334-35

Reschke, Christa, 263, 491

Reschke, Rudolf, 166, 263, 491

Reymann, Major General Hellmuth, 106, 376-84

assumes command of Berlin, 65-66

demolition plans of, 334-35, 378-80

Goebbels and, 217-20, 377-78, 400

replaced as commander of Berlin, 428

Vistula Army Group and, 229, 334, 384, 400, 413

Rheinmetall-Borsig factory, 372

Rheinsberg, 466

Rhine, Anglo-American crossing of, 17, 86-87, 116, 126, 129-30, 140, 207

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 370, 398, 403, 417

Richter, Charlotte, 453, 473

Ridgway, Major General Matthew B., 122

Riedel, Gustav, 63, 170

Ring defenses, see Fortifications of Berlin Robinson, Lieutenant William D., 472

Rock, Major Julius, 329

Rokossovskii, Marshal Konstantin, 21, 185, 194, 245, 248n

Second Belorussian Front of, 247, 255, 353, 395, 402, 415, 438

Römling, Horst, 358

Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 66, 111, 128, 141

suicide of, 507

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 164n

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 101, 154n, 158n, 182, 280

capture of Berlin and, 140, 145-48, 163

death of, 317-19

de Gaulle and, 145-46

his attitude toward Russia and Stalin, 143n, 162, 164, 355n

illness of, 160-61, 231, 235

objects to occupation plans, 141, 145-50, 154-57

Rose, Captain Ben L., 133, 291, 293, 318

Rosenberg, Mrs. Anna, 164

Rosenthal, Hans, 42, 462

Rosetz, Günther, 452

Rosse, Harry, 23

Rosslau, 297

Roter Ausweis, 408

Royal Palace, 418

Rozanov, Lieutenant Vladimir Pavlovich, 346

Rudow, 448

Ruhleben, 50, 372

Rühling, Inge, 33

Rühmann, Heinz, 32

Ruhr Valley, 129, 131-32, 215, 217, 249, 282, 326

Rumania, 142, 162

Rundstedt, Field Marshal Gerd von, 66, 70, 368

Russian Air Force, 165-68, 350-51, 353-54, 368

Russian Army, 17, 60

January offensive of, 82-85

backwardness of troops of, 493-94

Communist Party membership and, 347n

described, 457-58

divisional strength in, 251

first troops in Berlin, 457-65

meeting of Anglo-American forces and, 187-88, 208-9, 215-16, 293, 471-72

plans attack on Berlin, 21-22, 193-94, 243, 247-52, 254-56, 302-3

requests bombing of Zossen, 79n See also Oder front; Sexual attack

Russian Army units


First Belorussian (Zhukov), 21, 247, 250, 254, 345-51, 360-62, 367-68, 393-94, 396, 449

First Ukrainian (Koniev), 247, 255-56, 353-57, 368, 391-93, 396, 412, 434, 449, 472

Second Belorussian (Rokossovskii), 247, 255, 395, 402, 438


First Guards Tank, 193, 360, 361, 367-68, 390-91, 428

Second Guards, 302

Third Guards Tank, 357, 392, 412, 432-33

Third Shock, 361

Fourth Guards Tank, 357, 412

Fifth Guards, 357

Fifth Shock, 302

Eighth Guards, 193, 302, 346-50, 360, 390, 429

Thirteenth, 354, 356, 357

Twenty-eighth, 255

Thirty-first, 255

Sixty-fifth, 245

CORPS, 79th, 335


6th Guards Rifle, 356

44th Rifle, 245

49th Rifle, 335

79th Guards Rifle, 502

171st Rifle, 186

BRIGADE, 65th Guards Tank, 368

Russian Army women, 303, 346

Russian occupation zone, 100, 116, 144, 297n

accepted by Russia, 153-54

Roosevelt’s proposal for, 148

size of, 154

Russian prisoners of war, 335, 349, 480-81

Russian State Defense Committee, 247-48

Russian volunteers in German Army, 222, 265

Russian workers in Berlin, 48-50

Rybalko, Colonel General Pavel Semenovich, 412

Third Guards Tank Army of, 357, 392, 412, 432-33


S-Bahn, 382

Sabotage by foreign workers, 51

Saenger, Erna, 29, 59, 166, 454-55

Saenger, Konrad, 166, 454-55

St. Agnes, 456

St. Hildegard’s Hospital, 488

Salzburg, 329

Samsonov, Lieutenant Konstantin Yakovlevich, 186

San Francisco, 495

Sandau, 288

Sauerbruch, Dr. Ferdinand, 31, 53

Sauerbruch, Dr. Margot, 31

Schedle, Captain Franz, 502

Scheffler, Dr. Wolfgang, 40n

Schelle, Heinrich, 36, 453

Schering chemical plant, 50, 409, 494

Schirach, Baroness Baidur von, 359-60, 469

Schliemann, Heinrich, 167

Schneidemühl, 268

Schneider, Otto, 430

Schnetzer, Max, 418

Schommer, Captain Francis C., 134, 291

Schönebeck, 306-10

Schöneberg, 18, 30, 359, 457-59, 478

Schönewalde, 351

Schöneweide, 447

Schönholz, 414

Schörner, Field Marshal Ferdinand, 76

army group of, 87, 257, 270, 353, 385, 416, 438

Schroeder, Helena, 457

Schröter, Georg, 407

Schultz, Private Arthur “Dutch,” 282

Schultze, Erna, 53-54

Schultze, Hanna, 166, 372-73

Schultze, Robert, 166, 372-73, 450

Schulz, Mrs., 491

Schulz, Aribert, 480-81, 511

Schuster, Hermann, 430

Schwäbisch Gmünd, 507

Schwägermann, Günther, 501

Schwartz, Anna, 169

Schwartz, Heinrich, 168-69, 171, 408, 484, 512

Schwarz, Margarete, 35, 405

Schwarze Grund Park, 459

Schwedt, 265, 475

Schwerin von Krosigk, Count, 318

Scorched-earth policy, 172-73, 332-35, 408

Searchlights, Zhukov’s, 254, 303, 345-48, 354, 361

Seelow Heights, 208n, 247, 346, 350, 360-61, 364, 368, 390-91, 393, 396

described, 352

Seven Years’ War, 319

Sexual attack, 484-93

fear of, 26-31, 371, 406, 456, 471

fear proven false at first, 459-60, 464-65

official Russian attitude to, 493n

SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters), 122, 125-26

in Reims, 197-98 See also Anglo-American forces; Eisenhower

Shalin, General Mikhail, 360

Sharpe, Lieutenant Colonel Granville A., 320

Shearer, Captain John L., 281

Shell House, 54

Shtemenko, General S. M., 248-50

Sieges Allee, 262

Siemens plant, 372

Simpson, Lieutenant General William H., 178, 283-84, 292, 304, 315, 320, 388

Ninth Army of, 126, 129, 131, 132, 135, 139-40, 204, 216-17, 232, 233, 238, 241-42, 282-94, 304-17, 319-25, 326, 329, 330-32, 388

ordered not to go to Berlin, 331-32

Skagerrak Square, 262

Slave laborers, 48-51

Sloan, Colonel George B., 322

Slogans on walls, 369, 370, 422

Smith, Lieutenant General Walter Bedell, 199, 200, 206, 214, 292

Smolensk, 75, 300

Sokolovskii, Colonel General Vasili, 177, 186, 248n, 505, 506n

Solimann, Otto, 405

Sorge, Jutta, 46, 61

Soviet War News, 28n

Spandau, 20, 58, 372, 445, 473-74, 481, 511

Zhukov’s plans for, 22

Speer, Albert, 339, 403

opposes demolition in Berlin, 378-79

opposes Hitler’s scorched-earth policy, 172-73, 332-35

plans assassination of Hitler, 176, 333

plans evacuation of Philharmonic, 173-75, 373-75, 387

visits Heinrici, 332-35

Spittelmarkt, 480

Spree, 382, 391-93, 481, 501

Spremberg, 357

SS (Schutzstaffel), 32, 39, 290, 404, 452, 479n

arrests Goering, 468-69

atrocities by, 28, 34, 440-42, 480-81

blows up tunnel under Spree, 481

fanaticism of, 53

as guardians of Führerbunker, 258, 259

last-ditch resistance by, 289-91, 307, 500

offered by Himmler for Oder front, 271

punishes deserters, 437, 480

Staaken, 20

Stadthagen, 291

Stahl, Heinrich, 41

Stalags, see Prisoner-of-war (POW) camps

Stalin, Josef, 21, 27, 28n, 80, 102, 149, 150, 182, 194

attack on Berlin and, 243, 249-52, 254-56, 278, 335-36, 391-94, 449

described, 248

Elsenhower’s message to, 215-16, 231-36, 240, 243

fears unilateral surrender, 355n

informed of Himmler’s peace feelers, 470

1941 territorial demands of, 142-43

on Red Army atrocities, 493n

replies to Eisenhower, 251-52, 253

Roosevelt’s attitude to, 162

violates Yalta agreements, 162, 164, 235

“Stalin Organs” (Katushkas), 345, 348-49, 479

Stalingrad, 132, 141, 193, 300, 333

Starr, Captain James W., 307-8

State, Department of, and plans for occupation of Germany, 149, 151-52, 155

Staub, Private First Class Paul, 188

Stauffenberg, Colonel Claus Graf von, 46

Stavka, 249

Steglitz, 434

Steiner, SS General, 108, 395

Hitler orders attack by, 422, 426-27, 449, 466, 473-74

Stella, Ursula, 483

Sternfeld, Agnes, 43

Sternfeld, Annemarie, 43

Sternfeld, Leo, 43-44, 461-62

Stettin, 87, 146, 148, 223, 426, 475

Stewart, Lieutenant Colonel Carleton E., 324

Stewart, Private First Class Carroll R., 294

Strang, Sir William, 149, 153, 154, 158

Strausberg, 407

Strehla, 471

Stresemann, Gustav, 46

Strong, Major General Kenneth W. D., 214

Stumpfegger, Dr. Ludwig, 495

Subway, 408-9

Suicide, 429-30, 471, 483, 487-88, 491

attempted, 479n, 486

of the Goebbels family, 495, 501

of the Hitlers, 497-98, 500

by other Nazis, 34, 407, 489, 502, 503

plans for, 31-33, 423

Supreme Headquarters, see SHAEF

Surrender, 398

of Berlin, 109, 502-3

Goebbels’ negotiations for, 498-500

Himmler’s negotiations for, 94, 404, 469-70, 496

Hitler’s refusal to negotiate, 417

Russian fears of unilateral, 235, 354-55

unconditional, 103-4

Suvorov, Field Marshal Aleksandr, 247

Svishchev, Sergeant Nikolai Alexandrovich, 346, 348

Sweden, 137, 234, 238, 367

Swedish Red Cross, 404, 469

Switzerland, 212

Symphony, see Philharmonic Orchestra


Tallett, Private Joe, 282

Tangermünde, 288, 312-13, 317

Taschner, Gerhard, 171, 173-74, 374, 387

Taylor, Major General Maxwell D., 124, 125, 282

Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur, 215, 232

Tegel, 372, 479

Teheran Conference, 141, 149, 150, 182

Telegraph office, 450


Exchange 500, 79, 433

Schöneberg exchange, 359, 409, 458

Telpuchovskii, Major General Boris S., 504-5

Teltow, 434

Tempelhof, 35, 44, 262, 303, 372, 407, 434, 461-62, 499

Tempelhof Airport, 121, 125, 450, 479

Tengelmann’s grocery store, 452-53

Teupitz, 449

Teutoberger Wald, 289

Thamm, Private Willi, 480

Thorwald, Juergen, 227n

Tiergarten, 14-15, 115, 378, 418

Todt Labor Organization, 405

Tokyo, 450

Torgau, 471

Trampe, 415

Trans-Ocean, 510

Treuenbrietzen, 445

Triebel, 356, 357

Trotha, Major General Thilo von, 106, 427-28, 475

Troy, treasures of, 167

Troyanoskii, Lieutenant Colonel Pavel, 348, 393-94, 493n

Truman, Harry S, on Himmler’s peace feelers, 469-70

Truman Bridge, 320, 322

Tündern, 291


UFA film studios, 493-94

Uhland, Johann Ludwig, 259

Uhlandstrasse, 480

Ulap exhibition hall, 441

Unconditional surrender, 103-4

Underground groups

Communist, 37, 39, 47, 430-32

Wiberg, 23, 136-38, 366-67, 400-1, 492

Ungnad, Vera, 450, 489-91

United States Army, 17

artillery-spotting planes of, 126-27, 190, 310-12 See also Anglo-American forces; Eisenhower; War Department

United States Army Air Force, 134

in advance to Elbe, 325

last raid on Berlin, 420

Troop Carrier Command, 326

bombs Zossen, 79n

United States Army units


Sixth, 130 237, 283, 329

Twelfth, 129-32, 204, 207, 212-13, 232, 233, 282-83


First, 129-30, 131, 204, 207, 282, 326, 472

United States, ARMIES (continued)

Third, 116, 130, 131, 207, 282, 283n, 297, 326, 327

Seventh, 125, 130, 213

Ninth, 126, 129, 131, 132, 135, 139-40, 204, 216-17, 232, 233, 238, 241-42, 282-94, 304-17, 319-25, 326, 329, 330-32, 388

Fifteenth, 129, 282


13th, 304

18th Airborne, 122

19th, 293, 304, 322


1st Infantry, 128

2nd Armored, 128, 132-34, 284-85, 288, 289, 291-93, 304-9, 314-17, 319, 322-25, 330, 388

4th Infantry, 128

5th Armored, 127, 128, 133, 135, 288, 310-14, 317

17th Airborne, 129

29th Infantry, 128

30th Infantry, 133, 285, 289-91, 322, 329, 332, 388, 446

69th Infantry, 128, 470, 472

82nd Airborne, 119-24, 281, 282

83rd Infantry, 128-29, 134, 285, 288, 290-91, 319-20, 322, 325, 330

84th Infantry, 128, 134, 289, 292, 317

101st Airborne, 121, 124-25

102nd Infantry, 289


67th Armored, 134, 304, 306, 316

117th Infantry, 292

120th Infantry, 332

333rd Infantry, 318

505th Parachute, 282


82nd Reconnaissance, 132-33, 134, 289, 305-6

92nd Field Artillery, 133

OTHER UNITS 113th Mechanized Cavalry

Group, 133, 291

United States occupation zone, 100, 144-50

Roosevelt’s objection to plans for, 141, 145-50, 155-61

Unter den Linden, 13, 15, 418, 502


Van Hoeven, Pia 36, 59, 454, 459

Victory Column, 15, 378

“Victory Division” (5th Armored Division), 127, 128, 133, 135, 288, 310-14, 317

Vienna, 242, 363

siege of (1683), 66

Vlasov, Lieutenant General Andrei A., 222, 265

Volk, Sergeant Helmut, 479-80

Völkischer Beobachter, 38, 400

last issue of, 450

Volkssturm, see Home Guard units

Voltaire’s Candide, 360

Von, names with, see last element of name

Vosges, 130

Vote for Hitler (1932), 52

Voznesenskii, Nikolai A., 248


Wahrenholz, 318

Walbeck., 44

Waldsieversdorf, 398

War Department Civil Affairs Division, 151–52, 156-57, 158-59

Warm Springs, Georgia, 231, 317

Washburn, Lieutenant Colonel Israel B., 311

Wassermann, Elfriede, 421-22, 481

Wassermann, Erich, 421, 481

Weber, Brigitte, 36, 511

Wedding, 478

Weichs, Field Marshal Maximilian Freiherr von, 83

Weidling, General Karl, 109, 365, 396-98, 478, 496

execution ordered, 428, 447-48

56th Panzer Corps of, 364-65, 396, 415, 428, 434, 447-49, 478, 481, 483, 502

named Commandant of Berlin, 449

surrenders Berlin, 502-3

Weimar, 296-97

Weissensee, 13, 358, 372, 382, 429, 430, 478

Weltlinger, Margarete, 40-42, 263, 358, 462-64

Weltlinger, Siegmund, 40-42, 262-63, 358, 462-64

Wenck, Irmgard, 275

Wenck, Sigried, 275

Wenck, General Walther, 108, 274-76, 296-99, 315, 325, 365-66

links up with Busse, 510

ordered to attack eastwards, 441-45

Twelfth Army of, 275-76, 277, 296-99, 323-25, 365-66, 436, 439, 443-45, 449, 466, 467, 472, 510

Wendt, Walter, 62, 170

Werben, 288

Werewolves, 210

Weser River, 288

Westerhüsen, 314

Westermann, Dr. Gerhart von, 173-76, 373-75, 387

White, Major General Isaac D., 132, 133, 180, 181, 284, 292, 304, 315

2nd Armored Division of, 128, 132-33, 134, 284-85, 288, 289, 291, 292-93, 304-9, 314-17, 319, 322-25, 330, 388

Whiteley, Major General John F. M., 239n, 241

Wiberg, Carl Johann, 22-23, 59, 136-38, 366-67, 400-1, 492

Wienecke, Colonel Robert H., 119

Wilhelmstrasse, 502

artillery fire on, 418

bomb damage in, 14, 258

Williamson, Lieutenant Colonel Ellis W., 133

Wilmersdorf, 22, 31, 136, 165, 304, 418, 455, 459, 461, 473, 478, 487, 492

bomb damage in, 18

Wilson, Flight Sergeant Geoffrey K., 410

Wilson, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland, 234, 237

Winant, John G., 149-53, 157-59, 182

Winckler, Barbara, 166

Winckler, Charlotte, 165

Winckler, Ekkehart, 165

Winocour, Jack, 496

Winterfeldtstrasse, 359, 457

Wittenberge, 116, 297, 298

Wittingen, 318

Wöhlermann, Colonel Hans Oscar, 110, 397, 398

Wolf, Johanna, 56, 404

Working Security Committee, 151, 156

Wriezen, 265

Wulle-Wahlberg, Hans, 420


Yalta Conference, 101-3, 161-62

agreements violated by Stalin, 162, 164, 235

Younger, Flight Sergeant Calton, 410

Yushchuk, Major General Ivan, 186, 368, 391


Zarzycki, Bruno, 39, 60, 430-32

Zehlendorf, 17, 18, 434, 478, 484-85

Zerbst, 330

Zhukov, Marshal Georgi K., 38, 177, 185, 194, 248n, 345, 449, 500

background of, 244-45

called to Moscow, 243-51

criticism of, 360-61

in Oder offensive, 347, 350-51, 360-62, 391, 393-94, 412, 472-73

plans attack on Berlin, 21-22, 250-51, 254, 302-3, 352

reprimanded by Stalin, 393-94

Ziegler, SS Major General Jürgen, 397

Zones of occupation, see Occupation of Germany

Zoo, 62-63, 511-12

air raids on, 14, 169

closes, 408

described, 168-71

shelled, 484

Zoo Bunker (Zoo towers), 167-68, 377, 382, 466, 483-84, 514

Zossen, 70, 368

bombing of, 79n

described, 77-79

Heinrici at, 77-90

Russian capture of, 432-34

Russian drive on, 393, 407, 412-13
