While Ward was relieved that he wasn't leaving his building in handcuffs, Gene Duncan had told him that being arrested by the FBI in the near future was possible. Just being accused of anything related to child pornography would leave a permanent stain. As he walked out of the building with Gene and Mark, Ward saw that all of the cameras in the parking lot turned on the trio. Ward realized the mistake they'd made in agreeing to join Gene when he made a statement. The cameras were pasting human faces to the scandal.

Ward fought the urge to turn and bolt for the building. He walked out in front to stand behind Gene, facing the waiting cameras like a politician. Firman and his partner, Mayes, left the building after them. They strolled to a stone gray sedan and drove off, watching Ward the whole time.

“All we can tell you at this point,” Gene was saying when Ward focused on him, “is that RGI called in the FBI as soon as they were aware of what had happened. It appears obvious that someone intentionally infected RGI's computers with this despicable virus, and we are hopeful that the FBI will find the culprit or culprits and bring them to justice. Raceway's owners and all of its employees are cooperating with the FBI and hope to see this resolved in the very near future. My clients, I am certain, will be exonerated. Thank you.”

Ward felt certain that not one of the people in the lot or out there in the free world would believe for a second that he was innocent.

After Gene's statement, the three men went to their respective cars and drove away. Ward drove straight home, with Gene following him. Twenty minutes later, they had to slow to pass through a sheriff's department roadblock at the entrance of his driveway He couldn't believe the number of cars and trucks parked on the side of the road, the milling curious, and the reporters shouting questions at his car as he rolled by. Even though he knew the FBI was planning to search his house, Ward hadn't expected them to be at it so soon.

Gene and Ward parked in the grass beside the Crown Victoria driven by Firman and Mayes. Ward walked with Gene to the open front door. Natasha stood in the foyer, crying. Her trembling right hand held the FBI search warrant, which she handed to Gene.

“They're searching Barney's room,” she told them between her sobs. There were no words for what Ward was feeling as Gene took the warrant and started reading it. Ward tried to put his arms around his wife to comfort her, but she pulled away, crossed her arms, and went outside into the sweltering heat. Firman and Mayes both walked in and out of view, directing traffic. A tech wearing surgical gloves who was carrying Ward's personal laptop computer walked around him, heading out to the closest van.

An hour later, while Ward sat on the couch in black- cloud thought, the last of the FBI search party left the house, leaving a mess behind. Gene had a list of everything they had taken, and, seated beside Ward, studied it carefully. Ward got up and went to the door leading into the dining room where Natasha sat at the table in silence, sipping a glass of orange juice.

“I'll clean up,” Ward told her.

“I work with children,” she said. “Can you imagine what my patients’ parents think?”

“Someone did this to us,” he said angrily. Ward wasn't so much angry as he felt like he wanted to lie down on the floor and die in place so this would end.

She looked up at him, and in all the years he'd known her, and except for the ordeal they'd gone through with Barney's death and its aftermath, he'd never seen her so utterly devastated.

“Who? Why?” she asked.

“He's right,” Gene said.

“Can you prove it?” she asked.

“We will,” Gene said positively.

She shook her head slowly.

Ward wanted to believe him but wasn't any more convinced than his wife seemed to be.

“You can't believe I had anything to do with this?” Ward asked her.

“How does what I think matter here?” she demanded. “My husband's company sent child pornography out to the world. The press has already told everyone he's a pedophile. The FBI questioned me like I was a criminal, destroyed our home, and carted off our computers. My office phone hasn't stopped ringing all morning because our computers sent the trash out to hundreds of people, my patients chief among them. The majority of my new patients have asked for a transfer to one of my partners. I'm out of business, probably for good here. My partners have suggested that I stay out of the office until this is resolved. Do I believe my husband is guilty? What the hell does that matter?”

“It matters to me,” Ward told her. And he had never spoken truer words. “If you don't believe me, who will?” He tried to look at her eyes but couldn't, so he looked down.

“Your hands…” he said, noticing that her fingers were trembling.

He knew he would never forget the look she gave him, and what was left of his heart broke into pieces. And he felt an odd lightness just before the room vanished.
